An Angel in the Mail

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An Angel in the Mail Page 16

by Callie Hutton

  “I want everything perfect,” Lucy snapped, as she studied the large room, searching for any imperfection.

  “Miss Lucy, why don’t you take your bath now? I will see everything is taken care of,” the housekeeper soothed.

  “All right, I guess I do need to get dressed.” She took one final look around, and headed to her room.

  “Bella, you better have my bath drawn,” she warned as she stomped up the stairs.

  “Yes, miss.” A soft voice answered from the top of the stairs. “It’s all ready for you.”

  Lucy swept past the maid and entered her room. The bathtub sat in front of the fireplace, with warmed towels, scented soap, and cloths on a small glass table next to it. Lucy dropped the wrapper she had been wearing and stepped into the tub.

  As she relaxed against it, her thoughts wandered to how impressed Nate would be with her party. He’d realize how well she managed a large household, getting everything done, and still look beautiful.

  She’d heard rumors in town that his wife was less than the best housekeeper, even having served eggs for supper more than once. You accomplished everything with an army of servants.

  No matter. When she and Nate were married, she’d see to it that Papa paid for as many servants as she needed.

  Sighing dreamily, she squeezed warm, scented water from the sponge and washed, and imagined a night of dancing in Nate’s strong arms.

  Angel had finally gotten all the children down for the night. She took a quick bath, and dressed for Lucy’s party. Nate had suggested they skip it, but even though she knew Lucy had plans with regard to her husband, she didn’t want to lose the opportunity to wear one of her gowns again, and socialize with adults for an evening. As much as she’d grown to love the children, there were times when she craved a conversation that consisted of more than a few words. Pick that up, do your homework, stop fighting, are you chores done?

  She pulled the pressed, rose silk gown from the closet. When she’d first arrived, she never thought she would get to wear any of her fashionable clothes again. But this gown, made by the top dressmaker in New York City, was exquisite. The bodice was cut low, and off the shoulders, but still modest. The lines were simple, yet elegant. It was fitted to the waist and then flared out with a scalloped edge along the hem. A slim ribbon of velvet circled her small waist, with the ends of a deep rose bow trailing down the front.

  Luckily, she had a front-lacing corset to wear, because she didn’t want her husband to see her until she was completely dressed. After smoothing the gown, and adjusting the shoulders, she piled her freshly washed hair high on her head, allowing a cascade of curls to tumble down her back. Years of observing her lady’s maid fix her hair the same way had paid off.

  She placed a small spray of light pink flowers at the crown of her head. A few ringlets were left to dangle at her temple and ears. Her small diamond earnings sparkled like tiny stars in a moonless night.

  A smile curved her lips as she took out the ivory cameo attached to a black velvet ribbon to wear around her neck. A gift from her father, he’d presented it to her on her thirteenth birthday. With tears in his eyes, he told her it had been a wedding gift he’d given to her mother.

  Reaching for her white lace gloves, Angel caught her reflection in the mirror. She held her skirt out and curtsied. Not bad. She scooped up the rose silk wrap that matched her dress and left the bedroom to join Nate downstairs.

  Nate stood at the bottom of the stairs, leaning carelessly against the wall, arms crossed, as he talked to Mrs. Darby. They’d arranged for her to remain overnight so they could stay at the party as long as they liked. As he finished giving her instructions, soft footsteps caught his attention, and he turned to where Angel made her way down the steps.

  Gazing up, Nate’s mouth immediately dried, and his heart thumped. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman in his life−and she belonged to him. Her creamy white skin, above the bodice of rose silk, looked like fresh milk. As she moved her head, light from the oil lamps cast golden highlights in her dark hair. But the smile on her lips said it all. She looked beautiful and knew it. He couldn’t help thinking she’d done this for him.

  Angel’s gaze made an assessment of his dark suit and vest, with the starched white shirt and black string tie. He’d polished his black boots to a high gloss. At his regard, a glowing blush traveled from her neckline to her glossy curls.

  Damn, we really should skip this party. She broke the spell by fanning herself with one delicate, glove-covered hand. “It’s gotten warm in here this evening.”

  He ran his finger around the inside of his collar, stretching his neck. “I believe you’re right, darlin’.”

  Before he gave in to the temptation to swoop her up and carry her back upstairs, right in front of Mrs. Darby, he took her arm and led her to the door.

  Mrs. Darby grinned as she glanced between the two of them, and wishing them a good night, closed the door. Nate helped Angel into the buggy, and joined her from the other side.

  “You look stunning, Mrs. Hale.” He lifted her hand and kissed it.

  “Why, thank you, kind sir,” she answered, laughing. “You look rather dashing yourself.”

  Glowing lights shattered the darkness from blocks away. Buggy carriages lined up, waiting for their passengers to alight and be handed to waiting footmen. A spark of anticipation shot through Angel. She’d attended numerous parties of this kind, but never thought to see one in Oregon. She could feel the excitement as they awaited their turn.

  Men stood at attention to move the buggies away from the house. One of the servants took Angel’s hand and helped her. Nate quickly alighted and joined his wife. She bit her lip to keep from laughing at the scowl he threw the man. Her husband was jealous of a servant!

  They joined the others and climbed the steps to the elegant house Eli had built over fifteen years ago. Nate told her it was rumored at the time the wealthy man intended to take a new bride, the reason for the house, but he never re-married, and Lucy remained the only woman in his life. The females in town had not abandoned their hopes yet, he’d added. His money, power and connections were exceedingly appealing.

  The white columns gracing the front of the residence were reminiscent of Southern plantation homes. The entrance hall alone was the size of their bedroom. A servant took her wrap, and directed them to the ballroom where an orchestra already played. Lucy, Eli, and an older woman stood in the receiving line. Lucy’s face lit up when she spotted Nate, but it immediately turned into a pout when her gaze slid to Angel.

  Lucy gave him a more than friendly kiss on the lips. “I’m so glad you came tonight.” She whispered something, forcing him to lean toward her, as if they shared an intimate exchange of words.

  Angel smiled wryly, and took Mr. Benson’s outstretched hand.

  “Is this stunning woman your new wife?” Eli spoke to Nate as he bent over Angel’s hand and kissed it.

  “Eli, may I present my wife, Angel.” Nate attempted to remove his arm from Lucy’s grip.

  “You are a lucky one, young man.”

  Angel tugged her hand from his. Mr. Benson seemed like a nice man, but she wondered if he knew what his daughter was up to with Nate.

  Mr. Benson turned to his right. “May I present my sister, Miss Adeline Schaeffer.” He nodded to the older woman standing between him and Lucy.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Both women spoke at the same time, and laughed.

  Finally free from Lucy’s grip, Nate took Angel by the arm, and, nodding politely to the family, moved from the line and toward the ballroom.

  Nate straightened his tie and mumbled out of the side of his mouth. “If he looks at you like that again, I may commit the fatal social error of punching my host in the nose.”

  “He wasn’t looking at me any particular way.” She again
bit her lip. “Now, the look his daughter gave you is something to comment on.”

  “We should’ve stayed home,” he groused.

  “Oh, dear.” Angel stopped and regarded him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She leaned in, drawing him closer. “It seems I’ve forgotten to put my silk drawers on.” She moved away, and smiled at him as she glanced over her shoulder. His mouth opened in surprise, and she laughed softly as she hurried to a group of women from church waving frantically at her.

  Nate had never been so miserable in his life. Not long after Angel made her announcement, she was surrounded by gentlemen of every age in an effort to secure a dance. He could think of nothing but his elegantly dressed wife with no undergarments on under her dress. She moved, danced and talked as if everything were normal. He, on the other hand, was so hard he could barely walk.

  After he’d finally reclaimed Angel by shooting a threatening look at the man who approached her, he tucked her arm in his, and strolled the room. Nate leaned close to her ear. “I think we should leave.”

  “What are you talking about? We’ve only been here an hour.”

  “I still think we should leave. And how in heaven’s name can you forget to put on drawers?”

  Angel burst out laughing, causing a few people in their vicinity to turn and stare. She tapped a finger against her lips. “I don’t really know.” She regarded him thoughtfully. “I guess it simply slipped my mind.”

  Before he could open his mouth, a soft feminine voice purred next to him. “I think it’s time you danced with your hostess, Nate.” Lucy slipped her arm into his, and moved in front of him. Her emerald green gown showed more bosom than was proper. Beneath her red hair, pulled into a tight chignon, a diamond necklace sparkled around her slim neck. Matching earrings dangled from her ear lobes. If it wasn’t for the cold eyes, she would be an exquisite woman. But the hardness in her face detracted from her beauty.

  “Sorry, Lucy, Angel’s not feeling well. I think we must leave.”

  Angel frowned, her mouth agape as Eli Benson joined the group. “Nonsense, the lady looks wonderful.” He bent over her hand and kissed it. “Are you truly not feeling well, Mrs. Hale?”

  “Merely a bit warm, but I feel fine.”

  He turned to Nate. “May I have a dance with your lovely wife?”

  “Sure.” He muttered as Lucy grabbed him, and led him to the dance floor as the orchestra started another waltz. Sighing, he took her in his arms and led them around the room. Distracted, he watched Angel and Eli. He twisted Lucy around so he could measure the distance between his wife and her host. And where, exactly, were the man’s hands?

  “Nate, what are you doing? You’re making me dizzy.”

  “Oh, sorry. I was just, um nothing.”

  “Are you having a good time?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Did you notice how nice everything looks? It took a lot of work to get everything ready.” Lucy frowned as Nate kept looking around the room.

  “What is it you’re looking for?” she snapped.

  He glanced down at her, surprised to find her in his arms. What did she say?

  Now that she had his attention, she prattled on. “You have no idea how difficult staff can be when you’re trying to put together a large party. They have to be told absolutely everything. And if I didn’t keep after them, nothing would have been ready on time.”

  He nodded, glancing sideways, trying hard to spot his wife without Lucy noticing his inattention.

  Lucy blew out a breath, and as soon as the last notes faded away, turned to him. “I’m feeling a bit dizzy, do you mind walking me out to the garden for a breath of fresh air?”

  Across the dance floor, Eli bowed to Angel and kissed her hand. They separated, going in different directions. Angel shook her head no at another gentleman, and took a seat, fanning herself. It seemed safe to leave his drawers-absent wife for a minute. He hoped Lucy wasn’t up to no-good.

  “Isn’t it a beautiful night?” Lucy sighed as they strolled down the stone steps leading to the well-kept garden.

  “Yes, it’s very nice. Listen, Lucy, should I get you a cup of punch?”

  Lucy clamped her lips in a firm line. “No, I merely needed a bit of air. I’ll be fine if you stay with me for a few minutes.” She turned to face him, and rested her head on his chest.

  “Is something wrong?” He kept his arms at his side, and leaned away so he could see her face.

  She stomped her foot. “Oh, everything is wrong.”

  “Maybe I should get your aunt to come out here and stay with you.”

  “No. I don’t want my aunt.” She clasped his forearms and shook him slightly. “I don’t understand how you could marry that woman, when you must have known I was attracted to you, and available.” She stepped closer. “Is it because while I was away you couldn’t control your manly urges?”

  Nate almost swallowed his tongue. “Lucy, that’s no way for a young lady to talk.”

  She ran her tongue around her lips. “I’m not the same young lady as last year, Nate. I had some, well, experiences in Europe.” She trailed her finger in a circle on his chest. “I know all about men’s urges, and women’s as well. I know if you gave me the chance, I would satisfy you.”

  Sweat beaded his forehead. He placed his hands on Lucy’s shoulders and turned her toward the French door leading to the well-lit ballroom.

  She yanked herself away from his grip. “I don’t understand. Make me understand, Nate, please?” She slid her palms up his chest. “I would be so much better for you.”

  Nate pushed her hands down and stepped around her. “Lucy, I am a married man. A happily married man, I may add. This conversation is inappropriate.”

  He softened when her eyes filled with tears. “You’re a very pretty young lady. One day a man will come along who is right for you. But you must understand I’m not that man.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks, as she grabbed his arms once more. “You’re wrong. I could do a lot for you. Papa would give you a business to run, we could have a bigger, better house, private schools for the boys, and anything you want.”

  Nate lowered his head, and shook it, his hands on his hips. “I already have everything I want, and will ever want.” He looked back up at her. “If you can’t understand that, then there’s no reason to continue this discussion.”

  Anger flared in her eyes. “Your stupid wife will be sorry.” She swiped at the tears on her cheek. “You made a serious mistake, Nathan Hale, and when the time comes, you’ll know what I mean.”

  Hurrying past him, she stalked into the house, and left him standing there, wishing like hell he could collect his wife and leave.

  “Nate?” Angel called softly as she came out the French doors. “Lucy just stormed past me into the house. Is everything all right?”

  He pulled her to his side, and kissed her on the temple. “Yes, everything is fine now. Are you having a good time?”

  “Yes, it’s delightful, but what I really want to do is find our buggy and go home.”

  “Darlin’,” Nate said grinning, as he turned her toward the buggies, “you read my mind.” They had only gone a few steps when he added. “Maybe we can find your missing drawers.”

  “They were never missing.” She smirked.

  He turned to her, wide-eyed. “Then, why . . .”

  “To keep your attention all night.”

  He rested his hand on her lower back as he hurried her to the buggy. “A good plan. It worked.”

  The last guest had thanked the Bensons and hurried to their buggy. Servants moved tiredly around the house, cleaning up from the party. Eli wished Lucy a good night and retired to his library to drink a brandy before he retired for the night.

  An hour later
, Lucy lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling and remembering the scene with Nate.

  She wasn’t going to give up; she’d done too much already. That little slut he’d married while her back was turned would not win. No one from a decent background would travel across the country for a husband. There must be something Angel hid, and Lucy had the resources to discover exactly what that something was.

  Punching her pillow, she tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. Finally, she threw the covers off and padded across the thick carpet. Opening the bottom drawer of her chest, she rummaged around and pulled out the bottle of brandy she kept there.

  One of the sophisticated men whose company she’d enjoyed in Paris had taught her many fascinating things, one of them was that a drink or two before bed would help her sleep. Her papa did the same thing, and no one thought much of it, so why shouldn’t she?

  Lucy poured the brandy into the glass sitting on the chest and gulped it. Closing her eyes, she relished the liquid fire sliding down her throat. She opened her eyes and poured more, walking slowly to her bed and sipping. Her nostrils flared at the strong aroma as she waved the glass under her nose. The smell and taste of the brandy brought back wonderful memories of Paris.

  Eternally grateful for her papa agreeing to the lady’s companion Lucy had suggested to him before her trip, she’d had many experiences for which her papa would surely have dragged her home, had he known. Sixty-year-old Miss Hermione Witherspoon took to her room early each night, and slept like the dead.

  Once the woman had settled in, night cap on, covers pulled past her shoulders, Lucy would dress in her newest fashions, sneak past the unconscious woman, order a hackney, and meet one gentleman or another for an evening of fun. She danced, drank, and indulged in encounters with the gentlemen no properly brought-up young lady would. But she was far from home, would never see them again, and wanted some excitement before she settled down with Nate.

  She finished her drink with a scowl. Nate. She would have him. It would simply take time and planning.


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