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Cluttered Attic Secrets (Tina Tales)

Page 19

by Jan Christensen

  “But someone is making Sophie climb in the window and open the doors to the basement.”

  “The problem is we don’t have exact dates for that. This could all have been going on when Margaret Young was alive, with her consent.”

  “Why would they use Sophie to open the door if Margaret knew?”

  Lisbeth thought for a moment. “You have a point.” She rubbed her forehead.

  Tina smiled at her. “You getting a headache? So am I. Also, Brandon was attacked, and Leslie brought to the room.”

  “True. But again, we don’t know who did that. It could be someone else besides the people Sophie is involved with.”

  Tina’s mind whirled. “How are we ever going to find out?”

  Celia came back. “I have permission to open a case for Sophie. The only point of contact we have is Mrs. Hendricks, so I’ll go talk to her after putting Sophie in temporary placement. If we could impose on you some more, Ms. Shaw, would you be willing to ride with her and ease her into the foster family’s home?”

  “Of course.” Tina stood up and walked over to Sophie. “We want you to come with us to a place where you can stay and not have to go into the cellar anymore. Would you like that?”

  The little girl looked up at Tina with uncomprehending eyes. She looked at Celia and Lisbeth and shrank back into her chair. She shook her head violently. “Stay with you. Go with you.” Tears welled.

  Tina noticed that Sophie didn’t shy away from Hank. Maybe only women had scared her. “Let me see what I can do.” She motioned for Celia and Lisbeth to follow her into the hall.

  “How about we take her in Hank’s car? She doesn’t seem to be bothered by him. It’s warm enough, he can put the top down. She can sit in my lap. She needs to be distracted right now. Tell me a little about the foster situation.”

  “It’s a nice family,” Celia said. “Mother, father, two kids--a boy and a girl near Sophie’s age. I’m hoping being around other children will help her. I’m sure you picked up on the fact she appears to be mentally challenged. This family has had others like Sophie placed with them, and it’s gone well.”

  “That’s a relief. They’re here in Newport?”

  “Middletown. We don’t even know if Sophie goes to school, and if so, where. I’m hoping Mrs. Hendricks will give us the information we need. Otherwise, it will take some time to gather it all.”

  “Celia,” Lisbeth said, “I’m going to assign an officer to go with you to talk to Mrs. Hendricks. I’m not comfortable letting you see her alone. There’s something menacing about the woman.”

  Tina nodded. “Good idea.”

  Celia looked startled. “All right. I didn’t get the sense that Sophie was afraid of her, though. Ms. Shaw, I like your idea of taking Sophie to the Fitzgerald’s in Hank’s car.”

  She was on a first-name basis with Hank? Ah, something more to tease him about.

  “You can follow me.” Celia turned toward the front door.

  Tina and Lisbeth went back into the living room. Sophie sat staring off into space. Hank sat watching her, the frown gone.

  Tina bent down to talk to her again. “We want to take you to a new home for a while. They don’t know about the secret room and the cellar, so they won’t make you come here again. Would you like that?”

  Sophie seemed to come slowly back from wherever her mind had gone. “Stay with you.”

  Tina’s heart ached. “I wish you could. But right now, all we can do is take you to some other safe place. Would you like to ride in Hank’s convertible?” Tina gestured toward Hank.

  Sophie looked confused.

  Tina realized she might not know what a convertible was. She held out her hand. “Come on. Hank’s car has a wonderful top that disappears. Want to see?”

  After a slight hesitation, Sophie stood up and took Tina’s hand. It felt grubby and frail. Tina knew they’d do a medical exam and wondered if they’d find the girl was malnourished. She looked at Hank to be sure he understood what they planned to do. He nodded.

  “Are you hungry?” Tina asked Sophie.

  Sophie nodded.

  They walked out of the living room. “What’s your favorite thing to eat?”

  “Hamburger.” Sophie looked up at Tina and grinned.

  Tina’s heart lurched. She realized it was the first time she’d seen Sophie smile. “I like hamburgers, too. What’s your favorite drink?”

  “Chocolate milk.”

  “Do you have a favorite restaurant?”

  “Newport ’reamery.”

  “Ah, that’s one of mine, too.”

  Sophie watched in amazement as Hank lowered the two-seater Jaguar’s top. “Cool,” she whispered.

  Hank opened the passenger door. Tina had to let go of Sophie’s hand to slip into the passenger’s seat. Then she held out her arms to the girl. Sophie hesitated for just a moment, then she climbed into Tina’s lap and hugged her. Tina’s heart ached some more. She bent down to put her cheek on the little girl’s head, noticing by the smell that her hair hadn’t been washed in a while.

  “Hey!” Someone shouted.

  Tina looked up and saw Mrs. Hendricks rushing toward them, Peter Collier behind her.

  “Help! Police! Someone’s kidnapping my baby,” she screamed as Hank pulled away from the curb.


  As they sped away, Tina craned her neck to see what was happening with Mrs. Hendricks. Lisbeth approached her, and they began to talk.

  Hank turned a corner, and Tina could no longer see what was going on. Sophie trembled in her arms. “Auntie mad. Auntie yell.”

  Tina hugged Sophie tight and murmured, “It’s all right. She’s not mad at you. She’s mad at us.”

  Sophie looked doubtful. “Mad,” she whispered.

  They rode out to West Main Road. When they passed the Creamery, Sophie pointed. “Hamburger.”

  “Yes. As soon as I can, I’m taking you there for a hamburger and chocolate milk.”

  Sophie snugged closer and sighed.

  When they arrived at the Fitzgerald’s, Hank came around to the passenger door and opened it, waiting for Sophie to get out. Sophie climbed slowly down from Tina’s lap and after a glance at the house, stood with her head down.

  Tina got out and took her hand. “It’ll be okay. This house has a nice family. There’s a mommy and a daddy, and two children about your age. You can play with them and have fun. While you stay with them, you never have to go into the cellar or secret room again.”

  “’Kay,” Sophie whispered

  She held on tightly to Tina’s hand as they approached the house. Before they reached the front door, it opened, and a woman, about thirty or so, Tina judged, stood there smiling. She wore skinny jeans and a pink t-shirt on a boyish figure. Her light brown hair with blonde highlights was held back with a headband, and if she wore any makeup, it was so skillfully applied, Tina couldn’t tell. Kind blue eyes studied Sophie.

  She made no move to touch the girl, though. She stood back to let Sophie, Celia and Tina in. Hank waited in the car.

  They entered a comfortable living room. A few toys were scattered around, and some magazines tossed on the coffee table. Tina saw Good Housekeeping, O, and Popular Mechanics. A Bratz doll stood in an unopened box, and a bright red plastic container of Legos sat next to the big-screen television. A rocking horse was placed so a child could ride it while watching TV.

  “Have a seat.” Mrs. Fitzgerald pointed to a chintz-covered couch, and Tina and Sophie sat there, the little girl clinging to Tina. Her eyes looked enormous as she took in the room, but she wouldn’t look at Mrs. Fitzgerald. She stared at the Bratz doll instead.

  Tina put her arm around Sophie. Celia introduced everyone and sat in a blue armchair. Tina noticed the room smelled faintly of dog.

  “Sophie,” Mrs. Fitzgerald’s voice was gentle and calm, “we’re so glad to have you here. Would you like something to drink? How about some juice?” Sophie shook her head and pushed herself against Tina as hard a
s she could.

  Mrs. Fitzgerald showed no reaction and sat down in a recliner, looking relaxed.

  “It’s all right,” Tina said. “I’ll stay with you until you feel comfortable.” She felt Sophie relax a little against her.

  Something made a noise in another room.

  “What that?” Sophie sat up straight and looked toward where the sound came from.

  “That’s Harry. He’s a parrot. He’s in the dining room. Would you like to go see him?”

  “Parrot? Bird?”

  “Yes. Bird. Sometimes he talks.”

  Sophie jumped up. “See.”

  Mrs. Fitzgerald smiled. “Let’s go.” She stood and held out her hand to Sophie. After a moment’s hesitation, Sophie took it, and they walked into the dining room, Tina and Celica following, exchanging a smile.

  Harry, bright Kelly green, stood on a perch on top of the china cabinet, head bobbing. He squawked when he saw everyone. “Hello. Hello.” He sounded just like Mrs. Fitzgerald.

  Sophie clapped her hands. She raised her arms, inviting Henry down. He stopped bobbing, but remained on his perch.

  “He has to get used to you. Then he might come sit on your shoulder.” Mrs. Fitzgerald touched Sophie’s shoulder, smiling.

  “Oh, oh.” Sophie jumped from one foot to another, hardly seeming to notice Mrs. Fitzgerald touched her.

  She stopped abruptly when the swinging door to the kitchen opened slowly. A snout poked out, followed by a black Labrador. Sophie squealed. “Doggy!” She rushed to the dog and hugged him fiercely. The dog whined.

  “Gently.” Mrs. Fitzgerald said. “That’s Brutus.” She pulled carefully on Sophie’s arms. “You mustn’t hurt him.”

  Sophie jerked away. “Not hurt. Love.”

  “Yes. I know you love him. But you feel hurt when someone holds you too tight, don’t you?”

  Sophie sat down abruptly on the rug. Tears welled. “I not hurt doggy. Not!”

  Mrs. Fitzgerald and Tina crouched down next to the little girl. “We know you didn’t mean to hurt him,” Mrs. Fitzgerald said. “You heard him whine, didn’t you?”

  Sophie nodded and swiped at her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “He makes that noise when he’s hurt. He’s all right now, though. You can hug him again, gently, any time you like.”

  Sophie looked from Mrs. Fitzgerald to Tina, then collapsed into Tina’s arms. “Want to stay with you. Not here.”

  Mrs. Fitzgerald looked stricken. Brutus came over and sat down in front of Sophie. He cocked his head and panted. Then he licked her face.

  At first startled, she then giggled. “Nice doggy.”

  “Yes,” Tina said. “Nice doggy and nice parrot. I’ll bet Mrs. Fitzgerald makes a nice hamburger, too. And probably can give you chocolate milk, as well.”

  “Really?” Sophie regarded Mrs. Fitzgerald with interest. “Can you? Can you? Sophie loves hamburger and chocolate milk.”

  Mrs. Fitzgerald smiled. “I can do that.”

  Tina and Celia stayed for another half hour, making sure Sophie felt comfortable. The other children stayed out of the way the whole time.

  “Sophie,” Tina said, “I’ve got to go now. I’m going to come back later to see you, though. You can play with Brutus and Harry.”

  They were back in the living room, and Sophie was staring at the Bratz doll. Tina remembered the one they’d found in the hidden room’s armoire. She wondered if it was Sophie’s, but she didn’t ask. Didn’t want to spoil everything by mentioning Leslie’s house.

  Mrs. Fitzgerald noticed Sophie’s interest, picked up the box, and took the doll out. She handed it to Sophie. Tina wondered if it belonged to her daughter. Mrs. Fitzgerald must have read her mind. “I always put out a few new things I think might interest a new child who comes to us.”

  Sophie clutched the doll to her chest and stared at the rocking horse. Mrs. Fitzgerald smiled. “Want to ride the horsey?”

  Sophie nodded shyly. She tucked the doll into her waistband and allowed Mrs. Fitzgerald to help her climb onto the horse, which she rode with abandon. Tina and Celia left her then.

  They walked toward the street. “She’s a cutie,” Celia said. “I hope we can help her.”

  “So do I.”

  They said good-bye when they reached Hank’s car. Tina climbed in and told Hank what had happened. He didn’t drive away until she finished.

  “I’m glad you were able to ease her into the situation there. I’ll take you home now.”

  “You know,” Tina said, “it dawned on me that Leslie mentioned Aunt Margaret’s old housekeepers. She had two over the years. One got so old she had to retire, and then she died not too long ago. But Aunt Margaret hired a younger woman who ended up living in when Aunt Margaret needed more help. Maybe we should go talk her. How would the people involved in this, whatever it is, know?”

  “They probably wouldn’t,” Hank said. “Unless the housekeeper is in on it.”


  Tina stared at Hank, mouth open. She shut it and said, “You have a scary brain sometimes. Why didn’t I think of that?”

  “Because you’re just a cute female. Not one of those devious ones.”

  She swatted him on the arm. “And you’re such a pretend macho male. I’ve got your number.”

  He stroked her hair. “I’m glad.” His voice thickened. “I want you to have my number and lots of other stuff.”

  She laughed and caressed his cheek. “Sounds good to me. Now what are we going to do about that housekeeper?”

  Hank shook his head. “You have her name?”

  “Sort of. Maureen. No last name.”

  “All right.” Hank started the car. “We’ve been sitting here long enough. Someone might call the cops on us if we stay much longer.”

  “That would be funny. Let’s stick around and see what happens.”

  He gave her one of his sideways looks and shook his head. “We need a break. I’m going to drive to Brenton Point. We can park, make out, then call Leslie for more details about the housekeeper.”

  Tina laughed. “It’s not dark enough to make out. The rest sounds like a good plan. Too bad we don’t have some sandwiches for a picnic.”

  “D’Angelo’s is on the way. We’ll get a to-go order.”

  “Sounds wonderful. So you don’t really think the housekeeper is in on it?”

  Hank shook his head. “It’s such a remote possibility, I think it’s worth taking a chance she’s not.”

  Tina was glad to have something positive to do. She really hated the idea of just sitting around waiting for the police to solve everything.

  It was rather windy when they arrived at the Point after a great ride on Ocean Drive. But they picked out a table and anchored the sandwich wrappings down with items from Tina’s purse and their cell phones. Only a few other people were in the park. The waves pounded in the ocean across the street, and they sat side by side to look at them. A lone sailboat drifted by, and they watched a man park his car, then pull a brightly colored two-line stunt kite out of his trunk, set it up, and begin to fly.

  Tina sighed with contentment. Hank sat close enough so she could feel his lean body against hers. “I could do this every nice day.” She took a bite of her tuna sandwich and glanced first at the waves, then at the man and his kite.

  “Too bad we don’t have our own kites to fly today,” Hank said. “Perfect conditions for it.”

  “I know. When all this is over…”

  Hank balled up his wrappings and stuffed them into the D’Angelo’s paper bag. “I’m going to call Leslie now.”

  Tina nodded. Her thoughts returned to Leslie, Brandon, and Sophie. She hoped the housekeeper could help them, but she warned herself to keep her expectations low.

  Hank spoke to Leslie, telling her what they wanted to do. She looked up Maureen’s phone number and address and wished them luck.

  “Maureen lives out in Portsmouth.”

  “How should we approach her?” Tina bega
n collecting their trash. “Total truth, or?”

  “I think start off vague.” Hank stood up and stretched. “About Leslie hearing strange noises, wondering if Maureen had, or if Aunt Margaret ever mentioned anything to her. Then play it by ear.”

  “Okay.” Tina took the trash to the can and followed Hank to the Jaguar. She was enjoying the day now, especially knowing that it would probably be too cold tomorrow and for weeks to come to ride with the top down and have another picnic at Brenton Point.

  Hank used his GPS system to locate Maureen’s address, and he pulled up to a modest ranch-style home in a tree-lined section of Portsmouth.

  “Maybe we should have called ahead,” Tina said. “She may not be home, and if she is, she might close the door in our faces.”

  “Well, we’re here now, so let’s see if she’s home.”

  A woman who appeared to be in her middle-thirties opened the door and looked at them bleary-eyed. She carried about twenty extra pounds on her medium-height frame and wore black slacks and a frilly, patterned over-blouse. She had no makeup on, auburn hair, and long, squared-off fingernails painted bright blue.

  “What do you want? I don’t buy things from strangers.”

  “We promise you, we’re not selling anything. Are you Maureen Aherne?” Hank smiled at the woman.

  “Yeah.” Maureen looked even more suspicious now.

  “We’re friends with Leslie Young. I’m sure you remember her from when you worked for her Aunt Margaret?”

  “Yeah.” Her eyes shifted away from them. She looked uneasy.

  “Could we talk to you for a few minutes? It’s important. This is Tina Shaw, and I’m Hank Silver.”

  “I can’t imagine I have anything to say to you. I don’t gossip.”

  “We’re not at all interested in gossip. Some strange things have been happening in the neighborhood. We’re just looking for information about the house itself, mainly.”

  “You police?”

  “I do some consulting with them.” Hank handed her a card. “But we’re really here because Tina is Leslie’s best friend, and I’ve known Leslie and Brandon since we were toddlers.”


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