Chasing Chelsea (NSFW Book 4)

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Chasing Chelsea (NSFW Book 4) Page 13

by C. C. Wood

  While I had several nice dresses that were both short and sexy, I’d ignored them in favor of the black halter neck jumpsuit. The front featured a narrow, plunging neckline that revealed a thin swathe of skin from my collarbones to the base of my sternum. It was sexy without baring too much. But the back…that was a different story.

  There was no back. Other than the dangling straps that I’d tied at the nape of my neck, there was nothing covering me. It was a daring look, one that I hadn’t had the courage to wear before now.

  But Landen’s challenge made me brave.

  I wore no jewelry except the diamond studs my parents bought me when I graduated from college and a few thin silver bangles on my left wrist. I’d also dabbed perfume between my breasts, behind my ears, and on my wrists. It was a subtle scent that never failed to make me feel sexy.

  I’d kept my make-up minimal with the exception of my lipstick. It was a special brand that claimed it would stay put for twelve hours or more and it was a vibrant, deep red, reminiscent of the color worn by women in the 1940’s.

  I glanced at the clock and saw that it was five to seven. I slid my feet into a pair of black peep-toe pumps that revealed my toes were painted the same shade of red as my lips. Then I tossed a few things into a black, beaded clutch that I usually carried when I had a formal event to attend, which was rarely. I also included a few condoms because, as much as I wanted to resist Landen on principle, it was better to be prepared than to have to stop whatever we were doing for an emergency condom run.

  I took one last look in the mirror and ran a hand over my blonde curls. There wasn’t much I could do with my hair unless I wanted to spend an hour blowing it out with a round brush and straightening it with a flat iron. An hour I hadn’t had tonight since I’d gotten off work at five-fifteen.

  I’d barely had time for a shower and to shave my legs as it was.

  A knock came from the living room and I shook my head. I wasn’t going to waste energy trying to figure out how Landen kept bypassing the buzzer at the lobby. I took a deep breath before I turned away from my reflection. I grabbed the black pashmina from the bed and draped it over my arm. Though the days were warm, the evenings could still get chilly.

  Once again, my stomach was jumping with nerves and excitement and I focused on making the short distance between my bedroom and the front door without tripping. I took a moment to steady myself before I put my eye to the peephole and saw Landen standing on the other side, once again dressed in head-to-toe black and looking way too sexy.

  I opened the door and grinned at him, determined not to reveal how nervous I was. Especially since I didn’t know why.

  Okay, so I was in denial. I knew exactly why I was nervous and that was because tonight would probably be the night I had sex with Landen Weber for the first time. Especially considering the way he looked at me when I opened the door.

  His dark blue eyes stared at the top of my head before they locked on my lips. Then his gaze moved down to my shoulders, torso, and legs before returning. When his eyes lifted back to mine, they were heated and appreciative.

  “You look amazing,” he murmured.

  “Thank you. You look handsome too.”

  The corner of his mouth kicked up as I stepped out of my apartment and turned to lock the door behind me.

  “We have a reservation,” he stated, his voice low and rough.

  I glanced over my shoulder at him as I tried to fit the key into my deadbolt. “Excuse me?”

  His eyes were glued to my back when he answered, “I’m reminding myself.”

  The expression on his face was intent and hungry, as though he wanted to take a bite out of me, starting with the curve of my shoulder. My legs felt weak as I locked the deadbolt and turned to face him. I leaned my hips back against my door so that I wouldn’t sway.

  “Why would you need to remind yourself?” I asked.

  He stared at my lips for a long moment. “Because I want to say fuck the reservation, go back into your apartment, and figure out how to get you out of that outfit.”

  I couldn’t suppress the shiver that ran through me at his words and he saw it. Then he grinned. “But I think I can multi-task. I’ll figure it out while we eat and take action later.”

  Yep, the condoms currently burning a hole in my bag were an excellent idea.

  He reached out, took my hand, and tugged me away from the door. “And you’ll definitely need fuel for later.”

  I stumbled on my heels at his words but quickly righted myself and shot him a hard glance. “You’re taking a lot for granted.” Never mind that I’d been the one pushing to have sex before now. The fact that he was behaving in a high-handed fashion again made me want to push back. It was just my nature. Even if I wanted to do whatever he told me to, I wouldn’t without some sort of fight. That facet of my character had driven my mother insane during my childhood and teenage years.

  As he pulled me to a stop in front of the elevator, he reached out and tapped the button before he looked over at me. Then he used his hold on my hand to pull me against his side and he kissed me.

  It was quick and rough, ending with a nip of his teeth on my bottom lip. I was breathing hard when he finally lifted his head and looked down at me.

  There was no smirk on his face, only complete seriousness, when he said, “If you want me, you can have me. If you’re not ready, I still want you to sleep in my bed. Even if that’s all we do.”

  There was nothing I could say to that because I did want him. Badly. Though I seriously doubted we could sleep in the same bed without having sex. It would be impossible.

  He must have read my thoughts on my face because he did smile then. “So you do want me,” he stated.

  I stared up at him and knew that I couldn’t hide my thoughts, even if I wanted to, so I didn’t bother to try. And he saw everything because his smile faded. His free hand came up to trace the inside edge of the plunging neckline, skating dangerously close to my breast.

  “I wouldn’t take anything for granted, not when it comes to you,” he murmured. “I told you, I’ll take what I can get, whatever you want to give me.”

  And just like that, the fight went out of me. I wanted everything he was offering me—the romantic dinner, the sex, and sleeping in his bed tonight. It was my decision. He would never be the kind of man who asked politely when he wanted something, but he wouldn’t hold a grudge when I pushed back and said no, either.

  In fact, I was becoming more and more certain that he enjoyed it more when I smarted off and asserted my independence.

  The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Instead of using his hold on my hand to pull me inside with him, Landen released my fingers and placed his palm at the base of my spine.

  Without another word, I stepped into the elevator with him and leaned into his side as we descended.

  Something had shifted between us in those few moments, but I wouldn’t understand what it was until much later.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Landen told me he was taking me somewhere nice for dinner. I mean, it had a dress code so it obviously wouldn’t be a chain restaurant. But I’d underestimated his intentions. By far.

  I’d been here for Lucy and Chris’ wedding just a few short weeks ago and I knew exactly what the menu looked like in the restaurant and how much it cost. I’d wanted to try it but my bank account wouldn’t allow it.

  When Landen turned into the drive, I’d held my breath. The fact that he was bringing me here told me a lot about his intentions. He wanted tonight to be special. No, he wanted it to be spectacular.

  He pulled to a stop in front of the building and a valet opened my door to help me out of the car. When Landen came around the vehicle, he once again placed his hand on my lower back as he took the ticket from the valet.

  Rosewood Mansion was not what I expected when he said he was taking me somewhere nice. This was beyond nice. This was a different level. I was also nervous as hell. Other than attending Chris and Lucy’s wed
ding, I had never been anywhere like this.

  My stomach twisted with nerves, but not the sexy kind. No, these were nasty, biting nerves that were accompanied by a tiny voice in the back of my mind telling me that I was not good enough for a place like this. That I didn’t belong here.

  I tried to ignore the tension ensnaring my body and focus on enjoying the atmosphere and the firm pressure of Landen’s hand on my back, but I still felt uncomfortable and out of my league. My foot skidded a bit on the floor and Landen reached out to steady me. My face heated and I glanced around furtively to see if anyone saw my awkward moment. Though I didn’t see anyone looking our way, my body burned as it did when I had to speak in public. Something I avoided at all costs.

  A few minutes later, Landen and I were seated at a corner table. The walls were paneled dark wood and the large fireplace burned merrily. A candle burned next to a beautiful, small centerpiece. All I could think is that I was going to knock that sucker over and set the entire table on fire. Maybe even burn down the mansion itself with my sudden clumsiness.

  Afraid to move, I folded my hands in my lap and looked across the table at Landen. He was studying me with intensity, as though he could see every thought in my brain.

  He leaned forward and opened his mouth to speak, but our server approached.

  “Good evening, I’m Todd.”

  Before Todd could continue or I could respond, Landen turned to him. “Please give us a few minutes.”

  Todd merely nodded and walked away, his expression still pleasant.

  “Landen,” I whispered, leaning forward. “That was rude.”

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I leaned back then, my back rigid. “Nothing.”

  His eyes drifted down to my bared shoulders then up to my face. “Your body is stiff and you haven’t said a single word since we came inside. Something is bothering you.”


  He reached out and took my hand, his fingers gentle and coaxing rather than demanding as his words had been. “Please tell me.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath, unsure of what to say. I didn’t want to admit that I was uncomfortable because it was clear he went to a lot of trouble and he wanted tonight to be special.

  “Chelsea,” he murmured, but it wasn’t a command. He genuinely wanted to know.

  “I just feel…a little out of place here. I haven’t been to a restaurant like this before and I don’t want to embarrass myself or you.”

  Without hesitation, he offered, “We can leave if you want. I brought you here because I thought you might like to try it but I want you to enjoy yourself.”

  I took a deep breath and shook my head. “No, I want to stay. I wanted to come back after Lucy’s wedding, but…” I trailed off, not wanting to admit that I couldn’t justify spending a couple hundred dollars on a dinner that I would eat by myself.

  He squeezed my hand gently. “Honestly, I’ve only ever been here for business events. I thought it would be nice to share a meal here with you without the pressure.”

  I nearly laughed but settled for a smile. “Then we’ll have dinner.”

  “And I promise they won’t throw you out if you don’t use the correct fork or something ridiculous like that.”

  This time I did laugh, but softly. There was a low hum of conversation in the room and the occasional clink of cutlery but overall, the restaurant was quiet and very romantic.

  “I feel a little silly now,” I admitted.

  He shook his head. “I don’t think you’re silly at all.”

  Todd returned a moment later and Landen released my hand. My shoulders relaxed and I took another deep breath, determined to make the most of this evening with him. If I committed a faux pas, I knew he wouldn’t judge me.

  The night would be special whether we were here or at a fast food joint because I was with Landen. That’s all that mattered.

  A couple of hours later, I was feeling pleasantly buzzed and more than pleasantly full of delicious food. Landen had asked me if I would allow him to order for both of us and I’d been more than willing. So we’d had the chef’s tasting menu and when Todd suggested some of the enhancements they offered, Landen agreed to the wine pairing. He only took a few sips of each since he was driving, but I had no such issue and consumed the delectable food with even better wine.

  After my initial internal freak-out, I discovered that I wasn’t actually uncomfortable at all. Our table was in the corner and felt secluded even though it wasn’t. No one seemed to pay any attention to us and, after a little while, I stopped expecting someone to come over to our table and tell me to leave since I so obviously didn’t belong there.

  Now, I was in the passenger seat of Landen’s SUV. I leaned back and looked out the window, enjoying the smooth leather beneath my bare back and the soft murmur of music from the speakers.

  I was mildly tipsy and it took me a few minutes to realize that he wasn’t taking me home. In fact, we were heading into an area I wasn’t familiar with, but the homes were large and sat on sizeable, well-manicured lots.

  I twisted my head to look at him. “Where are we going?”

  Landen glanced at me and the corner of his mouth lifted. “My house, remember?”

  Anticipation zinged through my bloodstream. I shifted in the seat because my skin suddenly felt hot and too small to contain my body.

  He looked toward me again. “Are you okay with that?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I murmured, turning my head to look at him in the dim interior. “I’m more than okay with that.”

  His lips curved once again but the look he gave me was scorching hot. “Good. I wasn’t sure after that text you sent me.”

  I grinned. “Or maybe this was exactly what I wanted when I did.”

  His brows lifted. “I think I underestimated you.”

  I laughed and leaned back in the seat. “I’m used to being underestimated. That’s how I usually end up with the advantage.”

  He chuckled, unperturbed by my admission. “I pity anyone who crosses you.”

  The drive was shorter than I thought it would be and soon Landen was turning the car into his driveway. I focused on breathing as his house came into view. It was larger than I expected but not huge. The lot was spacious and there were trees throughout the landscaping, giving the illusion of privacy though he did have neighbors on both sides. The drive curved behind the house and he pressed a button above the rearview mirror. As he followed the sharp turn in the driveway, I saw that the door was sliding up to reveal a three-car garage. Two spaces were empty and a sleek, dark grey sports car took up the third. As Landen pulled in next to it, I realized it was a Jaguar coupe and it was sexy as hell.

  “Nice car,” I said, tilting my chin toward it.

  Landen grinned. “Thanks. I’ll take you for a ride tomorrow.”

  I hoped he was taking me for a ride tonight, though the car wouldn’t have anything to do with it. But I kept this thought to myself because the reality of the situation was crashing down on me.

  Just a few short weeks ago, I thought Landen Weber was hot but a gigantic pain in my ass. He seemed to relish driving me crazy when he came into the office.

  Now my fingertips were itching with the desire to rip his clothes off. And I liked spending time with him. That was the surprising part. I’d always found him sexy, but I hadn’t always enjoyed his company. I wouldn’t have believed it was possible.

  I would have been wrong in that belief.

  I was never more alive than when I was verbally sparring with Landen and he made me laugh. He could also be thoughtful, which surprised me even more than his wicked sense of humor.

  My door opened, startling me out of my thoughts. I hadn’t even noticed when Landen got out of the SUV and walked around the hood. I put my hand in his and stepped out of the vehicle. After he shut the door, he backed me against it, his eyes intent upon my face.

  “What’s going through your head right now?” he asked.

; Shit. I liked that. He asked me what he wanted to know, no games, no pretense. Just honesty.

  So I returned the favor. “I was thinking that you’re full of surprises.”

  My answer seemed to mystify him. He stared down at me for a long moment. “Why were you thinking that?”

  My brain was finally catching up with my body in registering how attractive I found Landen Weber. I stepped into him, our bodies brushing together. “Up until a few weeks ago, I wasn’t sure I liked you very much.” I nearly winced at the bluntness of my words, but Landen leaned into me and I saw the smirk on his lips. He wasn’t offended, so I continued, “But I’ve discovered some new things about you and I like what I’m learning.”

  His hand released mine and lifted to cup my bare shoulder, his palm slipping across my back. His other hand joined in and soon he had both palms pressed against my spine, pulling me closer until our bodies were no longer brushing but were plastered together.

  “That’s good,” he murmured, his lips skimming mine in that way that I both loved and hated. It felt good but always left me wanting more. “Because I like nearly everything about you.”

  Though I wanted to kiss him again, deeper and harder, I asked, “Nearly everything?”

  Our faces were close, only a few inches apart, so I saw the smile curve his mouth and light his eyes. It was a good look. “Well, nobody’s perfect.”

  I laughed and shoved him back lightly. The sexual tension was still there, simmering but not overwhelming. Landen released me and took my hand in his. “So, are you gonna give me a tour of your house?” I asked.


  He led me to the interior door and hit the button to close the garage. Then he pressed a series of buttons above the knob and I heard the lock click as it opened.

  I took in the laundry room-slash-mudroom as we walked through, noting that it was clean and bright, no lint bunnies lurking in the corners like I had in my laundry area at home.

  When he pulled me into the kitchen, I nearly gawked. It was gorgeous, huge, and I knew during the daytime it would have amazing natural light from the large windows above the sink and that surrounded the breakfast nook.


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