The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3)

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The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3) Page 30

by T. E. Ridener

  “I’m not sure,” he admitted, eyebrows furrowing. “I guess I just needed to do that.”

  Truth be told, he just wanted a minute alone with him. He didn’t mind kissing him in front of Kelly – he loved doing it, actually. But he didn’t want Kelly to worry about the situation with Devin’s mom.

  Not yet.

  “Feel free to do it anytime.” Devin grinned sheepishly. “And please don’t feel you have to cancel tonight. Not because of me. I saw the rose petals, Nick. I saw the candles. You put a lot of work into it.”

  “Hey. Hey,” he murmured, shushing him. Placing a finger against Devin’s lips, careful to avoid the small cut, he kissed his forehead and smirked. “It wasn’t a lot of work. Not for me. That’s only the tip of the iceberg for what I’m capable of, especially when it comes to showing people I care about them.”

  He listened as Devin’s breath hitched in his throat, and a shiver of excitement raced through him as their bodies pressed together and he felt the evidence of Devin’s arousal against his thigh. Leaning in again, nose to nose, he kissed his cheek and sighed.

  “I can kick his ass if you want me to.”

  “W-who, Jeb?”


  “That’s nice of you to offer, but we’ve worked things out. I don’t think he’s going to be bothering me anymore.”

  “He better not.” His hand slid around his body and he cupped his ass, causing Devin to gasp. “This—all of this—is mine. I won’t tolerate anybody hurting a single inch of it.”

  A nervous chuckle slipped past Devin’s lips and he rolled his eyes.

  “You think that’s funny, huh?” Nick growled playfully. “No champagne for you.”

  “Aw, come on. I’m not saying anything bad about it, it’s just funny.”

  “What’s funny?”

  “The fact you said I’m yours.”

  “You find that to be humorous?” Quirking an eyebrow, he pulled Devin’s hips into his own, earning another small noise of surprise. “Tell me, baby, what’s so funny about it?”

  “Christ, Nick. I was kidding.” Devin swallowed hard, his smile wavering. “I like being yours. I like that you call me yours. It’’s...”

  “It’s what?” He lifted his free hand and fisted a handful of his hair, forcing his head back, exposing his neck.

  “H-h-hot.” Devin moaned as he kissed his throat. “God, it’s hot.”

  “Mm, is it?” He breathed against his skin, teeth raking lightly over his pulse point. “What else?”

  Devin’s hands fisted at the fabric of his shirt, pulling, tugging, and clawing as he released a moan. “Wonderful,” he panted. “It’s wonderful. I n-never thought I’d get to feel this way about anyone.”

  Upon hearing the last part, Nick postponed his teasing and lifted his head to meet his gaze.

  “And how do you feel about me?” He asked, keeping his voice low.

  Devin licked his lips and blinked a few times, as if pulling himself out of a daze, and then he smiled. “I’m not sure what word I can use for it, but you make me happy. You and Kelly both do. The idea of being with the two of you, caring and loving one another – I want that. I want it so badly it hurts, Nick. I know I don’t deserve it, but—”

  “Shut your pretty mouth.” He chuckled quietly and buried his face against his neck, breathing him in. “You do deserve it. You deserve everything you want and I don’t care what you or anyone else has to say about it. The past is the past, baby. Let it stay there.”

  “I’m trying. I’m trying so hard.” Devin murmured. “But I’m afraid I’ll never be able to free myself from the person I used to be. Not entirely, at least.”

  “We’ll work on it together,” he promised, taking a step back and grabbing both his hands. “You, me, and Kelly. No matter what.”

  “I want to believe that.” Tears shimmered in Devin’s beautiful eyes as he stared up at him. “I want to believe I’m worth redemption. I want to believe I deserve what you’re offering. You and’s so hard to explain, but I’m already so close to both of you. I don’t even feel this close to my family – aside from my mom. People don’t realize how gut-wrenching it is to feel like such an outsider in your own world. But I do.”

  “You’re not an outsider here.” His lips found his forehead and he sighed. “Don’t ever feel that way with us, baby.”

  “I’m trying not to.”

  “Mm.” He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly, nuzzling his nose against his cheek as a devilish grin slid across his lips. “Let’s try a little harder, hm? There’s a beautiful blonde sitting on our couch and we ought to do something about that, don’t you think?”

  Chapter 18


  Two and a half weeks had passed by since that night.

  That wonderful, amazing, spectacular night.

  As she stepped out of the shower and reached for her towel, she couldn’t help but wonder why she’d held off on allowing Nick to show her the wonders of a polyamorous union for so long.

  It was beautiful in so many ways, but it was mostly just fantastic.

  Drying off, she hummed happily and listened to the laughter erupting from downstairs.

  Her kids were taking it better than she’d originally anticipated. Nick and Devin were great with them: always willing to go on new adventures in the backyard with Justin, or playing video games with him after supper.

  Jamie was eating up the attention, too.

  It had been so long since they’d known the affection of a father figure – not that she considered or even wanted anyone to take Patrick’s place, but it was just nice.

  It was wonderful to see her babies so happy and she knew Nick and Devin provided that happiness for them.

  They provided happiness for her, too.

  But on that particular afternoon, one that had started just like all the others, something happened.

  Standing on the back deck, watching Devin play tag with the kids, she couldn’t help the sense of dread she felt as the sky above them darkened with angry storm clouds. The weather had been warm for days, but every time the wind blew, it sent a shiver racing through her.

  That can’t be good, she thought, hugging her arms around her frame. I hope it’s not a bad storm.

  “Devin,” she called out as thunder rumbled in the distance. “Why don’t you guys head inside? I’ll make you some sandwiches.”

  “Sandwiches!” Justin stopped dead in his tracks and Devin, hot in pursuit, nearly toppled over him. “Let’s go eat, Dev-o! I’m hungry!”

  “Eat!” Jamie giggled, waddling towards the steps. “Eat, Mom! Eat!”

  “Come here, you.” She scooped her daughter into her arms and kissed the top of her head, eyes wandering to the sky again.

  “I think it’s going to rain,” Devin commented, breathless. “I could go for some food. Little Man’s taken all my energy.”

  “He’s good for that.” She smiled in his direction as he approached the deck, his eyes sparkling and his hair disheveled in such a handsome way.

  Devin really was good with kids – it was a wonderful discovery.

  And Justin absolutely adored him.

  “When’s Nick coming back, Mama?” He inquired once they were inside. “He’s been gone all morning.”

  Though Justin fully understood Nick had a job, just like Mommy, he always noticed when he was gone.

  She noticed, too. All the time – but Devin was there to keep her company when Nick couldn’t, especially on the weekends.

  “I’m not sure, sweetie. He said he had something important to do.”

  And that was the honest truth. She had no idea what Nick had up his sleeve. As she had learned, very happily, Nick was always full of surprises. The small things he did for her and the kids were very big in her eyes.

  Only a few days beforehand, he’d delivered a toddler bed for Jamie. Even though she protested it, saying she could afford it on her own, she still appreciated the gesture.
br />   Nick was kind and caring – and she was totally falling for him.

  “Why don’t you go wash your hands?” Devin suggested to Justin as she began preparing their sandwiches. “You don’t want to eat with dirty hands, do you?”

  “No way! That’s gross.” Justin scoffed. “I’d never eat with dirty hands. Mama says we always have to wash our hands.”

  “Your mama’s right. She’s a very smart lady.”

  Smiling to herself, she pulled a few slices of bread from the bag and placed them on a plate, listening to Devin and Jamie’s conversation shortly after Justin disappeared.

  “Uh oh. Somebody seems sleepy,” he said, his voice gentle and soft. “Does Mama know you’re sleepy?”

  “Mhm,” she replied, glancing at the clock on the microwave. “It’s almost time for her nap anyway. Give me a few minutes and I’ll put her to bed.”

  “I can do it,” he said, surprising her. But what a nice surprise it was. “Do you mind if I put you to bed, Sugar Puff?”

  “Sugar Puff?” A laugh bubbled past her lips as she turned around to stare at him, her heart instantly melting when she realized he’d already cradled Jamie to his chest – and her little girl was totally eating it up.

  I would, too, she thought as warmth radiated through her body. Oh my god, he looks good with a child in his arms.

  “Is that too cheesy?” His lopsided grin would be the death of her. “She’s just so sweet. I thought Sugar Puff would suit her.”

  “I don’t have an issue with it, Devin. It’s cute.” Gazing at her daughter, she watched as Jamie’s fingers curled around his ear and she smiled.

  It really was the sweetest thing she’d ever witnessed.

  “You’re a good girl, aren’t you, Sugar Puff?” He asked, smooching her chubby cheek. “Such a good girl.”

  “I good.” Jamie giggled, her hands grabbing at his cheeks. “I good!”

  “Yes, you are. Now let’s get you to bed, hm?” His eyes moved back to Kelly’s and he winked—instant butterflies. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Okay.” Her response was almost inaudible. It was amazing how such a simple thing could send her heart into overdrive, but it couldn’t be helped. Watching a man be so tender with a child, especially her child, seemed to be spellbinding.

  And it was making her fall hard.

  Keep it together, Kelly. It’s too soon for these kinds of feelings.

  But was it, really?

  She thought about it as she prepared lunch. Hell, she thought about it more often than that – she’d been thinking about it since the first time Nick brought up the possibility of their relationship.

  If loving two men at the same time and being doubly loved in return really was possible, who said there had to be a specific time frame for when she felt that love?

  “Screw what other people think about it, Kelly,” Tula had said. “You have to do what makes you happy, sweetie. If being with Nick and Devin will make you happy, I say go for it. Worst case scenario, at least you won’t regret having not given it a shot.”

  But she did worry she’d regret it. Even though things were going so smoothly and beautifully, she feared something would happen to mess it up.

  Nick was perfect in every way – that frightened her. No man could be so perfect. Everyone had flaws.

  Except Callum Reynolds, apparently.

  But that wasn’t true either. Even if he hadn’t meant for it to happen, even if he didn’t know about his son’s existence until recently, he’d hurt Lydia. They were working through it and seemed to be closer than ever, but it’d still hurt her.

  And Devin...

  Nobody’s perfect. Everybody has skeletons in their closet.

  He was trying though, wasn’t he? She saw a completely changed man – one for the better. He was nothing like the Devin she remembered and when he touched her...Oh, God.

  I’m totally falling for him, too.

  Placing the sandwiches on plates, she grabbed for the jar of mayonnaise to return it to the fridge when two warm, strong arms wrapped around her from behind.

  “Oh!” She nearly dropped the damned thing as Devin’s lips latched onto the side of her neck.

  “Boo,” he said teasingly. “Did I scare you?”

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask my racing heart?”

  “Maybe I will.” He lifted a hand to rest between her breasts, humming. “I see, I see,” he murmured. “It might win the Indy 500.”

  “Very funny.” Rolling her eyes, she turned in his arms and peered up at him. “Is Jamie asleep?”

  “I think she was asleep before I made it upstairs. I didn’t even get to read to her.”

  Damn you.

  Since when did she find reading to be so sexy?

  Just imagining Devin sitting on the floor of her daughter’s nursery, reading a story to her, caused her stomach to twist and her innards to warm.

  It was stupid to get excited over something normal.

  But it was happening and there was nothing she could do to stop it as he leaned in to kiss her.

  “Devin, we can’t,” she moaned, pressing up against him as his hands began exploring. “Justin could pop in at any minute.”

  “I know.” He sighed, nipping at her bottom lip playfully. “I’m trying to behave, Kel, I swear.”

  “Then try harder.”

  “Did you say ‘harder’?”

  She knew exactly what he was implying, and feeling the evidence of his arousal as it pressed into her stomach wasn’t helping a damn thing.

  “You’re being very bad,” she whispered, swatting his arm. “Go eat your sandwich before we both get in trouble.”

  “Aw, come on.” His arms locked around her waist and he pulled her close once more, dipping his head to bump their noses together. “You do realize how hard it is to resist you, right?”

  “Probably as hard as it is for me to resist you.” She wiggled in his arms and laughed as he attacked her neck with kisses. “Devin, stop! Be good!”

  “I am being good,” he mumbled against her skin. “And you taste delicious.”

  As much as she was enjoying it, and God knew she was, the phone began ringing and he finally released her.

  “I bet that’s Nick!” She hurried into the living room and narrowly escaped the pain of a Hot Wheels car Justin had left on the floor. Leaping over it, she grabbed for the phone and yanked it off the receiver, breathless. “Hello?”

  “What have you been doing?”

  It was Nick, and she wasn’t sure she appreciated what the tone of his voice was implying.

  “Fixing lunch, Goofy. What have you been doing?”

  “Uh huh. I bet you were,” he said, chuckling. “I’m at the shop. I found something I think Justin will like a lot.”

  “Oh? And what might that be?”

  “Some really awesome retro carpet; for his tree house.”

  It can’t be.

  Clutching the receiver until the blood rushed from her fingers, she glanced up as Justin exited the bathroom, grinning from ear-to-ear. Forcing a smile in return, she did her best to keep her mind from jumping to conclusions.

  It just can’t be.

  “Kelly? Babe? Did you hear me?”

  “Y-yeah. Yes.” She cleared her throat. “I heard you; you said you found some carpet for his tree house?”

  “Yeah, and it’s probably the coolest carpet I’ve ever seen in my life. It looks like it’s from the seventies...maybe early seventies. It’s soft and fuzzy. Do you think he’ll like it?”

  “I’m sure he will, but...”

  “But what?”

  “When did you start working on the tree house? I didn’t even know you were working on it.”

  “Ah,”—he laughed—“Did I forget to mention that’s what I’ve been tinkering with in your basement?”


  “Yeah, the surprise. Remember? I found a bunch of stuff your husband must’ve been working on for the tree house, so
I thought it would be nice if Devin and I finished it up. I’ll tell you all about it when I get home, baby. I need to get this loaded up and get back before this weather gets worse – have you even looked outside?”

  “I...yes?” There was too much going through her mind at the moment. So that was the surprise Devin would never let her see? That was the secret mission they’d been on, all this time? Blinking back fresh tears, she strode to the window and pulled the curtain back to peer outside. “Whoa, it wasn’t that dark a few minutes ago. It looks like it’s going to be a bad one.”

  “Exactly, which is why I spoiled the surprise in the basement. In case it gets too bad, make sure you, Devin, and the kids get to safety.” Nick’s tone became serious and she knew he meant business. “You may want to call Mrs. Harrington and make sure she’s all right, too.”

  It was incredibly sweet of him to worry about Mrs. H., but she really didn’t like the fact he was convinced the weather was going to be that bad.

  Grabbing the remote off the coffee table, she quickly turned on the television and flipped it to the local news station. An angry red line flashed across the bottom of the screen.


  “Holy hell,” she murmured, swallowing her nerves back into place. “Nick, you should probably try to hurry home. There’s a tornado watch in effect for our area.”

  “I know, baby. I heard it on the radio right before I called you. I want you to be safe.”

  “I thought the second hurricane was going to be weaker than the first,” she said, keeping her voice low so little ears wouldn’t hear. “I didn’t know there was anything to worry about.”

  “You can’t trust the weather sometimes, babe. Just do as I’ve asked, okay? I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  “You need to be here now. This storm is moving pretty fast.”

  “I can move faster,” he replied, laughing. “I’ll be there soon. I just need to pay for this carpet and then I’m headed that way. I promise.”

  The wind picked up outside then, and the wind chimes on the neighbor’s porch began clamoring – as if playing a song of warning for the impending bad weather.

  It felt ominous.

  “Get home now, Nick. Please.”


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