Blood Slave

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Blood Slave Page 17

by Syra Bond

  To start with, I felt cleansed - the slop and vomit was washed away and I felt clean again - but soon it felt different; the hose was no longer just something to clean me, it was something to punish me. They shouted at me as they directed the hose to every part of my body. It hurt in my face - filling my mouth and making my eye balls ache. My cheeks seemed to burn as the spray cut into them. On my breasts I felt most of the pain in my nipples - they were so sensitive and tender and the spray of water cut into every sensitive fibre that joined them to my stinging breasts. My hips and stomach just hurt - they felt the force as if it was a blow from a hand. My cunt ached so much it was unbearable. The force of the water opened my labia, spread them apart so that the cold powerful spray forced between them, cutting into the sensitive lining of the inside edges of my cunt, flushing my own moisture away and replacing it with the abrasive astringency of the drenching sea water. I could feel its stinging saltiness in my slit.

  I slumped on my bonds and the lack of tension in my body only made things worse - every drop of water seemed to cause its own centre of pain. Slowly, these different centres merged together and swelled over my entire body. I felt overtaken by pain - consumed by it. It was as though who I was had been stolen and replaced by someone, something else - a being of pure pain. And, as I felt myself being sacrificed to this new being, I felt a new joy surging within me. Each centre of pain was spawning a new centre of joy. I could not deny it or hold it back - I collapsed beneath it, it overtook me, and burned me up. It was an all consuming blaze of fire and the person who had been me was now only the fragile ash it left behind in its wake. I could not tell whether I was standing or lying. I could not tell if I was in a paroxysm of pleasure or a spasm of pain. I could not tell if I was dead or alive - surviving or drowned, me or someone else.

  Now I know I am different. Now I crave the darkness and fear the light. Now I worship only my master.

  Signed in my own hand

  Nomi Tzip

  I took a deep breath. I looked on the back of the page to see if there was more, but there was nothing. Its sudden end was indeed its conclusion. But there was another page in the file.

  Report of Dr Harris, Pacific Heights

  Nomi Tzip. Found on the north shore by lifeguard. Dead on arrival at Pacific Heights. Post mortem showed death caused by drowning. Purification treatment started immediately but needed repeating twice. Transition successful.

  I dropped the file back onto the desk. How could she be dead? How could she be dead and then be treated with some weird ‘purification treatment’? What transition had been successful? How could she have written this report herself? It all seemed ridiculous.

  Through the chinks at the sides of the window blinds, I could see it was beginning to get dark. The door creaked. Suddenly I realised again where I was - I had been mesmerised by the story and had totally forgotten about my own situation. I froze. The door opened slowly. A hand appeared around its edge. I could hardly breathe. I gripped onto the edge of the desk. A woman entered the room. I could see straightaway that it was Nomi Tzip!


  Nomi, naked except for a black silky bra, lunged at me like a wild animal.

  I was too slow to avoid her. She grabbed me by the hair and pulled at it frantically. I screamed in pain and tried to fight her off with my fists. She clambered up onto the desk, her knees wide apart, her eyes blazing like fire, her mouth open and dribbling. Her sharp canine teeth flashed like diamonds. She rocked from side to side like a mantis - getting me in her range, waiting to pounce. Suddenly she stopped, held up her hands with their palms towards me and started raising and lowering her fingers as if exercising them. Her multi coloured fingernails clicked against each other like crickets. I saw her thighs tensing. She screwed up her eyes and leapt at me again.

  She knocked me backwards. I fell onto the floor. She leapt down on top of me, pinning my shoulders to the ground, pressing her naked pink cunt towards my gasping mouth. It was moist along the slit and its edges opened with the tension of her wide stretched thighs. For a moment I found my tongue licking out - trying to reach it, straining to taste its sweetness.

  She moved her hips forward and pressed her cunt firmly against my mouth. It was delicious - fragrant, wet, bitter-sweet. I could not breathe. Desperately I sucked air in through my nostrils. She pressed down harder. I felt her thighs squeezing against the sides of my head. I tried to fight her off, to push her away so that I could get air, but when I raised my hands she knocked them down and pinned them to the floor.

  My eyes were open and I could see the flat of her stomach as she writhed on top of me. I opened my mouth a little and felt myself slurping at her delectable flesh. But still I could not breathe. I felt my teeth against the soft edges of her beautiful crack. I bit into them - as hard as I could.

  Nomi screeched as she pulled back. She knelt above me as I gasped and panted in relief. Her face was filled with anger. She waited for a moment, as if thinking about how to attack, then she dropped her face to my neck and bit into my skin so deeply I shrieked with shock and pain.

  I felt my skin torn by her onslaught. I felt her sucking. I felt her drinking my blood. I felt it running from my veins. I felt a darkness coming over me. I felt cold. I felt my lips freezing. I couldn’t move my face. I listened to her sucking - slurping, gulping blood and spit as she drank from me. I felt my life ebbing away. I gave myself up to her - completely.

  I wasn’t sure if any time passed - whether time meant anything anymore. I was breathing deeply, in time with Nomi. She had bitten me again, on the other side of my neck and on each of my breasts. She had sucked blood from the inside of my thighs - right on the edge of my slit - and she had turned me over and bitten me in the back. Now she had me draped across her knee, my head hanging down, my feet trailing backwards and touching the floor. She was massaging my buttocks. I felt spit and blood dripping onto them from her mouth - it lubricated her stroking, probing hands.

  I saw a chink of light in the corner of my eye, a door opening, a hand, the figure of a woman entering. I was dropped to the ground with a jolting thud. I heard Nomi go down to her knees and snarl. I rolled onto my side. Nurse Roslin stood over Nomi, a cane in each hand. Nomi squatted on her haunches, moving from side to side, trying to work out her attack. Nurse Roslin stood her ground.

  Nomi lurched at Nurse Roslin but I could already see it was a mistake. Nurse Roslin brought a cane down quickly and ferociously. Nomi had no time to defend herself against it. It whipped against her breasts and made her shriek in pain. Nurse Roslin did not stop and brought the other cane down as fiercely. Nomi gripped Nurse Roslin’s legs with her arms but Nurse Roslin kept thrashing her remorselessly with the canes: one slashing cut against her thigh, another against her face, one across her back. It was a fearful sight: Nomi unable to stop the remorseless rain of blows; Nurse Roslin committed to her fierce assault.

  Nurse Roslin managed to kick open the door. I saw a small cage positioned near it in the corridor. It was barely big enough for a person to enter. Nurse Roslin continued beating Nomi, kicking at her as well, as she drove her towards the open door and nearer the cage.

  Nomi could not resist the attack. I reached out hopelessly in a pathetic attempt to offer my help, but I knew there was nothing I could do. I got onto my hands and knees and saw blood dripping onto the floor from the wounds in my neck and breasts. A wave of panic swept through me. I crawled forward, fearful that Nomi’s life was in danger. Even though she had attacked me so viciously, I felt I needed to protect her from Nurse Roslin. I caught hold of Nurse Roslin’s ankle. She tried to kick me off. I dug my nails deep into her skin. She yelped and turned towards me. She looked pained, worried, frustrated. Her stare confused me. I didn’t know what to do.

  Suddenly, Caroline appeared - it was as if she had been created from nothing, as if she had emerged from the ether.

  ‘Syra! Quickl
y! Drive her in! Quick as you can!’

  I realised the trap was sprung. I managed to get up and started pushing, kicking, and punching Nurse Roslin, all the time forcing her forward towards the cage. Caroline grabbed Nurse Roslin’s hair, twisted it viciously and pulled her to the ground. She put her arm around Nurse Roslin’s neck and hauled her head into the cage. She released her, quickly got behind her and kicked her inside. I helped all I could and in the end I slammed the cage door closed and dropped the latch. Caroline quickly took hold of a bandage, looped it through the bars in the roof of the cage, wrapped it around Nurse Roslin’s mouth and dragged it up tight to the bars so that Nurse Roslin’s head so that she was tightly gagged and pinioned to the bars. Caroline tied the bandage off and slumped to the floor.

  She grinned broadly.

  ‘At last! Syra! We’ve done it!’ She saw I was holding my neck and that blood was pouring from it. ‘Oh dear! Let me bandage that. We will clean the infection later. Remember - my nursing certificate!’

  She wrapped some of the bandage she had used to secure Nurse Roslin around my bleeding neck. She pulled it tight - I felt throttled by it.

  Nurse Roslin struggled frantically against her bonds. The cage rattled and shook but she could not get free.

  ‘Help me drag her outside, Syra. When it gets light she will be burned by the heat of the sun. Perhaps we should come back and watch? Yes, I’d like to see her scorched.’

  We both struggled to pull the cage along the corridor to the door. All the time Nurse Roslin fought and struggled. Because her hands and feet were not secured she kicked, reached and grabbed through the bars. She pinched my hands with her sharp nails and bruised Caroline’s hands as she kicked ferociously at them. In the end we managed to get the cage outside.

  We went back into the corridor. Caroline slammed the door, took my hand and led me back into the room with the desk. I sat down exhausted in the big chair behind the desk.

  Caroline mopped my forehead with a tissue.

  ‘Oh, sweetie, you are in a state, aren’t you. Too much exercise, I think. That was a real job wasn’t it? She was strong! But, Syra, we’ve captured her! Now we can think of your freedom!’

  I felt a sudden sense of relief - a feeling of safety and freedom. I took her hand.

  ‘Can I really be free?’

  She smiled and ran her hand along the inside of my thighs. I opened my legs to allow her access to my cunt if she wanted it.

  ‘As easy as one, two, three!’ she sang as she pushed her fingertips against the moist edges of my slit.

  Absently, my hands fell again on the pictures scattered over the desk. I rose up on her probing fingers but was still distracted by the images.

  ‘All these pictures,’ I said. ‘What are they about?’

  ‘These pictures?’ she said removing her hand from between my legs and picking up some of them. ‘They’re all about purification. It’s something all patients have to go through. It’s the last stage for most. It won’t apply to you now, of course. But there’s no need to rush to get you out is there? Come on, we’ll go and have a look. It’s on the way.’

  She threw the pictures back down on the desk, took hold of the bandage trailing from my neck and walked me out into the corridor.

  ‘I don’t think we need the wheelchair now, do we?’

  I smiled. I felt a sudden surge of joy - was I truly free?

  We walked together down the long corridor - Caroline holding the bandage as if it were a lead, me following slightly behind - allowing myself to be occasionally tugged, as if I were a dog.

  The door at the corridor’s end opened up to a wide paved square and on the other side of this a huge building that looked like a gymnasium. We crossed the square. It was a warm clear night. The stars were out. I felt exhilarated.

  We entered the gymnasium. It was vast inside. There were dozens of patients being treated.

  ‘We must walk through here anyway. This is the way to the main gates. The main gates, Syra!’

  I felt so excited! The thought of getting out!

  ‘They call this the “immersion room”. I love walking through here. Look at them!’

  Patients were scattered around the huge hall undergoing all manner of different treatments.

  A young blonde haired woman, naked and with her mouth forced wide with a chromium plated dental spreader, was strapped into a reclining chair by the ankles and wrists. A deluge of water was showering down onto her from three powerful spray heads positioned on the hinged arm of a brightly shining metal stand.

  ‘Look at this one, sitting in her chair, enjoying a shower!’ Caroline continued, as she danced mockingly behind the woman and rested her hands on her shoulders. ‘Oh! It’s so cold! I don’t know how she can stand it! Wow, Syra! Sooner her than me don’t you think?’

  The woman’s face was reddened by the freezing cold water, her nipples were hard and prominent, her breasts flushed by the icy torrent.

  ‘It looks as if her treatment has only just started.’ Caroline reached forward into the cold spray and patted the woman’s shoulder. ‘Only a few more hours to go!’ she scoffed as she jumped back rubbing her hand to get it warm again.

  I looked into the helpless woman’s eyes. I felt so pleased I had been spared any more treatment. I was going to be free!

  ‘They’re so lucky don’t you think?’ said Caroline. ‘Having all this attention.’

  At the centre of the massive hall was a large sunken pool. Several women were gathered around its edges. One was being gagged with wide silver tape by an orderly. She was soaking wet and shivering. Her knees had been pulled up to her breasts; her wrists had been tied around them so that she was bound in a tight crouching position.

  ‘It’s so exciting, Syra. Look! They’re going to push her in. Watch her face when she goes over the edge. Look! Syra! Watch her face! It will really make her grimace!

  The tape pulled at the skin of the woman’s face, distorting it and making her eyes look unnaturally wide. She was so frightened her eyeballs looked as if they would pop out of her head.

  The orderly grabbed her by the hair and slapped her across the face. Her cheek reddened and tears filed her bulging eyes. I noticed she had two puncture marks in her neck. They were ringed by angry red and yellow circles - as though they were infected.

  ‘That’s what purification is all about,’ said Caroline, noticing what I was looking at. ‘Cleansing the body of infection; making it ready for the new life. See what I mean about being so lucky! Wow! They think of everything here!’

  The orderly kicked the woman into the pool.

  ‘Crikey! That’s cold!’ exclaimed Caroline excitedly.

  The woman went beneath the surface of the freezing water and rolled onto her front. Her back broke the surface first as she tilted sideways. I saw the side of her face - her nostrils flared, her wide eyes desperate and filled with fear, her body bound and unable to defend itself against the cold overcoming water. The orderly kicked at her and rolled her back again.

  ‘Syra, come on! Come on! Look over here! Look at this!’

  As I turned to look, Caroline was standing right in front of me. She reached out and without a moment’s hesitation pushed me backwards into the pool.

  The water was freezing! It took my breath away. I splashed frantically on the surface. I could hardly move my arms they were so cold. I was barely able to struggle to the side. When I did, I held on in desperation - panting and choking.

  Caroline reached down and grabbed my aching hands.

  ‘That’s the shock! It takes your breath away doesn’t it? It’s great don’t you think?’

  She helped me out and, just as I was getting my knees up on the side, she pushed me back in again.

  I gulped as water filled my mouth. I struggled to breathe in and choked. It burnt my t
hroat. I coughed and felt myself heaving. I couldn’t see anything except the froth of freezing water that surrounded me. The sound of bursting bubbles filled my head. I splashed my arms, hoping to find the edge. I touched it, grabbed it and crawled out again.

  I was gasping uncontrollably as I fell on the side. My heart was thumping. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I couldn’t understand Caroline’s ridiculous flippancy about what she was doing.

  ‘Wow! It’s invigorating don’t you think?’

  I thought I was going to vomit. I tasted the acidic nausea of it in my throat. I just managed to hold it back. My nipples were throbbing with the cold. The pain from them reached right inside my whole body. The flesh of my cunt was tingling with a deep shivering pain.

  Caroline grabbed my arm. It ached with the cold. She hauled me to my feet and pulled me along behind her as she strode off.

  ‘Syra, you are a one! Always getting into trouble. Look! There’s someone having a hot shower. I bet you need one of those after your little trick in the cold pool. Look how she writhes beneath it. It’s really making her squirm! It makes me all hot between my legs to watch her! And, Syra, this way, look! This is my favourite. Right up to her neck! What do you think?’

  We stood in front of a large glass tank filled with yellow dyed water. It was tall, and wide enough only to take the body of a standing person. The top was open. Inside it, a young woman was secured, her wrists tied behind her back with a shiny steel chain, her ankles bound and secured with another chain to a shackle in the base of the tank. With her head tipped back, the water reached to just below her mouth. She gasped in fear as she sought to keep her head back far enough to prevent her mouth sinking below the water level. A tap connected to a pipe hung above the tank. One end of a thin metal bar was secure by a band around the woman’s head; the other end was attached to the tap. If the woman moved her head it caused the tap to open and water dribbled from it into the tank. If she remained still, the tap stayed closed.


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