Star Wars - The Stele Chronicles

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Star Wars - The Stele Chronicles Page 9

by Rusel DeMaria

  Although our fleet is mighty beyond compare, even our Star Destroyers cannot be everywhere. Smuggling and other illegal activities continue to plague Imperial order and stability. Our first line of defense is the system patrol craft, a typical example of which is the IPV-1 from Sienar Fleet Systems. The IPV-1, like other system patrol craft, relies on speed and maneuverability, along with a sufficiently powerful arsenal, to apprehend and, if necessary, disable or destroy criminal vessels.

  Patrol craft are also the first line of defense against any incursions by enemies of the Empire. Because they lack hyperspace capabilities, system patrol craft spend most of their time flying specific routes through their assigned areas, watching known pirate and smuggling routes. “Constant vigilance” is the watchword of the patrol craft crew.

  Name/Model# IPV-1 System Patrol Craft

  Designer/Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  Designation: Inter-system patrol/customs craft

  Length: 150 meters

  Crew: 12

  Weapons: 4 Taim & Bak XV7 Turbolasers (computer assisted targeting)

  1 Krupx VL-4a Warhead Launch System

  Nebulon B Escort Frigate

  Although the Nebulon B still sees service as an Imperial convoy escort craft, reports have been reaching military HQ regarding its increasing use with the Rebel dogs. It is not clear where the rabble are obtaining such powerful ships, but the reports are too numerous to doubt. We have, therefore, included the Nebulon B among the Rebel ships, even though it is still technically one of ours.

  The addition of the Nebulon B frigate to the side of the enemy represents a disturbing trend, This is a powerful ship. Certainly not a Star Destroyer, but still a capital ship of immense capability. In the service of the Empire, it holds a complement of two squadrons of TIE fighters (24 in all). With its powerful turbolasers and other weapons and shields, this is a formidable escort vehicle that has made the enemy think twice about attacking our convoys.

  However, in enemy hands, this represents a dangerous opponent, as there are few ships outside of the Star Destroyers and the older Victory-class destroyers, that out-gun the Nebulon B. With a squadron or two of X-wing fighters, this can become the platform for dangerous Rebel missions. We recommend that all efforts be taken to search out and destroy any Nebulon B frigates that have found their way into enemy hands, and further, that stringent means be undertaken to tighten security and to prevent more of these ships from being used against us.

  Name/Model# EF76-B

  Designer/Manufacturer: KDY

  Combat Designation: Escort Starship

  Length: 300 meters

  Crew: 920 (77 officers, 843 enlisted)

  Weapons: 12 Taim & Bak XI 7 Turbolasers (computer assisted targeting)

  12 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannons

  Two Phylon-Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors

  Starfighter Squadrons: One X-wing or A-wing plus one Y-wing

  Corellian Corvette (Blockade Runner)

  The Corellian Engineering Corporation builds multi-purpose ships of all kinds. While most shipyards are building specialized spacecraft, Corellians still produce models that cover a wide range of purposes. The Corellian Corvette is a good example of such versatility. This mid-range vessel can function equally well as a troop transport, light escort, cargo or passenger carrier. Although the Corvette may be unable to compete with more specialized vehicles, it is to be found throughout the galaxy.

  Many older Corellian Corvettes find their way into the hands of smugglers and other criminals, and not a few of them have been enlisted by the Rebel traitors. Because the Corellians like very fast sublight ships with quick turnaround into hyperspace, these vehicles can prove troublesome to many of our Imperial picket lines and patrol ships.

  Name/Model# CR90 Blockade Runner

  Designer/Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

  Combat Designation: Multi-purpose starship and transport vessel

  Length: 150 meters

  Crew: 46 (8 officers, 38 enlisted)

  Weapons: Six Taim & Bak H9 Dual Turbolasers

  Star Destroyers

  We look back to the various budgetary arguments with a certain sense of amusement. We remember when the bureaucrats of the former government fought so hard against the Imperial-class project. Their arguments about costs and feasibility studies and the like ring hollow in the face of the reality of a single Star Destroyer.

  Although the Victory-class Star Destroyer was powerful and deadly, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer is truly an awesome achievement. Capable of reducing whole civilizations to ruin, it carries a full complement of AT-AT and AT-ST walkers along with assault craft, a full stormtrooper division, and many squadrons of TIE fighters. Its 60 Turbolaser and 60 Ion Cannon batteries make it the most formidable weapons platform currently operating in galactic space.

  Imperial-class Star Destroyers are expensive to produce, but their value in maintaining order and control throughout the inhabited worlds is immense. Their planetary assault capabilities are sufficient to subdue most underdeveloped worlds without additional support. Larger, more advanced civilizations may require several Star Destroyers working together. And in open space, nothing can truly challenge the Star Destroyer, though the ugly Calamarian monstrosity, the MC80, can cause trouble for a Star Destroyer, and two such ships could perhaps defeat it.

  Name/Model# Imperial-1 Class

  Designer/Manufacturer: KDY

  Combat Designation: Capital Starship

  Length: 1600 meters

  Crew: 37,085 (4,520 officers; 32,565 enlisted)

  Power System: SFS I-a2b solar ionization reactor

  Weapons: 60 Taim & Bak XX 9 Heavy Turbolasers (computer assisted targeting)

  60 Borstel NK-7 Ion Cannons (computer assisted targeting)

  10 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors

  Starfighter Squadrons: Three TIE Starfighter squadrons

  Two TIE Interceptor squadrons

  One TIE Bomber squadron

  Planetary Assault Troops: Full Standard Stormtrooper division

  12 Landing Barges

  20 AT-AT Walkers

  30 AT-ST Walkers

  Other Onboard Craft: Eight Lambda -class Imperial Shuttles

  15 Stormtrooper Transports

  5 Assault Gunboats

  Interdictor Cruiser

  Our esteemed engineers have come up with yet another way to defeat the Rebel Alliance fools who boast of the hyperspace capabilities of their starfighters.

  With the development of the gravity well projector, we were just a single step away from creating a new weapon in the fight against the rabble.

  Using the gravity well technology, Sienar Fleet Systems had created the Interdictor Cruiser whose primary purpose is to set up an artificial gravity well in battle zones and high security areas. The gravity well serves two purposes.

  First, it appears as a large gravitational body to any hyperdrive system. This prevents a ship from jumping into the vicinity of the gravity well. The Interdictor Cruiser is designed to be placed near engagement areas or areas of potential conflict. It will stay outside the battle zones and set up the gravity well as required by circumstances.

  Second, any ships already in hyperspace that pass within the gravity well’s field will be drawn immediately into realspace. Thus, the Interdictor Cruiser can help set up ambush zones by locating in known hyperspace corridors, forcing Rebel craft to reenter realspace where our battle fleets can destroy them.

  Name/Model# Interdictor Im-418

  Designer/Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  Combat Designation: Heavy Cruiser/Immobilizer

  Length: 600 meters

  Crew: 2,807 (427 officers, 2,380 enlisted)

  Weapons: 20 Taim & Bak GX-7 Laser Cannons (computer assisted firing)

  Four SFS G7-x Gravity Well Projectors

  Starfighter Squadrons: 1 TIE Fighter squadron (or)

  1 TIE Interceptor squadron

  Other Onboard Craft: 1 L
ambda Class Imperial Shuttle

  3 Stormtrooper Transports

  Freighters, Containers, and Tugs

  Bulk Freighters are she mainstay of galactic commerce. These huge spacecraft contain powerful, but slow, hyperspace and sublight engines (although many captains have refitted their engines for greater speed). A cargo vehicle of this size and capacity is simply not expected to outclass other vehicles, particularly not those of the Imperial Navy.

  Bulk Freighters are tough, reliable spacecraft. Though they generally lack luxury and a lot of state-of-the-art components and weapons, they serve their purpose well, and often travel in convoys with more military ships to protect their cargo.

  Cargo Ferry

  Cargo Ferries are more versatile than standard bulk freighters. To begin with, they carry a complement of laser cannons. They are also set up to carry various space containers and even other spacecraft for transport purposes. Cargo Ferries are often used by pirates to hijack spacecraft. The Empire often uses Cargo Ferries to impound vessels found to be trafficking in illegal goods or aiding and abetting our enemies.

  Modular Conveyor

  The Modular Conveyor is an armed freighter that pulls specialized linked cargo modules behind it. Although it carries a complement of laser cannons, the cargo modules themselves remain somewhat more vulnerable.

  Container Transport

  The Container Transport is perhaps the largest of the freighters. It can carry up to three of the largest space containers. Container Transports are armed with laser cannons for selfprotection.

  Space Containers

  Space Containers are the basic modules of galactic commerce. These huge containers are packed with important goods and then loaded onto various freighter models for transport to other systems. Space Containers are simple boxes, durable and rugged, and have no engines or other significant systems, other than those designed for special storage conditions. Space containers come in many shapes and sizes, generally made to fit one or more freighter types.

  Space Tugs and Heavy Lifters

  Space Tugs are small utility vehicles whose sole task is to move Space Containers from one location to another. Though small, Space Tugs contain very powerful (but slow) engines and tractor beams. Heavy lifters are sometimes used for military purposes. They are critical to the continued movement of materiel throughout the Empire.

  Space Installations

  Although our planetary resources are vast, the Empire often has need of a base of operations in otherwise uninhabited space. Even within inhabited space, there are times when operations are more smoothly carried out away from the gravity well of a planet. Like the Empire, the Rebels have also found the usefulness of specialized stations in space, which we routinely destroy as often as possible.

  Space installations, sometimes referred to as space platforms, are used for a variety of functions:

  a) Custom check points

  b) Imperial military outposts

  c) Armories

  d) Starfighter bases

  e) Repair facilities

  f) Cargo and freight holding areas

  g) Scientific and commercial ventures and operations

  Military installations usually carry a contingent of two starfighter squadrons in three hangar bays. Armaments vary, but the usual complement features six laser cannon batteries and from three to ten turbolaser batteries.


  Maarek watched the admiral step off his personal shuttle and begin to walk toward the hangar exit. He stepped slowly, apparently deep in thought. After a moment he stopped and looked around. His eyes scanned the room, fixed on Maarek and, for an instant there was no recognition, but that quickly passed.

  “Stele!” he called.

  “Sir?” the young pilot answered walking up to Admiral Mordon and offering a formal salute—right hand to left breast.

  The admiral waved off the salute and smiled. “You’ve had a taste of the pilot’s life. Does it suit you?”

  “Sir! I believe it does, sir!”

  Mordon laughed, “You’ve become quite the proper pilot, Stele. But can you still think for yourself? Let me tell you, this galaxy is unkind to those who do not keep their wits about them, and I fear we will see things turned inside out before long.”

  Of course Maarek had no idea what the admiral was talking about.

  “How so?” he asked.

  “Ah, young Stele. I smell treachery and deceit. I’ve survived long in this job because I sense such things. Just as I sense loyalty and dedication and promise. Take my word for it. Not all is as it seems.” The admiral seemed to be in a talkative mood, though to Maarek’s ear it sounded a little like the musings of a man with something else on his mind. But the admiral wasn’t finished yet. “Distinguish yourself in your missions, and you, too, will come to see the pattern of events. Pay attention to all around you and perhaps… just perhaps you may command a starship yourself some day.”

  “Yessir,” Maarek answered, “But what must I do in the meantime?”

  “A good question, pilot. Survive. Destroy the enemy. Follow orders. Fly your tours, win your citations, and keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut. Most of all, stay alive. That’s critical.” This struck the admiral as exceptionally funny for some reason and he burst out laughing. “Stele, I find you amusing. Come see me any time. My door is always open. Use this password with the orderly. Say, There’s a fog over Celodon City, and he’ll let you in. Goodbye for now. Stele,”

  The admiral turned to walk away, and Maarek heard him still chuckling as he left. Maarek resumed his duties and tried not to think about Mordon.

  For further adventures of Maarek Stele, and complete winning strategies for TIE Fighter, look for TIE Fighter: The Official Strategy Guide from Prima Publishing.


  Story: Rusel DeMaria

  Concepts: Rusel DeMaria, Lawrence Holland, Ed Kilham (with special thanks to Lucasfilm, Ltd., George Lucas… West End Books and Ed Dille)

  Original art: Ocean Quigley

  3D Models: Martin Cameron and John Bell

  Layout and Design: Rusel DeMaria

  Project coordination and special assistance:

  At LucasArts — Barbara Gleason, Kalani Streicher, Mary Bihr

  At Lucasfilm Ltd. — Lucy Wilson, Sue Rostoni

  At Peregrine Software — Lawrence Holland, Edward Kilham, Peter Lincroft, Martin Cameron, David Maxwell, Dave Wessman

  At Prima Publishing — Becky Freeman, Roger Stewart, Neweleen Trebnik, Kim Bartusch

  Cover Design: Dunlavey Studios

  Cover Artwork: Ocean Quigley

  Editing and Proofing: Becky Freeman, Rick Barba, and Alex Uttermann


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