The Alpha's Torment (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 5)

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The Alpha's Torment (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 5) Page 4

by Martha Woods

They walked up as a group to the front door, knocking twice and waiting for an answer. A few seconds later the door clicked unlocked, pulling open to reveal a very pleasantly surprised Skylar.

  “Hey guys! It’s so nice to see you, how are you?”

  Hayley pulled her in for a hug, resting her head on her shoulder. “We’re good Sky.” She breathed deeply. “God, it’s so good to see you.”

  Skylar chuckled, hugging back eagerly. “It’s only been a few days, it’s not like we’ve been separated for years. But why are you all here? Is there something that I forgot about on today?”

  Hayley shook her head. “No, nothing like that. We just... I need to tell you something. Something very important.”

  “This sounds pretty serious.” Skylar’s face fell when she looked at everyone else, apprehension clear on their faces. “I suppose you’d better come inside then, I’m guessing that Liam’s going to want to hear it too.”

  The group followed her into the house, walking through hallways filled with what photos they had salvaged from the explosion, each one depicting Skylar and Liam in some form of loving display, whether it be from their first holiday together or just relaxing outdoors one day. Hayley couldn’t help but notice that one of the frames had a crack along the middle, the glass splitting right over Skylar’s face. She wondered exactly what she was, the frame holding everything together? Or the crack steadily breaking everything apart?

  They walked into the lounge, Liam sat on the couch and clearly not expecting any visitors today. He looked up in surprise, standing up to meet them as the four of them took their seats. “You four... What’s going on? Did something happen?”

  They looked toward Hayley, who took a deep breath and stepped forward. “Michael and I figured out what Skylar is, we came to tell you.”

  He and Skylar’s eyes went wide, the both of them exchanging a shocked look. “Well that’s... That’s great, isn’t it?”

  She looked over at Michael, the two of them both regretful. “We also came to give you some advice on what to do, what we think you need to do.”

  The couple took note of Hayley’s expression, Liam holding Skylar’s hand in her own as he guided her to sit down. “Alright,” He said, “What can you tell us?”

  “I’ll say first that I think we should tell you what species you are later, or at the very least I should let Skylar know in private. As for the advice...” Hayley sighed to herself, walking over to Skylar and taking her hand. “Do you trust me?” She shook her head when Skylar made to answer. “No, really, truly think about it. Because this isn’t going to work if you don’t trust me one hundred percent.”

  Skylar knew her answer hadn’t changed, but she made a show of considering it anyway, just to reassure Hayley. After a minute of thought, she nodded, squeezing down on her hand to make her conviction clear. “I’m sure Hayley, you saved me when we were attacked, and you’ve done so much more for me since then. I trust you with my life.”

  Hayley took a deep breath, her hand reaching out to Michael for some added support. She didn’t want to say what she came here to say, but she could comfort herself in knowing that it needed to be said. “We need to keep you locked away from everyone, until the baby is born.”

  Liam’s reaction was immediate, shooting to his feet and almost screaming, “What? That’s insane!”

  “I know what it sounds like Liam, but it’s for safety! I wouldn’t be suggesting it otherwise!”

  “Safety from what? If something happens, we can protect her! That’s my entire fucking job, to protect her!” He pointed viciously at her. “That’s yours too! So why the fuck are you trying to make her a prisoner?”

  Michael held her back to prevent her from slapping him, which she had clearly been winding up to do. Farah and Cayden watched from the sidelines, desperately wanting to step in but neither knowing exactly how to do so. Everyone in the room was frozen by Hayley’s next words anyway.

  “Goddammit Liam it’s not for her safety! It’s for everyone else’s!”

  Skylar stood, her hand falling out of her stunned husbands. She walked slowly over to Hayley, her arm shaking as she reached out to her. “Hayley? W-What do you mean it’s for everyone else?”

  Hayley shrugged out of Michael’s hold, taking hold of Skylar’s hands. “Skylar... What you are... What you are is very powerful. And someone with such power having no control over it is never a good thing. I just want to keep you hidden away from everyone while we try and figure out what we can do, so that you and everyone else is safe, do you understand?”

  Skylar thought of the tendrils that had emerged from her body and disappeared just as quickly, of the fact that she should be dead, or at the very least badly hurt from a shard of glass flying through her, yet she didn’t have a scratch on her. She thought of what that could possibly mean, and what could emerge that she didn’t know about. In was inarguable what the correct answer was.

  “Ok. Ok I’ll... I’ll go.”

  Hayley took her arm, leading her down the hallway towards the guest bedroom. “Thank you. I’m...” She turned, looking at everyone else watching the two of them leave. “I’m sorry.”

  Chapter 3

  Christian sat with his feet up on the table, their little corner of the hideout left undisturbed, just like he wanted. He was expecting Sarconi at any moment, the mobster coming fresh from a session with Andrew, possibly working out frustration over what his daughter had supposedly done to him, though it was probably just to satisfy his own cravings.

  Though he could hardly judge, considering the things he had done to the monsters that it was his mission to kill. Sure, other hunters had a body count in the dozens, some even in the hundreds, but none had the... Panache that he did about the act. Other hunters would make it quick and clean, not wanting to linger on the fact that they had taken a life, the life of an abomination, but a life nonetheless.

  Christian didn’t have that problem, and even he could see that wasn’t normal. Each kill was another notch on his belt, another work of art that he could hang in the gallery of his mind. Because that’s what they became, art. Each time he took a life they transformed from some misshapen beast that shouldn’t be to something beautiful, something to be admired. Perhaps one day the others might see his genius, the beauty in the horror of their existence, but for now he would have to contend with the thinly disguised looks of revulsion that he received from everyone except his followers. They were the ones who understood him, who understood just what it was he sought to do. He had their undying loyalty, and they had his.

  Of course, it didn’t mean that he enjoyed working with little toads like Sarconi, they were merely the gateway to opportunity. “Sometimes though,” He thought, seeing Sarconi walking through the door with a smirk on his face and his shirt covered in blood. “Sometimes the price isn’t exactly a peach to pay.”

  “Was it everything you ever wanted?” Christian didn’t stand as Sarconi approached, the feeling of dealing with him by no wearing on him. “Don’t forget your part of the deal.”

  “I know, I know.” Sarconi waved him off, sitting down next to him. “When we get to Boulder Junction, I let you know where to find your little pet projects. I want a shot at the husband though, me and him have business to settle.”

  “If I think it won’t interfere with my vision, if I think you deserve it, I’ll let you have a few strokes with the brush.” Christian shrugged. “Other’n that, I can’t help you.”

  “And what’s stopping me from walking out that door right now?” Sarconi threw his thumb over his shoulder, indignant at being denied his revenge. “What’s stopping me from ending this whole thing?”



  “Shut the fuck up.” Christian leaned forward, making sure that Sarconi couldn’t look anywhere but his eyes. “I need you to remember what you have outside this room, outside of your work with me. What you have, what your legacy amounts to is a bunch of dismembered corpses in some garage in a ba
ckwoods town, and a useless son who squandered your influence before he got himself killed. That is all you are to people outside this room, so if you would prefer that, please tell me.” He smirked, his teeth gleaming in a way that could only be described as predatory. “Of course, that assumes that I won’t just kill you for wasting my time, then go to the town anyway and find your little wolf problem and exterminate it. Either way, they are dying, it all depends on whether or not you want to be alive to see it.”

  “You...” Sarconi’s face was red with anger, his anger for the first time completely unchecked as he attempted to stare Christian down. “Do you know just who the fuck I am?”

  “You think you can intimidate me Leonard? You can’t even intimidate a broken down old drunk, what makes you think I’m less than him?” He grabbed Sarconi by the throat, pulling him to his feet and snarling in his face, “I have killed things far scarier than your worse nightmares, I have taken the object of your greatest fears and skinned it alive for my amusement, do not think for a second that I would even blink in your direction. From now on when I ask you a question, you will fucking answer me, understand?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer before he tossed him back, the mobster falling onto his back and looking up at him. Christian sneered down at him. “Get the fuck out of here, go back to your feeble old man so he can make you feel big.”

  Christian stepped over the fallen man, the feeling of having broken down such a normally intimidating man getting his blood pumping. He walked through the hallways, seeking out his own quarters to satisfy an entirely different appetite.

  He pushed open the door, the smiling faces of his wife and her sister greeting him. He did feel some guilt at the irritation he felt at the sister being there, though he could hardly stop the overwhelming feeling of desire that he felt when he laid eyes upon his wife. Judging by the shifting of her legs, she felt much the same.

  “Claire,” He said, nodding towards her sister. “How are you?”

  She beamed up at him, getting off the bed and drawing him into her embrace. “I’m good Christian, I’m so good! Me and Laura were just having a talk about you actually!”

  “Oh really?” He looked over at Laura. “What about?”

  “We were talking about what you’re planning to do, with those people in Boulder Junction. Those creatures having that amount of power is unacceptable, it’s a good thing you’ve done, accepting this job.” She smiled. “It’s a beautiful thing we’re doing, it almost... It almost feels like Anthony is back with us.”

  He sat down next to her, taking her into his arms. “I know you miss him. I do too, every single day. But just remember what we do, and why we do it. Think about how proud he would be if he had grown to see us.”

  “Of course.” Laura spoke through unshed tears, pressing her lips lightly against his. “I’m sorry it’s just... Sometimes I can’t help but remember.”

  “There’s no sin in that, none at all. I’m just glad that I still have you.”

  Claire started walking away to the door, smiling over her shoulder. “I’ll leave you two alone, I have some things of my own to take care of.”

  Christian watched her leave, at twenty years old she had become a very desirable young woman, though he was more than happy with his Laura. He was more than willing to show how happy he was as well, nipping and biting at her neck as she squirmed underneath him.

  “Ch-Christian...” She gasped, running her hands along his sides. “God, I’ve wanted it so bad all day.”

  “I know.” He growled, “I had to deal with that loathsome little shit all day instead of spending it in this room, giving you what you deserve.” He bit down on her shoulder, drawing a sharp gasp.

  “Oh god, and what do I deserve?”

  He sat back, pulling her over his knee and running his hand along her back. “You deserve to be punished.” He brought his hand down on her behind, a shout made up of pain and delight. “That was one, I’m going to count to five. And I want you to count along with me, understood?”

  Laura nodded eagerly, her legs already shaking in her eagerness to get started. Time after time, his hand struck down, a delighted moan accompanying each blow and a number being stated, until they finally reached ten. She was gasping, the skin on her behind pink and tender, her legs pressed together to try and hide her arousal, though it was plain for him to see. He ran his hand over her behind, massaging and soothing the abused skin, a light kiss being pressed against it.

  He stood, depositing her back on the bed as he untucked his own shirt, discarding the garment and showing off his heavily scarred torso, each mark a testament to his experience in his career. “Strip. Now.”

  Laura obeyed without thinking, the rest of her clothes on the floor by the time he had turned around again, already on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed. He chuckled at the display, “You really are terribly eager, aren’t you?”

  She nodded. “I am. I want you. Only you Christian, come and show me that I’m yours.”

  “How can I deny that?” He slipped behind her, easily entering her with the confidence of a man that had done this countless times before. She gasped at his sudden entrance, his pace already relentless as he slammed himself in to the hilt, every one of his inches digging mercilessly into her as she threw her own hips back against him. He brought his hand down again, her surprised yelp as rewarding as the feeling of her tightening around him. He leaned down into her ear, whispering harshly, “Work your hips, show me just how desperate you are for this.”

  She slammed herself back against him, his hard length digging into depths that after all these years she was still surprised he hit, able to unravel her with one simple thrust of his hips. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, pushing her down into the sheets as she moaned and gasped at the rough treatment, her heart racing and her body starting to shudder. His other hand palmed viciously at her chest, two fingers pinching and pulling at one of her nipples, a white-hot pain driving her even more insane.

  He pulled her back roughly onto his lap, bouncing her up and down upon his shaft as she toyed with herself, fingers rubbing at her clit or pinching her nipples. Laura threw her head back, her neck exposed to his hungry mouth, skin being marked with lips and teeth.

  “Come on, tell me you want this. Tell me you deserve this.”

  She gasped, his rough tone making another wave of heat shoot through her body. “I... I want this. I want you... Please... Give me what I deserve, I deserve all of this.”

  Christian began thrusting even harder, seemingly dedicated to making sure that she felt the results of their coupling for weeks afterwards, though she would not have it any other way. One didn’t stay married to a man like Christian without at least understanding the way he thought, and the things that he enjoyed. It helped Laura out a lot that she was very much the same kind of person that he was, she just happened to like being the punished in this case.

  He pulled out, tossing her to the bed and inserting three of his fingers into her, roughly pumping in and out while she stared up at him with mute pleasure. “I’m going to break you first, and then I’m going to mark you, do you understand?”

  She nodded, the thought of being marked as his property, the property of such an incredible man as he, pushing her to the brink of orgasm all by itself.

  He crooked his fingers, his thumb rubbing roughly against her clit, and that was all she needed to tumble over. Her body seized up, his fingers pumping into her the entire way through and prolonging her climax until it almost felt like torture. He pulled out roughly, pumping his hand back and forth on his length as she lay underneath him breathing heavily. He looked down at her prone body, the lines of sweat running down her chest, the wet mess that was her lower body, and finally he reached his end.

  He came with a grunt, his release marking along her chest and neck, some even reaching to her chin. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead that was so tender it was at odds with their previous display. “You’re mine, and nothi
ng’s ever going to change that. They’re not going to take you away too.”

  * * *

  To say that Liam was having a hard time dealing with everything was... An understatement to say the least. He had barely stopped pacing ever since Skylar had left the room, his hands tangled up in his hair as he tried and failed to think of anything he could possibly do.

  Michael wasn’t exactly enjoying the situation either. “Liam, I’m sorry, we both are. But... This has to be done, for everyone.” He walked to his brother, squeezing his shoulder in support. “I don’t like it either, I really wish there was another way.”

  Liam threw his hand off. “Oh, fuck you Michael! You don’t like it? How the fuck do you think we feel? I can’t even see my own wife? In my own goddamn house?”

  “It’s not safe to see her, you know that...”

  “You think I care about my safety? I just want to be there to comfort my wife!” He made to push past Michael, shoving his shoulder roughly. “Now get out of my way, I’m going in there!”

  Michael grabbed Liam by his shoulders, lifting him off the ground and slamming him into the wall, picture frames rattling and falling to the floor. The Farah and Cayden looked on silently, knowing this was something the two of them had to work out.

  Michael leaned in, growling, “I know you don’t give a shit about your safety, but we do. How do you think Skylar would feel if she lost control and you were hurt, hell, if you were killed? Do you want to put that on her, do you want her to feel that? You selfish asshole.”

  Liam batted at Michael’s hands, but his heart wasn’t in it, his brother’s words cutting him deep to his core. He shook his head, trying to deny the knowledge that there was nothing that he could do apart from wait. And he absolutely despised the feeling of it.

  “What am I supposed to do Michael? Just sit on my ass and hope for the best? Hope that everything works out, that our child is born fit and healthy without me being there?” He hung his head, his body going weak. “Do you have any idea what that feels like?”


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