Rose Red (Once Upon a Happy Ever After Book 4)

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Rose Red (Once Upon a Happy Ever After Book 4) Page 4

by Jewel Killian

Chase looked at his watch and pulled out his own phone as well.

  I only heard the first few snippets of their conversation before I’d made my own call. My father’s groggy, sleep-thickened voice answered on the second ring. “Abby? What’s wrong? Are you all right?”

  I took a big, big breath. “I’m fine, Dad. I’ve got some great news.” He was the last person whose judgment I was afraid of. The last person I had to fess up to. “We’re getting married.”

  My father was silent a very long while. When he finally spoke I could tell nothing from his tone. “We who, Abby?”

  “Me, Chase and Luca.”

  My father ended the call.

  The phone slipped out of my hands to the floor. Luca absently picked it up and set it in my lap.

  I took two minutes to feel sad about it. Two minutes to feel sorry for myself and then I snuggled between the two men whose opinions were the only ones that mattered from now on.

  I thought when we got to the condo I’d have to pry my men off me again but as soon as we stepped foot in the foyer, exhaustion hit all of us. It had been a big day. We crashed in the huge double-king bed and slept until noon. As soon as we got up we resumed making plans. I called my sister first and invited her. She didn’t seem to care that I was marrying two men, only asking if she could bring a date. “Sure,” I said, “just make sure he brings a camera.

  Then I called Belle and told her what the situation was. She screamed so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. She said she’d take care of the dress for me and also asked if she could bring a date. “Yup, have him bring a camera,” I said.

  “Oh, you’ll never guess who I ran into at the ball last night,” Belle said as I was about to end the call.


  “Ella Tremaine.”

  “No kidding! She’s back in town?”

  “Yeah, she was with Kase Waldorf last night.”

  “Well, I have to invite her, do you have her number?”

  “I don’t but I have Kase’s if you want it.”

  After an awkward conversation with Kase Waldorf, one where he grilled me for descriptions of Fording and Night Manager, I was finally talking to one of the sweetest people I’d ever known. I hadn’t seen Ella in years, but I definitely wanted her there to celebrate.

  “Of course I’ll be there, Abby. Seems like everyone’s getting their happy ever afters,” she said.

  “It does, doesn’t it?”

  “I can take care of the flowers if you like.”

  “Oh, Ella, that’d be wonderful! Thank you. And feel free to bring Kase, too. Just make sure he brings a camera.”

  It only took three people, their friends, contacts and a small fortune a few hours to plan a destination wedding. By seven that evening we were all taxing on the tarmac, about to take off.

  The men gathered in the back of the jet, drinking whiskey, trading business stories and bonding while the girls and I caught up.

  “So wait, you were in Delaware?”

  Ella nodded.

  “And you’re opening a sex club?”

  Belle grinned, “Kind of.”

  “And you bagged Liam Waldorf? Daddy’s head of Internal Affairs? How’d he take that?!”

  Alica jabbed me in ribs. “A lot better than he took you marrying two guys,” she said with a smile and a hug. “You know everyone’s talking about what you did last night.”

  Last year those words would have turned my stomach into a pit of knots. But now, not only did they not have an effect on me, I truly didn’t care.

  “Don’t say it like that, Alicia,” Ella said sweetly. “Everyone is talking about it in a good way. People are really happy you put an end to that Page Six leak. A lot of them really admire the courage it took. At least, that’s what I’ve been hearing.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. I guess I cared a little.

  “Look at you, Ella. Not even back here a whole day and you already have a line on the latest gossip,” Belle teased.

  Ella shrugged and smiled. “People just tell me things.”

  Belle shuffled around in her suitcase for a moment and pulled out a gift box. “I know it’s last minute but I really wanted you to have some semblance of a shower.” She handed me the small box wrapped in black foiled paper and smiled. “Open it,” she said when I hesitated.

  “Ooooh,” I said, pulling out two silver bangle bracelets connected by a thin chain. “It’s lovely, thank you, Belle.”

  Belle smirked. “It’s not just pretty. It’s functional, too.” She slid one bangle on each wrist, effectively handcuffing me. “In case you want to get spicy,” she said.

  I giggled a thank you and slid the kinky bracelets back into the box. Alicia handed me a bigger box. Beyond far to many layers of tissue paper was the most beautiful white lingerie I’d ever seen.

  “Should be just your size,” she said as I hugged her.

  “Thank you, Alicia.”

  Ella gave me her present. “Belle said she was taking care of the dress so I thought I’d take care of this.”

  “Oh but you’re already doing the flowers, Ella, you didn’t have to— oh my god! Ella these are just gorgeous!” I held up the crystal encrusted, glittering shoes and everyone sucked in their breath.

  “They were my mother’s,” Ella said. “So they’re only on loan. But they’re real Swarovski crystal slippers.”

  “Ella! Thank you! They are stunning!”

  It was only a few hours before we landed in Spain and were piling into two limos to our hotel. Luca’s assistant needed a raise. The accommodations were perfect. Every couple had a whole suite to themselves and a concierge greeted us to go over the ceremony details. “The officiant will be here within the hour,” the portly gentleman said with a thick accent. “Please get yourselves ready quickly and meet outside on the hotel’s private beach.” He handed room keys to everyone and the girls and I ran to one the room that would become my honeymoon suite.

  All three went to work on me. Ella twisted my hair into a beautiful updo, leaving a few stray pieces around my face. “It looks more romantic that way,” she said.

  Belle set out a department store full of makeup on the vanity.

  “Don’t worry,” she said when I eyed the black eye shadow she packed onto a brush. “I studied under some fantastic makeup artists before I decided fashion was my true calling. I know what I’m doing.” When she was done I looked like me on my very best day with twenty hours of sleep.

  “Wow,” said Alicia. “Let’s get you into this dress without messing up all their hard work. The three of them slipped the dress over my shoulders, zipped me up and twirled me around to the mirror without misplacing a single hair.

  “Whoa,” I said to myself in the mirror. The dress fit me like a dream, hugging and draping every place it should.

  Alicia smiled. “Okay, let’s get those shoes on you and get you married to your Princes.”

  Chapter Ten


  The three impromptu bridesmaids ran down the beach, hiding Abigail behind them. I glanced at Luca, busy doing his best not to tear up. The bridesmaids filled off to the other side of the officiant and I swear I got lightheaded at the sight of her.

  I wanted to run to her. To pick her up and spin her around and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe. But I stayed right where I was, eyes glued on only her as she met us at the makeshift altar.

  I don’t remember what the officiant said. It could have been in Spanish for all I cared. All I remember was how beautiful Abigail looked, saying yes, Luca saying yes and being the happiest man on the planet.

  Then we posed for what seemed like an eternity to get all the pictures Abigail wanted. But soon enough we were back in our own room, ripping the dress off her claiming her mouth, her neck, her body as our own.

  “This is the happiest day of my life,” I said as I bent her over, dropped to my knees and feasted on her delicious little pussy. Luca slid his cock in her mouth just as I made her come so hard she had to
scream around it. I took that as my cue to bury myself balls-deep in her warm, wet, tightness, holding on one hip for leverage as I thumbed at her perfect little ass. She moaned around him again when I plundered her tight little hole. She was so ready. I nodded at Luca and we repositioned her so she was now straddling my hips. She settled right down onto my cock.

  Luca came up behind her and slid slowly into her ass.

  “Oh God!” she screamed as we filled her up. We fucked her, slow and steady until she screamed and panted, riding us like a wild thing. Her spasms threw us over the edge and we all came together as husband, husband, and wife.

  We dozed for a while tangled in each other, petting and whispering our undying love to each other. Then we did it again.

  The next morning we had brunch on the hotel patio. Everyone from the wedding was there, sharing stories of how they met, toasting us, and eating our respective weight in paella.

  “I suppose this is what I get for sheltering you two so long.”

  Richard Snow, Abigail’s father stood at the patio door, arms crossed, brow furrowed. I stole a quick glance at my new wife. She was as white as a sheet. So was her sister for that matter.

  “Daddy,” she started but he held a hand up stopping her words.

  “No. This is my fault.” He shook his head and the tension grew so thick you could almost see it. “It’s my fault you had to hide, it’s my fault you had to dodge media attention, it’s my fault you never trusted me to tell me you were truly in love. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

  Abigail’s jaw almost hit the table. I didn’t blame her, I was just as shocked as she was.

  He continued. “When you called me last night I assumed you were joking, or at the very least not so serious you’d fly off and get married within the day. When I heard that a jet was chartered and all your friends were on the manifesto, I knew I had to step in. I felt you were in no way mature enough to handle such a public and controversial marriage. But then I started getting calls from everyone in Manhattan telling me what a good daughter I had, and how it was so remarkable the way she handled the Page Six leak.”

  Richard Snow came out of the shadows, into the full sunlit patio and took a seat across from the three of us. “I was wrong. I was so, so wrong. I love you, I love you both,” he glanced at Alicia a moment, then back to Abigail. “Darling daughter, you have my blessing.”

  Abigail squealed, hopped up from the table and ran into her father’s arms.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” She pulled away, red-faced, teary eyed, but happier than I’d ever seen her.

  Belle raised her glass. “To the father of the bride!”

  “Here, here!” Glasses clinked, smiles were shared, and love was ever lasting.



  It was everything I’d ever hoped for. More so. I got to live happily ever after with not one but two of the smartest, most beautiful, caring men in the world. And we got to share our honeymoon with all our friends. My father was so moved by our happiness not only did he give us his blessing, he even let Alicia off the hook for falling for his right-hand man, Liam.

  We stayed in Spain for two weeks, returning to the States with a mixture of “happy to be going home” and “not wanting the fun to end”. I didn’t know what to expect when we got back. We’d either be shamed and shunned or exalted as heroes. Because I made sure our wedding photos were on the front page of every legitimate, reputable news organization I could find, along with a real, honest accounting of our story and how the three of us fell in love.

  Turns out, people really do love a good love story with a happy ending. Even if it’s not-so-traditional.

  So now you’ve met all us debs and our gorgeous men. And that brings the Once Upon A Happy Ever After series to a close. Are you ready to see what happens after the happily ever after?

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