Barefoot Chaos (The Beach Squad Series Book 3)

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Barefoot Chaos (The Beach Squad Series Book 3) Page 11

by Marika Ray

  "What's this?" Hessa asked when she picked it up and flipped through the first few pages.

  "That is what you take your principal. Kai told me what happened with your student in the hospital today. You'll want to make sure your principal, and your school district lawyers, have those papers. I've officially opened a case, looking for whomever is organizing this online dare game. It's clear this isn't associated with your Care Dare program, which is also stated in those papers. Lastly, you'll see a highlighted entry toward the back which shows a dare going out to a GMartnz user name two days ago. The dare was to jump a motorcycle over a parked car. We're pretty sure that matches up with what happened to your student, Gabe Martinez."

  Hessa gasped, flipping through to the page he referenced. "So he was dared. But not because of my program." She jumped up and went around the table. Her arms flew around Jack's neck, squeezing him in a hug he didn't seem to mind being in. Her breasts were practically in his face. I was about to jump up and break up the lovefest when Jack swiveled his head to me through the boob buffet and winked. What a bastard.

  "Wow, it's getting late. It's a shame you have to go, Jack." I was breaking this up. Now.

  Hessa pulled back and almost bumped right into me, not realizing I'd moved behind her, a half second away from prying her off the handsome detective. She squeaked when I put my arm around her waist, hand on her stomach, and pulled her into me.

  Jack, the asshole, got up slowly, cocky smirk in place. "It's been a pleasure, Hessa. I'll be sure to swing by with more news as it comes in."

  "I'm sure an email will suffice, Detective Ramirez." My clipped words were only making his smirk grow into a full-out grin. A guy could only be expected to take so much, right?

  "Don't be rude, Kai." Hessa was smiling at Jack like he was the best thing she'd seen all night. "In fact, I was going to offer myself up."

  "What??" Jack and I both yelped at the same time.

  She looked confused at our outburst. "You know, like maybe to lure the guy out of hiding?"

  Jack burst out laughing, which only added to Hessa's confusion.

  "Oh, you're talking about the case?" I clarified, a tsunami of jealousy slinking into the background.

  "Um, yeah, of course I'm talking about the case. Are you guys all right?"

  Jack slapped me on the back, still doubled over with laughter. I just shook my head at him. I wasn't ready to simmer down and join in the fun just yet. Seeing my straight face, he straightened up and bit back his laughter. He gave me a slight nod, like bro-code for 'Got it. I'm done teasing you'.

  "That might work quite well actually as it looks you're in his sights already. Let me think about how that could work safely and I'll give you a call. Sound good?" Jack asked Hessa.

  We shook hands with Jack and showed him out. As soon as the door shut, I grabbed Hessa, spun her around so her back was up against the door, and kissed the hell out of her. I gave her no room to wiggle or breathe. The caveman in me needed to dominate this kiss and remind her of who she was with.

  And damn it all if her little breathy moans didn't start up again. This woman was like gasoline on a fire. One kiss, one moan, and we were ready to combust.

  My hands gripped her hips, knowing she couldn't miss the instant erection that pressed into her belly. Her breasts were like a cushion between us, driving me crazy with each fast breath she took. I plundered with my tongue, my lips plucking assurance from her mouth. She responded in kind, not backing down or evading my ownership. My stomach settled, jealousy leaving altogether.

  I slowed the kiss, embarrassed I'd felt the need to insert myself like that. She was panting as I pressed my forehead to hers, determined to lock away the jealousy for good.

  "What was that for?" Her eyes were closed, still lost in the kiss.

  "Just seemed like you enjoyed Jack a little too much. Wanted to make sure you remembered how good we are together." I wouldn't lie to her, even if it made my ego cringe at the confession.

  Her eyes flew open, horrified. "I did not! I mean, yes, he's good looking, but I don't feel that way about him. At all."

  "I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to that conclusion, but I've come to find out I have a jealous streak. I won't let that happen again. Not cool at all." I shook my head at myself. I'd never reacted that way before, not even with a prior long-term girlfriend.

  "Honestly? The intelligent, modern woman in me says that display wasn't cool, but the girly side of me kinda finds it hot." She looked down, a blush staining her cheeks.

  I smiled at her own confession. "How about I drop the jealousy part and we just focus on the making out part?"

  She barked out a laugh. "Sure, that works for me."

  Before I could resume our newly agreed upon focus, her doorbell rang again, startling us both off the door.

  "You always this busy around here?"

  She looked flustered as she answered, "No, never."

  We heard a woman's voice yell through the thick door. "You know I can hear you out here, right? Let me in, bitches."

  We looked at each other and smiled, both of us saying at the same time, "Bailey".

  Hessa swung open the door to a smiling Bailey, looking as beautiful as ever. I'd only seen her a few times, but every time I saw her I was taken aback by her flamboyant beauty. Didn't mean I appreciated Hessa any less, but everyone I knew wondered why Bailey wasn't modeling, she was that gorgeous.

  When I found my voice, I asked, "Did you just call me a bitch?"

  She gave me the once over before responding. "Don't take it personal. I call everyone that. Even hottie lifeguards. Who am I kidding? Especially hottie lifeguards." Then she spun to Hessa and dragged her into the living room, dismissing my existence entirely.

  I followed them into the living room, not about to be left out of whatever conversation Bailey had in mind. I felt like I needed to be there to support Hessa during Hurricane Bailey.

  "So I heard you got dared to sing in public by some random." Bailey plopped down on the now infamous couch, relaxing back into the cushions like she planned to stay awhile.

  "Yeah, that's right. Jack was actually just here about it." Hessa sat in the chair, leaving me standing behind her, hand on her shoulder.

  "Jack, huh? Too bad I missed him. I could use a little eye candy."

  The two girls chuckled, obviously sharing some joke that only women understood.

  "Let me cut to the chase here, Hessa. I possess certain skills. A set of skills that I think can assist you." She waggled her eyebrows and I was actually afraid for Hessa and myself, and the world in general. "Has Jack made any headway in figuring out who dared you?"

  "Um, no not really. He said he has his tech guy on it but so far, he hasn't pinpointed the originator to the dares." Hessa answered hesitantly, probably wondering how Bailey, a personal shopper at Nordstrom could possibly help in this situation.

  Bailey turned her beady eye to me, then back to Hessa. "I can see your confusion, but let me assure you, there's more to me than this dazzling face and my impeccable fashion taste. The question is: do you want to unleash my skills?"

  The smile on Bailey's face could only be described as sinister even with all its pouty-lipped beauty trying to distract. I couldn't help wondering how my sweet, innocent Hessa got to be friends with this one.

  "I'm both intrigued and scared right now, to be honest. Could you be more specific with what your set of skills entails?" Hessa filled the silence, brave enough to ask what we all wanted to know.

  "I can find people, not always through legal means," she stated matter-of-fact.

  "Okay, cut the cloak and dagger routine, Bailey. How exactly do you find people?" I was trying to get Hessa alone so we could get back to the making out we had agreed upon. I didn't have time for this guessing game.

  "Jeez, Kai. Way to suck the fun right out of this conversation. Didn't you ever see the movie Taken?" She looked at me like I was slow. She deepened her voice, making a seriously pissed off face. "I will
find you. And I will kill you."

  Hessa looked up at me, her eyes wide. "Um...."

  "Okay, seriously, this has been a wasted performance on you guys." Bailey looked all kinds of put out. She jumped up and threw her hands up in the air. "I'm a damn good computer hacker, so if you'd like I'll run through a few things and see if I can find your guy. Just give me names of who's been dared and I'll work backwards."

  It only took a second or two for Hessa to catch up. "That's awesome. I've always wanted to know a computer hacker!" she squealed, jumping up. "Here's the paperwork that Jack left. Maybe take a picture of it so you have the same info to work from?"

  Bailey dazzled us with a brilliant smile, happy now that someone had caught on and was giving her the reaction she was hoping for. She snapped pics of the police report on her phone and hugged Hessa. "Sit tight, Hessa-girl. I'll call you with news soon." A wink in my direction and then she was sashaying to the front door.

  Hessa locked the door behind her and spun around, her jaw on the floor. "She's a hacker! How cool is that?"

  She was adorable. Completely floored that Bailey could be one of those stereotypical anti-social computer hackers. I was more than a little worried that we'd unleashed a crazy person who just might mess up the investigation, but I also figured that was Jack's problem.

  I pulled Hessa back into the living room, pulled her glasses off her face, and wrapped my arms around her. I was done sharing her attention with others tonight. I wanted some alone time: just her and I. Thankfully, she melted right into my body, letting me know she was interested in that plan too.

  Getting her mind off the dare drama was my highest concern. I needed her out of her head, relaxed and tapping into that wild, sensual side of herself that she rarely let out.

  "Will you trust me?" I whispered in her ear.

  She pulled back to look at my face. "That's extremely vague and disconcerting, you know that right?" She smiled at me as she said it, so I knew she just needed some extra data in order to make a decision.

  "I'd like to help you relax, so if you trust me I'd like you to have a seat on the couch. Please."

  She gave me a sly look. "It was the impeccable manners that got me. Just so you know." Then she stepped over and had a seat on one end of the couch.

  I shook my head. I would love, just once, to get her so crazy, she dropped the big words and polite little phrases and just moaned with pleasure. As I walked over to her speaker, I decided that was my mission tonight. I connected my phone to the speaker and put on my Hawaiian meditation playlist, a mix of classic island songs along with guitar and ukulele cover riffs.

  Hessa eyed me as I moved around her room. I could feel the weight of her stare, the anticipation thickening the air as I planned my attack.



  He was just stalking around my living room, turning things on, lighting candles. Like he owned the space. I should have been irked by the intrusion, but I actually thrilled in seeing him comfortable in my personal space. I was, however, getting antsy the longer the silence continued, second-guessing what we were doing here. I was in my scuzzy clothes, hair a mess, no make-up. Heavens to Betsy, I hadn't even shaved today!

  Before I could excuse myself to clean up my appearance, Kai was back at the couch, sitting on the other end. He reached down, grabbed my feet and spun me around so my feet were now laying in his lap and I was laying back against the armrest.


  "Shh. Just lean back and relax." He was speaking low, barely audible over the music coming from my speaker. On the first firm stroke of his thumb in my arch, my eyes fluttered shut and I acquiesced to his request. The music sounded so similar to what he played on the beach the other night, which was quickly becoming my favorite.

  I didn't know where he learned to massage like that, but my feet were the happy recipients, nearly purring from the attention.

  "You have sexy feet, Hessa." My eyes popped open, thinking he had to be joking with me. One look at the heat in his eyes and I knew he meant it. Before I could argue the falseness of his statement, he kept going, his voice rumbling through my chest. "I've seen these feet in sexy black heels I hope to see again, perhaps with less clothing involved. I've seen these feet walk along the beach with me, making footprints together in my favorite place. And the red polish. I like that a lot, Hessa."

  Now, I'd never found feet sexy, but with each passing moment, he was convincing me there might be some element of worthiness to those things attached to the end of my legs. There was no denying the desire I saw in his face, in the way his hands rubbed and squeezed and stroked. Hey, if he liked the red polish and the black heels, I'd be sure to wear both every damn day.

  When his hands traveled up my calves and massaged the back of my knees, I closed my eyes again and enjoyed the shivers running up and down my body. I worried he could feel my goose bumps on my unshaven legs, but if he did, he didn't seem put off by it in the slightest. Those hands kept stroking, higher and higher, finally hitting the hem of my shorts.

  Apparently, that was no barrier either as his thumbs found their way underneath. We both gasped at the contact and his thumbs froze in place.

  My eyes popped open, my head whipped up, and my cheeks turned bright red, all in the space of a nanosecond.

  "No underwear, Ono?" He didn't look horrified, per say. In fact, I'd say his eyes lost all focus and the clench of his jaw matched every other muscle in his body. He looked ready to either pounce or flee. I sent up prayers for the former. I didn't think I could survive the latter.

  I slowly shook my head, unable to look away. If I spoke, I'd break the spell, I was sure of it. And never in my life had I wanted something to happen so badly. Thumbs began to move again and I would have rejoiced, if I'd had any strength left in my body. Those shivers turned into full body jolts starting at my core and extending out to my extremities.

  Somehow Kai was now towering over me, his hands still gripping my thighs, thumbs dancing up and down my slit, making me lose all thought of anything but the feel of his hands touching my most intimate spot.

  I was left unsatisfied and turned on beyond belief as his hands left my thighs and reached up to peel my tank top off. My arms went willingly, but as soon as the cool air hit my skin, I crossed my arms over my body, feeling highly self-conscious. I needed it to be darker. Rolls and wobbly bits and stretch marks were typically overlooked in the darkness. Here was this hot lifeguard, in fantastic physical shape, stroking my body and looking his fill.

  Kai grabbed my wrists and brought his lips to mine. The kiss was sweet and innocent before he kicked it up a notch and invaded my mouth, tongues tangling. He was still attacking my mouth when he pulled my arms away from my body, his torso settling on top of me.

  "Touch me, Ono," he whispered against my lips before diving in for more.

  I didn't need to be told thrice to do something I'd dreamt of doing. I let my hands wander over his shirt, underneath to his warm skin, pushing his shirt up. He broke the kiss to whip the shirt off and throw it to the floor. Then he was back on top of me, kissing the side of my neck. I'd forgotten the luxurious feel of a man's hard body laying skin-to-skin on top of me. The friction of his hard chest against my tender breasts was enough to make me forget about covering myself.

  His kisses traveled lower, and my hands couldn't reach his hard ass any longer. I was about to complain when his mouth closed over one nipple, killing any coherent words from tumbling from my lips. Fire shot from my breast to my core, making me gasp and press my hips up into his torso. I looked down and saw his dark hand full with my white breast, thumb back to sweeping across the tip, mimicking the flicking of his tongue on my other breast.

  I gripped his head, my hands holding him to my breasts, wanting more friction. He complied, flicking faster, sucking harder. Teeth grazed, the pleasure-pain wrenching a moan out of me. Then he released my nipple from his mouth with a loud pop.

  He was breathing hard, his chest heaving, rubbing along
my breasts with each inhale. "So I ask again: do you trust me, Hessa?" His voice was nothing like I'd heard before from him; gravely and restrained, the musical quality nowhere to be found in his need.

  "Yes. Yes, I trust you." I would say or do just about anything right now, which was also a new feeling for me. Sex was usually such a mechanical undertaking, a way to reach a physical release. We still had clothes on and already I felt more connected to Kai than I'd ever felt with past partners.

  "Thank God," Kai breathed. Then he lifted off of me, reaching down to peel my shorts from my legs, baring me completely.

  "Could-- Could we turn the lights off first?" I was back to feeling self-conscious in my body, knowing I was far from the bikini clad young things that I was sure threw themselves at him daily at his job. The Beach Squad was helping me accept my body more than before, but I'd need a lot of work before I pranced around naked any time soon.

  Kai was sitting back on his heels, eyes roaming up and down my body. "Hell no, woman. I want to see every inch of you. Touch every inch. Kiss every inch. Memorize every inch. It's like your body was made for a man's pleasure. And since I'm the one you trust, I intend to take my pleasure. But I also believe in ladies first. You're going to want to see it all too, so the lights stay on."

  I was gobsmacked. Kai wasn't a man to lie, no matter what, so if he said he loved my body, I had to believe he really did. Before I could analyze the situation further, he'd jumped up and started stripping off his shorts. Laces untied, velcro ripped open. Hands pushed down the shorts, dropping them to the floor.

  And I thanked Thomas Edison with every cell in my body.

  Hell yes, the lightbulbs were staying on. I couldn't take my eyes off the most beautiful erection I'd ever had the pleasure of seeing. It was standing tall, a slight curve leading to a head I was sure my mouth needed to feast on. It bobbed slightly as Kai walked his way over to me. I lifted off the armrest and reached out to grab hold.

  Kai pulled back just out of my grasp. "What do you say, Ms. Woodland?"


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