el-Sisi, Mahmoud, 327
Six-Day War, 18, 119, 242, 246–47
Sobei, Ahmed, 190
Soliman, Mohamed Ibrahim, 301
Solomon, Ben, 90
Soltan, Mohamed, 250, 270, 271, 275, 276, 295–97, 322
Soviet Union, 2, 16, 18
Spence, Matt, 211
Stack, Liam, 45–46
State Department, 43, 49–50, 60, 73, 81–82, 117, 141, 143, 168, 182, 206, 211, 223, 231, 242, 264, 266, 285, 336
Stevens, J. Christopher, 176–77
Sudan, 53, 125
Suez, 199, 309
Suez Canal, 17, 19, 194, 290, 307–8
Suleiman, Omar, 43–45, 50, 52, 60, 95, 138, 229
Sullivan, Jake, 117, 242
Sultan, Essam, 118, 126
Sultan, Farouk, 146–49, 157, 177
Sultan bin Salman, 106
Sunni Islam, 103, 104, 122, 151, 181, 316
Supreme Constitutional Court, 57, 99, 144–46, 157, 165, 166, 169, 177, 178, 180, 181, 186, 217, 263
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), 44, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57, 60, 79, 81, 88, 113, 216, 223, 236
Suzanne’s Laws, 66, 68–69
Syria, 6, 11, 53, 85, 144, 177, 179, 190, 229, 243–44, 285–86, 309, 333
Tahrir, 78
Tahrir Square, 24, 30–31, 35–38, 41–52, 61, 64–65, 76–78, 89, 90, 95, 98, 99, 111, 118, 149, 150, 179, 185, 187, 230, 237, 238, 240, 244, 249, 250, 252, 253, 286, 311, 316, 323, 325, 328, 334
Morsi’s appearance at, 157–59
women assaulted in, 196–98
Talaat, Abeer, 86–88
Taliban, 102
Tallawy, Mervat, 66–67, 69–70, 196
talk shows, 14, 100, 252, 257, 306, 317, 318
Tamarrod, 216–18, 223, 231, 254, 258, 267
Tamim, Suzanne, 21
Tantawi, Mohamed Hussein, 56, 57, 62, 63, 98, 119, 142, 147, 157, 160, 161, 163, 167, 221
el-Tantawy, Abdel Moneim, 112
Tatanaki, Hassan, 11
Tawadros II, Pope, 202, 240, 313
Telhami, Shibley, 304
“Tell Her Father,” 74–75
Tenesa, Abraam, 314
terrorism, 311, 315, 322, 331
Muslim Brotherhood and, 256, 258, 259, 263–64, 332
September 11 attacks, 3, 62, 73, 82, 154–55, 331
Thabet, Mina, 91
Thabet, Suad, 314
Theban Legion, 88, 94
This Is Chaos, 15–16, 231
Thomas, Merna, 76
Tiananmen Square massacre, 276
al-Tilmisani, Omar, 125–26
el-Tohamy, Mohamed Farid, 300–301
Toma, Sally, 39
Trabelsi, Leila, 25
Transparency International, 301
Tripoli, 53, 55–56
Trump, Donald J., 209, 291, 304, 331–33, 335, 336
Tunis, 24–29, 176
Tunisia, 6, 11, 25–30, 117, 285, 333, 335
Turkey, 13, 265
Twitter, 32, 37, 81, 90, 99, 189, 191, 204, 256, 323, 324, 336
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 45, 148, 161, 206–8, 218, 221, 225–28, 243, 252, 262, 265, 267, 268, 285, 302, 332, 333, 335
United Nations, 53–54, 68, 69, 161–62, 244, 285, 291, 336
Sisi and, 317–18, 321
United States, 206–14
aid to Egypt from, 3–4, 8, 16–18, 60, 96, 140–43, 148, 266, 280, 322
Egyptian revolution and, 60
and Egypt’s presidential election of 2012, 148–50
Israel and, 8, 17–18, 61–63
Muslim Brotherhood and, 115–18
presidential election of 2008 in, 6
presidential election of 2016 in, 331
van Gogh, Vincent, 16
Verveer, Melanne, 65–66
Walker, Edward, 43
Walsh, Declan, 323
Wall Street Journal, 73
Wasfi, Ahmed, 204
Washington Post, 295, 298
Wassef, Aalam, 38
Watt, James, 213
Weaver, Mary Anne, 115
WikiLeaks, 25, 43
Will, George, 312
Wisner, Frank G., 43–44, 50, 206
women, 64–82, 83, 121, 125, 126, 128, 131, 176, 203, 259
assaults on, 196–98, 318–20
Blue Bra Woman, 78–81, 320
genital mutilation and, 69
modesty and, 72
Salafis and, 105
sex and, 71–73
Sisi and, 319–20
summer marriages and, 72
virginity and, 65, 69–71, 77, 78, 81, 320
World Trade Center:
1993 bombing of, 59, 159
September 11 terrorist attack on, 3, 62, 73, 82, 154–55, 331
World War II, 17
Yaacoub, Ramy, 223–24, 242
Ya’alon, Moshe “Bogie,” 227
Yemen, 8, 53, 285, 286, 301, 309, 333
Yom Kippur War, 120
Youm el-Saba, 192
Youssef, Bassem, 163
Youssef, Ihab, 251
Youssef, Khaled, 15, 231–32
Yousseff, Mohamed Ibrahim, 135–36
zabaleen, 133
el-Zarqa, Bassem, 107
al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 107, 125, 125, 284
Zawiya, 269
Zeid, Mahmoud Abou (Shawkan), 272
el-Zend, Ahmed, 145, 146
Zeyada, Salah, 230
About the Author
David D. Kirkpatrick is an international New York Times correspondent based in London. From 2011 through 2015 he was the Cairo bureau chief. He has also been a reporter for The Wall Street Journal and a contributing editor for New York magazine. This is his first book.
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Into the Hands of the Soldiers: Freedom and Chaos in Egypt and the Middle East Page 45