BEAST (A Coyotes of Mayhem MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance)

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BEAST (A Coyotes of Mayhem MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance) Page 3

by Michelle, Aubrey

  He sat down on the edge of the bed and lit up a cigarette. We were in a non-smoking room, but I wasn’t going to be the one to bring that to his attention. It’s not like it would have mattered anyway. I hoped that maybe someone would smell it and come to investigate. Of course, that could backfire on me and get me hurt.

  I spotted a chair over in the corner of the room and slid down into it. I was not about to sit anywhere near the bed because I was afraid the huge tattooed monster would try to rape me. My fear became even worse when I spotted the pistol holstered on his hip. I wondered how he managed to get it onto the boat.


  As the day passed, I felt as if we were in a staring contest. Every time I looked up, he was glaring in my direction. I wanted to talk to him so I could try to come to a realization of what his plans were, but I thought better of it. I figured if he told me too much information, he might realize that I know more than I should and he would have to get rid of me, even if that wasn’t in his original plans. The longer we sat there, one thing became perfectly clear. He was exhausted. He appeared to be physically drained. I was drained as well, but my problem was more on an emotional level. I started forming a plan in my head. If I could hold out until he fell into a deep sleep, I would be able to sneak out and seek help from security.

  It took a couple more hours of sitting there, staring at each other before he finally started to relax. He laid back on the bed, propped up on one arm for a while but eventually he fell asleep. He was a snorer, just as I suspected he would be. It would be impossible for someone with such a thick neck not to snore as he slept. I couldn’t help but watch this behemoth of a man as his neck veins pulsated with each breath in and out. As much as I hated the sound of snoring, it was perfect for my situation. The sounds would provide the perfect backdrop for my escape.

  Wanting to ensure he was sound asleep, I waited for an hour before I put my plan into action. Slowly, I raised myself up out of the chair as I held my breath, cringing when the leather creaked beneath me. I instantly froze in place, but his slumber continued. Step by step, I inched my way toward the door. Taking one last deep breath, I reached down and turned the knob. The clicking sound echoed through the room, causing my captor’s eyes to pop open.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  “Oh, uh, I just thought I heard something in the hall. I was going to check it out to make sure everything was okay.”

  “Bitch, I’m not some big stupid oaf so you can stop treating me like I’m a fucking idiot. What part of nobody goes in or out of this room until we get to Honduras did you not understand? Do I have to do something to make sure you don’t try this shit again?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” I apologized, realizing that I messed up badly. I was completed defeated. All I could do was let myself slide back down into the chair and wait it out. I just hoped that the dumb decision I had just made wouldn’t come back to haunt me later.

  I was staring at the ground as I felt his gaze on me. He was watching every move I made. There was little chance that he was going to risk going back to sleep after I the stunt I just pulled. He would be watching me like a hawk and I knew it. There would be no getting out of the room unless he decided it was going to happen.


  The silence in the room was deafening. After what I had tried, I knew I had to do something to try to get on his good side. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be possible to strike up a conversation with the man. He seemed like he wasn’t going to be much of a talker. At that point, I really didn’t have much to lose.

  “So what’s your name anyway?” I spoke softly.

  “What’s it matter to you?” was his blunt reply.

  “I don’t know. I just figured since we’re going to be in here for a couple of days together, we could at least talk. It would beat sitting here in silence staring at one another until the ship docks.”


  “Beast? Your name is Beast?” Oh, good God, fuck me now. It would be my luck that the guy who’s holding me hostage is named Beast.

  “Yeah, they call me Beast. You got a problem with that?”

  “No, no problem at all. Just an interesting choice for a name. You say they call you Beast. Who are they?”

  “What does that fuckin’ matter to you?” he snapped.

  “No, I…I was just asking,” I quickly explained. Stop pissing him off, Paige! He’s going to kill you.

  “You’re a nosy little shit, aren’t you? Best you don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  “I…never mind,” my growling stomach broke the silence in the room. “Just trying to be friendly, is all.”

  He stared at me for a few moments before he began speaking to me again.

  “My brothers. My club. I’m a member of the Coyotes of Mayhem motorcycle club out of Arizona.”

  “I see,” I wasn’t going to ask any follow-up questions to that. “Are you hungry? I’m starving. I think I read that you can get food delivered right to the room.”

  “What kind of shit are you trying to pull?” he asked, suspicious that I was up to something. In reality, I just wanted to get some food in my stomach and to try to get to him to chill out. Maybe his enormous frame was starving, too. I figured that if I got to know him a little, he might think twice about killing me when this whole thing was over.

  “I’m not trying to pull anything. I swear. I’m not going to say a word. I’ll just order the food and won’t let on that anything out of the ordinary is happening.”

  “Fine, order some grub and make it something I’m going to like. None of that new age shit where it’s like three bites. I’m a man and expect to be fed like one.”

  I called room service and ordered dinner for the two of us. I ordered him a porterhouse steak and loaded baked potato while getting a grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad for myself. I also ordered a six pack of beer and a bottle of wine. I didn’t know what his intentions were, but I figured if he planned to rape me, the wine might numb me.

  The food arrived quickly and he seemed pleased that I had kept my promise. I didn’t intend to try anything else. If his plan was truly to let me go, I didn’t want to do anything that was going to mess that up. I’m not sure when he had eaten last, but he devoured his steak and pounded back beer after beer. I had hoped that not outing him to room service would earn some of his trust and wanted to use the opportunity to find out exactly what was happening.

  “So, what’s your story?”

  “My story? What do you mean? What makes you think I have a story?”

  “Well, something had to happen that lead to all this. I doubt you just decided to take someone hostage on a whim today.”



  “Yeah, something happened. You think I planned on taking a hostage? Do you think I wanted to come on this fucking boat and hold a beautiful girl against her will? Fuck no! I thought I broke into a room that nobody was going to be using. It was so fucking dusty in here that I thought there would be no way they would put a paying customer in here. Fooled the shit out of me. Guess you paid a shitty deal broker or something to get stuck in this shithole of a room.”

  “Actually, I didn’t. The room I reserved was actually a suite above deck. It was supposed to have a balcony so I could have coffee in the morning while I watched the ocean pass by. Thanks for making assumptions, though.”

  “How the fuck did you end up down here in the dungeon then?” he gulped his beer as he rested his dirty boots on top of the dresser.

  “Honestly? I didn’t bring my boarding pass with me. They saw that I had a reservation but couldn’t tell what my reservation was. Regardless of what I told them, they couldn’t risk putting me in a room that was reserved for someone else so they stuck me down here.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the poor girl. For the first time, I was beginning to feel at ease with her. I still felt like I had to watch her and wasn’t sure if I was goi
ng to be able to trust her. She was being open with me, however, although I’m sure much of it had to with the fact that she was scared shitless.

  “Yeah, laugh. It’s real funny. Enough about me. I really want to know what your deal is.”

  “All right, I’ll tell you but it ain’t gonna be very fucking pretty. Like I said, I never wanted none of this shit. The last thing I wanted was for someone to come through that door. I was perfectly fine sleeping my time away until the boat docks. When you came in, I had to act fast and the only thing I could think to do was grab you. The last thing I want to do is lay hands on a woman. That’s not my deal and I’ve fucked up some guys for doing it before. With that said, my freedom is the most important thing to me so don’t try any stupid shit and we’ll be cool.”

  “Your freedom? What do you mean?”

  “Didn’t I tell you not to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong? God damn, you fucking women,” he sighed as he took another swig of beer.

  “I’m not trying to pry. I just want to understand. Maybe I can help you…”

  “Right, a civilian helping an outlaw. That’ll be the day!” he laughed.

  “Seriously. If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine.”

  He stared at me for a few minutes as he polished off another beer and sat it on the nightstand.

  “The fucking pigs. They are tight on my ass and wanna roast me the first chance they get.”

  “I’m sorry, the who?”

  “The cops, lady. The cops are looking for me.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Why are they looking for you?”

  “I’m wanted for murder,” I said. Instantly, the color drained from this girls face and she swallowed hard. “Relax, I didn’t fucking kill nobody. Killing’s not my thing.”

  She was visibly shaking. The murder revelation was obviously a little nerve wracking to her.

  “Look, I told you it wasn’t pretty. If you wanna know my story, you can’t be fucking judging me until you hear the whole thing. I’m an innocent man.”

  “Sorry, hearing the man that’s holding you hostage is being sought after for murder is a little scary to me.”

  I lit a cigarette. “Look, you’re not my fucking hostage. If the cops were to come looking for me, I’m not gonna hold my gun to your head or no shit like that. If I were found, I would go down like a man, not like a bitch hiding behind some skirt. The only thing I’m doing is keeping you to myself until the ship docks, where I plan to get off. I don’t intend to lay my hands on you, but I will if it comes down to that. It’s all up to you.”

  “Yeah, that makes me feel much better,” she rolled her eyes. “I don’t get it. Tell me why you’re fleeing the country over a murder you’re entirely innocent of.”

  “You don’t have to fucking believe me. You’re not my judge and jury. I know what the fuck I’ve done and not done. You asked me a question and I answered it. Your smart ass comments aren’t needed.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I really would like to know your story, though. I won’t make any judgments.”

  “Fine, my club is at odds with another club— Aces of Anarchy. They’ve pulled all kinds of shit since they moved in on our turf. They came in and thought they were going to cut into our businesses and we had to put a stop to it.”

  “What kind of business does your club run?”

  Was this broad serious? She would make a terrible old lady with all the questions she was asking.

  “That kind of shit isn’t important and it’s best for both of us that I don’t get into it. Anyway, I was working as the enforcer for my club and went over to send a message. My message was sent loud and clear. I left their biggest dude lying in a heap on the ground in front of their clubhouse. I fucked him up pretty good, but he was alive when I left. I don’t know what kind of shit they’re trying to pull or what’s going on but that motherfucker was alive when I rode off.”

  “Do you think maybe you messed him up worse than you thought you did? Maybe he was able to get up but took a bad turn later or something.”

  “Look babe, I’ve…”

  “It’s Paige.”


  “My name is not toots. My name is Paige.”

  Is she fucking serious? “Whatever, okay. Look Paige, I’ve been doing this shit for a long time. If I wanted to put that motherfucker in a grave, I would have done it. That’s not what I do though. I’m not a mob man. My job is to put fear in the people that cross my path. People might think that if they cross me, they’ll end up six feet under but it’s not my style. I’ve got too much respect for the human life to take one from somebody. No matter what particular kind of asshole a person may be, they’ve got a momma or a kid or somebody that loves them. It’s not up to me when they meet their maker.”

  “So if you didn’t kill him, what do you think happened? Do you think somebody else from your club finished the job?”

  “Fuck no. You never finish any business you didn’t start, unless your brother’s in trouble. My family knows I can handle my shit. The guys with me were only there for backup. Some of these pussy clubs like to ambush you instead of stepping up like a man. It is what it is. As far as what happened, I have no clue. If I had to make a guess, I would say their president saw him getting a shit hole kicked into him and realized what an embarrassment he was to their club. Once they realized he was a liability, they probably got rid of him themselves.”

  “You guys do that stuff? What kind of world do you live in?”

  “Don’t judge. You don’t know anything about us at all. Like I said, my club doesn't do shit like that. We might throw down when it’s necessary, but we don’t kill.”

  “Sorry, I’m not trying to judge,” she fidgeted in the chair. “How was the guy killed?”

  “That’s the thing. Nobody knows. Usually, when someone in our world kicks it, the news gets out quickly regardless of what color they’re flying. With this guy, there is no information out there at all. Just chatter about the pigs wanting to question me about the murder. No cause of death. No location of death. No information whatsoever.”

  “That’s scary. What are you going to do?”

  “Exactly what I’m doing right now. I’m going to sit in this room until the boat stops in Honduras. When that happens, I’m jumping off and starting a new life. I’ve got some connections that can hook me up with a new identity and a place to stay. My club will send me some cash to get me set up. I’ll have to find some bullshit job that pays under the table in order to support myself. As long as I can fly under the radar, I shouldn’t have any problems.”

  “How long are you going to stay in Honduras? How long will it take until this is forgotten about and you can come back to the United States?”

  “You’re not the brightest, are you? There is no coming back from this. The moment I stepped onto this boat, my life in the United States was over. This won’t be forgotten about. Even if the cops forgot about me, the Aces never would. I’ll be a marked man for the rest of my life. Besides, it would be next to impossible getting back into the United States as a wanted felon.”

  “I would think it would be hard to get on this boat as a wanted felon. I have no clue how you did it. I waited in the security line for two hours. How you got your gun through is beyond me.”

  “It’s because I didn’t go through security.” She had the looks, but no brains.

  “What? How?”

  “That’s not important and you ask too many fucking questions. Why don’t you hand me another beer and we can talk about something else.”

  She gave me a beer and stood up to stretch. It was the first time I got a really good look at her since this all started. She was a fine looking broad. As she had her arms stretched over her head, I couldn’t help but notice her nipples sticking straight out through her shirt. My cock jerked involuntarily. I’d love to have a piece of that ass. It would be the ultimate stress reliever after the couple of days that I’d had.


is chick had so many questions about the club and the motorcycle lifestyle in general. She seemed interested but not in a typical club whore kind of way. She was actually fucking curious about my life. It had been a long time since anyone had actually asked me questions about my life that I had basically forgotten what it was like.

  Sitting there talking with her felt right. It felt comfortable. It was like I was sitting there catching up with an old friend. I thought maybe she was just trying to get on my good said. Or maybe she’s trying to get me to let my guard down so she can attempt another escape. I hoped that she realized I meant what I said when I told her I didn’t intend to hurt her. As long as she didn’t do anything stupid, she would be free to enjoy the rest of her cruise once I was off the boat.


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