Rancher Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Bear Haven Book 2)

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Rancher Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Bear Haven Book 2) Page 10

by Bolryder, Terry

  He bit his lip. After this, there was no going back. “For me, this is claiming you. And I can wait as long as you want to accept me. I can deal with that. But if you let me inside you again, then tell me you know what it means and you're letting me do that knowing it.”

  “I know,” she gasped out, reaching for him. “I get it.”

  “Say it,” he said.

  “It means being mated,” she said, looking so hungry for him that she didn’t care. He had to grin and wonder if all cats were this desperate in bed.

  “All right,” he said, leaning in and kissing her against her ear, gently, feeling her shudder as he slid inside her wet heat. She clenched all around him, the most amazing feeling in the world, and he almost lost it right there. But she was already moving against him, eager for the powerful friction that made sparks fly between them. He kept their bodies close, loving the feel of her soft breasts, her soft stomach and hips against his hard muscles as he stroked and they came together, again and again.

  Midway through, she wrapped her legs around his waist, giving her more control, and he loved the feel of her thighs. He’d never get enough of that soft body. When they were eighty years old, he’d still be following her around, hoping to get a piece of that soft ass. She was everything to him. Everything.

  He stroked harder, and she met him with every thrust, gasping heavily as they came closer to completion together. Just as she cried out and tensed, her cat claws sinking into his back with a short, tingling sensation, he jerked inside her as well, spilling his seed in warm, smooth pumps as she continued to thrust against him with each convulsion of her release.

  When it was over, they were left gasping, and he could feel something wet on his back. She’d scratched him, so involved in the pleasure, and the thought made him vaguely pleased as he gathered her against him and she curled up contentedly in his arms.

  “I love you, wildcat,” he said. “I always will.”

  She simply nodded and curled in against him, exhausted by pleasure and probably by the day they’d had as well. He got up to get a towel and gently cleaned them both off and then helped her into pajamas. There was nothing else to say tonight. It was simply too late and they were both exhausted.

  He didn’t know exactly what she was feeling, what was going through her mind. But for once, he was just going to wait.

  She didn’t say anything as they curled up in bed together, but she settled happily into his arms. And he could swear, just before she nodded off and started snoring, he heard a light purr.

  The thought put a smile on his face as he fell asleep.

  Chapter 11

  Clonk, clonk, clonk.

  The cabin practically shook as someone pounded on the door, and Jesse sat up groggily, his hand to his head, and stared around the room, wondering what time it was exactly.

  Then he looked down next to him and saw his adorable little mate, her hair tussled from sleep, her gorgeous body still naked, her lips slack as she snored quietly.

  The sight warmed something inside him, and he got out of the bed carefully, shrugging into a robe and pulling on pajama pants so he could go outside and see what was going on. The thumping on the door didn’t abate until he yanked it open and looked grumpily out at Shane, his older brother, and Wyatt, the tall, blond man who owned the neighboring ranch. Wyatt and his brothers had grown up playing together, but then one year, Wyatt’s dad had stormed out of the house and forbidden them from coming over ever again, and that had been that.

  Now that they were all grown men, they occasionally saw each other in town, but things weren’t exactly friendly. Especially since just a little while ago, Shane had fought Wyatt over a misunderstanding regarding Ruby.

  “Shh,” he said, slumping out onto the porch, feeling hung over from fighting, emotion, and great sex. He stretched wide. It was a beautiful sunny day, and he felt more relaxed than he had in a long time.

  Shane took two steps forward and grabbed Jesse by the collar, hauling him up. “Just what the hell happened last night? Wyatt says his men say you beat up most of them at the bar last night.”

  Jesse scratched his head and looked between the two men. Wyatt was in his usual, fancy western style clothing. Wyatt’s family ran more of an upscale dude ranch. Go figure. From what he’d seen of cats so far, he had the idea they were all snobs.

  Jesse pushed out of his brother’s grip and straightened his robe. Wyatt, to his credit, just stood with one hip cocked and his golden eyes calm and steady.

  “Fuck,” Jesse said, pacing back and forth on the porch. “This is the wrong time to deal with this. Come on. Let’s head back to the lodge so we don’t wake my mate.”

  Wyatt nodded and Shane led the way to a clearing between the cabins and the lodge that was partially shaded by trees.

  Wyatt’s brows drew together and he cocked his head, his handsome features curious. “Your mate, is she a cat?”

  Jesse’s eyes narrowed. “None of your business. And she’s not officially my mate yet. Well, I’m waiting for her to agree.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Wyatt said, a small smile quirking the side of his lips. Then he shook his head and ground his boot into the dirt. “But that’s not why I’m here. What the hell did you do to my guys? And more importantly, why?”

  Jesse pressed his lips together. How did you tell a fairly decent man that all the men he’d hired were assholes? He rubbed the back of his neck as all three tall, silent men stood in the middle of the clearing as the wind howled overhead.

  “For Pete’s sake, Jesse, just explain yourself. You aren’t the type to go off over nothing,” Shane spat.

  “I wasn’t before Bonnie came around,” Jesse muttered. Then he met Wyatt’s gaze reluctantly. “They were threatening my mate.”

  Wyatt’s aristocratic face darkened and took on a feral quality as he drew to his full height. As a cougar, he was one of the larger cats, and from what Jesse had seen, he didn’t tolerate any mistreatment of women. “How so?”

  Jesse ran his hand through his hair, shaking it loose. It felt good in the cool morning air. “First they were just talking. Then they wanted her to come back to their place. She said no. They said they’d take her anyway. Show her a ‘good time'. Give her a ‘good ride.'" Jesse felt anger rising in him at the thought of the unpleasant words. “I mean, she’s a cat, so she might have been able to take care of it, but—”

  “But she shouldn’t have to,” Wyatt bit out, turning his back on them in anger. “Well, gentlemen, I’m ashamed my men caused you problems. I assure you, the ones responsible will be punished and, where possible, reported.” He turned back to Jesse with those flashing gold eyes. “I’m sorry for what happened with your mate.”

  Jesse shrugged. “It’s okay. They didn’t do anything I could report them for exactly. That’s kind of why I stepped in. To make sure there was nothing to report.”

  “Understood,” Wyatt said, nodding. He folded his powerful arms again, even tighter, and shook his head while muttering to himself. “Well, they’ll be gone, and I’ll make sure they don’t come back here again. What is up with my hiring these days?”

  “If you need some references, we got some,” Shane offered.

  Wyatt raised one dark-blond eyebrow. “You’d do that?”

  Shane shrugged. “Well, we appreciate you coming to us about this. And we were wrong about that kidnapping situation.” He approached Wyatt and put a tentative hand on the other man’s shoulder. “Maybe it’s time we officially buried the hatchet.”

  “Maybe,” Wyatt said, putting a hand out for Jesse to shake. Then he shook Shane’s. Then they all nodded. It was a good feeling. They all lived on this rough land together. They might as well be friends again.

  Not that it wouldn’t be a rocky road, but for now, it was okay.

  Then the hairs on his neck rose as he heard angry footsteps approaching and turned to see Bonnie striding toward them, dressed in pajamas and a robe. The urge to run, grab her, throw her over his should
er, and take her back to his cabin was intense, but he held back. She was bundled up enough that no one should be able to see anything, and besides, he had no right to tell her where to go or when.

  He’d been bad enough last night, and he had a feeling he’d be trying to atone for that for a while before she agreed to finally mate him.


  “Just what are you doing out here this early?” she asked, looking between them. “Don’t you know better than to just walk off on a woman?”

  “Bonnie, this is Wyatt,” Shane started.

  “I know who he is,” Bonnie snapped. “But I don’t appreciate you bringing my mate out here this early when he’s supposed to be in bed with me.”

  Jesse’s eyes shot open wide, and Wyatt laughed and then stifled his grin.

  “Sorry,” Wyatt said. “But I knew from the moment I scented you that she claimed you.”

  Shane and Bonnie both looked at him in surprise. “What do you mean?” they asked in unison.

  Wyatt raised an eyebrow and scented the air around Bonnie. When Jesse growled possessively, he stepped back. “Easy, big guy.” He turned to Bonnie. “What breed are you?”

  “Lynx,” she said, folding her arms and looking at him defiantly. Jesse’s little cat wasn’t intimidated by anyone. Never had been. He could still remember how mad she’d gotten when Maverick had the nerve to kiss her friend Harmony without permission.

  “Ah, makes sense,” Wyatt said haughtily. “Stuck-up city cats so inbred they don’t remember what it’s like to be a real cat anymore.”

  She snorted. “As opposed to idiot mountain cats that go butting in other people’s business?”

  Wyatt laughed at that, loud and easy, then shook his head and looked from Shane to Jesse. “Don’t know how you guys find the best females, but you do.” He gave Bonnie a wink. “If you have a sister, let me know.”

  “As if she’d want you,” Bonnie muttered.

  It seemed cats had pretty fierce rivalries between species, and Jesse would do well to remember it.

  “All right, well, if that’s all, I gotta get back and discipline my men,” he said.

  “Wait,” Bonnie called. “What did you mean you knew I claimed him?”

  Wyatt cocked his head, then with a grin, he turned around and strode back toward them. When he got to Jesse, he shocked everyone in the clearing by grabbing the back of his robe and jerking it down, baring his shoulders. He gave it a quick look and then laughed again and strode off, leaving Jesse staring at him dumbfounded as Bonnie and Shane walked around to look at his back.

  “Daaaayum,” Shane said in an exaggerated drawl.

  Bonnie let out a little gasp and covered her mouth with her hands. “Did I do that? Did I seriously do that?”

  Jesse tried to look over his own shoulder futilely. “What is it? What the heck is it?” He could remember her sinking her claws into him the other night. But it hadn’t hurt. It had only tingled and felt kind of good.

  “Um, I’mma let you show him,” Shane said. “I better find Ruby. She’s been sleeping late lately. I’m not sure she’s feeling that well.”

  Jesse raised an eyebrow at that. “What do you mean not feeling well?”

  “Sick in the morning. Maybe just the diet out here at the ranch.”

  Bonnie stifled a grin and shared a look with Jesse, almost if silently asking him if he thought they should let their brother in on what was really probably happening with his mate.

  But he decided against it and let Shane walk away back toward the lodge. Shane should figure it out on his own, or let Ruby tell him they were expecting a cub. That was special and they should keep it between them.

  And he had business of his own to work out with his little wildcat.

  “So you marked me, huh?” he asked, folding his arms and shrugging his robe back over his powerful shoulders.

  She grinned sheepishly. “I guess so. Not that I was aware of it.”

  He narrowed his eyes on her playfully and advanced on her, backing her back toward the cabin. When they got there, she scampered up the steps with a giggle, almost as if she were trying to get away, but he caught her with a growl, tucked her under his arm, ignoring her struggles, and carried her into the house.

  Then he marched straight to the bathroom and set her down while he looked for a mirror. When he had it, he lowered his robe and held the mirror out while turning his back to the bathroom mirror.

  There on his back, in pink, angry strokes, was the vague shape of a heart.

  Holy shit, that was hot.

  He turned to look at his cat, who was blushing furiously and refusing to look at him. But for a moment, he was simply lost as to her motive.

  He thought she still wasn’t ready. He thought…

  “Why?” he asked simply, leaning on the edge of the bathroom counter. “You were angry with me for claiming you without telling you. And then you go and…”

  She pushed past him wordlessly and walked into the bedroom. He pushed off the counter with a sigh and moved to follow her as she stormed ahead of him. She shut the bedroom door, and he heard her rummaging around.

  When she came out again, she was holding up her hand.

  He caught his breath. There, on her finger, sparkling in the morning light, was his ring.

  “I guess it means I accept,” she said. “I guess it means the cat in me wanted to lock down the bear in you. I guess it means I really was meant to be mated to you after all.” She walked forward, hips swaying sexily as his heart beat in his ears.

  No moment before this, whether it was starting his restaurant or seeing his brother married or even any beautiful Montana sky he’d been under could compare to this moment.

  After months of waiting, and a tumultuous couple of days, his wildcat was all his. He wrapped his arms around her when she reached him and crushed her into a hug.

  “Eesh,” she said. “Now I know why they call it a bear hug.”

  “And now I know why they call it cat’s claws.”

  She laughed and wrapped her hands around him. He felt her reach up and graze the marks she’d made on him. Marks that would likely fade but would still be a part of him for the rest of his life, since that was what she’d used to claim him.

  Later, he’d have to look it up and see what it all meant.

  Right now, all it meant was she wanted him forever, the way he wanted her.

  He pulled back and tilted up her chin to meet her beautiful green gaze. At the same time, he brushed her long red hair off her face and behind her ear. “So does that mean you’re mine, little wildcat?”

  She snorted. “Maybe it means you’re mine,” she said, pulling on his collar to draw him down into a kiss. She bit his lower lip and he groaned as she pulled him back toward the bedroom. Presumably for another little bit of mating to make this whole thing official.

  He laughed as she growled and pulled at him as he hesitated at the doorframe, bracing himself against it so she couldn’t tug him through.

  “Not so fast,” he said. “After everything we’ve been through, there’s something I need to hear.”

  She looked at him in bewilderment, and he found it almost too cute for words.

  “Something you said when we first made love,” he said, hinting playfully. “Something about loving me.”

  She sighed, letting go of his robe to glare at him with grass-green eyes. She scowled at him and folded her arms and then finally gave up.

  “I love you, you silly bear,” she said. She turned to the side, blushing. “Now can we go?”

  He laughed and nodded, following her into the bedroom and shutting the door behind them.

  The love they made that morning was slow and languorous, and Jesse made his mate scream his name multiple times. And as they spent the rest of the day inside together, watching movies, eating, all Jesse could think was one thing.

  If this was his fated mate, then fate had been very, very kind.


  A few days later, things
had mostly calmed down around the ranch. Bonnie had already met with their usual vet and had a talk with him about the regular check ups needed on the animals and what she would do between his visits. Seth had flown home and assured Bonnie that while the families were angry, they wouldn’t be bothering her in the future.

  Shane and Ruby had officially come out with the news about their pregnancy, and Jesse and Bonnie were now making wedding plans as to how and when they wanted to make things official.

  They were eating lunch together in the main lodge when Maverick came sauntering in to join them.

  “Ah, the family ranch is safe for another few months,” he said, leaning against the wall as he tended to do. He’d been on a trail ride for the past few days, and as a result, he looked even scruffier than ever.

  Bonnie had to stifle a laugh at how scruffy and almost scary he looked with his dark hair curling all around his face and neck and shoulders, and his full beard, and his dark eyes and unruly eyebrows.

  He was tall, handsome, and built, but no woman in her right mind would ever get close enough to know that.

  Unfortunately, Bonnie’s friend Harmony, wasn’t always in her right mind when it came to men.

  “So, now it’s just up to you,” Shane said, raising a glass in Maverick’s direction as Maverick raised an unamused eyebrow. “Just you mated and then the ranch is saved.”

  To her surprise, Maverick just cocked his head thoughtfully and then nodded.

  “I got this,” he said cockily.

  Bonnie sighed and shared a look with Jesse that said they’d both rather focus on their lunch than go down that particular rabbit hole. But Ruby didn’t seem able not to ask what the wild man meant.

  “Just what do you mean, you’ve got this?” she asked, turning on her bench to face him.

  It was a beautiful day on the ranch, as usual, and the late summer air was turning to a cool, brisk fall that would be beautiful as all the leaves changed on the mountains.

  Maverick had his back to the windows, and with the sun streaming through, throwing him into shadow, he looked even darker and more intimidating. He folded his arms slowly, a grin spreading across his face under that monstrous beard. “I have an idea of what I’m going to do,” he said. “No problem. So, none of you need to worry about me.”


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