Crossed Off

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Crossed Off Page 4

by Lacey Silks

  I reached for my champagne glass and took a long gulp. If there was any chance for me to last through the night, there was no way I could do it while sober. If I was, I’d be out of here quicker than Speedy Gonzales.

  “Care to dance?” Cash asked as the waiter removed our plates.

  “That’s a great idea. Come on, Axel, let’s dance.” Monique was already hanging on his shoulder and nibbling on his ear. Her behavior was definitely not suitable for this gala, and I couldn’t help but feel Axel’s embarrassment each time she reached underneath the tablecloth.

  “What about the speeches?” I asked.

  “They’re always delayed. Besides, a lady should never decline a gentleman.”

  “Where’s the gentleman?”

  “Have I told you how much I love that mouth of yours? Come on, lady luck. They’re playing our song.”

  We have a song?

  When I heard the band play one of Bryan Adams’ tunes, I realized it was the same one that was blasting on the radio when I first met Cash at Starbucks. I couldn’t believe he remembered it. And I couldn’t believe I had as well. And did Cash mean to make the lyrics his? Would he do everything for me?

  Cash didn’t wait any longer. With his hand stretched out, he stood up, forcing me to put my palm into his and join him. I didn’t want to appear ungrateful and accepted his genuine offer. And most of all, I wanted his arms around me, even if it was just for a dance.

  We strolled to the dance floor and joined the few couples, including Axel and Monique who were wrapped in each other’s arms. I lifted my left hand to his shoulder and placed the right one into his hand. Cash held me by at the small of my back and pulled me into him until our fronts touched. Heat sizzled between us. He never let go of my gaze, and he was looking at me as if he wanted me to see right into his soul. Those dark eyes reminded me so much of someone I once loved; someone who had given up his life for me. As difficult as I found it to look into them, I couldn’t stop, either.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked, bringing my attention back to the room.

  “I... I don’t know.”

  We swayed to the slow motion, my hips following the guide of his body and hands.

  “I bet you look much more beautiful as a brunette.” He curled the red strand of my wig around his finger. “Why the disguise, Sky?”

  “How can you tell?” I asked.

  “Your eyebrows. Next time you need to tint them. They were the same shade when you wore that blond wig in Vegas.”

  “You remembered my eyebrow color?”

  “I remembered everything about you.”

  Wow! “So are you going to tell me what’s really going on, Cash? Or do I have to whip it out of you?”

  “I like where your mind is going, but you pose very difficult questions for me to answer, Skyler Waters. Yet I find you very intriguing and comforting.” He pulled me in closer—I didn’t even think that was possible. Our bodies pressed against one another. I could feel his every muscle twist underneath the black suit with each step. The suave motion of his body was beginning to hypnotize me. The way Cash led—well, let’s just say I’d follow him anywhere at this point.

  “Why would you say that?” I asked.

  “Because it’s the truth. There’s something old fashioned about you. I could easily see you living out in the country, baking pies and raising two handfuls of children.”

  I froze the moment he mentioned me living in the country and children. It was like a stab in the heart. My memories flew back to that dark place where my stomach hurt and I was covered with blood.

  “Did I say something wrong?” he asked. “I’m sorry if I did.”

  “No, it’s just.... Listen, I lead a very quiet life, and I don’t have time for, well, whatever it is you’re trying to get from me.”

  “You may not know it, but I’m trying to keep you safe.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Do you know what my father does for a living, Sky? Do you know where that money you got from the Casino is really going?”

  “I know getting it was illegal. But it’s for a good cause. It’s going to a charity.”

  He lowered his mouth to my ear. The whisper I was hoping could soothe my growing craving for this man turned out to course through me like a toxin.

  “No, it’s not, Skyler. He’s laundering the money. He’s a part owner of that casino, and the charity getting tonight’s donation—that’s owned by my father as well. No one will ever benefit from that win, not even a penny. But tonight it will all be over. This is the second last scheming business of my father’s that I’ll take down. I’ve been trying to restore the Wagner family name for the past three years. My father’s not happy about it, but I’m his son. And I want him to stop his nonsense.”

  My body seized. My muscles tensed, constricting further movement.

  “But your father’s a lawyer.... How can he do that?”

  “You live in this big city and pull off one of the biggest heists I’ve seen in a long time, almost on your own, yet you’re so beautifully naive.” Cash stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. My eyes closed for a moment. The simple touch and his words were beginning to break me apart. And I so wanted to be broken.

  “My father’s a crooked lawyer with many side-businesses I’ve curtailed. And none of them were legal.”

  Could this really be true? Was Mr. Wagner a con artist? Why would Cash lie about it? If this was in fact the truth, part of me felt betrayed by my boss. He’d told me that the money was going from the bad guys to the good guys. Was I really as naive as Cash said I was, and was Mr. Wagner the bad guy?

  “So if you’re taking him down, I’m sure he’ll be upset. Especially when he finds out it’s you. How exactly are you planning to do that?”

  “Furious is more likely. I just want you to hear it from me before the ball drops. This is just the beginning of it too.”

  Why did I have a feeling that Cash wasn’t telling me everything?

  “And you’re known for telling the truth? When are you going to tell me why you were in Vegas, Cash?”

  “Ouch. I guess I deserve that. Well, Vegas was... interesting. While my father probably suspects that you hired me, I don’t think he’s aware that I also invited another charity to the gala tonight. A real one.”

  “The funds will be donated to them instead of your father, then. Why are you doing this to him? He’s your father.”

  “The old man farts money. His law firm is so big, he wouldn’t have to spend another day in the office for the rest of his life and could still afford to use hundreds to blow his nose. And like I said, my goal is to restore the Wagner family name. It’s about time someone did.”

  “I have a bad feeling about this,” I said.

  While over four million dollars was a lot of money, from the way Cash spoke about his father it didn’t sound like it was enough to break him.

  Cash supported me with his full arm at my back before dipping me lower. I had no way of escaping from his hold now. His lips were a whisper away and his dreamy eyes full of promises I wanted to take advantage of. He was so messing with my mind. I found it difficult to think clearly around him.

  “My offer to help you with anything you need still stands, Skyler.” He reminded me of our last few words exchanged in Vegas.

  “Why do I get the feeling you’d get something out of it as well?”

  “I don’t know. Why do you?”

  “Do you always answer a question with a question?”

  “No, not always. I find you very intriguing, Ms. Waters. And heartbreakingly beautiful.”

  Just as Cash was about to continue, the mayor of New York tapped the microphone on the stage. Everyone returned to their tables. I sat down and fidgeted in my seat, briefly catching Mr. Wagner’s gaze. My nerves spiked and I took in a deep breath to calm them. The stress I’d been feeling was buzzing inside me like a trapped bee in a jar. I wished this was all over already. I wished I was back at my apartment,
snuggled with Milky under a comfortable blanket.

  The microphone’s feedback loop pinched my ears for a moment. The mayor tapped the mike again before speaking, “Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the first and only gala in New York to support two wonderful charities.”

  “Two?” I heard Mr. Wagner’s grunt. Cash had that wicked smirk on his face which told me that he knew something bad was about to go down. And his father didn’t miss a detail of his expression.

  “Cash, what have you done?”

  “Shh, Father. Have some respect,” Cash whispered in a mocking tone. They were glaring at each other so hard, the daggers darting from their eyes seemed to have run out; I expected bullets to fly out of them next.

  “Tonight,” the mayor continued, “is a special night. Your presence here along with all your donations is truly appreciated by many. Thank you for opening your wallets to such wonderful causes. But there are two distinct donations I need to acknowledge. The Troops Foundation has received an anonymous donation in the amount of over four million dollars.”

  Everyone in the hall clapped and cheered. Mr. Wagner’s head lifted. I guessed it must have been his charity. All that money I stole from his casino was back in his hands, less the cut he promised me after the job was done.

  “Our greatest gratitude to one of our highest anonymous donors, whoever you are, I hope you’re enjoying your evening.”

  I would have knowing it went to an actual charity.

  The mayor paced the stage from one end to another, and when the second round of applause quieted, he said, “Without your support, this project would not have been possible, and the Children of American Orphanages thank you from the bottom of their hearts. The three hundred and eighty million dollar donation will certainly make a difference.”

  I wasn’t the only one in the hall to gasp. For a moment, it felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. And slowly, the automated clapping began. Once the guests followed the lead, I saw a lady at one of the tables crying. She was shaking her head as if she couldn’t believe what had just happened.

  “That’s what true joy looks like,” Cash whispered into my ear. “She’s here representing the charity. You don’t think you chose me for Vegas by coincidence, do you?”

  Shit! Cash not only won the money I instructed him to, but he also took in the grand prize.

  “What the hell did you do?” Mr. Wagner’s face turned crimson. For a moment I thought I saw smoke spewing out of his nose and ears. If you added a loop on the bottom of his nose, he’d totally pass for a bull—a raging bull.

  “I just ruined one of your ventures. But look at how happy they are.” He smirked at his father before pointing to the table of crying women. Cash then leaned into me, saying, “And I’m pretty sure you just lost your job.”

  As expected, I was the next victim in line as my boss turned to me.

  “Ms. Waters. You’re fired.”


  “Do you realize what you’ve done?” I stomped out of the hall into the foyer. Cash had been following me from the moment I excused myself from the table. That was right after I downed the glass of champagne. By that point in the night, I wasn’t sure how many I’d had, but the alcohol flowing through my body was living up to its reputation. “This job was everything to me. I was counting on this paycheck.”

  “It was crooked money, Sky.”

  “Don’t you think I know that now?” I was pretty sure that I somewhat resembled an angry Mr. Wagner. “It doesn’t change the fact that I’m royally screwed. I was supposed to get a new security system. This money would have been enough to last me for years and now.... Oh my God, what am I going to do?”

  “Sky, I’m sure that with your skill, you’ll find a new job in no time.”

  By now we’d moved far enough away from the main entrance that no one could overhear us, and I pushed hard against Cash’s chest. He didn’t even lose his balance. “That’s easy for you to say. I don’t want just any job, Cash. Do you think I do this kind of thing every day? Do you know how much fucking effort it takes to step out of my apartment or get out of bed! No, you don’t!”

  I tried to push him again, but this time he grasped both my wrists in his hands.

  “Skyler, I’m sorry. You may not know it, but I did you a favor. I’ve been trying to take down this section of Father’s business for years. Do you know how hard it was to find you? You know what? I wouldn’t go back and change my decision for anything. I saved your ass and his. If the feds found out he’s laundering money there, you’d both be done. And believe me, the feds have been on our asses for years. So you need to calm yourself down. This isn’t the end of the world.”

  I stepped toward him. We were nose to nose, well, more like nose to chest. I was puffing like the magic dragon.

  “I am well aware how difficult it is to find me. That’s the whole point, you asshole. And it may not be a big deal for you, but for me.... I may as well have put a bullet through my own head.” I ripped my hands out of his tight grip and whipped my body around. I couldn’t look at him any longer. He had no idea how badly he’d just screwed up my life. The warmth of his grasp remained on my wrists. I touched them, smoothing over the part where our skin was connected a few seconds earlier. I wasn’t sure why, but despite the argument we were having, I felt much safer when he held me.

  “This isn’t just about money, is it?” He turned me around to face him.

  “You think I’m that shallow? You know nothing about me.”

  The elevator dinged and Cash pulled me inside. “Come here, Sky.”

  By the time I realized what he’d done, the elevator doors had closed.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I whipped away from him but he stepped to the side and instead of furthering our distance I bumped into his lean body.

  “I’m trying to get to know you better.”

  And with those words, Cash robbed me of my next comeback. His hard lips pushed against mine, forcing me backward. Stuck to the mirror behind me, it took me a moment to realize what was happening, and my betraying mouth did the thinking for me by opening wider for Cash, welcoming him. At times like these, I thanked my lucky stars that I had a smart mouth. I didn’t want this. My mind kept screaming for me to stop but I couldn’t. I’m not sure anyone could. Cash’s lips were like the first lick of honey a bear had after a long winter sleep, because truthfully, up until today my body felt like it had been hibernating. And Cash seemed to be like the perfect alarm clock to wake it up. Somewhere in the back of my mind, the doubts and fears were dissipating. And I could only pinpoint the change to the man who had claimed my mouth like it belonged to him. Maybe I should just give in? Perhaps listening to my body at this point was the only way I could tear myself away from the ton of problems I’d need to face tomorrow morning. I could postpone this fight until tomorrow, couldn’t I?

  The feel of Cash’s greedy lips against mine spread through me. As his tongue moved in deeper, pulling out my moans, my hands held on to his arm. Meandering through my mouth, he was truly doing some wicked things to my entire body. He kissed me with his whole being. All his muscles connected to my front, grinding with eagerness as if he wanted to feel every part of me. It was like he wanted me to forget everything around us, and I had.

  Cradled in his arms, I took in the manly taste of him. The scotch he’d been drinking tonight fused with the smooth champagne that remained in my mouth, creating an arousing blend I couldn’t get enough of. Somehow I peeled the jacket off his shoulders and loosened his tie. Oh man, did his hard muscles ever feel good under my palms. I smoothed my hands over his pecs and abs, exploring all his peaks and valleys, while he scrunched up my dress. When the tie was finally undone, I pulled at the sides of his shirt. The sound of the buttons popping off and bouncing on the floor startled me, and I pulled my mouth away.

  “Don’t stop.” He took my lips again. That’s when I realized what drove my frenzy. One of his hands was on my ass, squeezing it, while the other
at my front slid into my panties. I felt my head hit the mirror behind me as I looked up, watching our reflection in the mirrored ceiling. His fingers felt so good on me, right away playing with my flesh, rubbing me in excruciating circles. The elevator stopped and we both jolted up.

  “What am I doing?” I panted.

  “This is a private floor, Sky. No one’s here.”

  That was all I needed to hear to be back in his arms. Without breaking our kiss, Cash led me out. I heard a few beeps and the door slid closed behind us. Somewhere in the back of my brain, I was aware that we were in a larger room, but I couldn’t pull myself away from him for long enough to check it out as he lifted me up. My legs wrapped around his hips, and my back hit another wall. I couldn’t get enough air. I held on to his neck, grinding against him. With one tug of his fingers, my panties ripped, and his full hand cupped my soaked pussy. My essence dripped every time he touched me.

  “Jesus, Sky.” His fingers slid inside me, slowly pushing in and out, stretching me wide, I was pretty sure there were more than one, and it felt so unbelievably good. So much better than the fake dildo I was used to. I leaned my head against his shoulder as my shallow breaths constricted the amount of air allowed into my lungs. His wet thumb slid up to my clit and rubbed the bud in torturous circles. That wonderful elation was beginning to lift my body and take it out of this world. I didn’t know who I was or where I was any longer. All I wanted right now was for Cash to rub quicker, and harder. He sped the tempo as if hearing my internal plea, and my reaction was instant. I gripped on to every flick and strum as my body began losing control of its movements in Cash’s arms. His erection underneath me felt like another accessory he’d attached because I swear it wasn’t possible to get as big as it felt through his pants, and I wished for those pants to be off. Except the way he pumped in and out of me, I knew I’d lose it within seconds.


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