Star Wars - The Stele Chronicles

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Star Wars - The Stele Chronicles Page 7

by Rusel DeMaria

  Hyperdrive: Incom GBk-585 motivator drive unit

  Sensor Systems: Fabritech ANS-5d unit with a long range Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PA-9r and one short range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PG-7u

  Targeting Computer: Fabritech ANq 3.6 tracking computer and IN-344-B “Sightline” holographic imaging system

  Weapons: Four Taim & Bak 1X4 Laser Cannons (single Fire or fire-linked)

  Two Krupx MG7 Proton Torpedo Launchers (3 torpedoes each)

  Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting Chempat Shields (rated at 50 SBD)

  Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 20 RU)

  Special Design Features: S Foil Wings, adjustable for atmospheric flight

  1. Sensor Systems

  2. Proton Torpedo Launchers

  3. Fusial Thrust Engine Assembly

  4. Laser Cannon

  5. S Foil Wing

  6. Shield Projector

  7. R2 Unit

  8. Thrustor Control Jets (trailing edge of wing)


  Name/Model# BTL-A4 Y-wing Starfighter

  Designer/Manufacturer: Koensayr

  Combat Designation: Long Range Fighter/Bomber

  Crew: 1 pilot plus 1 Astromech Droid

  Power Systems: Thiodyne 03-R cryogenic power cells and ionization reactor

  Propulsion System: Two Koensayr R200 ion Fission engines (rated at 250 KTU)

  Speed Rating: 80 MGLT

  Flight Control System: Subpro NH-7 flight control avionics package

  Maneuverability Rating: 50 DPF

  Navigation: Astromech Droid, usually R2 unit

  Hyperdrive: Koensayr R300-H motivator drive unit

  Sensor Systems: Fabritech ANs-5d unit with one long range Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PA-9r and one short range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PG-7u

  Targeting Computer: Fabritech ANc-2.7 tracking computer and SI 5g7 “Quickscan” vector imaging system

  Weapons: Two Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (single fire or fire-linked)

  Two ArMek SW-4 Ion Cannons (single fire or fire-linked)

  Two Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each)

  Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting Chempat Shields (rated at 75 SBD)

  Titanium reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull (rated at 40 RU)

  1. Laser Cannons

  2. Ion Cannons

  3. Proton Torpedo Launcher

  4. Computer Targeting System

  5. Ion Fission Engines

  6. Thrustor Control Jets

  7. Thiodyne Power System

  8. R2 Unit

  9. Sensor System


  Name/Model# RZ-1 A-wing Starfighter

  Designer/Manufacturer: Dodonna/BIissex

  Combat Designation: Long Range Fighter/Interceptor

  Crew: 1 pilot

  Power System: MPS BPr-99 power convenor and fusion reactor

  Propulsion Engines: Twin Novaldex J-77 “Event Horizon” engines (rated at 400 KTU)*

  Speed Rating: 120 MGLT*

  Flight Control System: Torplex Rq9.Z advanced flight control avionics package

  Maneuverability Rating: 100 DPF*

  Navigation: Microaxial LpL-449 computer system

  Hyperdrive: Incom GBk-785 motivator drive unit

  Sensor Systems: Fabritech ANs-7e unit with one Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PA-9r and one short range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PG-7u

  Targeting Computer: Fabritech ANq 3.6 tracking computer and 1N-344-B “Sightline” holographic imaging system

  Weapons: Two Borstel RG9 Laser Cannons (single fire or fire-linked)

  Two Dymek HM-6 Concussion Missile Launchers (6 missiles each)

  Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting Sirplex Z-9 Shields (rated at 50 SBD)

  Titanium alloy hull (rated at 15 RU)

  *This information is highly suspect. Other information is best guess based on remote telemetry, pilot debriefings, and incomplete field operative reports.

  1. Laser Cannon

  2. Novaldex Engine

  3. Sensor System (?)

  4. Fabritech Targeting Computer

  5. Thrustor Control Jets

  6. Concussion Missile Launcher (ventral mounting)


  Name/Model# B-wing

  Designer/Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpil

  Combat Designation: Heavy assault starfighter

  Crew: 1 pilot

  Power System: Vinop 02 K cryogenic power cells and ionization reactor

  Propulsion Engines: Four Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 fusial thrust engines (rated at 290 KTU)

  Speed Rating: 90 MGLT

  Flight Control System: Narmox HC.6w flight control avionics package

  Maneuverability Rating: 65 DPF

  Navigation: Microaxial LpM-549 computer system

  Hyperdrive: Slayn & Korpil HYd-997 motivator drive unit

  Sensor Systems: Fabritech ANv-9q unit with one Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PH-5s and one short range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PK-8f

  Targeting Computer: Fabritech ANq 3.6 tracking computer and IN-344-B “Sightline” holographic imaging system

  Weapons: Three Gyrhil R-9X Laser Cannons (single fire or fire-linked)

  Three ArMek SW-7a Ion Cannons (single fire or fire-linked)

  Two Krupx MG9 Proton Torpedo Launchers (6 torpedoes each)

  Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting Sirplex Zr-41 Shields (rated at 125 SBD)

  Titanium alloy hull (rated at 60 RU)

  Special Design Features: S Foil wings, adjustable for atmospheric flight

  1. Laser Cannons

  2. Ion Cannons

  3. Proton Torpedo Launcher

  4. Engine

  5. Sensor System

  6. Computer Targeting System

  7. S Foil Wing

  Z-95 Headhunter

  Although outmoded and outclassed by every other starfighter in the galaxy, the Z-95 still remains in service among the Rebels as well as with numerous pirates and other criminal elements. This durability can only be explained by the Z-95 Headhunter’s structural toughness, easy availability, and low maintenance needs. So many Headhunters were manufactured by Incom and Subpro over several decades that our statisticians estimate more Z-95s are actually still in service than any other starfighter, with the possible exception of the standard TIE fighter. Presumably, the traitors at Incom used the Z-95 as the initial model for the hated X-wing starfighter.

  Name/Model# Z-95 Headhunter

  Designer/Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro

  Combat Designation: Starfighter

  Crew: 1

  Power System: Novaldex 03-R cryogenic powercells & ionization reactor

  Propulsion Engines: Four Incom 2a ion fission engines (rated at 275 KTU)

  Speed Rating: 85 MGLT

  Flight Control System: Vudyne CF-30 flight control avionics package

  Maneuverability Rating: 60 DPF

  Navigation: Narmox Zr-390 computer system

  Hyperdrive: Incom Gbk-435 motivator drive unit

  Sensor Systems: Fabritech ANS-5e unit with long-range Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PA-9r and one short-range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PG-7u

  Targeting Computer: Fabritech ANq 2.4 tracking computer and SI 5g8 “Quicksean” vector imaging system

  Weapons: Two Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (single fire or fire-linked)

  Two Krupx MG5 Concussion Missile Launchers (4 torpedoes each)

  Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting XoLyyn Shields (rated at 20 SBD)

  Titanium alloy hull (rated at 15 RU)

  Mon Calamari Cruiser

  Those vile-smelling creatures of that drenched planet Mon Calamari have turned their eccentric talents to the other side. How they can build effective starships when they appear to have no plans or specifications is beyond the scope of this document to answer. However, it remains true that they have refitted many of their decadent luxury vehicles to the purpo
ses of the enemy.

  Their largest vehicle, designated the MC80 Star Cruiser, is an organically-shaped monstrosity, something like a pickle to our observers. Unfortunately the laughter stops when the MC80 opens fire with its 48 turbolaser batteries and 20 ion cannons. This is a spacecraft that can actually challenge a Star Destroyer! Not that it would defeat our mighty craft, but it could do significant damage.

  Mon Calamari vehicles are difficult to defeat. They are made with many redundant systems, so they do not cripple easily. They can also carry with them a large crew of soldiers and serve as a base for several squadrons of starfighters. Finally, they are crewed by the bizarre combination of Calamarians and Quarren, whom our Imperial Navy experts must reluctantly acknowledge as superior spacefarers. Their handling of the ships of their fleet has added significantly to the Rebels’ cause. We recommend the total annihilation of Mon Calamari as soon as operations permit such an endeavor.

  Name/Model# MC80a

  Designer/Manufacturer: Mon Calamari

  Combat Designation: Capital Starship

  Length: 1200 meters

  Crew: 5,402 (668 officers, 4734 enlisted)

  Weapons: 48 Taim & Bak X V9 Turbolasers (computer assisted targeting)

  20 ArMek SW-7 Ion Batteries

  Six Phylon-Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors

  Starfighter Squadrons: 2 X-wing, 3 Y-wing, 1 A-wing

  Corellian Transport

  The Corellian-built stock light freighter, or Corellian YT-1300 Transport, is one of the most common small trading craft in the galaxy. Once, the YT-1300 was the most common freight and commerce vessel, but in recent years many trading firms have begun to employ the bulk freighters and container ships, which carry far more cargo more efficiently.

  Corellian transports come in many forms, but all are relatively small, uncomfortable, and quirky to run. Despite this fact, many small traders, mostly in the Outer Rim, swear by them and would not give them up willingly.

  The most notorious of the Corellian transports belongs to a smuggler and Rebel sympathizer, Han Solo. Our sources indicate that the Millennium Falcon has been modified repeatedly until it is capable of outrunning starfighters, and there are several reports to that effect. Whether this is true or not, it is clear that many criminals and Rebel riff raff still use the Corellian transport to haul their ill-gotten goods.

  Name/Model# Corellian YT-1300 Transport

  Designer/Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

  Designation: Stock Light Freighter

  Length: 27 meters

  Crew: 2

  Weapons: 1 Taim & Bak H4 Laser Cannon

  Imperial Vessels

  TIE Fighters

  The Twin Ion Engine (TIE) fighter is the primary starfighter of the Empire. There are several models of TIE starfighter currently in service throughout the Imperium. No single starfighter is as well represented throughout the galaxy, and our TIE fighters perform well against all opposition.

  All TIE fighters are manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems (SFS), formerly known as Republic Sienar Systems. SFS has produced TIE fighters in enormous quantities, though their output has recently fallen off as resources are diverted to top secret projects outside the scope of this document.


  Propulsion systems in all TIE fighters are the same, using twin ion engines. Using microparticle accelerators, ionized gasses are excited to near lightspeed. When released through the adjustable rear vents of the TIE fighter, the resultant thrust produces a fast-moving, highly maneuverable craft. Extremely efficient mass-to-energy conversion and the addition of the distinctive solar panels allow the TIE fighter to carry unlimited fuel supplies. Since TIE fighters do not have hyperspace capability, they rarely venture far from their mother craft. Hyperdrives would affect the performance of the TIE fighter as well as cost the Imperial treasury a considerable sum due to the vast numbers of TIE fighters in service.


  Ion streams can be directed in almost any direction, making the TIE fighter highly maneuverable. Once a pilot has mastered the craft, he can perform complex rolls and spins as well as slip-and-drift maneuvers that can lose all but the most determined of pursuers. Some maneuvers place great strain on the spacecraft, however, and it is not advisable to come to a 180-degree, full-thrust stop as severe damage may result.

  Weapons Systems

  Standard armament on the TIE fighter consists of twin laser cannons mounted in the spherical shell of the spacecraft. Originally these cannons were powered by the ion engines, but during battle the starfighter’s performance would suffer, so separate power batteries were later installed, making the lasers even more powerful without substantially reducing the performance of the TIE fighter. Some models of the TIE fighter have different armament configurations.


  One dangerous weakness of the TIE series of fighters is its lack of deflector shields. When going up against the shielded Rebel craft such as the X-wing and Y-wing fighters, an individual TIE fighter can be at a disadvantage. Although we make up for this problem with sheer numbers and superior tactics, our armored solar panels and main hull rarely provide much protection against a direct laser hit, let alone a concussion missile. This problem is being rectified slowly with the development of new starfighter models such as the TIE Advanced.

  TIE Starfighter Models

  There are several TIE fighters in service.

  Some are only specialized variants of the most common model, the TIE Starfighter.

  Others are redesigned and rebuilt for specific purposes. For instance, the TIE/rc is a lightly-armed version used for reconnaissance missions. The TIE/fc is used as a long-range fire control and target acquisition craft to help direct more accurate long-range bombardment missions. The TIE/gt is a retrofitted TIE Starfighter used for carrying missiles and bombs, but is largely giving way to the new TIE Bomber which features a secondary hull used for carrying armaments. For many years, the TIE Interceptor was arguably the fastest fighter in galactic space, though the Rebel A-wing presented real challenges. Now, our engineers have developed the TIE Advanced, based on improvements suggested by Lord Darth Vader. The TIE Advanced is a superior starfighter which features a shield array and long-range twin ion engines. We have also introduced the Assault Gunboat, not technically a TIE fighter, but a formidable weapons platform with strong shields and hull for breaching enemy defenses. And there are some rumors that even greater starfighters are in development. More on that in our next update.


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