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Intuition Page 10

by Carol Ericson

  “I’m a little weak.” Hunching her shoulders, she crossed her arms. “I felt Bree’s fear. It’s debilitating. I just wish I could’ve discovered more, gotten closer to her during the actual murder.”

  Matt’s brows shot up. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “It’s not good for me, but it’s good for the victims. That’s how I get a lot of my information, through those sensations when the person is close to death.”

  “Let’s get back to the hotel.” Matt pushed up from the log and extended his hand. He didn’t want to admit to Kylie that her abilities creeped him out. He’d been with people as they took their last breaths, but couldn’t imagine being inside their heads.

  She grabbed his hand, her fingers curling around his. “I’m sorry. That was too much information, wasn’t it?”

  Busted. He had to remember she could read minds. He pulled her against his chest and rested his chin on her head. “You just keep doing what you do best. I can handle the details.”

  She murmured against his shoulder. “I thought you could. I’ve never much shared what goes on when I go into a trance with anyone, except with my mother. Once she left me…”

  Matt hugged her tighter. He’d have to be better about controlling his emotions—not something he’d practiced much.

  “You can share it all with me, Kylie. You can trust me.”

  The underbrush crackled and snapped and Matt and Kylie jumped apart. The four young local men came crashing out of the trees, laughing and pushing at each other. They stumbled to a stop when they saw Matt and Kylie.

  “You still here?”

  Matt slipped his arm around Kylie’s waist. “Just wrapping up.”

  The guy with the buzz cut, Kenny, pointed across the bowl. “Are you parked in the clearing on the north side? We’ll walk with you.”

  Matt gestured toward a few clumps of sleeping bags around the perimeter of the bowl. “I thought you guys spent the night here.”

  Toby laughed. “I still live with my mom. She’d kill me if I spent the night out here.”

  Kenny shrugged. “My parents don’t care, especially since they’re collecting rent money from me, but these guys are a bunch of wussies.”

  The quiet one, Rob, punched Kenny in the gut and the other two piled on him. Kylie caught Matt’s eye and shook her head. She’d obviously never seen a bunch of guys roughhousing, and these four young men, barely out of boyhood, were no different.

  “We’re going to get going.” With his arm still around Kylie, Matt pulled her as he started walking back to the car.

  The locals crashed through the trees behind them and Matt was glad of their company since they’d dispelled the atmosphere around Kylie’s communication with Bree. The guys’ antics and noise had brought him and Kylie back to earth.

  And that’s where they needed to be right now.

  When they got back to the clearing, Kylie beeped her remote and Matt opened the door for her.

  The locals stopped at an older model muscle car and Kenny asked, “Where’s your bitchin’ bike?”

  Matt wedged his hip against Kylie’s car and aimed his flashlight at the group. “How’d you know I rode a motorcycle?”

  Toby’s fair skin flushed. “Ah, we saw you riding it around town.”

  “Drive carefully.” Matt smacked the hood of the car and walked around to the passenger side.

  When he shut the door, Kylie cranked on the engine and turned to him. “So they already noticed you.”

  “They noticed the bike. That’s not unusual.” He hit his knuckle against the window. “Did you see their car? Do you hear their car? They’d notice a bitchin’ bike.”

  “I hope they didn’t notice anything else, like my little trip to the other side.”

  He ran his hand down her denim-clad thigh and squeezed her knee. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got your back.”

  Matt felt like he had to keep reassuring Kylie to get her to trust him. His two rescues had gone a long way toward convincing her. Too bad he’d been deceiving her about…other things.

  She slammed on the brakes and he lurched forward, straining against his seat belt. “What was that all about?”

  “I—I thought I saw an animal in the road.” Her white-knuckled hands gripped the steering wheel.

  “That’s possible out here. Do you want me to take over the driving duties?”

  She blew out a long breath and pinned her shoulders to the back of the seat. “No, I’m good, just a little jumpy still. Matt, do you think Bree’s body could be buried somewhere here in Coral Cove?”

  “Maybe the killer dumped her out to sea.”

  “Wouldn’t her body have washed up along the shoreline?”

  “Not necessarily. Not if he took her out on a boat and weighted down her body. She could be lying at the bottom of the ocean.”

  “It’s hard to make a case without a body.”

  “I’ve done…it’s been done.”

  “Maybe we won’t have to do it this time. Maybe Bree will lead me to her burial place and we’ll find evidence with the body.”

  “We’ll have a lot more to work with once we get our hands on that police report.” The cell phone in his pocket buzzed and he checked the display. “It’s Annie. Maybe some of your telepathic powers are rubbing off on me.”

  He punched the button to answer the call and put it on speakerphone. “Hello, Annie, how was your dinner?”

  “I’m so sorry, Matt. I tried to call you earlier to warn you, but I couldn’t reach you.”

  “I know. I saw the missed calls later. So what’s your story, and you’re on speakerphone because I’m with Kylie Grant.”

  “Oh.” Annie paused and sighed. “Chief Evans and I have been going out here and there, nothing serious. When he called tonight, I really couldn’t get out of it. I made our date after our meeting time, hoping we could take care of business before he arrived. And we did.”

  “Barely, and you gave me a shock.”

  “I’m sure Kylie filled you in on our bathroom chat, didn’t you, Kylie?”

  “I did.”

  “I told her I’d go through with it, and I will.”

  They’d pulled into the hotel parking lot by now and Kylie was poking him in the thigh. She whispered, “What does she owe Evans?”

  “Kylie wants to know what you owe Chief Evans? Are you going to feel like you’re betraying him?”

  Annie snorted. “Kylie wants to know? I see I didn’t convince her in the bathroom.”

  “Not completely, but then she’s a tough nut to crack.”

  Kylie punched him in the arm and he grinned. He liked it when she got physical with him.

  “She’s a nut all right…oh, yeah, we’re on speaker. Hello, Kylie.”

  Kylie snatched the phone out of his hand. “Annie, stop screwing around. This is serious. Can we count on you or not?”

  “That’s why I called Matt. I wanted to explain what I was doing with the chief. What he and I have going on has nothing to do with helping you out, Matt. I have the camera, I took a couple of practice shots and I’m ready to go tomorrow.”

  “Don’t get caught, Annie.”

  “I don’t intend to. Brett…er…the chief has his morning meeting with the mayor at nine o’clock. I can take care of business then.”

  “Thanks.” Matt winked at Kylie. “When you’re ready to drop off the camera, stick it in a manila envelope and run into me at the post office.”

  “Okay. Around lunchtime?”

  “Yeah, if this isn’t all too cloak-and-dagger for you.”

  “I want to help you, Matt, but I don’t want to jeopardize things with the chief either, so the more cloak-and-dagger the better.” She paused. “He’s not ever going to know you have the report, is he?”

  Matt glanced at Kylie. “I don’t see why he should.”

  “Then I’ll see you at the post office around noon tomorrow.”

  Chewing her lip, Kylie ended the call for him. “I hope Chief Evans doesn
’t find out. Aside from the risk to her job, deception is never a great way to start a relationship.”

  The muscle in Matt’s jaw twitched. Usually deception didn’t bode well for a relationship, but some things were better kept to yourself. “I didn’t get the impression Annie was looking for a happily-ever-after with the chief, did you?”

  “I don’t know.” She shoved open her car door. “A lot of women begin every relationship with the hope of a happy ending.”

  Matt sat still for a moment. And Kylie Grant? Was she looking for a happy ending?

  * * *

  KYLIE GRIPPED THE DOORJAMB between the two rooms, hers and Matt’s. Maybe having Mr. Irresistible right next door wasn’t such a great idea…but it sure made her feel safe. Physically safe, that is. All bets were off when it came to her emotional safety.

  “I’ll be fine. We do not need to leave the door open.”

  “I’ll settle for unlocked.”

  “Fine. I’ll leave the door unlocked, but I promise you won’t need to come rushing to my rescue in the middle of the night.”

  In two long strides Matt stood in front of her, taking her breath away with his nearness, his masculine scent, the dark bristles sprinkled across his chin…and the look in his dark eyes. “I won’t mind if I have to.”

  Was he going to kiss her? She wanted him to, but how should she go about signaling that without putting herself out there? Without putting herself at risk?

  He stepped back, a half smile tweaking one side of his mouth. The panic and indecision in her eyes must’ve driven him away. Wouldn’t be the first time she’d had that effect on a man.

  “So call me if you wake up from any nightmares or if you have some kind of epiphany—otherworldly or not.”

  “I already had one epiphany tonight—Bree Harris is somewhere in Coral Cove. Do you believe me?”

  “I believe you, Kylie. Now, get some rest.”

  She snapped the door close between them, and Matt tried the handle. “Just checking.”

  Hooking her fingers behind her back, Kylie stared at the door. What if she left it open just a crack? What if she did have one of her nightmares? Would he come to her bed?

  She spun around and checked the chain on the other door. Nah, she didn’t play those cheap games. She didn’t play any games at all.

  She peered into the mirror, bracing her hands on the vanity. That wasn’t exactly true. She’d lead a guy along for a while and then…bam…shut him down. She couldn’t give any man that one little extra step into her life—that trust bit.

  But having Matt nearby as she’d gone into a trance tonight, trying to communicate with Bree was a huge step. She’d never allowed a man to see her at her most vulnerable. Of course, Matt had already seen her dangling from a landing and dodging a pair of killer lights. What was left?

  The next morning Kylie staggered out of bed after a restless night of undefined dreams. She’d left the connecting door unlocked all night, and Matt hadn’t made one attempt to check up on her.

  Not that she’d needed it.

  Although she’d gotten up a few times for water, kicked off the covers and punched her pillow until she’d flattened it, she hadn’t cried out for help or even fallen out of bed onto the floor.

  She crept to the adjoining door and pressed her ear against it. Silence.

  She glanced at the numbers glowing on the alarm clock and realized it was later than she’d thought. Matt must be out and about already, and they hadn’t made plans for breakfast.

  But they had plans for lunch.

  The hotel phone rang and Kylie jumped. “Hello?”

  “Do you want to join me downstairs for breakfast?”

  Matt’s voice, clear and strong, acted like a splash of cold water to her face.

  “I figured you were up already when I didn’t hear any noises from your room.”

  “Went for a run. I’m down here at the lobby café sitting at a table for two if you want to join me.”

  “I’m almost ready.” Kylie tugged at the long T-shirt that passed as pajamas. “Give me fifteen minutes.”

  “You got it. I’m going to grab a local paper and try not to look like a loser eating alone.”

  As if Matt Conner could ever look like a loser.

  “I’ll be there in a flash to rescue you from loserdom.”

  Kylie whipped off her T-shirt and cranked on the shower. After brushing her teeth, she stepped into the warm spray.

  She’d never been so eager to work on a case and it had everything to do with Matt. Amazing that just two days ago, his presence had irritated her. Amazing how a pair of soulful dark eyes and a hard body could change everything.

  Breathless, Kylie skidded to a stop at the café entrance. She didn’t want Matt to think she was rushing on his account. She tightened her messy ponytail and sighed—not that he couldn’t tell she’d been rushing.

  He spotted her before she could properly catch her breath. A broad grin split his face as he waved her over.

  Her disheveled appearance didn’t seem to faze him…but his appearance did more than faze her. The faded T-shirt tight across his shoulders and the running shorts exposing his muscled thighs made her weak in the knees. The disheveled look suited him just fine.

  He jumped up to pull out the chair across from him. “Sorry for the grunge look. After I ran, I felt like I could eat a side of beef.”

  She wiggled her fingers toward his single cup of coffee. “You didn’t have to wait for me. You could’ve gotten started on your side of beef.”

  “That’s okay.” His glance swept her from messy head to toes shoved in a pair of flip-flops. “You said you were almost ready.”

  Her cheeks warmed. “I was.”

  “Rough night?”

  “You can tell?” She swept her fingers beneath her eyes.

  “Don’t worry. You look as fresh as the morning dew.”

  “Don’t patronize me with clichés. I look like hell.”

  “I heard you popping up and down more times than a jack-in-the-box last night.”

  “Couldn’t sleep, but if you heard me you mustn’t have been doing too much sleeping yourself.”

  “I’m a light sleeper and just wanted to make sure you weren’t having nightmares or more visions.”

  “Just run-of-the-mill insomnia.”

  “Yeah, fueled by a few freaky accidents.” He snapped his fingers. “You’ll never guess who our waiter is.”

  She didn’t have to guess. Toby Reynolds, one of the locals from last night approached their table with a shy smile. “Hi, I didn’t know you were staying at the hotel.”

  “We didn’t know you worked here.”

  “Kenny and I work here. He’s one of the guys from last night, too.”

  Matt flipped open his menu. “That will make it easier for you guys to contact us if you hear anything about Bree Harris.”

  “The professional roadies don’t talk much to us, but we’ll keep our ears open.”

  “You do that.”

  Matt ordered a big breakfast, but Kylie hadn’t just run twenty miles or whatever he did so she stuck to some fruit and cereal.

  “How are you going to develop the film from that document camera?”

  “My laptop.” He dumped some cream in the coffee Toby had refreshed. “I’ll connect to a USB and we’ll be able to read that report this afternoon.”

  “I wonder what’s in there the police don’t want us to see.”

  Matt shrugged. “Just all the evidence they couldn’t use to solve the case. They don’t want someone stepping in and solving it for them. Makes ’em look bad.”

  “I can see that, but the fate of a young woman should be more important than the department’s reputation.”

  Matt’s eyes darkened and narrowed to slits. “You’d think a lot of things would be more important than a department’s reputation.”

  The tension in Matt’s face gave him a hard, uncompromising look. And it reminded Kylie once again that she knew very lit
tle about the man.

  He’d been private as a boy and that hadn’t changed.

  A busboy instead of Toby delivered their food and they ate in silence, Matt probably contemplating that report as much as she was. But for different reasons.

  Kylie wanted to confirm that Bree had visited her mother before she disappeared. Had her mother sensed something? She must have. She’d been delivering that warning to Bree…and maybe just a little bit to her daughter.

  Matt pushed away his empty plate. “I feel almost human. Now all I need is a shower to complete the transformation.”

  “Do you want me to go to the post office with you?”

  “I think I can handle it, but that doesn’t mean you should go wandering around Columbella on your own or the concert grounds.”

  “Which is it, Matt? You either believe my accidents were planned attacks on me or they were just accidents.”

  “I have no idea at this point, but someone did break into your hotel room and warn you off. That’s a fact.”

  “So now you’re saying I’m not safe in my hotel room?”

  “You know what?” He pulled a wad of cash from the nylon belt around his waist and shoved it toward her. “Why don’t you go to the spa or get your nails done in that blue color. Relax.”

  Kylie’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious? You do the heavy lifting and I’m supposed to veg out at a spa?”

  “Kylie.” He covered her hand. “You’ve done enough heavy lifting the past few days. I have selfish reasons. I don’t want you to burn out. We’re going to need your psychic powers down the road.” He thumped his chest. “I feel it here.”

  “Maybe you have a point, but I can use my own money.”

  “Remember, I have the expense account.”

  “You are not putting my massage on the Harris expense account.”

  “No, it’s on me.” He pressed a few bills into her hand. “I’d feel a lot better if you were getting pampered instead of threatened.”

  “Is there any particular reason you want to ditch me for the meeting with Annie?”

  He cocked his head. “Is that what you call leaving you in the capable hands of a masseuse?”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate the gesture.”

  “Then accept it and relax. It will look more natural if I head to the post office myself, less like we’re on the case if I’m alone. Besides, I actually do have to go to the post office…and I do have some business to take care of.”


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