Kevin examined the rope she had used to tie herself up to the ceiling.
It was the clinic tube which they had stripped on her arm to supply blood to her. She had used that to commit suicide.
He untied her from the ceiling and gently took her down from the ceiling. Her head fell back freely in an unusual way. That was when he noticed her neck was broken. He laid her gently over the hospital bed.
An unpleasant smile wrapped over her face as she laid there. Kevin felt a twitch on his stomach as the feeling of guilt crept over him as he looked down at her. His chest felt heavy as he ran his hands over her tortured face. His tear dropped on her check.
“Lena why?” he cried squeezing his finger into a tight fist. “…why does it have to end this way?” His voice chocked.
He gently moved the blanket over her to cover her body. He then took one last look at her before he finally rolled the blanket to cover her face. A little paper note dropped from his pocket. He picked it up and then looked over it.
“If you want to know more about the man wearing the mask, meet me under the stone bridge tonight at 9pm.”
It was the little written note he received earlier from an anonymous individual. For a long second, he stood there looking over the note.
There was a fierce battle of words going on over his head which made him contemplate if he should risk going to meet this anonymous person who’d acted suspicious earlier.
Kevin wondered what he was so afraid of that he couldn’t meet him upfront in the broad day light to say what he had to say. He looked over the note again and read it;
If you want to know more about the man wearing the mask, meet me under the stone bridge tonight at 9pm.
Now he was curious to know what this stranger had to say especially if that could help him uncover the true identity of his masked kidnapper.
Kevin pulled out his cell phone and then dials out a number. He listened to the echo of a distant ringing, then there was a soft “Hello?”
“Alex…I’ve got bad news.” He said in a sluggish low tone looking over at Lena’s corpse “…she is dead.”
He heard Alex breath out loudly over the phone.
“…she took her own life.” Kevin continued.
“Where are you now? I will come meet you there.” Alex asked.
“I am still at the hospital…”
“Stay right there with her, I am on my way.” The phone line went dead.
Kevin looked out through the window. The surrounding outside was getting dark. He then looked over the written note in his hands. Then he returned his gaze to Lena’s body. He wasn’t about to listen to Alex. He shoved the note into his pocket.
There is someone out there who knows something about the masked man that we don’t. I am not just going to wait around doing nothing.
He looked over at Lena. He gently placed her hands over her chest to make her look as thou she was fast asleep. Then he said, “Lena, I swear it… I will find who this masked man is …together with T-Rex, I will make them both pay for what they did to Mirabel, -and Loretta.”
Kevin left the room.
Wandering through the stone bridge in the silent dark of the night, made him feel like something –or someone was watching him.
Kevin had both his hands dipped into his pocket of a thick leather jacket to find warmth from the freezing night breeze.
He looked around the bridge. There was no one in sight. Every part of him warned him against coming out here alone but he kept faith assuring himself that nothing bad was going to happen.
Cold mist formed around his nose as he took his breath. Kevin didn’t know what the outcome of this meeting would be and that’s what scared him the most. He then looked over his wrist watch.
Where is he?
A disturbing feeling grew over him.
“…never thought you’d show up.” A husky voice spoke from the shadow startling him where he stood. He quickly turned to see a man standing in the shadow beside one of the pillars holding up the bridge.
“Who are you?” Kevin spoke almost immediately trying hard to look at his face from where he stood. But the stranger kept pushing his face away from the light deep into the shadows like he didn’t want Kevin to see his face.
“Show yourself…” Kevin said with deep curiosity.
The man took a little step forward away from the dark into the light until his face became visible under the light. It was then Kevin realized he was a cop from the way he was dressed in black police uniform.
“…not sure if you’d recognize me but I was in charge of a case you filed about a year ago. You asked that we find the masked man who had kidnapped you and the T-Rex guy who tortured your girlfriend to death.”
Kevin looked over at him as if trying hard to remember. His face suddenly lit with recognition.
“Leonard? -Leonard Narlor?”
Leonard let out a soft smile. “So good of you to remember me…” they quickly exchanged handshakes.
“Of course… I could never have forgotten the one person who had helped me through my moment of darkness after Loretta died …but how did you find me?”
Leonard brought out a card from his pocket “…you handed me your card with an address on it remember? You said if I ever find anything new on the masked man or T-Rex, I should immediately contact you.”
“ohh… that’s right. But we could have meet over at my home or at the park where you’d left me the note rather than here in the dark. Why here and especially this time of the night?”
Leonard came closer to Kevin and brought his voice bit lower “recently, I feel like am been watched or followed by someone or something. Something happened to Murphy last week and now he has disappeared without a trace, nobody knows where the hell he is.”
“Murphy, you mean your old partner.”
Leonard answered with a nod.
“I was beginning to wonder why he wasn’t here with you. What happened to him?”
“Nobody knows… He just suddenly disappeared without a trace.” Leonard said “…the last time we talked, he was gathering information about a secret organization called Beocraft. He said these are group of dangerous killers that comes out at night to meet themselves and have their meeting in a hidden location. Murphy said he was working out a location on where they would be meeting next. But after that day-“
“-he vanished.” Kevin finished his statement.
“Yes…” Leonard said.
“Do you think they murdered him?” Kevin asked.
“We haven’t found a body yet… for now we assume Murphy is still alive and out there.” Leonard said “few days after Murphy disappeared, I went through some of his files and I found out that he had figure the location of this deadly organization, Beocraft. I went out there alone. There in an abandoned warehouse, I saw them all there sitting in circles round a table so late at night. They all had a mask on. From your description on the masked man with the C mark carved out on his mask which you had given to me a year ago, I was able to recognize him from the group. I believe they are all shifters but the more advanced once. There was some kind of drawing on the table which they sat round”
Leonard brought out a sketched work and handed it to Michael. Kevin looked over it. It was a drawing of the two eyes of a wolf.
“That’s exactly what I saw drawn on that table. Maybe it’s some kind of logo or something” Leonard then said “I informed the force about what I had discovered explaining to them that this group might be responsible for Murphy’s disappearance. When I had returned to that very spot the night with the whole police squad hoping I would find them, they were all gone. Its either they knew we were coming and fled before we had arrived or they had changed location for their meetings. Ever since that night, I have always had this gut feeling like I am being watched by someone.”
Kevin then realized that he had also been feeling the same way recently, like someone had been watching him. He started feeling this way aft
er leaving the park this morning. Could it be someone was really watching him?
“I will contact you as soon as I learn more about Beocraft and what they do there. I heard a special task forces threat control unit has been commissioned here in this city for this reason.” Leonard lean in close to Kevin and spoke to him in a whisper “do not trust anybody in this unit! Most of them are shifters and a dedicated member to this dangerous organization, Beocraft.”
The sun had long since faded away and the full moon stood high in the sky pouring its bright light steadily down on the earth. It was midnight.
Kevin sat there at the store right next to the bar where Natasha had been raped. He felt depressed as he sat there in the cold night breeze drinking himself to stupor.
He dropped the sixth bottle of vodka recklessly on the table causing the other empty bottles on the table to rattle. He then signaled to the shop keeper to come. Kevin bellowed out drunkenly at him “another bottle please…”
The shop keeper quickly left to get his order. Kevin sat there trying hard to focus on the empty vodka bottles sitting on the table before him but his vision was blurred under the influence of heavy alcohol. He was sweating profusely and his hands were shaking. The whole world seemed to be spinning before his very eye.
At first he thought he saw a masked figure standing in the dark –watching him. Kevin quickly brushed his fingers across his eyes. He then turned to look in that direction. It was just a tree. He turned around and couldn’t find the masked figure anywhere. He then let out a loud drunken laugh.
I really got to stop drinking… he berated himself.
The shopkeeper soon arrived with his order and then set it down on the table before him. He stood there looking over at Kevin while he brought out his wallet to pay him up.
After the shopkeeper got the money from Kevin he turned to leave but then he stopped mid-way into his shop.
“Hey… ain’t you the guy that was beaten up pretty bad the other day by Shady and his thug gang?” He turned over to look at Kevin.
“…it’s getting pretty late. You really should get going now. Shady’s gang could show up anytime soon and you don’t want to be around when they do.”
“Look…” Kevin replied drunkenly tossing the bottle up at him “-I appreciate you trying to look out for me but you really need to mind your business. Okay?”
The shopkeeper immediately left without a word. Seeing how drunken Kevin was, he knew nothing he says would make any sense to Kevin.
Kevin sat there in the cold of the dark alone in the empty lonely street. Cold wind blew in his direction, brushing against his face. The images of Mirabel’s disfigured body suddenly flashed through his mind. It made him puke. He threw his face away and poured out some of the vodka he had swallowed out from his mouth. Then he took out a towel and then wiped his mouth.
He soon found himself thinking about Mrs. Lena and how he couldn’t save her. A flush of rage suddenly came over him. Veins appeared across his neck as he folded his hands into a tight fist. He swept away all the empty bottles from the table with his arm. He let out a loud angry scream as he turned the table over.
The shopkeeper quickly rushed out calling out to him “hey!!! –are you crazy?” he barked while picking up the bottles from the ground. Then he heard Kevin laughing out drunkenly.
“…it was all my fault!”
Then Kevin suddenly shouted.
“It was all my fault” Kevin repeated this time in a sobbing tone.
“It was all my… fault” he said again this time tears rolling down his eyes.
“…they would still be alive if I didn’t show up in their lives.” Kevin bellowed sounding totally broken.
The shopkeeper just looked at him like he was insane. “Go home dude… you’re totally wasted.”
He picked up the last bottle from the ground and then walked back into the store. Then he locked up the place leaving Kevin alone out in the dark.
Kevin suddenly heard a distant scream echoing through the cold silent night. He quickly looked around to see where it was coming from but there was no one in a distance.
He relaxed and listened. Then he heard the faint scream again this time a bit louder than before. It sounded like someone was in trouble.
He quickly got up and began to run really fast in the direction which he had heard the screaming.
He came upon a familiar group of thugs sexually assaulting a lady. Her dress had been ripped apart until she was left hard naked. They were forcing themselves on her while she kept screaming to the top of her voice.
Kevin quickly recognized them -the very same group that had raped Natasha. A surge of anger suddenly came over him. He folded his fist tightly and then let out a yell that echoed through the silent dark streets.
They all stopped to look at him and when he had gotten their attention he spoke slowly beneath his breath, “let the lady go!”
There was complete silence among the thug. One of them pointed at him, “hey! Ain’t that the guy we were beating up the other night before his friend showed up, shot shady in the leg and then took him away?”
“Yeah… that’s him!” he heard another answered. They all quickly left the lady and started walking up towards him.
She quickly made a run for it leaving all of her things there on the floor.
“Hey man…” another called out to Kevin with a Scornful look on his face. “Where did your friend take Shady huh?”
“Where is our friend Shady?” another yelled out at him.
Kevin just kept looking at their faces after they had all surrounded him.
One of them pushed him roughly. “Look man, you deaf? We’re talking to you, answer up.”
Suddenly one of them clutched his arm “yoo… answer up before we do something really bad to you right now.”
Kevin spoke in a dangerously low voice “…get your hands off me.” he sounded a bit drunk.
He quickly covered his nose with the hand wearing a foul look across his face. “Gross… what have you been drinking?”
“I am not going to ask again...” Kevin said, his voice sounding dangerously low. “…get your hands off me.”
“Or what… you are going to---“ Kevin shut him up with a powerful inhuman blow right across his face that sent him spinning a distance away.”
The rest of them just watched in surprise. He quickly got up from the ground. He groaned in pains as he touched his face with the tip of his finger. He noticed blood on his finger.
Then he turns around to look at the rest of them.
“…y’all just gonna stand there and watch this mother fucker punched me in the face and then do nothing about it.” They all began to charge at Kevin.
One of them picked up a weapon of from the ground and then walked up to Kevin.
“…am so going to enjoy dealing with you.” He said as he swung the weapon right at Kevin but Kevin held it in mid-air, then he crushed it to pieces with his fingers.
His eyes widened. “What the hell!” The thug looked over Kevin in horror. It was then he noticed Kevin’s eyes were deeply colored. He found himself staring into the eye of a beast.
“What the hell are you?” he sounded scared out of his mind.
Kevin’s nails then grew into claws. Kevin clutched his neck and then dug his claws into him. Blood spill from his shoulder. Kevin tore his flesh out. In an instance, he dropped dead on the floor bleeding out through his neck. The rest watched in horror.
Hair began to sprout from Kevin’s skin and his body structure grew bigger then a tail dropped from his back. Kevin then let out a terrifying roar that echoed through the dark streets. At once they all began to move away from Kevin.
One of them staggered backward in fear then he quickly got up. “…am out of here.” He said in a terrified voice. He then began to run away.
Kevin quickly chase after him. He soon caught up with him. With a single thrust, he fell hard on the floor.
grabbed his neck and slowly lifted him off the ground. He hung from Kevin’s hand pleading fearfully in tears while wiggling his legs in the air.
“Please man, let me go -don’t kill me. I am begging you man, please don’t kill me.” His face was stricken with horror as he looked down at Kevin’s beastly face and his terrifying red eyes.
Kevin took a second to look at him, then he snapped his neck and dropped him dead on the floor, then he slowly turned to look at the rest of them. They all trembled back in fear as they stare at his face.
Kevin walked up to them like he wasn’t in a hurry to kill them all. He wanted to hear them beg before he killed them. One of them quickly picked up an iron rod and then charged at him while the rest watched.
Kevin quickly kicked the rod from his hand and then grabbed his neck. He began to struggle to free himself from Kevin’s strong grip but then Kevin squeezed his neck pretty hard.
He let out a chocking sound as his guts spilled out through his neck. Kevin toss him aside and then turned at the remaining two watching in deep horror.
They both remained unmoved at the spot which they stood. Both their legs were trembling as Kevin walked slowly towards them.
His intensions were now clear to them now. He plans to kill them all. Then one of them began to run the opposite direction away from Kevin. Kevin quickly kicked the iron rod lying beside his feet into his arm. He threw it with a powerful force as if it were a spear at him. The rod struck into his back while he was running then it came out through his chest and then pinned into the ground as he fell. His blood pooled around him.
Kevin walked up to him and then pressed his foot on his back as he pull out the rod from him. Then he turned to look at the last guy whom he had punched earlier. He was still on the floor looking up at Kevin in horror. Kevin started walking up to him with the rod in his hand. Blood dripped from the rod as he walked.
The guy on the floor began to crawl away from Kevin. He had a pitiful look across his face.
“Please…” he said in a low begging tone. “…have mercy.”
Wet Touch Page 12