Stolen (The Madame X School of Sex)

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Stolen (The Madame X School of Sex) Page 4

by Jinx Jamison

  “The LaVin group might not be seriously looking for new representation.” Milo uncrossed his arms and sat up. He absently straightened a few papers on the top of his desk. “I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you.”

  “But if they are…” Mya grinned at the idea.

  “I’m reserving judgment until after the meeting tomorrow.” Milo rolled his eyes.

  * * * * *

  Milo leaned over her, every muscle in his body straining beneath his golden skin. Mya had the perfect angle to admire him, the strong lines of his back, the smooth column of his throat as he tasted her breasts, the rich dark spill of his hair, a stunning contrast to the caramel tone of her skin. His mouth was an inferno as he followed the curve of her waist to the hidden spot between her hip and her thigh, the spot guaranteed to make her crazy.

  “Open your legs for me. Yes that’s it. Open those pretty thighs.” Milo lifted his head to look at her, his normally blue eyes dark, predatory as he watched her spread her legs. Once she lay open before him, he simply looked his fill, his gaze hot on her naked skin.

  Mya flushed as he watched her, sure that he could hear the heavy cadence of her heart, could sense the wetness in the deepest part of her. How many years had she longed for him, ached to feel his touch? She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, savoring every glide of his fingers across her skin. She wanted him, wanted him to touch her and fill her until she couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t remember all the reasons this was a bad idea. Then suddenly his hands were everywhere at once, worshiping her body and when he finally cupped her where she throbbed for him, she creamed all over his hand.

  “You’re so wet.” He swiped two fingers through her heat and brought them to his mouth, his lids drifting closed as he tasted her. Mya shivered as embarrassment and desire flowed through her in equal measures. Suddenly shy, she tried to close her legs but he held her open with a strong hand on her thigh as he continued to stroke her. His fingers played a gentle tune on the slick skin of her opening, her pussy contracting almost to the point of pain. His eyes burned as he looked down at her as if memorizing her body’s every angle and curve. Then he leaned down and covered her with his mouth.

  “Oh my god. Milo…” Mya closed her eyes, afraid if she watched the heady temptation of Milo between her thighs she would come instantly and this unbelievable pleasure would end. Then he did something sinful with his tongue and her eyes flew open as a sudden wave of need crashed over her, his name flying from her lips like a prayer.

  “Yes, say my name. Before it’s over you’ll scream it. Scream for me, Mya.” He looked up at her, his full lips wet with the evidence of her desire. “I want to hear you beg me to take you, to fuck you, to fill you. I’m the only one who can give you what you need.”

  “Yes,” she sobbed, desperate for him, frantic with her need. “You’re the only one. Only you, for so long it’s been only you.”

  He turned away from her and she heard his voice as if from far away. He was speaking again, but what was he saying? He sounded odd suddenly, his voice resonating as if it were an echo inside a tin can…

  “Mya, you’d better get your ass in here. James is going postal.”

  Mya woke with a start and looked around wildly, her body thrumming, her breasts heavy. She was alone in bed with only the tangled sheets between her legs for company.

  The voice she thought she’d imagined blared from her answering machine in the front hallway. She scrambled to get out of bed, tripped in the bed linens and crashed to the floor. She hopped up and hobbled across the polished hardwood to the cordless phone on her dresser. “Hello, hello?”

  “James is going to kill you. Did you forget the LaVin account meeting this morning?”

  “Crap, crap, crap.” Oversleeping on a normal day was one thing, but tardiness on the morning they expected a visit from a potential client, especially one as important as Italian designer Andre Lavin, was unthinkable. This was just one more thing for Milo to needle her about.

  “How pissed is James, on a scale of one to ten?”

  “Does infinity count?” Milo laughed as she cursed and the rumble of his baritone caused skitters of sensations up and down Mya’s spine. It reminded her of her dream when he commanded her to open her legs for him, as he told her to say his name…

  “Mya! Did you fall asleep again?” He was definitely laughing at her now.

  “Ooh, this is all your fault!” Mya raced to her closet and yanked out a skirt and blouse before dropping to the floor to rummage for shoes. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the closet mirror and squeaked in surprise. Her curly black hair was flying in every direction and she had a huge crease down the side of her face where her cheek had pressed against the pillow. Nice.

  “How is it my fault that you can’t get up on time? It’s not as if I kept you up all night.”

  Mya sighed as she rubbed the side of her face. If he knew how prominent a role he played in keeping her awake all night she’d never be able to look him in the face again.

  “You have no idea. Tell James I’ll be there within the hour.”

  * * * * *

  “You two ready to present?” James, Mirage Advertising’s president and founder, stuck his head in the room and looked between them anxiously. His short gray hair stood on end as if he’d been running his hands through it. “Mr. Lavin is already here and he brought several members of his board with him.”

  “Are you serious? I thought this was just a meet and greet. I don’t have storyboards or photos.” Mya hopped off the desk and watched in disbelief as Milo calmly pulled several folders from one of the cabinets in his desk.

  “I know, I know but apparently he likes people who can think on their feet.” James inclined his head apologetically before retreating.

  “You have folders and…notes!” Mya strode over to Milo’s desk and snatched the papers from his hands, shocked to see the opening lines of a pitch written in his precise cursive handwriting.

  “While you were getting your beauty sleep this morning, some of us were actually working. This account is mine so you might as well forget it.” He pried the note cards from her fingers. “This is really more my kind of thing anyway.”

  “You arrogant prick. You assume James will assign this to you just because you’re a diva who spends too much money on clothes?”

  Milo shook his finger at her as he gathered his materials. “Tsk tsk, Miss Taylor. That attitude is why I’m a shoo-in for this account. You don’t even wear designer clothes so how can you design an ad campaign for them?”

  “I don’t wear crotchless panties either but I designed a killer campaign for Peek-a-Boo Lingerie. It’s the same thing. Well, the same concept anyway.”

  He stopped suddenly and she collided with the broad planes of his back. Before he stepped away she felt the muscles tighten and bunch beneath her hands.

  “Can we please not talk about panties? I need to concentrate.” When he turned, Mya suddenly found her hands on his shoulders, her breasts crushed against his chest.

  His eyes widened as he looked down. The tops of his cheeks turned pink before he sucked in a loud breath and backed up a step. “Stop trying to distract me.”

  “Is it working?” Mya sighed when he shook his head. She wasn’t Milo’s type, she knew that. There was nothing “femme fatale” about her. But it would still be nice to get some kind of reaction from him when he accidentally got a peek down her shirt.

  “Nothing will keep me from getting this account.”

  “You wanna bet?” Mya laughed as soon as the words left her mouth. God, how juvenile did she sound? She needed to take these last moments to get her thoughts together, not spend it arguing with Milo. Somehow though she couldn’t get her feet to point in the direction of the door.

  “Okay. Let’s make a deal. The winner pays for pizza. Wait, did I bring cash today?” He smiled when she gritted her teeth at him. “Okay, fine. The loser can buy the pie, does it really matter?”

crossed her arms, mainly to keep herself from brushing the hair off his forehead. The thick strands were black as charcoal and looked soft as raw silk. If it was still as soft as she remembered, she was in trouble. She squeezed her hands against her body. If she allowed herself to touch him so intimately she might not be able to stop. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. What the hell was she doing? The man had women lined up around the block. Not exactly good relationship material, even if she was his type.

  What if you don’t want a relationship? What if you just want one night?

  Mya stopped for a moment, the sudden, shocking thought ringing through her head. Could she do that? Could she have him for just one night without getting attached? She tightened her thighs against a sudden, throbbing ache.

  “Damn, I’m glad I wore this suit today. Especially the tie. I’m sure Mr. Lavin will appreciate an ad executive who wears his clothes.” Milo grabbed his suit jacket from the hanger on the back of the door and ran his fingers through his hair. When he tucked his shirt in, he had to readjust his slacks. Mya could clearly see the outline of his cock through the material and almost swallowed her tongue. Damn.

  “You’re so sure you’re going to win, aren’t you? You won’t even consider the fact that I might be the better candidate for this.”

  “Mya, sweetie, no offense but you’re in way over your head.” He held up his hands in defense when she swatted at him.

  “Oh you think so? Well, when I win I want more than pizza.”

  Milo perched on the edge of his desk and held out his hands in surrender. “Okay. Anything you want. Name it and it’s yours.”

  Mya wasn’t sure how to respond. This was Milo. They were best friends. She’d always been able to tell him anything. But what if she told him she wanted hot, wet, dirty sex and he said “no thanks”? Besides, Milo usually dated the blonde bombshell type. Mya considered herself more the “a little too curvy, a little too short, brunette as dirt” type.

  “I’d love to make you my slave for a day. You can answer my phone, do my filing and I’m sure I can find some expense reports for you to fill out.”

  Milo caught her arm and tugged until she came to stand between his legs. This close she could feel the soft wash of his breath on her cheek. What was he doing? If he knew how close he was to being assaulted, he would stay far away. Then he turned his head and brushed his lips against hers. The kiss only lasted a moment, but Mya felt it clear down to her toes.

  “Milo? What are you doing?”

  “I’m kissing you. You taste like plums.” He captured her lips again, more firmly this time, using her squeak of surprise to gain entry to her mouth. He anchored her against him with a firm hand at the back of her head until she stopped resisting, the tension melting from her limbs like butter left out in the sun.

  Shocked, all she could do was lean against him, boneless, as he deepened the kiss. He stroked in and out, making love to her mouth, sucking on her tongue and even biting her lips gently. Every little nip sent a wash of heat through her, soaking her panties. When one hand snuck down and pressed against her mound through the fabric of her skirt, Mya’s eyes popped open. She was about to have an orgasm in the middle of his office with the door wide open for anyone walking by to see.

  “Milo, what is going on?”

  He leaned forward and gave one last soft lick to her bottom lip before gently pushing her away so there was about a foot of space between them.

  “What were we talking about?” He raked a hand through his hair and adjusted the edges of his jacket so it hid the bulge of his erection. Mya flushed and looked away when their eyes met.

  “The bet. I was…uh…saying that when I win you have to be my slave for the day. You have to do all the grunt work and clean out my desk.” Mya tried to recapture the bravado she’d felt earlier but all she could think of was his taste. She’d been on the verge of coming against his hand and he was talking about a stupid bet. Oh god, maybe I just hallucinated that entire thing.

  “Mya, when I get this account, you won’t be my slave for a day. You’ll be my slave for a night. All night.”

  “What?” Mya’s nipples hardened, almost to the point of pain, at his words. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying we can’t be just friends any more. I want you. All of you. Tonight.” Milo spoke softly but when he looked up at her she could see the strain behind his lake blue eyes, the effort it cost him to speak so calmly. He really meant what he said. Milo was hot for her.

  Wait a minute. Milo was hot for her?

  “Oh I get it, this is your idea of a joke, right?” Mya choked against the small knot in her throat. Milo probably felt sorry for her and figured he’d give her a sympathy fuck. “Well you can forget it. I don’t need your pity.”

  Milo grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back against his chest. “Pity?” he spat. “Woman, you are going to drive me insane. There is nothing pitiful about what I want to do to you. Do you want to know exactly what I want? The raw, unedited version?” When she opened her mouth to answer, he put a finger against her lips. “Be very sure before you ask.”

  Mya nodded, her eyes wide as he pulled her closer between his thighs. She could feel the granite-hard prod of his erection against her hip and she had to admit, his cock didn’t seem to feel pity toward her. She let out a gasp when he settled her so close that his lips brushed her ear, sending shock waves of pleasure through her body.

  “I wish no one else would call me Milo because I only want to hear that name come from you. When you say it, you pucker those beautiful full lips the same way I imagine you would if you were sucking my cock. Do you know how many times I’ve imagined that right here at my desk, in meetings, even when I’m with clients? I can’t seem to purge you from my mind.” His breathing was ragged as he buried his face in her hair and inhaled, the contact sending sensual shivers down her spine.

  “I want you naked. I want you open. I want to be so far inside you, you’ll never think to deny who you belong to. Anytime another man even looks at you I want to kill him. I want you to look at me with those big, exotic cat eyes and ask me to fuck you. With you, I want things I’ve never dreamed of.”

  Mya gasped as he palmed her breast and plucked the tight nipple that pressed against his palm. The sweet, erotic agony of his words seared through her mind, igniting every secret fantasy she’d had about him since they’d met. It was as if he’d taken a peek into her dreams because everything he wanted was all she wanted and more.

  “Whenever I see you walk away, I want you to come back, just so I can watch the sway of your luscious ass when you walk away again. I want to bend you over this desk, over the chair and over any surface I can. I want you, Mya. All of you.”

  Mya looked up at him, his desire, his longing, his agony all clearly reflected in his eyes. She had imagined this so many times. She’d dreamed he would one day tell her he wanted her and that if that day came she would know exactly what to say and do. But at this all important moment, her throat closed up, her mind went blank and she did the first thing that came to her mind.

  She ran.


  Milo chuckled as he watched Mya retreat from his office as if the very hounds of hell were on her heels. Her lush behind swayed beneath the fabric of her skirt and he bit the inside of his cheek, hoping the sharp pain would tame his raging erection. If he didn’t claim her soon, his mouth would be a bloody mess.

  When had he started to see her as more than just his friend? He couldn’t even identify the moment when he looked into her eyes and saw more than Mya his competitor or Mya the pain in the ass. Now he found himself wondering if said pain in the ass had ever worn the peek-a-boo panties from the sexy campaign she’d designed.

  Every woman he dated now struck him as so shallow and well, boring in comparison. None could tell him that DNA stood for deoxyribonucleic acid, and the NBA’s leading scorer, in the same breath and make it seem completely normal. None of them could amuse, exasperate and arouse hi
m all at the same time. Only Mya.

  “I can’t believe she ran.” Milo chuckled as he remembered the glazed look in Mya’s amber eyes when he’d told her his plans. It had been a gamble confessing how he felt, especially in such lurid detail, but he’d had a long time to imagine what he’d do to her if he had the chance, how he’d take her, the ways he’d make her scream. He loved to hear her say his name. Every time she said it he imagined her screaming it as he fucked her, as her pussy milked him until he was dry. He planned to feel her come around his cock as many times as possible this weekend because he had months of frustration built up where she was concerned.

  “Milo? What are you waiting for? We’re all in the conference room.” James stood in the doorway and Milo wondered how long he’d been there.

  “Oh. Sorry. I was just looking over my notes again.” He gathered his storyboards and followed James into the hallway. He needed to focus to pull this off and he had to pull this off. The stakes were too high for him to fail. Not only would he have his chance with Mya, but this account could cement his career and provide him with the foundation he needed to start his own advertising firm one day.

  “You ready?” James stopped him with a hand on his shoulder and peered at him closely, taking in Milo’s stack of notes and folders. “You look ready but, I don’t know, something seems off with you today. Are you worried about Mya?”

  “What about Mya? Is she okay?” Milo almost dropped his folders as he shifted closer to James. He’d debated the best way to approach her for months but caution hadn’t seemed to win him any points. He probably shouldn’t have told her how he felt right before they had a meeting with a major client but she’d given him the perfect opening with all that talk of him as her slave. Plus she’d looked so adorable with her ebony curls up in a messy ponytail and her gorgeous caramel skin flushing pink every time he caught her staring.


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