Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured Page 18

by Jolynn Raymond

  “And my kiss?”

  “There shall be no kiss to befuddle my mind. Be off with you.”

  “As you wish, My Lady. I shall leave you to your thoughts. I do not know if I shall see you before you are summoned by Lord Arcos. Remember, Natalya, the choice is yours. You know what I want. What I think is for the best for both of us.” That said he rose and left on silent feet, not looking back. He had done all he could to persuade her, the rest would have to be sorted out in that quick mind of hers.

  Lucian went down the corridors until he reached the chambers of his Master, and was about to knock when he heard the murmurs of passion coming from within. He smiled, pleased that at least his Master was able to tame his wild hellion and find solace in her arms. The question was, would Lord Arcos allow Lucian to do the same, and could Natalya be convinced he truly had her best interest at heart?


  “Mikhal.” Alliana’s voice was soft, sensual, coming out in a purr of desire, chasing all thoughts of Lucian and his impending visit from her husband’s mind as he crossed the room to the bed, divesting himself of his clothes as he went. He climbed into her open arms, kisses already beginning to cover her body, hands igniting, words whispering vows of love.

  He knelt over her, caressing her back, fingers lightly trailing over her shoulders, then settled himself down onto her bottom, his now hard cock pressing into the softness there, insistent, needy, demanding, but Mikhal ignored the urge to plunge deep into her depths.

  Her body wasn’t ready, wasn’t healed from the ordeal of childbirth, and to take her in her sweet little rump would be far too shocking. One didn’t engage in those activities with one’s wife. That was what whores were for. This was his wife, his life’s mate, a lady, his lady, and as such she deserved to be treated accordingly.

  Alliana wiggled her bottom, loving the feel of his male strength, hard as steel but soft as silk, and Mikhal groaned. Her cheeks were still pink and warm from the spanking he’d given her, and the sight only heightened his desire to sink into her bottom. She had no idea where his mind was wandering, what a man and a woman could do, what acts could be performed. If she did, she would be appalled.

  “Lay still wife and let me love you. We must speak to Natalya about your health before doing as we both wish.”

  “I know that, Mikhal, but that doesn’t make the fire inside me burn less hot.”

  Her willingness thrilled him, and her boldness surprised him. His sweet wife was truly a minx inside. Twas even more proof that any woman could be made to be a siren in bed if one simply treated her with the right touch. Human men were such fools. Who would want a cold motionless bit of flesh to plunge into when one could create a wiggling minx full of fire?

  He bent forward, hard chest pressing against her back, crushing her sensitive breasts to the bed as he turned her head with one hand and ran the other up and down her side, grazing the side of her breast as she wiggled. He bit down with blunt teeth on the mark that proclaimed her as his and made a sound deep in his chest. It was one of pleasure and possessiveness, a purr mixed with a hint of a growl that sent chills up Alliana’s spine and liquid gold fire pooling in her belly.

  “You let me worry about your fire, kitten. I am skilled enough to pleasure us both in ways that will not hurt you.”

  He moved up on his knees a bit, then settled himself on her bottom, sitting lightly and began to stroke and rub her back until she was purring like a kitten. His cock remained nestled in the heat of her rump and the pressure of his weight upon it with her velvety skin below was both heaven and hell.

  Rubbing and stroking, massaging until she was limp beneath him, he lifted her hands over her head, then danced his fingers down her back and brought them up again grazing the sides of her breasts over and over.

  Alliana whimpered and mewled and wiggled under his talented fingers, feeling the weight of him, his hard chest pressed into her ever so briefly when he stroked upward to her finger tips, then the exquisite way he danced across her back as he went down again. It was delightful and maddening at the same time because while it felt oh so good, she also wanted to roll over and hold him to her.

  Alliana pushed up with her bottom and called out his name, driving herself up into his hard member and deliberately rubbing herself against it in an effort to drive him from his task. It worked, and he let out a growl, rolling to the side and wrapping her in his arms pulling her close as he entwined his legs with hers. Flesh to flesh, lips to lips, heart to heart they held each other as their passion flared, each feeling a deep need in their bellies growing, burning hot.

  Mikhal’s mind was in a whirl, there were so many things he wanted to do to her and have her do to him but the boundaries of society forbid it. He’d never cared in the past, had engaged in anything that had given him pleasure, but this was Alliana. He didn’t want to shock her, to degrade her, to treat her as anything other than like the precious gift she was. He knew talents that were never known to her, but many of those delights were considered forbidden. Perhaps in time he could introduce her slowly, but not now. One simply did not ask one’s wife, a lady, to perform acts only done by immoral whores.

  His cock throbbed but Mikhal was firm in his decision. He would never thrust into Alliana’s sweet mouth, would probably never take her anywhere but her velvety tight quim, but that was fine. There were great pleasures to be had there; he only wished he could do those things now. Why hadn’t he asked Natalya when Alliana would be ready to be bedded? Not that it mattered, he was certain it twas far too soon.

  Her demanding lips and wriggling form brought him back from his musings as his sweet wife rubbed her soft belly against his cock like a cat in heat. He knew she needed him as much as he needed her and that he would have to do something to satisfy them both, and soon.

  He allowed her to rub a bit, not having the will to push her away, but then finally did, and lay her on her back, straddling his wife’s slender hips and covering her face with kisses.

  Alliana smiled up at him, hair a tumble, eyes glowing; cheeks rosy, looking like a very sensual Madonna, beauty and purity mixed with passion. He drew her hands up again, lacing his fingers with hers, moving in the age old rhythm, grinding down and sliding up then back as she arched up and cried out, spreading her thighs so he could settle his member in her folds that were slick with her need.

  She threw back her head, barring her neck to him, inviting him to taste, to tend, to give pleasure and the sight of the sleek ivory column called out to him, making Mikhal swell even harder as he brought his mouth down upon his mark of claim, biting with blunt teeth, making her mewl, even as he thrust forward and back, causing friction upon her nub of pleasure.

  The sensations were almost overwhelming. The dizzying pleasure of his mouth on the mark mixed with the liquid fire flowing from her womb, but she needed more, needed him inside of her, but both knew it wasn’t to be. Sensing her turmoil, knowing he too was close to losing all control and doing what must not be done, he moved downward, away from temptation and began to kiss her along the fine bones where her neck met her shoulders.

  His hands were on her arms, holding them there, but then he brought them down to wrap one around her and to stroke her body with the other. When he did so, Alliana brought her own hands down and grasped his shoulders, her nails digging into his back, driven half mad with passion and need.

  Mikhal growled, loving the feel of her letting go, sensing the wildness rising up inside his wife. He brought his mouth to her breast, taking the tender nipple in his mouth and laving it with his tongue. He cupped the other gently so as not to hurt her, knowing how sensitive she was now days, loving the heavy feel of her breast in his palm, knowing it was full of milk for his children.

  Swirling and suckling, teasing, lapping from breast to breast, Mikhal paid proper homage to his lovely wife, then moved lowered and did the same to her belly. There was just a bit of puffiness left from her pregnancy. She’d hardly gained any weight at all during the time. It
had been briefer than most and the twins had consumed most of what she had eaten.

  He kissed her belly, sliding down the bed so his hands were gripping her hips while her fingers entwined in his hair. Then he placed tiny kisses across her hips themselves and was pleased when Alliana cried out in a tone that spoke most definitely of pleasure, not shock. Still, he wasn’t going to chance breaking the spell by putting his mouth to her sex.

  The intoxicating scent of her passion was proving to be too much to bear so Mikhal began to kiss his way back up his beautiful wife, stopping once again to lovingly kiss and fondle her breasts before seeking out her the mark of claim on her neck once more.

  He began to suckle there even as he reached back for her hand, bringing it to his swollen cock, wrapping her fingers around it and thrusting forward. The movement and the feel of his pulsing member hard and velvety smooth in her hand was all it took for Alliana to know what to do. She began to slide her hand up and down, up and down, gripping him in her hot fist, pumping in the same rhythm that he had used when he made love to her.

  Growling with need upon her throat, the vibrations going straight to her core, Alliana cried out as his fingers found her nub and began to rub and circle the tiny bud. She spread her legs wider pushing into his hand, loving the feel of his fingers dancing upon her hypersensitive sex, and urged him on by increasing the rhythm of her own strokes even as she called out his name.

  Hearing her voice, knowing it was him who was giving her pleasure, only him, drove Mikhal half crazed. He stroked her gently, tapping lightly then circling, then rubbing furiously until she was squirming under his touch, her tiny bud swollen with need, slick beneath his fingers, even as he felt himself nearing the point of ecstasy.

  “Now kitten, come with me now, love.” Mikhal growled out the words and increased the pressure on her nub as he vamped out and bit deeply into her neck, the hot blood of his wife spurting over his tongue as ribbons of creamy semen shot from his hard shaft.

  His entire body exploded with the most intense of pleasures as her hot hand milked him and her potent blood spilled forth. He drank deeply feeling her body tense, knowing she was about to fall, the thought making him shudder as his climax roared through every nerve in his body.

  Alliana cried out at all the sensation filling her body, surrounding her, taking her over the edge. His fingers working her sex, his cock spasming and twitching in her hand as he came and the dizzying pleasure of the pull of his mouth upon the mark of claim. Her body convulsed as her own orgasm overtook her and she stiffened, crying out at its intensity and still he kept pulling from her neck and rubbing her nubbin until she fell over the precipice again.

  Shaking, out of breath, floating in a sea of ecstasy, Alliana arched her back then fell into his arms, limp as Mikhal lapped at her neck, closing the bite and slowing his hand on her sex, gently bringing her down. She stroked him slowly in kind, feeling him soften and twitch, loving the fact that she had brought him as much pleasure as he had given her.

  She mewled and nestled into him as he withdrew his hand so he could wrap her in his arms, loving the feel of her, the scent of her, the knowledge that they were one. Mated for eternity. She was his and his alone and he couldn’t have ever wished for more.

  Whispering sweet ‘I love you’s, Mikhal rocked Alliana as she returned to earth, holding her as her breathing steadied, kissing her, loving her as she nestled up in his arms. After a time they drifted off, Lucian and Natalya long forgotten.

  It wouldn’t be long before her mother’s heart yearned for her children and her body demanded that she nurse as well, but for now there was only this, their little bit of heaven on earth, found in the arms of the one they loved.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Alliana awoke, nestled in her husband’s arms, a place where she should have been very content, but alas, that was not the case. Her babies weren’t by her side, and that was something she planned on remedying at once.

  Looking over at Mikhal, not wishing to wake him but needing her children, Alliana slowly slipped out of his arms and was very pleased when her husband didn’t stir. He was sleeping the sleep of the dead, exhausted from their journey, the subsequent battle between Lucian and Danior, and of course their passionate love making. If it weren’t for the longing in her mother’s heart and the ache of her milk-swollen breasts, Alliana knew she would be dreaming sweet dreams as well.

  Going to the door, she opened it with her finger to her lips to indicate quite. She told the girl to have Thalia bring her babes at once, her need to see Katia and Mikhalen growing stronger. She’d missed her little boy intensely over the past few days, and longed to hold him. She also had an idea she was eager to test.

  Alliana turned to gaze at her sleeping husband as she waited. The sight before her was one of pure physical beauty. Not in the feminine sense of course, her husband was anything but. He was as masculine as a man could be. It was simply that his form and face were pure perfection in her eyes, and seeing him lying there, bed sheet draped low over his hips, alabaster skin glowing in the lamp light, chest hard and rippled with the strength that lay beneath that oh so smooth skin. Perfect. And his face, it was a thing of beauty as well. She couldn’t help but think of him in this fashion. His sculpted cheekbones, his sensuous lips that she could feel even now dancing over her skin, the fringe of lashes thick and feathery laying on his cheeks, hiding those oh so blue eyes.

  Her admiring musing was put to an end when she heard footsteps in the corridor. She stepped out to see Thalia approaching along with the wet nurse, each with a tiny bundle in their arms.

  Alliana’s arms went out immediately, her heart soaring at just the sight of her darlings, as Thalia placed Katia in the crook of one arm, and the nurse placed Mikhalen in the other. Twas an awkward load for sure, but a cherished one that Alliana wouldn’t have given up for the world. She nuzzled each downy head in turn, then looked up at the nurse.

  “Has Mikhalen been fed recently?” Both the nurse and Thalia assumed that Alliana was asking because she was still afraid of him turning into his demon self, but Alliana had another idea.

  “Yes, M’Lady. He fed but an hour ago. He should be content for some time.”

  It was the answer Alliana had been hoping for. “And Katia?”

  “She hasn’t fussed, but I was about to feed her. I was unsure as to your orders regarding your daughter but didn’t wish for her to hunger.”

  “You would have done well to feed her. Tis my wish to do so myself, but of course I do not want her to go hungry. Thank you both. You may leave us alone.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” The nurse curtsied and went away quite pleased. Truth be told, nursing the boy child pained her greatly and she was afraid the girl would turn into a beast as well if offered a breast even though that had never been the case.

  “If you need anything, I shall be in my room. I am pleased to have you back, Lady Arcos.”

  “And I am pleased as well Thalia; tis good to be home. Perhaps tomorrow we can spend time together.”

  “I’d like that, Mistress. Good night.”

  “Good night, Thalia.”

  Thalia waited until Alliana had moved through the chamber door, then quietly closed the door behind her, knowing it would be a difficult task with her precious bundles. Alliana moved to the bed and laid Katia and Mikhalen down near their father before climbing back onto the bed beside her family.

  Once settled she opened up her dressing gown, eager to nurse her children; it had been too long both physically and emotionally. Picking up Mikhalen, hoping against hope that the boy would suckle calmly if offered her nipple, she stroked his chin until he opened his mouth then guided him to her breast. Her fervent wish was that he remain in his human form because he truly wasn’t hungry and had no need for sustenance. Perhaps she could get him to draw on her breast a bit, to create that bond she longed for, to hold him close and do what all mother’s wished to do if he wasn’t craving the blood that nourished him.

  At first th
e child turned away, his belly full, the breast having no interest, but Alliana was persistent, and he finally latched on. She beamed down at him, feeling love swell her heart even as his tiny mouth suckled, thrilled. Lowering her head, she nuzzled him and whispered words of love, vowing that he would never do as Sabina predicted. That he simply couldn’t. Visions could be wrong. He was too precious; he was hers.

  Her moments of bliss through were unfortunately brief. After but a minute, Alliana felt the tiny forehead under her lips become wrinkled. She lifted her head and watched as little Mikhalen took on his demon form, breathing deeply, forcing away her fear, focusing instead on the blissful feeling of finally being able to nurse him.

  The babe opened his mouth wide, tiny fangs growing, and then bit down hard, causing Alliana to cry out. She clamped her teeth down on her bottom lip to silence her cry of pain, but it was too late, her distress woke Mikhal in an instant.

  He sat up, fully awake, eyes taking in the scene before him, feelings of both happiness and dread filling him. He was shocked to find his son nursing at his wife’s breast, and dismayed to see how the boy was vigorously biting Alliana’s breast repeatedly. This behavior Mikhal suspected was a type of natural instinct. The child simply knew he needed blood with his meal, and not the delicate way to obtain it without causing harm, but knowing this didn’t change the dismay at watching Alliana be hurt.

  “Alliana, the wet nurse can feed him. This is too much. I shan’t have you hurt like this.” Even as he said the words Mikhal was reaching for his son, his look of concern deepening as he noted Alliana’s pale face.

  “No, tis fine. I am his mother.”

  “Tis not fine, wife. Yes, you are his mother. You love him, nurture him, tend him, but feeding can be done by another.” Mikhalen bit down again, one tiny fang piercing her nipple, and though she tried, Alliana couldn’t muffle her groan of pain. Oh why couldn’t he stop biting and simply drink in what was there? There was plenty of milk and blood to be had.


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