Two by Day, Three by Night

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Two by Day, Three by Night Page 13

by Breanna Hayse

  “Maybe she would prefer company instead of sex all the time, you idiot. She is an intelligent woman. She enjoys rich conversation and playing chess,” the other growled, his hand gently rubbing the inside of her thigh.

  “Yeah… well, regarding chess, the two of you need to play against each other and perfect your skills before you venture down that path with me again. And I do like conversation… I also like the physical attention. I told you, it’s all or nothing, so deal with it.”

  They mumbled under their breath as the buggy pulled up to the manor’s front door. Courtney stopped Marcas from exiting. “Whoa, boy. Both of you put the buggy away and then take a hot shower. In your room. I need to check on Sebastian and get warmed up. Ah, no arguing. Do as you’re told.”

  “I’m gonna switch that impudence out of her, I promise you,” Marcas snarled, watching Courtney’s backside sway out of his reach. The other nodded.

  “I might just simply use a paddle. She is a bossy little thing, is she not?”

  “I think she is unaware of our mutual interests. It would be… fun, yes? Have her try to guess which part of us woos her?”

  “Always the prankster, aren’t you?” the serious side of Marcas spoke, contemplating the suggestion. “I, however, agree that it would be interesting to see which of us she prefers if we try to be less obvious in our differences.”

  “Would that not make us more alike?”

  “Perhaps…” Marcas thought about it carefully. “If we can discover our similarities, perhaps our differences will not be as… disturbing to one another.”

  “The dizziness is happening. Do you feel it?” Marcas said, grabbing the side of the cart as his other did the same.

  “We have found another bond. Not just her heart, but her bottom. For pleasure…”

  “And for pain,” the other chuckled.

  Courtney muttered to herself as she ventured up to see Sebastian. He was sitting before the fire with Solphia, reading quietly. They both looked up as she tapped on the open door.

  “May I come in?”

  “My sweet child! How was your day? Sit next to the fire and warm yourself.”

  Courtney smiled, gratefully accepting the glass of wine Solphia handed her. She shared what she had seen of the country and how they had gotten stuck up in the pasture during the storm. Solphia giggled, pulling some grass from her hair.

  “You enjoyed the meadow, yes? The flowers feel good beneath the body.”

  “I didn’t stain your dress, did I?” Courtney asked, worriedly looking at the skirt. Solphia smacked her thigh, laughing loudly.

  “How could it be stained when it was not laid upon? He was good to you, yes?”

  “Old woman! It’s not proper to ask the lady of the manor such questions!” Sebastian reprimanded. He turned to Courtney, patting her hand. “Of course, as your spiritual advisor, it would be important for me to know the answer.”

  “A horny monk and a nosy housekeeper… Yes, he was very, very good to me! Now change the subject. How are you feeling? You look stronger today.”

  “I feel wonderful, my dear. Romania is returning me to health, starting in my spirit. I wish you and Marcas to take as much time as you can to see the countryside. Solphia serves my needs well. If she would only stop feeding me so much.”

  “You need to eat, old man. It will make you strong and healthy,” the woman countered in broken English.

  “No, it will make me fat and lazy. But, if you insist…” He took a bite out of a fresh baked pastry. Courtney nodded, accepting one.

  “Just a little bite. I can’t have a lot of this stuff. I’m diabetic,” she explained to Solphia. “I can’t eat a lot of certain food or I will get very ill.”

  “Healthy food make you strong! My cooking is good,” Solphia insisted, the rolling of the words on her tongue caused Courtney to laugh sweetly.

  “I’m certain it is. Please, don’t be upset if I have to limit myself though. It is not an insult, ok? Even good food can kill me if I’m not careful. I’m sorry.”

  “We make you strong again. Have many little barons and baronesses.”

  “Woman! Will you keep silent?! They aren’t even married yet.”

  “Ok, enough from both of you. What is it with Romanians and controlling other people’s lives? First Marcas and his Alter Ego and now you two.”

  “I am not Romanian, I am Hungarian! And this control, it is in my blood,” Solphia insisted adamantly.

  Courtney broke out laughing as she stood. “Well, my blood is cold right now and needs a hot shower,” she imitated Solphia’s accent. “Please excuse me. Sebastian, I would appreciate it if you would have a long talk with your protégé. His fighting is driving me nuts.”

  “I shall try, my sweet. Good night. I go to sleep now,” Sebastian said, kissing her affectionately on the back of the hand. Solphia said her goodnights with a hearty kiss on both cheeks and dismissing the girl with a weighted smack to the backside.

  “She needs more meat back there,” Solphia announced as Courtney yelped and rubbed her bottom before scurrying away.

  “I’m sure she has plenty of meat for our young baron to enjoy. Now hush, old woman. I need to rest.”

  Courtney slowly stepped into the steamy shower, the hot water melting away the chill from the rain and easing her muscles. She listened carefully to the door, part of her hoping that Marcas would disregard her request and join her. She was slightly disappointed when he did not and donned a pair of sweats and sneakers, pulling her hair back into a braid. She checked her blood sugar, frowned and injected her insulin despite the normal readings.

  Venturing downstairs, she turned a corner, colliding into the tall, dark tower of the Baron Kalnovky himself. He grasped her chin in his large paw of a hand and gently lifted her face to look at him. “You took too long. I missed you.”

  “I didn’t have a time limit. Besides, I was visiting with Sebastian and Solphia. I am here to do a job, remember?

  “We will talk about that later. Right now, you need to eat.”

  “Why do you people keep trying to feed me? I had one of Solphia’s cinnamon things. I’m fine.”

  “I do not think…”

  “Do you have doctorates in Nursing Practice? No, I didn’t think so. When you get one, you can tell me how to care for myself.”

  “You are very impertinent this evening. I think you need a reminder of how to behave.”

  “Oh, don’t give me that look. You don’t scare me. Besides, you aren’t the mean Marcas.”

  “And how do you know this?”

  “First, how you kissed me. Second, the mean Marcas wouldn’t have bothered to warn me.”

  “Perhaps we are more alike than you realize?”

  “I wasn’t born yesterday.” She changed the subject, “You promised to show me your workout room. Will you?”

  “I will and then you and I will talk about how to address nobility.”

  “Sorry, but the only nobleman I see is a bossy baron.”

  “Hmmm. I shall remember that.” Marcas grinned, catching her hand and leading her to the back of the manor. He opened the door to the gymnasium and stepped aside. Courtney clapped her hands with excitement.

  “Uneven bars? Pommel Horse? Rings? Spot me!” she squealed, racing to the parallel bars and mounting them smoothly. Marcas watched her carefully, his heart pounding with concern that she would fall and hurt herself. She dismounted clumsily, landing flat on her rear end.

  “I haven’t done that since I was a child. And I still land the same.” She laughed loudly, falling back on the mat. “I loved this stuff. Oh, a balance beam!”

  Marcas stepped back to watch her as she carefully showed him a routine from her childhood. He clapped, lifting her off the mat where she, again, fell on her rump.

  “You need practice with your dismounts,” he stated, brushing off imaginary dust from her backside.

  “It was fun. Show me your thing!”

  “Haven’t you seen enough of my thing tod

ay?” he asked humorously.

  “Very funny. The rings. Show me the rings.”

  “My favorite. Perfect for my spanking arms.” Marcas chuckled, kicking off his sneakers and pulling off his shirt before launching on the ring set. Breathlessly, Courtney watched his concentrated focus and strength as it took him through a series of amazing turns, switches, lifts and twists. He exhibited a power and a sensuality not typically seen in the sport. He was pure, raw masculinity, primal, a mythical beast soaring through the branches of an ancient tree. His corded muscles rippled and strained as he lifted his body with divine grace, unwavering in the strength of his core before he swung out, flipped and landed cleanly before her.

  Courtney sunk to the ground, hands over her mouth, staring at him in wonder. He grabbed a hand towel and squatted next to her.

  “What do you think? Do you like my thing?” he teased, mopping his face.

  “How did you learn to do that?” she asked, finally able to call upon her voice.

  “Many children here are taught skills early. My father believed in anything that encouraged discipline and focus. I learned to ride, hunt, dance and this.”

  “You dance?”

  “Da, and not badly. Except for the American hip-hop. I do not do that.”

  “I’d throw out a hip if I even tried hip-hop. I used to dance in college and loved it.” Courtney laughed, allowing him to help her to her feet.

  He led her to the pommel horse and pointed. “Mount that.”

  “I need to take a running start. I’m a bit shorter… hey! Wait a minute!” she yelped, finding herself face down over the smooth leather, and feeling her sweat pants being yanked down to her ankles. “What do you think you are doing?”

  “In Victorian days, the horse was used to punish willful girls with rude little mouths and brazen attitudes,” Marcas stated, pressing her lengthwise over the padded bench and anchoring her against the handle on the edge. Courtney struggled, desperately clinging the sides and afraid to fall face first to the ground. He spread her legs to straddle the wide platform, pressing her flat against the top. “It made it a very good instrument for punishment because it did not permit the victim to clench their bottom very well while exposing all these beautiful tender places. The handle, in this case, protects this most beautiful, tender place.” He ran his hand along the stretched skin on the back of her thighs and the inner portion of her legs and around the outside of her dampening womanhood.

  Courtney whimpered. “Please let me down. I won’t say anything more, I promise. I can’t help being so mouthy sometimes, it’s a bad habit.”

  “Of course you will, my treasure. You can no more be silent with your opinions than the sun can choose not to rise. You must, however, know that your cheekiness stirs me deeply. For that,” she heard a swishing sound behind her and gasped as he flicked a thin rattan cane in the air, “you will be rewarded.”

  “You call that a reward? Marcas, you are terrifying me. Let me down, please…” She tried not to cry as he rested the edge of the cane along the length of her spread bottom, rubbing it back and forth as he took aim. The sound of the swish met her ears before the biting sting made her sink her pelvis against the smooth leather. She released a loud wail, unable to let go for fear of losing her balance. The ground seemed so far away, too.

  “Marcas, that hurrrrrttts.”

  “Hmmm, then I am doing it right,” he answered, running his hand along the pink line left by the implement. He aimed again, a little lower, and caught the fleshy part of her thigh. She squawked again. To her surprise, the horrid bite quickly faded into a prickly warmth. His hand again rubbed over the area and she heard his chuckle. Her arousal was before his eyes and she could not deny anything while in this position.

  Marcas ran the cane along the full lengths of her legs and down her calves, then traced it back up over the hill of her buttocks. He aimed, crossing the cane at an angle on one side and then another angle mirroring the first, a bit lower. Courtney cried out, again struggling between the pain and the erotic nature of the session.

  “I just marked you as mine, little Courtney. You have a K on your bottom. One more, a real strike. Feel it. Embrace it.”

  Courtney held her breath, waiting for the cane to fall. The sizzling burn along the threshold of her sit spots was so great she was unable to cry out. She simply stiffened and held her breath, trying to draw some understanding to what her body was telling her.

  Marcas lifted her off the pommel horse and silently carried her into the next room which housed a large indoor pool enclosed in glass panels. The Carpathian mountain ridge and dark forest outlined in the moonlit sky was like a movie backdrop. With a word, he entered the warmed water and released her.

  “I can’t believe you caned me!” she finally gathered her thoughts as she rubbed her still pleasantly stinging bottom. “You’re so mean!”

  “I thought you said I was the nice one,” he remarked, swimming in long, languid strokes around her after stripping off the remainder of his clothes. “Undress.”

  “I was wrong. You are definitely the meaner, more sadistic side,” Courtney grumbled, her clothing findings its way into a wet heap next to his.

  “Are you certain this time? You can never be sure, you know,” he asked, gathering her body into his steely arms and drawing his mouth close to hers. He kissed her deeply and with gentle, but insistent probing, leaving her befuddled.

  “I don’t know. You kiss like the nice one… why are you trying to confuse me?”

  “I’m not trying to. There are traits both of my sides have in common. You only need to find the differences and then decide which of us you prefer.”

  “Are you starting without me?” a third voice asked. Marcas stood at the poolside with kettle balls in his hands, quickly working his muscles to a swollen state of vascularity. Courtney noticed that his arms were not the only muscle achieving that goal.

  “Don’t you ever think of anything but sex?” she asked, still held snugly in the arms of the first. Marcas shook his head and dove in next to them.

  “Rarely is there anything more important than pleasure, little Courtney. Agreed?” he asked of himself.

  The other shook his head. “No, I do not. Things in life, responsibilities, other people, love… that is much more important.”

  “Let us see what Courtney thinks. Hold her,” Marcas said as he swam next to them.

  “I caned her earlier. Would you like to see the mark? I’m certain they’re still there. She is very pale,” came a boastful offer. He flipped the girl to her stomach, floating her over the top of his arm. Courtney held her breath and dipped her face into the water as fingers traced her pale stripes and then traveled to the tiny dimples of her hips. She was flipped once again to her back and turned so that her shoulders were pressed into Marcas’ chest. His arms slipped under her and locked her firmly in place while the other grabbed her ankles.

  He kissed the instep of her left foot and trailed his lips up her calf, pausing to gently bite in the inner portion of the back of her knee. Courtney squeaked, surprised with the bolt of electricity that transcended her body. He nibbled the inside of her thigh, slowly traveling towards the apex between her lightly tanned legs. His teeth found the pulse point hidden in the tiny creases between her inner thigh and her vulva, and he bit down firmly.

  Courtney hissed as she felt his teeth clamp down and then began to tremble uncontrollably as he began to suckle and nip. She rolled her head back against Marcas’ chest, eyes closed and lips parted in ecstasy.

  “I wish to take you, Courtney.” Marcas growled, looking up at her from between her snowy thighs. “I want you. Here…” he gently pressed his middle finger against her tight rosebud after dipping it deep into her lubricated canal.

  “I’ve never done that… Marcas, I don’t know…” she muttered as he carefully inserted his finger deep within her as the other whispered in her ear to relax and enjoy the new sensations. Courtney could not help but feel embarrassed as Marcas’
strokes grew more intense and bold, adding to the pressure by placing his thumb within her desperately clutching womanhood. The other pulled and tweaked at her nipples and she reached behind her head to grab the back of his neck and pulled his lips against hers. Marcas brought her near climax, pulling away in time to make her twist in frustration.

  “Do you want me? In here?” he asked, his mouth upon her swollen clit as he placed two fingers into her reluctant orifice and slowly pressed down to make her open for him. Courtney could only nod, no longer caring about her fear. She resisted him slightly as he grabbed her by both ankles and lifted them in the air, pushing her soft thighs apart and exposing her dark pink labia and winking bottom hole. They were in the shallow end of the pool and he stood to his full height, using the head of his cock to draw her juices down to the virgin opening. Slowly he pressed against her, holding her thighs wide with both hands as the other began to caress her clit. He urged the twitching tip of his rod past the ring and paused, hearing her yelp in surprise and pain. He allowed her to rest and adjust to him before easing inch by inch into the narrow, cringing pathway, groaning as her muscles clutched him tightly.

  Courtney arched her back as he pierced her; the sense of being completely filled made her reel with elation. He began to stroke his cock with slow deliberate motions, giving her opportunity to accept his endowment and center upon her pleasure. Guttural cries rose from her throat as his thrusting grew in intensity and she shamefully discovered an irresistible need to widely splay her knees in order to find satisfaction.

  “Marcas…” she hissed. “Now! Come now!!!”

  A scream erupted and she was thrown in a sizzling climax, joined by the feeling of Marcas’ steaming stream hammering into the depth of her bowels. The sky above them danced before her eyes as the moonlight reflected through the glass, the rays wavering before her. She could not stop the tiny tremors that ravaged her body, even as he softened within her and withdrew.

  She felt like a rag doll, limply rocked in the arms of one before being handed off to the other. He leaned against the side of the pool and he assumed the position of holding the girl in his arms, her back crushed against the soft fuzz of his chest and his lips whispering promises of even greater adventure. Courtney smiled through heavily slit lids as her legs were again spread apart and her nucleus filled with a long, thick cock that felt as though it touched the back of her womb. This Marcas’ strokes were pure sensuality, and she lifted her head to watch as he withdrew and then sunk into her depths. She met the mouth of the one holding her as Marcas milked his shaft inside of her.


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