“I am sorry sir…”
“Sorry? Sorry won’t bring back all those people you’ve killed.”
“I promise sir, something like this won’t happen again.”
“No…” the mayor shook his head “it’s not going to happen again and I’m going to make sure of that.”
He turns to the older man on cowboy hat who had been quite all along just observing them.
“…this is Sir Lawrence Linus. He’s worked formerly as a shifter hunter in fallout city. He’s caught and executed numerous numbers of shifters in his good old days while working with an agency there in fallout city. Though he is retired but it took a lot of convincing to get him to work with us. He will be taking over from as the president in the special task force, TCU.”
The expression on Williams face changed totally. His face went dark. The mayor went on. “…under Sir Lawrence’s command, I expect to see a great improvement.”
Lawrence took off his hat and places it on the table before him. He had a smirk across his face. “Thank you for the honor, Mayor Ramsey. Give me a week… I will burn every single shifter in this city to the ground.”
The mayor smiled satisfactorily “I’ve always known you to be a man of your word. I know you won’t fail me.”
“Where does that leave me?” William finally spoke.
“I won’t have you locked up for murder and I won’t kick you out of the task force as well but you will be taking orders directly from Sir Linus from now on. You will serve under Sir Lawrence Linus as his vice president.”
There was a cold silence in the room. William had a look of disappointment written all over his face.
“This meeting is hereby adjourned...” the mayor stood up and walked out the door.
Sir Lawrence stood up, he wore the cowboy hat over head. He looked over at William with a smirk on his face. “…from now on, we are gonna see a lot of change around here.” Then he left the room.
After a long silence from William, he stood up and left the room without a word.
William busted out of the room angrily. He bumped his fist into the wall hard screaming angrily as he kept punching the wall until his fist was bruised and bleeding.
He noticed Frank standing at a corner looking at him with a puzzled look on his face.
“What are you doing down here?” William asked almost raising his voice at him.
“Sir, I have a very disturbing news…” franks sounded a bit shaken “Mrs. Eulich is dead, she was killed this morning.”
* *
Kevin entered the hospital where Mirabel and her mum had been admitted. He went into the room to meet Mirabel’s mum sitting on the hospital bed where her daughter had been kidnapped.
In the room with her was Alex Logan, he was asking her some question while writing down some of the answers she had given to him on a little note.
Kevin walked up straight to her and then sat beside her holding her hands. “Am so sorry I could not make it here immediately after you had called” he quickly apologized.
“Mrs. Lena, Who is this?” the police detective asked.
“This is Kevin…” Lena said admits her tears. “He is the one I told you about who had been helping me and my daughter with some foodstuff.”
“Hello Kevin, I am Alex Logan head of state security.” He brought his hands for a handshake.
Kevin took his hands. “Have you gotten any lead on how we can find her daughter and return her back safety?” Kevin turned to look at Mrs. Lena, she looked terrified. Her check was wet with tears. The look on Alex’s face was disappointing.
“Honestly, with the information she had provided about the man who had kidnapped her daughter, it will be pretty difficult to locate this guy since this guy had a mask on. It is harder since this kidnaper’s motive for kidnapping this little girl is still unknown. Mrs. Lena stated here that she wasn’t rich. In fact they barely survive a day. So the kidnapper’s motive to kidnap her daughter for ransom is off the books for now. Mrs. Lena also stated that neither she nor her late husband had any enemy. She said they lived in harmony with everyone they came across. So the kidnapper couldn’t have kidnapped her for some kind of revenge.”
“Did the kidnapper had some kind of C shaped marked carved out on his mask closed to his left eye?” Kevin suddenly asked Mrs. Lena interrupting Alex.
Taken by surprise by his question, Lena answered. “Yes… there was a letter C mark on his mask.”
The room was left in sheer silence. All eyes fell on Kevin.
Alex looked over at Kevin as if waiting for an explanation on how he knew that. He took out a pen and quickly began to jot.
“…obviously, Mrs. Lena had failed to mention that part about the mark on the mask to me. How did you about this marking on her daughter’s kidnapper’s mask?” Alex asked in a suspicious manner.
“I knew that because, ---I was also kidnapped by this very same kidnapper over a year ago.”
The room became silent for a moment then a phone buzzed interrupting the silence. Kevin took out his phone from his pocket, it was kern calling.
“Excuse me, I got to take this call.” he said, then hurried outside.
“Kevin, they’ve found her!” kern spoke from the phone.
“…they’ve found who?” Kevin asked
“…Mirabel, they found her body lying in the park few hours ago. She was tortured to death! I think you should come see this.”
Kevin froze…
Kevin arrived at the pack shortly after he got the call from kern. He left the hospital without informing Mrs. Lena or the police detective. He had made sure not to mention anything about what kern had told him to Mrs. Lena. He was more worried about how she would react to the news.
When he had arrived at the park, he spotted a small crowd that had gathered which sparked the fear in him. He struggled to move past the people that had gathered there. His heart sank when he saw Mirabel lying on her own pool of blood completely naked.
Her face looked hideously disfigured. She had multiple stab wounds on her body and several cuts on her face. Kevin felt his knee grow weak.
It wasn’t supposed to end like this… His lips trembled
His chest was pounding hard and his knee collapsed onto the hard floor. He found himself kneeling before the little girl in the mist of everyone that had gathered there.
A single line of tears flowed from his eye as he looked down at her little face. Her mouth was frozen in an open scream and her eyes were both closed with dried tears just beneath them.
She must have cried so much that she got tired of crying. From the anguish look on her face, one could easily tell she die a painful death.
Kevin then noticed the red coloration around Mirabel’s neck. It was an inflamed marked caused when the skin surface has been expose to a very hot temperature.
Kevin immediately recognized the red inflammation on Mirabel’s neck to be very similar to the one he had seen on Loretta’s neck right after T-Rex poured the acid into her mouth to burn her throat and prevent her from screaming any further.
He looked over at the little girl again. Every wounds and markings on her body shared some kind of similarities to the wounds T-Rex had inflicted on Loretta.
It definitely T-Rex! He said slowly raising his head.
He folded his finger into Mirabel’s hand. His tears dropped on her cheek. Most of Mirabel’s hairs on her head had been peeled off as a result of something hot pouring on it. Looking over at it, brought back the painful memories of a year ago back to him.
…T-Rex walked over to the table. After he had gently dropped the spoon he’d used to pour the acid into Loretta’s mouth, he picked up a bowl full of burning hot fluid gentle from the burner.
T-Rex looked at Kevin with an ugly smirk over his face “…you want to know what this is? Then observe closely.” He said, holding the hot bowl carefully towards Loretta. He stopped in front of her to watch her grumble in pains
from the acid he’d given her to swallow. Blood spilled over her lips as she sobbed. T-Rex could see her tongue. It’d been burnt off completely. Loretta kept coughing out blood from her mouth.
T-Rex then gently raised the bowl over her head and then spills its content over her head. Loretta trembled terribly in pains as hot boiling oil rain down on her. The oil gave off a vaporizing sound as it touched her hairs on her head burning them off. Her hairs began to shrink from the hot oil that poured over her head.
Loretta’s eye bulged out in pains. She opened her mouth wide as thou she’d wanted to scream but not a sound came out. Only bubbles of blood formed within her throat. Her voice box had far been completely damaged. T-Rex looked over at her with a satisfied smile as he watched her suffer in pains.
The oil flowed down her head and was now burning of her skin. Some of her hairs were burning off and dropping on the floor. Blood roll from her forehead.
T-Rex grabbed the remaining portion of hair that had not been damaged by the boiling oil, and then he pulled it out forcefully dragging off her skin along with it. The top skin layer of her head had become so soft from being burnt by the oil. The upper layer of her head was totally exposed, he could see her milky white skull that had been cover with blood.
Her head vibrated from the pain she was feeling inside. Her left eye had been blinded by the hot oil which rolled down her face. Her face was completely covered in her blood. Loretta looked over at Kevin with a wicked grin wrapped around his face.
For a moment, Kevin sat to watch what had become of the girl he had once fallen in love with. He had fallen in love with her beauty. He had fallen in love with her cute smile. He had fallen in love with her soft voice, but all those things where gone now. She now looked hideous.
“Imagine the pains she feels right now…” T-Rex grinned “…imagine not being able to express all that pains.”
T-Rex began to laugh loudly with so much excitement. “Isn’t this beautiful?” he cheered.
Loretta began to fade away slowly. Her eyes were closing slowly. T-Rex quickly rushed to her and cupped his fingers over her jaw, taping her cheek gently. “No! No! No! No!! No!!!” He kept tapping her gently on her chin repeatedly as if trying to wake her up from her sleep. “You can’t die just yet.” T-Rex sounded worried. Then she opened her eyes again weakly.
T-Rex then let out a loud sigh of relief “…for a second there I thought you had die out on me. Phew, don’t ever scare me like that again.” He joked.
T-Rex suddenly turned to look at Kevin, “…have you ever wondered what her heart looks like? Have you tried to imagine how it would feel if you hold it up in your hands.” Tears dropped from Kevin’s jaw and then spilled on the chair which he sat.
“…believe me, am dying to know how her heart looks like when you tear her chest open.” T-Rex said, walking over to the table. He gently placed the bowl on the table. Then he picked up the scalpel from the table. He walked to Loretta with a wicked grin on his face. Standing over her with the scalpel on his hands, he pierced it gently right through her chest. Loretta let out a soft gasp as it penetrated.
T-Rex dragged it down slowly tearing through her stomach. He pushed his hand right through her chest gently reaching for her heart. He finally found her heart, and then he held it in his hands. T-Rex was puzzled when he didn’t feel any heartbeat. He then looked over her face. He was utterly disappointed when he saw her eyes were closed. T-Rex gave her a gently slap on her chin, she felt lifeless. She was already dead! T-Rex was totally frustrated. He then forcefully dragged her heart out through her chest. Then he left it to hang from her chest. Blood spilled from her chest.
Kevin just sat there staring straight at her body. Little tears flowed down his eyes. He looked totally broken. His eyes were red.
T-Rex then took off the gag that had been covering his mouth. Kevin then looked up at him.
“T-Rex…” Kevin called out gently sounding almost lifeless.
“please… kill me. I beg you.” he begged.
T-Rex lean in close to him and said in a whisper “I can’t do that... I made a promise to your mum not to kill you… until you finally turn eighteen.”
“…you knew my mum?” wrinkles appeared on his face.
T-Rex brought his lips to his ear. “I killed your mum… just as I killed your dad… and your brother too. I killed them all.”
Kevin felt his throat burn. Then he swallowed hard.
“What do you want from me?”
“…to see you suffer.” T-Rex whispered softly into his ears. “Everyone you love dies”
Then T-Rex stood up and head for the door then he stopped.
“You are seventeen now, a year from now you’ll turn eighteen. You know what this mean, right? Be ready when I return.”
Light penetrated the room as he opened the door, then Kevin heard the door closed. T-Rex was gone, leaving him still tied up to the chair to stare at Loretta’s remains.
Kevin’s head dropped…that was the last time he saw T-Rex.
Be ready when I return…
Those were the last words T-Rex said to him before he had vanished back then. Kevin’s Eighteenth birthday is only a week from now. A week before T-Rex will finally show up and end his life in a sweet torture. The thought of it made him sweat really badly. He didn’t want to die. His knee shook terribly at the thought of it.
He then realized he was still knelling before Mirabel’s body in the mist of the crowd that had gathered round. He noticed the crowd had gotten bigger and he was receiving the most attention from the crowd.
The cops were already present and Alex led them. He quickly got out of the car and was accompanied by the rest of the officers who came with him.
Alex then took out his badge and shouted “police!”
The crowd began to path way for Alex to walk through. He put his badge back in his pocket and then walked up to the body.
When Alex saw her body, he quickly threw his face away. He squeezed his face in disgust. Then he turned again to have one good look at her.
Mirabel’s chest had been torn open and her heart was slightly hanging out. Alex noticed a little paper that lay beside her body. He bent to pick it up.
Kevin didn’t even notice there was a note which had been attached to her. Alex looked over at the note to see what had been written on it…
Everyone you love dies…
It wasn’t a long note, just a four worded sentence that sounded more of a threat than a warning. Kevin immediately knew it was definitely from T-Rex.
Alex noted the slight change on Kevin’s face after he read it. He then held the note up at Kevin “…this mean anything to you?”
For a second there, Kevin was awfully quite. Alex quickly sensed the guilt on Kevin’s face, he then looked upon Kevin with suspicion.
“Kevin, is the something you’re not telling me.”
“I know exactly who did this to her.” Kevin uttered firmly.
Alex became speechless. He didn’t know what else to say. He exhaled deeply. “The masked man?”
“No, it wasn’t the masked man that’d tortured Mirabel. It’s a different guy, he goes by the name T-Rex…” Kevin said looking around at the crowd as they stare at them.
“can we talk somewhere private, maybe your office? I will explain everything to you. T-Rex, the man on mask and why he tortures his victims to death… the truth is, he is after me too and a week from now I will also end up dead like her, unless you catch this guy.” Kevin was breathing fast as he spoke.
Alex stood there looking over him as if trying to dictate a lie out of what he had said. Alex reached for his pocket and then took out a card, then handed it to him.
“Call me when you are coming. My address is at the back”
Suddenly they all heard a loud painful scream coming from a woman standing behind the crowd. Kevin quickly recognized the voice.
Mrs. Lena. His eyes widened.
Lena ran through the crowd that had gathered until she m
ade her way to the front. Kevin quickly stooped her from looking over at Mirabel.
“Lena don’t…you don’t want to see this.” Kevin said restraining her from going any further.
But Lena kept pushing. “let me go!” she cried. “My daughter …I need to see my daughter!!” she cried.
She slipped through his tight grip and then, she ran to where Mirabel disfigured little body lay. Lena gasped at the sight of her daughter lying dead on the floor. She raised her hands to cover her mouth, she then began to whimper.
“What have they done to my little girl?” she let out a shrill cry.
Kevin walked over to her, frustrated “Mrs. Lena…” he called out trying to help her up. “I’m sorry for what had had happened but you really should not have seen this.”
Lena suddenly collapsed in Kevin’s hands. Kevin quickly grabbed hold of her before she hits the floor. “Mrs. Lena… Mrs. Lena…” Kevin kept shaking her but she was unconscious.
“Quick! Get her into the car!” Alex ranted.
Some officers came along and carried Lena into the car. They wrapped Mirabel’s body in a plastic bag and then carried her to the car boot.
Kevin quickly cautioned them against it. “Put her at the back–along with her mum.” Kevin said angrily “we can’t just treat her like trash simply because she’s from the streets. She deserves to be treated like human too.”
The officers waited with Mirabel’s body suspended in the air in-between them as if waiting for a signal from Alex. When Alex nodded his head in approval, they brought her body to the back seat and then had her seated upright close to her mum.
“I’ll be waiting for your call.” Alex said to Kevin before he got into the vehicle and they drove away.
Kern walked up to him after they had all gone. “What’s your deal with Natasha?” he said “are you trying to get her killed the same manner Loretta was tortured. You’ve seen what T-Rex have done with that little girl. T-Rex tortured that little girl just so he could get to you and he is soon going to do same to Natasha, if you don’t let her go.”
Wet Touch Page 9