Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured Page 10

by Jolynn Raymond

  “Enough.” Mikhal was tired of the man’s babbling. He cared not what the man thought; knowing he’d compensated him quite fairly. There were times when he still found humans to be quite bothersome, and now was one of them. Mikhal wanted nothing but to be off.

  “Yes, your Lordship, I’m sorry, Sire.”

  Mikhal ignored him and seeing his treatment of the man, a small frown creased Alliana’s forehead, but it didn’t last though. She knew he was trying. He could have easily killed the innkeeper and his wife and taken all they had without a second thought. In fact Alliana was certain that not too long ago that was exactly what her husband would have done, and he would have enjoyed himself immensely while doing it.

  Mikhal looked once again at his family to make certain they were comfortable and secure, then climbed up upon the driver’s seat and took the reins, slapping them upon the flanks of the horses, starting the wagon down the path that led into the woods. In a few minutes he would stop and scent the air, searching for the connection that he had with Alliana’s clan, but not now. He didn’t wish for the innkeeper’s prying eyes to see him perform such an act. For now he settled in to the slow clopping rhythm of the horses’ hooves and glanced back at his wife and child, assuring himself yet again that they were safe.

  After just a few minutes, Mikhal pulled the horses to a stop just around the far turn in the road. He closed his eyes and tilted his head up, face towards the now completely dark sky. A night creature, most likely a coyote, howled from deep in the woods, but Lord Arcos ignored it; the beast didn’t concern him. His own had emerged to help him catch the trail of those he sought.

  Keeping his face turned from Alliana and Katia, Mikhal shut out the rest of the world and focused inward instead on the tiny thread that now connected him to Alliana’s parents. The blood bonds ran deep; their blood now ran in his veins because he had fed from their daughter. They were one with him in this small sense and he would use that connection to find them now.

  Searching, searching, eyes closed, waiting for that tingle to set upon him, Mikhal remained motionless, then began to sniff the air, and finally the link between them, the tiny thread that connected their lives was revealed, and what came to him shocked him.

  When they had left the inn, Mikhal had turned the wagon away from the castle, following the road that would take them further into the country, but that wasn’t where his senses told him to go now. No, that wasn’t where Alliana’s clan was. They were in the other direction. Her family was actually in the direction of his lands. He slipped back into his human facade and turned towards his wife.

  “Alliana, when Natalya told you of your powers and what would happen on your eighteenth birthday, did she mention anything about your clan? Did she tell you that they would come to the castle grounds to seek you out?”

  Alliana looked at him aghast. “No! My people know that they are forbidden from coming to the castle. They wouldn’t risk their lives.”

  “Pigeon, I hope that you know I wouldn’t harm them any longer.”

  “Yes, Mikhal, but they do not.”

  “Even so, that is where my senses tell me we can find them.”

  “At the castle? I can’t believe it.” Was it a trick to get her to go home? No, he wouldn’t do that. He had promised her they could find her family. Alliana was certain he understood her need even if he didn’t agree with her decision.

  “No, I don’t believe they are at the castle. They are closer to us than that. They are in the vicinity of it though. I have taken us in the wrong direction, we must turn around.”

  “That is sure to raise the innkeeper’s curiosity.”

  “I care not what he thinks. His gossip is of no consequence to me.”

  “Mikhal, I didn’t mean we needed to be worried, only that the man would wonder, that is all. I know you are Lord and that he cannot question you.” Oh but her husband certainly had a healthy dose of manly pride. It didn’t take much to make him bristle.

  “I know you didn’t, sweet. Forgive me. I simply wish to be on our way and now have found I have wasted time. Tis possible that we could find them by sun up, but not unless we hurry.”

  “Then by all means, Sire. Lead the way. Your daughter and I will gladly go where you take us.”

  Mikhal grinned at her, his smile shining in the moonlight. “As you wish M’Lady.” Mikhal jumped from the driver’s seat and took the reins near one of the horse’s heads and began to turn the beast. It was a tight maneuver on the skinny dirt road, but before long, Mikhal was back up and slapping the worn leather upon the horse’s flanks once more.

  In no time they rounded the bend and made their way past the inn they had so recently vacated. A mule brayed his welcome to the familiar horses, but no face appeared in the window. Perhaps the innkeeper and his wife were dining; perhaps they knew they should mind their own affairs. Either way before long the small cottage that had housed them and protected Mikhal from the deadly sun was but a distant memory before long.

  Into the night they went, Alliana and Katia lulled by the gentle rocking of the wagon and the constant clip clop of the horse’s hooves, Mikhal quiet and brooding, wondering why his wife’s clan had chosen to return to the area that had been strictly forbidden. Were they going to try and fight for her? Did they think she would use her powers to defeat him and leave him?

  His face became a molten shade of red as fury at the thought filled him. No one would take Alliana from him, and they had better not even try. To suggest such a thing would have to mean death, family or no. His wife was not going anywhere.

  Feeling put upon the defensive, scowling and emitting small growls much too low for his dozing wife to hear, Mikhal drove the team of horses into the night, not knowing what to expect, but definitely knowing what the outcome would be. Alliana was staying by his side. She was his wife, the mother of his children, and would be for the rest of her days. They were happy, they were a family, and she had finally admitted her love. Nothing on earth was going to change that.


  An hour went by, then two, then three, and each one that did strengthened the connection Mikhal had with Alliana’s clan. They were approaching them, and quickly. Much to Mikhal’s relief, they weren’t as close to the castle as he had thought. Perhaps they simply stayed near their Golden Child, always circling like vultures, but no, when he had sought out Natalya they had been far from the castle. More and more he was convinced it had something to do with Alliana’s magick.

  He believed that she knew nothing of their whereabouts. If she had, she would have come to them instead of holding up in that tiny unsafe cave. True she wouldn’t have known their exact location, but if this had been preplanned, then she would have known the general area where to go. No, Alliana knew nothing. She had not lied to him. Her family was either here by chance or without her knowledge.

  When the tingling at the base of his neck told him they were very near, Mikhal stopped the horses and jumped down, tying the reins to a tree, then went around the back of the wagon.

  “Why have we stopped, Mikhal?”

  “We have stopped because your clan is very near and I prefer for us to arrive silently on horseback.”

  “Whatever for? Katia is sleeping. I do not wish to disturb her.” It was on the tip of her tongue to ask if there was something he feared but just before the words could slip out she thought better of it. Her husband was not a man who feared things and to suggest that he did would not be wise.

  Mikhal sighed and stared at his wife, wishing for the first time since the empathy spell had been removed that he could read her thoughts. He then leaped over the side of the wagon and settled in beside her, wrapping one arm around Alliana to pull her close as he stroked Katia’s cheek.

  “I shall be honest with you, Alliana.” She looked up at him, eyes huge, confused. What was this all about? Didn’t he intend to keep his word?”

  “I am worried about your clan’s reasons for being so near the castle. I...” He was afraid,
very afraid and disturbed by the notion that they might want to take her from him. It scared him to think of losing Alliana and it also troubled him to know exactly what kind of bloodshed would occur if they so much as tried.

  Alliana reached up and stroked his cheek, encouraging him, but Mikhal simply could not say the word afraid. He was a Master Vampire, a man who was Lord. He was not one who feared anything.

  “Alliana, the thought of your family being near troubles me because I feel they might have the notion they want you back, perhaps because of your magick. You know I could never allow that don’t you? I wish for you to be happy wife, but your place is by my side. We are bound in the eyes of my kind and yours.”

  Alliana was quick to assure him. The fact that he was being possessive didn’t trouble her in the least. He was her husband and he was right. They were bound for life. She had been given to him in marriage and by his side was where she belonged. She wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Mikhal, please. Even if my clan did have some ridiculous notion such as that, and I truly doubt it, we are wed; I would never go. My place is with you, with my family. When I said I loved you, husband, I meant every word. There must be a different reason. Perhaps they are here by chance. I’m certain Natalya would have told me if this had been prearranged. What good would have come from keeping it a secret from me? They could hardly have planned to storm the castle. As I said, my clan fears you, Mikhal. You threatened their lives.”

  Mikhal grimaced. It wasn’t that there was any malice in Alliana’s voice over his threat to do her clan harm, it was simply the entire situation had him on edge.

  “Very well, wife, I shall quell my suspicions, but I still wish to approach quietly. There is no sense in announcing our arrival before we actually do so.”

  Alliana smiled at him, a twinkle in her eyes. She understood his need to feel as if they had the advantage. It would ease his mind to observe the goings on in the camp before they entered.

  “Then let us be off. I wish to see my maman and papa. I am certain all will be thrilled with Katia.” That she did not speak of little Mikhalen was a fact that hung in the air between them. The plain truth was, Alliana did not wish for her clan to see her little boy who flew into such violent rages and showed his demon self at the slightest displeasure.

  Mikhal jumped back over the side of the wagon and then went to the back and lowered the plank there so he could help Alliana down. He set her on her feet as he untied his mount, then mounted and reached down for Alliana and Katia, scooping them up in one easy motion and settling Alliana sideways upon the horse in front of him. Once he was certain that Alliana was well seated and he had an arm wrapped securely around them both, Mikhal started the horse off in the direction of Alliana’s clan.

  “Someone can return for the other horse and wagon. We should be there soon.” Mikhal could feel Alliana’s heartbeat race and heard her quicken breath at the idea of seeing her family again. Had she been lonely? He didn’t think so. Not in the past few months since he had brought Natalya to live with them. He couldn’t deny though how very much she wished to be reunited with them, it was quite apparent by every move she made. She was practically bursting with energy.

  True to his word, the glow of campfire appeared in the distance, just a bit left of the main road. Mikhal turned the horse down a smaller path rutted with the recent passage of the Gypsy wagons, and then pulled the horse to a stop a few yards shy of the clearing.

  It was still fairly early by his standards, maybe ten or eleven a night, but most of the clan had taken to their beds already in preparation for the long day ahead. A few of the men sat gathered by one of the fires, talking and smoking their pipes. Mikhal did his best to hear them but the heavily accented voices and the distance between them prevented him from eavesdropping.

  Moving closer, scanning his surroundings, on edge for any danger, not fearful for himself but for what they might do at the sight of Alliana and the babe, Mikhal finally walked the horse into the clearing and stopped without a sound, waiting for the men to take notice of him, hoping for them to continue conversing.

  The silence didn’t last long. One of the Gypsy men spotted them almost at once and was up on his feet in defense, recognizing the hated Mikhal the Merciless. The demon lord had stolen their Golden Child and their sweet Natalya, who would he take from them now?

  As the first man rose to his feet the others turned and saw the reason for his fear. They too stood and a murmured of discontent arose into the night. Hearing it, wanting to assure everyone that things were fine and that there was no need for alarm, Alliana sat up straighter upon the horse and pushed back the hood of her cloak so all could see that it was she.


  The man who spoke was her father, and Alliana’s heart swelled with love and longing. She hadn’t realized how much she had missed them until they were here before her.

  “Yes, papa. Tis I. My husband has brought our daughter and me for a visit. There is no need for alarm.” Her father came forward, shock upon his face, eyes wide, staring at the daughter he thought to never see again, but before he could reach the spot where Mikhal’s horse stood, another man, Danior, grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

  “No, this could be a trick. You cannot trust the devil.”

  “My daughter is not the devil, Danior.”

  “Your daughter has lived with evil for two seasons. That can change one’s morals. Tell me Alliana, where is my Natalya? Why was she not allowed a visit?”

  Mikhal slid to his feet a warning growl upon his lips. He had put the man Danior down once before and yet Natalya’s husband stilled dared to challenge him.

  “My wife had nothing to do with the taking of yours. I advise you to hold your tongue.”

  Alliana put a restraining hand on Mikhal’s arm, not wishing for the camp to erupt in violence. There was no need.

  “Danior, I shall tell you all about Natalya tomorrow. She is well, happy in fact. Now is not the time. I wish to see my maman and papa.” Alliana knew her words would sting a bit and that she was overstepping her bounds as a woman, but she didn’t care. She had taken the liberties that were granted her in the castle to heart and was determined to speak her mind and keep hold of this situation.

  Danior, clearly shocked by Alliana’s superior attitude, took a step forward but Mikhal’s snarl stopped him in his tracks, he glared at the demon who had taken his wife and rubbed the bump of flesh upon his neck that marked him as one who had fallen victim to evil.

  “It would not be wise to threaten my wife. I suggest you find her mother as she asked.” Dismissing the man, not wanting to look at him for fear he would tear him apart for even thinking of laying a hand on Alliana, Mikhal turned to his wife’s father.

  “Is there a place where we can all gather in private and talk? The night air is not good for my daughter. Tis chill and she has had enough of this cold air for one night.”

  At that moment, having heard the commotion and recognizing her daughter’s voice at once, Alliana’s mother burst forth from her wagon and ran across the clearing, pulling a startled but laughing Alliana into her arms much to the displeasure if Katia.

  The child’s startled cry soon ended the hug but the two women began to chatter at once, her mother full of questions, her eyes steadfastly ignoring the man who stood by Alliana’s side.

  She reached for Katia, intent on cuddling her granddaughter and Mikhal growled, but Alliana turned a warning look his way, making it clear that he was to control himself. Her mother could certainly take care of a babe and would not harm Katia.

  “Come, come to our wagon. It has been so empty with just your papa and I. I’ve missed you so very much. Tell me how you’ve been and tell me of this sweet little one. Tis so soon for you to bring us a granddaughter.”

  Alliana’s mother began to lead her away and Mikhal followed close at her heels until she turned, eyes pleading for understanding. “We shall be fine. I wish for some privacy with my maman please, just
a few minutes, Mikhal. Perhaps you can go get the horse and wagon.”

  The idea that his wife was ordering him to do menial tasks definitely rubbed Mikhal the wrong way, but he couldn’t say no to the pleading look in her eyes; a girl needed to talk to her mother, especially after all that had happened. What would it hurt? Alliana was happy and would tell her mother so.

  “Very well, wife. But I shall return shortly and then all of us will visit. I shan’t be kept from your side.”

  “Nor would I wish you to be. Papa, is there a wagon where we might sleep?”

  “Aye child, Raphael can bed with Danior. He has the room.” Alliana’s father knew the younger man would take offense at such a suggestion but he also hoped he had the common sense not to rile up Mikhal the Merciless. The visit by Lord Arcos appeared to be a peaceful one, but with his kind, that could be shattered in an instant.

  Danior, furious and fuming, cursing under his breath, turned away nonetheless accepting the situation. Better for the evil beast to lay in the wagon of his friend Raphael than for him to lay in Danior’s own wagon. He would roll over and make peace for now, but Danior was determined to find out more about Natalya before Alliana and her new husband left. The vile demon had stolen his wife, and Danior wanted her back.


  As Mikhal was settling in the cramped wagon to become acquainted with his in laws, meeting the cold and uneasy stares of Alliana’s maman and papa with what he hoped was one of pleasure and interest instead of the cold indifference that really filled him; Natalya and Lucian were back at the castle acting as surrogate parents for little Mikhalen.

  The babe had been fussy, as always, squalling and hissing, never truly content no matter what Natalya did to sooth him. He seemed like such an angry child, so full of rage, and in truth it frightened the red headed Gypsy. Not because she feared for her life from the child, but because she sensed in him an evil that had been inherited from his vampire bloodline.


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