The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

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The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) Page 4

by Andrew Wood

  Mikel watched a while whilst Danton trotted away and turn down a side street, and only when he was completely out of sight did Mikel look at the list in his hand. He browsed down the items, thinking where he needed to go to get each of them, although as he was not from Woodhaven, he was not sure of the best places to shop.

  He ran his fingers through his thick black hair, as he looked around at the buildings in the square wondering where to start. How difficult could it be to do a bit of shopping he thought? He headed towards the first store, running the items he needed through his mind. After just a few minutes inside, he had already managed to clear several of them off the list, as he carried the paper in one hand and a wrapped package under his arm, feeling pleased with himself.

  Danton was having little success in finding anybody willing to part with four horses in one sale. As a result, he had decided to buy them individually from different vendors. Knowing the people he was buying for varied in riding ability, he thought getting one for Maxim would prove to be the most difficult. As it happened, the first one he bought would likely be ideal. He had found a man willing to sell a mare, that despite being older than he would have liked, still looked in fine condition. The main reason however for buying her, was her placid temperament; the mare would never win any races but would suit Maxim perfectly.

  Now he needed to cater for the others. Zack he knew would be an experienced rider, and would probably be able to handle any horse bought for him. Melia would also be best with a more placid horse and nothing to big, and Mikel was strong enough to handle most creatures, but Danton was unsure of his riding abilities.

  As he moved between vendors, with the horses he had bought tied and following behind him, he noticed how many soldiers were on duty. Maxim, burning the guard had certainly caused a stir. He had just mentioned in passing to the last man he had bought a horse from, as to why there were so many guards. He was told that apparently a crazed magician was on the loose. Apparently this same mad man was so dangerous, the Mayor of Woodhaven had asked for reinforcements from neighbouring towns. "They say the very hairs on his head are flames," the man had said. Danton had just played along and had tried to look as shocked as he could, without laughing at the stupidity of some people.

  Back in the cottage set in the forest, Zack and Maxim were still sat at the table. Having run through the alphabet endless times, and copying out the letters on to pieces of paper they had decided on a short break. Melia had made them all a nice hot drink, which was something else Maxim had never tried before. It was a drink made from some ground beans. He savoured the aroma coming from his cup, before sipping from his cup. Zack chuckled as he watched his new friend pull a face, as he tasted coffee for the first time, "Perhaps you might like a little sugar and cream," Melia suggested. Maxim nodded, the drink had smelled so aromatic, but the taste was quite bitter.

  Maxim smiled approvingly, taking another sip from his cup. His life had been turned on its head, and he felt as happy as he had ever been. He was clean, had nice clothes and a full belly, but more importantly, for the first time in his life he had people who he felt he could call friends. Zack especially had been so kind to him, not only giving him the outfit he was wearing, standing up for him, but showing so much patience in teaching him to read and write. Suddenly the peacefulness of the room was broken, as a thumping sounded at the outer door.

  Chapter 4.

  Melia immediately darted across the room towards the small window. She peered outside, "Soldiers!" She whispered, "About a dozen of them." The banging on the door sounded again, "What could they want?" she added.

  "I think they will be looking for me," Maxim replied, "Quick then, you must hide," Zack said jumping to his feet. Maxim was not sure what to do or where he was supposedly supposed to suddenly disappear too. Had Danton been there he could literally have done so.

  "Open the door, or we'll break it down," a voice shouted from outside. Melia ushered Maxim into the room she slept in, "Quickly, hide under the bed," she said lifting the overhanging blanket for him. In the main room, Zack removed a ring from his pocket and placed it on his finger. He took a deep breath and lifted his head high, as he released the latch on the door.

  Stood before him was a tall, somewhat ugly looking man. With a sword hanging from his side, Zack noticed the badge on his tabard. As a young royal, albeit a lesser one, he was still expected to learn the various insignias and emblems of his country. This man wore the mark of the fallen tree, meaning he was under the command of the Mayor of Woodhaven. All soldiers were ultimately under the control of the crown, although it was commonly known that some sided more with the government, others more loyal to nobles and royalty. Which side this soldier listened too, Zack was uncertain.

  There was no way he, Melia and Maxim could deal with a dozen soldiers. Maybe if their powers were fully evolved they could do so easily, but that was not the case. He was certain if he wanted, he could teleport himself away from danger, he was not however, willing to leave his friends behind. The soldier stared down at him, a brute of a man, that could probably have killed Zack with his bare hands if he so wished.

  "Why did you take so long in answering the door?" the man asked in a deep booming voice. Clearly, this was a voice used to commanding, and getting answers. Zack peered pass the soldier before him, to the others waiting behind. Some had their hands on the hilts of their swords, others stood with arms crossed, but they all looked his direction. "You will have to excuse us. We are not used to having visitors out here in our forest retreat," Zack said, himself using a tone of voice, which he hoped showed his social standing.

  The soldier was clearly unsure of the young man before him, and Zack knew he needed to press his advantage further. "Now Sir," he said, "Perhaps you will explain why you feel the need to batter at my door shouting and yelling?" The man scoffed at the question. "I'll be the one doing the questions boy," he replied regaining any loss of composure he may have shown.

  Melia then moved to the door and stood just a little behind Zack. "I will not tolerate your insolence man," Zack said raising his voice a little. "I am here in my forest retreat to rest. There is no one else here but my carer," he added gesturing to the older girl stood behind him. It was clear the soldier in command did not believe any of it. Zack was only left with one more option, although this was something he did not want to do. His anonymity was needed to protect his family and if word got out the nephew of the king, was hiding away in a forest, in the middle of nowhere, people would question why. If people ever found out he was magical, he knew there were people in government that would use that to see his uncle removed from power.

  "Listen boy," the soldier said, "I have had enough of your talk. Now, we are on official business. We track a killer, and I need to search this house. Obstruct us and I'll have you arrested and flogged for doing so." Zack gulped, the very thought of such a punishment horrified him. He had seen people whipped to within an inch of their lives; their cries and screams were sickening to hear. "You will not enter this house by my order. Moreover, if you threaten the nephew of the king one more time, it shall be you who is in line for a flogging, along with every other man here."

  Zack lifted his hand slowly upwards to make sure the soldiers could see the ring on his finger. Made of gold with a crown engraved on the face, it was only worn by members of the royal family. Now it only remained to see whether the soldier in charge followed the chain of command, or whether his loyalty stopped at his employer. There was another moment's pause, and for a just a second, Zack thought he saw doubt in the soldier's eyes.

  Zack was knocked backwards as the lead soldiers barged him out of the way, as three others quickly followed him in through the door. "Get out of my way you insolent little runt, I'll deal with you in a minute. Search the rooms," he turned to his men walking in behind him. He turned back, "Some of you search around the back and outbuildings," he ordered those men still outside.

  Melia stepped aside, as helpless to stop them as Zack had proven to
be. There was clearly worry on both their faces, which turned into despair as one of the man headed straight for the bedroom. Zack had to try to think quickly, it was clear the soldier did not hold his position in high esteem, either that or he was too stupid to recognise the mark of royalty.

  Realising the main room was devoid of any others, the man in charge turned his attention back to Zack. The others could still be heard clattering around in the other rooms. "Right you little brat, now I'll show you what happens to people who do not do as they're told," he said pulling his dagger from his belt. Melia placed a hand out, "You leave him alone!" she shouted. The man laughed, "Ooh look everyone, the little boy has got himself a girlfriend."

  Melia screamed as the man clamped a vice like grip around her wrist and pulled her aside. Whilst holding her with one hand he slowly moved the point of his dagger towards Zack's throat, "Now firstly I think I'll take that shiny gold ring from that finger of yours."

  "Leave him alone," Melia screeched, one more time,

  however, she was not strong enough to help either herself or Zack.

  Zack backed against a wall, and could go no further as the shining point was pressed against the skin of his neck. "Now I shall not ask again boy," the man snapped throwing Melia aside. With his now free hand the soldier wrapped his fingers around Zack's throat. He moved his head forward and squeezed, as the young royal started making a choking sound as the grip around his neck tightened. Melia screamed out once more, but found herself being grabbed, by one of the other soldiers in the room.

  There was a massive crashing sound come from one of the rooms, and everyone was stunned to silence. "Leave them be," said a voice that boomed. Everybody turned to look towards the bedroom door, or what was left of it hanging from the hinges. "Maxim...No," Melia screamed. "Get him," somebody shouted, "That's the killer," shouted another. The man holding Zack's throat let go and the youngster slumped down to the floor, before Melia quickly scrambled over to make sure he was okay.

  Maxim was not certain what he was doing, nor was he certain what he had just done. When he had been hiding under the bed, one of the soldiers had found him and grabbed his arm. After a few seconds of him trying to push the man away, the entire bed and most of the other furniture had smashed against the wall. He stood up to see the man who had found him crumpled in a heap, as broken as the timbers that had made the bed.

  All the men in the room pulled their swords, as they tried to circle around. If indeed this young red haired boy was as dangerous as the stories had them believe, then they would need to strike him quickly. "Kill him," the man in charge shouted. "His body will be proof enough," he added replacing his dagger and drawing his own sword. Melia closed her eyes whilst the attention of the soldiers was elsewhere. She placed her soft hand over Zack's throat, and could sense no lasting damage, just severe bruising most likely, which she healed away. She opened her eyes to see Zack open his, and they both turned to face the events taking place.

  Maxim stood firm, his eyes were blood red, and he held his hands out at his side, as if waiting to strike. "They'll kill him," Melia shrieked fearing the worst. Maxim spoke again; the voice sounded almost unearthly. "Get out of here!" he said. It was clear a few of them were scared, and rather than encroach nearer to strike him down they backed away. The man in charge however was not so easily put off. "Stand firm, you cowards, he is just using some kind of trick with his voice...Now kill him." It was clear his men were unsure which was worse. Have the wrath of their commander upon them, or risk death at the hands of this flame haired boy with burning eyes. The decision as it proved was simple for a few, as they threw down their swords and headed for the door.

  The soldier in charge screamed after them, calling them cowards. He however was not going to run, and stepped nearer to Maxim with his sword held up, ready to lunge forward. Those fire-like eyes glowed even brighter, as a stream of flame surged forth from Maxim's right hand. The man before him barely had time to scream as he was turned instantly into a burning fireball. Those others, who had not fled the first time, did not hang around long enough to risk the same fate as their commander.

  Zack stood and walked over toward Maxim, "Careful Zack," Melia shouted after him. "He will not harm us," he said glancing back at her worried look. "Somehow I know he will not harm either of us," Zack added as he stood before the boy of fire. Zack held out his arms and wrapped them around Maxims neck, "It's okay my friend," he uttered as he hugged him. "You can relax now," he said amazed at the heat emanating from Maxim's body. As he held his friend, he felt the body relax and cool before slumping down.

  Zack caught him in his arms and slowly lowered him to the wooden floor. "Quickly Melia, find something for him to rest his head upon," he asked. Melia ran into what was left of her bedroom, turning to look where her chest of drawers had been, only to find them smashed to pieces across the other side of the room, beside a dead soldier. "Bloody hell," she uttered under her breath in disbelief. Melia found the spare blanket she was looking for, under a pile of broken timbers, before quickly pulling it free and returning to the main room.

  Zack was still there holding Maxim's head, and she knelt down and placed the folded blanket down, as Zack then lowered his friends head gently down upon it. "Maxim, can you hear me?" he asked. Melia closed her eyes once more and placed a hand on Maxim's forehead, but she could feel no injury to heal, only a strange force flowing through his body. She opened her eyes, to Zack looking at her. "Is he okay?" he asked.

  "I don't know...I have never felt anything like this before...," she said unsure as what to say.

  Danton trotted along the track, with three of the four horses he had managed to purchase. Each was laden with the necessary tack as well as the supplies Mikel had managed to procure. The other horse was now being ridden by Mikel, who had been pleased with the choice Danton had made. A chestnut coloured stallion with a dark mane, he had already named Treader. This name had come about because Mikel had thought it hilariously funny that his new horse had accidently trodden on Danton's foot.

  As they neared the cottage, they pulled to a halt, as several soldiers were fleeing away from their hideaway home. One ran straight past them, "Don't go near there Mister if you got any sense, the boy is a monster..." were the words Danton could make out as the man fled. "Oh Shit!" he uttered under his breath, kicking his heels into his horse. The other horses in tow had no choice but to run behind, as did Mikel on his new mount.

  Danton leapt down from his horse, "Mikel saddle all the horses now!" he shouted as he headed for the door. He stepped inside to see Zack and Melia kneeling down beside Maxim. The young redhead had his eyes closed, and Danton's first thoughts were of the worse kind. He looked over to see one of the bedroom doors hanging limply off its hinges. "Soldiers came and burst their way in," Melia cried. Danton comforted her, and she could no longer withhold the tears that had been building.

  "Come on, tell me what happened later. We need to go. Both of you pack what you can, we leave in five minutes," Danton said firmly. Despite the remark sounding much harsher than he wanted it too, he knew that now was not the best time for sentiment. Once those fleeing soldiers reached the town, and carried word of what had taken place, the entire garrison and every soldier within a fifty-mile radius would soon be marching their way.

  After reassuring Zack he would take care of Maxim, the two went to pack. Melia went back to her half demolished room, to see what she could salvage. Zack knew that most of his stuff would likely have to be left behind. It had been delivered to the cottage in a trunk, carried by a wagon, and now with only horses, he would have to be selective about what he took. His purse of coins he took first, along with the sword his father had given him before he left. He also took two knives, both well made and sheathed, and then a selection of clothes. He made the decision that these would not only be for him, but he would also cater for Maxim's needs also.

  As it happened, Zack was actually quicker packing than Melia, maybe he thought that was down to his room n
ot being totally trashed. Danton cradled Maxim in his arms and lifted him from the floor. After instructing Zack to pack all the items on the horse he had set aside for Maxim, he told him to climb up on the grey filly he had selected for him. "I need you to hold onto Maxim until he recovers. You are probably the most experienced rider," he said lifting the unconscious lad up.

  After Danton had been inside to collect a few things, he dared not leave behind; he took one last look around. He also would have to travel much lighter than he wished, but so long as he had the essentials, then that was all that really mattered. The one item he knew he must take above all others were his precious books on magic. These were very rare and difficult to come by, especially since the outlawing of magicians.

  He also needed to make sure there was nothing that could indicate the identity of the people who had been staying there. Mikel was similarly allowed to quickly gather a few of his items, which he did without arguing. After Danton finished loading his items onto the spare horse, and some onto his own, he went back one more time. The blackened corpse of a man still lay on the charred timber floor of the main room. He had decided the only feasible way to eliminate any evidence was to torch the entire building. As much as he regretted destroying such a lovely cottage, he knew it was the only way. He grabbed a few burning timbers from the fire he himself had lit that morning, and set about lighting smaller fires around the rooms.


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