Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured Page 16

by Jolynn Raymond

  Natalya tasted his blood upon her lips, and put her hand to his face, breaking the kiss, her eyes full of concern, wiping at the blood that masked his handsome face. “You are hurt.”

  “Tis nothing woman.” Lucian bent his head once more, fully intending to kiss Natalya again, but she shook her head vehemently.

  “No, tis time I tended you. You are not the only one who can mend others. My skills are not magickal, but they are effective, and will prevent your wounds from festering. Come.” She laid her fingers on the bloody torn flesh of his shoulder, thinking again how close the stake had come to his heart.

  He wanted to balk, his pride refusing to allow him to show the pain he felt, but the idea of being alone with Natalya, having her bathe and bandage his wounds, fussing over him, was very appealing. Besides, his Master could hardly object to such activities. The woman knew how to doctor those in need.

  “I shall allow you to tend me, but we shall finish this other business later. I have every intention of claiming what is mine.” He looked up to see Mikhal’s reactions to his words, knowing an angry glare would be shooting his way, and wasn’t disappointed.

  “Before you do any claiming, Lucian, you and I shall talk. Simply because you killed her husband does not make her free for the taking. You know full well whom Natalya belongs to. Tis a fact that cannot be denied.”

  “My Lord, I...”

  “No, Natalya, we shall discuss it, and I will decide what is best for you.”

  Natalya puffed herself up and tilted her chin in the slightest show of irritation, but respectfully held her caustic comments to herself. Though she hated that the man before her would be able to dictate her future, she knew she had no say in the matter.

  “As you wish, My Lord. Please know the tending may take time.”

  “Do what needs to be done and only that. Lucian, I expect you to conduct yourself in a manner that would please me and uphold your honor. You are well versed in the laws of our kind, and unless you wish to challenge me here and now, not one finger is to be laid upon Natalya during this tending. When your injuries have been seen to, come to my chambers.”

  “Yes, Sire. You needn’t worry about my actions. Though I admit my desire to make Natalya my mate, I would never go against your claim. I shall be along shortly.”

  “See that you are. You, men, remove this man from my castle. Bury him properly outside the gates.”

  Mikhal didn’t care if Danior’s body was left for the buzzards to pick apart, but he issued the orders out of consideration for Natalya and his wife. The minions nodded at the order and went forward, each taking an arm of the slain Gypsy and dragging him to the doors. Satisfied and quite through with the matter, Mikhal then turned back to his wife. He was none too pleased with her and planned on letting her know just that.

  “Alliana, come with me. I am angered that you did not stay where you were told. We must discuss your behavior. I am very lenient with you wife, but when your safety is concerned, I expect you to do as you are told.”

  “And I am angered that after all we have been through you would still order me about as if I am a fool.”

  “Our children’s well-being is paramount. You were to see to them while there was trouble.”

  “I did see to them. The children are safe with the wet nurse and Thalia, far from this hall. Once I was certain of their well-being, I had to see to the welfare of my friend. No harm was done. And as for Natalya, we do need to speak about this claim you have on her. I think tis time you allowed her to make her own decisions.”

  Alliana’s words were bold and all who heard them knew it. Women simply did not make decisions; it was the way of things. The manner in which she stood up to her husband was unthinkable, but though he was angered, Mikhal did not retaliate. Not yet, not here. He simply gave her a stern growl and took her arm none to gently, leading her away.

  They would talk as she wished, and he would even allow her to think she held sway over his decision about Natalya, but the truth of the matter was, he would only be doing it to appease her and keep her happy. Women did not make such decisions, the idea was ludicrous, but what she didn’t know, could not anger her. As for her constant boldness, he would remind her of her proper place as his wife, be it through harsh words or his hand to her backside. Most men would simply slap the shrewish words from her lips; he preferred a more tender area on which to make his point, and that, most definitely had to be done in private.

  Watching them go, Lucian looked down at the red headed woman whom he still held in his arms and raised one eyebrow in a very cocky manner, making him appear all the more handsome, blood or no blood. His lips curled up in a smirk, eyes hooded but gleaming with merriment.

  “And I suppose when you become mine you shall be just as haughty and maddening?”

  “Simply because I am thankful you are alive and wish to be with you doesn’t mean I wish for you to own me.”

  “Tis as I thought. Your cruel tongue never ceases, even when I am wounded. Know one thing though, Natalya. When I take you, my fiery Gypsy, there shall no longer be any doubt that you are mine and will belong to me and me alone. Not in your head or any others. Come, we haven’t much time, and I fully intend to steal a kiss or two after you have seen to my injuries.”

  Natalya looked at him, her own eyebrows raised, but smiling all the same. She couldn’t help it; he was so damned charming, even when he was being over bearing, chauvinistic, and acting as if he were superior. He brushed his lips across hers, searing them with the simplest of kisses, then turned her, giving her a swat on her bottom, which made her yelp in indignation. He then took her arm and led her up the staircase to her chamber, thinking how very much he was going to enjoy this particular medicinal session.


  Mikhal held Alliana’s arm tightly as they walked down the hall, his expression stern, mouth a thin line, hers one of nonchalance. Let him say what he wished, Alliana knew he wouldn’t harm her. Most husbands would have delivered a sharp slap at the very least for the disrespect she had shown, but Mikhal was tender. His words may speak fury, but his actions never followed through. Perhaps if she simply ignored him he would decide the argument wasn’t worth it and they could return to their children. She’d missed little Mikhalen desperately during her days away and longed to hold him.

  They came to a place where the corridor split and Alliana turned towards the right, intent on gathering the babes from the wet nurse, but Mikhal had other ideas. He held her fast as she tugged to pull her arm free, glowering at her when she finally stomped her foot in irritation.

  “I wish to bring the children back to my chamber.”

  “And I wish to speak to you in mine, without the presence of our little ones who would be upset by raised voices.”

  “Mikhal! Just a moment ago you were angered that I left them alone, now you are forbidding me to see to them. You are impossible.”

  “Alliana, you know that isn’t true. I was enraged because you put yourself in danger, not the babes. Your continued refusal to follow my commands and the way you freely order me about will be put to a stop here and now. You are my wife and my mate, and being such, you shall act accordingly.”

  “I shan’t be kowtowed by you. Wife or no, woman or not, I am a person. You promised me that you were sensitive of my feelings. Perhaps the removal of the spell has changed how you feel about me after all.”

  Mikhal’s expression turned thunderous at her words. How dare she throw that back at him in an effort to gain the upper hand? The curse had nothing to do with this situation. Twas her behavior, her constant defiant and outlandish obstinacy that was the cause of the reprimand she was about to receive.

  Without saying a word, knowing he didn’t wish to carry on the argument in the hallway where a multitude of prying eyes and ears could be found, Mikhal increased the pressure of his fingers on her elbow and began to walk in the direction of his chambers. She tried to pull back, to drag her feet but he turned, growling, his full fury c
oming forth in that one ominous sound, making Alliana realize that this time she had pushed him too far.

  “Husband, I am sorry.”

  “No, wife, you are not. Not truly. Perhaps you are remorseful because you finally realize I am serious, but simple words will do nothing to change your ways. Now be silent until we reach my rooms unless you wish for all the castle to know we are arguing.”

  Alliana chanced one glare of indignation at her husband but Mikhal ignored her, pulling her to his chamber, striding through the door, pushing her in before him then turning, and closing them in with a resounding bang.


  Alliana looked at him, brow creased in irritation, hands fisted, the need to rant at him almost overwhelming her, but all of her defiance was held back by the look in his eyes. They weren’t glowing with the amber light of his beast, but they were indeed lit by the fires of rage.

  She turned and went to one of the chairs near the small dining table and sat stiffly back ramrod straight, hands folded in her lap, a picture of a demure lady until you noted her furious expression.

  Mikhal looked at her, his gaze not softening one bit under the glare of her green eyes. It was time to set things straight. He wished for her to be happy, but she would not be the dominant one in their union. Twas unnatural, it wasn’t a woman’s place to even attempt it; therefore he was going to curb her defiant behavior here and now.

  Alliana saw how serious he was and knew a tirade was about to be unleashed upon her, and so thought it best to speak in her own defense before he could begin to rant and rave.

  “Mikhal, is this truly necessary? I am sorry that...”

  “ENOUGH! I brought you here to correct your views on who in fact makes the decisions in the family. When you were told to sit, it wasn’t so we could exchange pleasantries or have tea. Now silence yourself wife, and listen well to what I am about to say.”

  Alliana huffed in indignation, unused to such tirades from her husband. He had been so very lenient with her, allowing her free use of her mind and tongue for quite some time. This new attitude of his was very disturbing, and she didn’t like it one bit.

  “You can puff yourself up like an angry kitten, and work yourself into a frenzy if you wish, but it doesn’t change the fact that from now on, in the matter of your safety, you will do as you are told. I have had quite enough of your backtalk and highbrow attitude, wife, and from here on out you shall give me the respect that a wife is required to give to her husband.”

  “Respect is earned.”

  “No tis not! Not in a marriage. When we were wed you made the vow to honor and obey me as all women do, and when we were mated I became your dominant male. The laws of man and the laws of my kind both state that you are mine to do with as I wish, especially when you refuse to do as you are told. Like it or not, you are to accede to my wishes, woman.”

  “You are being a beast! Was it all just a game then? Allowing me a bit of freedom only to steal it away? Is this a new form of sport you have devised to make me suffer? I don’t understand, Mikhal. You speak of love and now... now you change your personality yet again and have decided to rule me with a heart of steel.”

  “My heart is as full of love for you as it ever was wife, tis why you must defer to me when your safety is at issue. As for the other, it enrages me to have you speak with such disrespect, particularly so in front of others. I have my pride, Alliana, and a man’s wife does not behave in such a manner.”

  “You were sweet and tender to try and win my heart, and now you have turned into a wretched, heavy handed lout.”

  “Damn it, woman. Do you not know that most men would take a heavy hand to you for such talk? Shall I treat you as a nothing like Samuel does Rowen? Have you fetch me things at my every whim and bed you as I please without thought to your pleasure? Shall I beat you for the slightest misdeed or imagined affront? Tis that what you wish wife, for that is how most women live.

  “You call me a beast, Alliana, but my treatment of you doesn’t warrant such harsh words. I have not laid a hand on you though you have tempted me mightily for many a month, yet you act as if I am a tyrant who treats you abominably when I tell you that you simply need to show me, your husband, the respect I am due.

  “You disparage me time and again, Alliana. Treat me as a fool who has no control over his mate in front of my first in command and anyone else who might be present, strip me of my authority in front of my minions, then wish to have respect shown to yourself. What of my feelings Alliana? Does not what is in my heart count? I shall not be made a fool of and you... you will learn to do as you swore in your marriage vows.”

  Alliana was looking sufficiently chastised now; she had never dreamed Mikhal was feeling so very usurped by her brazen actions. She had never meant to make him feel inferior in front of others, she’d simply wanted a say in their marriage, but it was true, that wasn’t how things were done. Still...

  “The vows I made were forced upon me as was the mating claim.”

  “And you would be rid of me now? You would relinquish your marriage vows?”

  Both knew it couldn’t be done, but Mikhal posed the question nonetheless. He had been so certain that she wished to be with him, that she loved him, would she truly wish to be free of him for acting the part of a proper husband?

  “Mikhal, no! Never. Tisn’t what I want, I... you are my husband, the father of my children and I love you. Tisn’t what I meant, not at all.”

  “That my sweet, is case in point to why you need to curb your tongue. You speak without thinking, Alliana, and it wounds me. Do you think it safe for you to undermine my power in front of my men? To go against my orders when I want you someplace safe? To defy me and berate me at every turn unless I am doing exactly as you wish? What opinion do the minions have of their Master if a human woman berates him? Perhaps then their Master is not one at all. I can assure you, sweet, that if anyone else ruled this castle your life would become a horror. Your blatant disrespect could fuel an uprising and I won’t have it.”

  “Mikhal, I never intended for anything of the sort.”

  “Good, then I hope you will understand my decision to punish you for your defiant actions. It shall be a stout reminder to curb your tongue in the future.”

  Alliana eyes grew huge at his words, watching in shock as Mikhal closed the distance between them. He hadn’t laid a hand on her before and she could hardly believe he was about to now.

  “Mikhal. Please, I’m sorry. I shall listen to you.”

  “Your words are not enough, sweet. I feel the need to make my point in no uncertain terms.”

  Without another word, Mikhal grasped both of Alliana’s arms, tightly, but not so hard that he would bruise her, then pulled her from the chair and sat down in it himself. He then proceeded to pull her to him and wrangle his now struggling and protesting wife over his lap, trapping her kicking legs between his muscular thighs.

  “Be still, Alliana. I do not intend to brutally beat you. I’m simply going to show you the error of your ways. Such defiance cannot and will not be tolerated.”

  She struggled as he positioned her, shrieking as she felt him lift her skirts and toss them over her head, her hands searching for purchase on the ground below to no avail. When his hands parted her bloomers, she let out a shriek as the cool air hit her bare skin.

  “Mikhal. Tisn’t proper. Let me up at once.”

  “No, pigeon. I think it is a very befitting way in which to punish you. You have been acting like a spoilt child, and so you shall be treated as one. A few swats to your sweet bum are very much in order.”


  “Tis a mild chastising, Alliana, hardly one at all. Consider yourself lucky. Other women receive far worse. Would you prefer a strap or a horse whip?”

  She knew he was right, knew many husbands were heavy handed with their wives, but this, this was mortifying.

  “Mikhal, please.”

  Instead of answering her, he calmly caressed her bare skin, maki
ng her jump and shiver, then tightened both the hold his legs had on hers and his arm that was wrapped around her waist and began to soundly spank her.


  “If I give you an order concerning your welfare or the welfare of yourself and our children, you will do it. If we are in the company of others and you do not agree with my decision, you will hold your tongue until we are alone. If, after we have had said discussion, I do not agree with what your wish, you will accede to my wishes without pouting or resorting to a disparaging tirade. Is that understood?”

  Her creamy skin had gone from ivory to bright pink as he had issued orders of the way things were to be, and he gave her one last smack, this one quite hard, as he waited for her answer, daring her to reply in a negative fashion.

  “Yee... sss, Mikhal.”

  “Very good, sweet. Come here.” He lowered her skirts after one quick caress, knowing if he dwelled on what he had just done it would only increase the fire already smoldering in his loins, then turned her in his arms, cradling her close, tilting her head up by her chin to gaze down into her eyes.

  She wore an expression of hurt, a small pout upon her lips, but Mikhal simply lowered his head and kissed it away, holding her securely, lovingly, protectively. His lips traveled from her mouth to her jaw line, peppering tiny kisses as he went, then he went lower and bit her gently with blunt teeth on his mark of claim, growling low, the masterful male issuing his dominant claim, before kissing her there and making her shiver.

  “I did not do that to hurt you, wife. I did it so you will remember what I expect from you, and I did it because I love you. You and our children are the world to me, Alliana, and if anything were to happen to you I would be lost.”

  Alliana wiggled in his lap, her bottom burning, but only a little. It was more of a pleasant tingle to be truthful. He hadn’t spanked her hard. She was far more shocked by his actions than harmed in any way.


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