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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 20

by Jolynn Raymond

  “I treasure my freedom, but Lucian swears I shan’t have to forfeit it now. He told me that if we are mated I would still have a say and I... I believe him. I believe in him. He has promised to treat me well and...” She paused, the next words were hard to say; the commitment she made today would be final. Vampires did not take mating lightly; it was even more binding than marriage. Her decision would be the one she lived with for life.

  “Natalya, Lucian has assured me that he admires your spirit and has no desire to crush your soul. I also have informed him that I am still Master here and that if for some reason he made the very bad choice of making you unhappy, he would have to reckon with me. I would not pass your well-being over to him if I did not believe he would keep his word.”

  “I too feel he is honorable. That is why... that is why I wish to belong to him.” The last words were said very quietly for it still pained her to speak of herself as a possession, but Natalya also knew how lucky she was to have had a choice at all.

  Hearing her, Lucian longed to give a whoop of joy, but he knew his Master would not approve of such merriment. Lord Arcos was still aggrieved by what Lucian had done without permission, so it was best to save the celebrating for a latter time.

  “So be it. Go to your chambers and wait for us. I shall bring Lucian to you shortly and relinquish my claim. He will then be free to make you his, and his alone. Once the act is done, you shall be one for eternity.”

  Mikhal’s words made Natalya shiver with both trepidation and excitement, her stubborn mind reacting to the fact she had just agreed to be owned by yet another man, and her body remembering how exquisite his touch was.

  “Yes, M’Lord. Thank you M’Lord.” With one quick glance at her intended, Natalya slipped out of Lucian’s chambers, knowing that the next time they met would be a time of intense emotion and passion.

  After she was gone, Mikhal once again reiterated his wishes on how Natalya should be handled, and Lucian agreed once more, assuring his Master that he had every intention of seeing the lady happy and content.

  They finished their scotch in silence, allowing Natalya just a bit of time to compose herself, and then set off down the hall towards the Gypsy’s rooms.

  “You shall be relieved of your duties for a night and a day. Use the time wisely.” The sparkle in his Master’s eye surprised Lucian and he couldn’t help the hint of a smile that appeared on his lips.

  “Thank you, Sire. I shall. Twill take a bit of skilled convincing for Natalya to see just how right her decision is, but I think in time she will welcome her choice.”

  Mikhal’s eyes hardened. “There is more to mated life that what pleasures are found in bed. Human women expect more. Do not disappoint me.”

  “Oh no, Sire, I am all too aware of that. She will be a challenge that is for certain but I have enjoyed her company thus far when we have been engaged in acts that had nothing to do with intimacy. She shall have my devotion in the bedroom and out of it as well. The trips to the village will not cease, nor will the games of chess or even I imagine the verbal sparring she is so fond of.”

  “Be certain they don’t, for if you tired of her and come to ignore her, I shall be the first to hear of it from my wife, and that is something I would not forgive you for.”

  As he said the last of the words, they arrived at Natalya’s door, knocking and waiting, until she bid them to enter with a trembling voice. Mikhal strode to where Natalya stood in the center of the room and Lucian followed close at his heels, then taking one of her hands in his and stroking the mark upon her neck with the other, Mikhal looked deep into Natalya’s eyes.

  “I relinquish my claim upon you here and now, and give you to my first in command, Lucian. You are to accept him and obey him, and in turn, he will treat you justly and protect you from all harm. So be it.”

  Her eyes had widened at the word obey, but Mikhal ignored her. Of course he’d said obey. All wives and mates were to obey. She would feel the pull of Lucian’s displeasure should he choose to exert it once their blood bond had been completed.

  Mikhal then placed Natalya’s hand in Lucian’s outstretched one. “I give her to you now. Make her yours and cherish her as your mate for eternity.”

  Lucian gave a curt nod, so intent was he on the quivering woman before him that he barely noticed when Mikhal turned and left the room. After a moment, he realized they were alone at last and that they had been granted permission to do what he had yearned for, for so long.

  Lucian took her hand and quickly led her down the hall to the chambers they would now share. Once inside, he closed the door and slid the bolt in place, then went back to his fiery red headed Gypsy, and smile curled upon his lips and passion smoldering in his eyes.

  “Are you ready to become mine, my sweet?” Natalya nodded, a slow burn building inside her distinguishing the fear that had been rising up. “You won’t be sorry, I swear, never will you regret you decision.” That said, his hand moved to cup her cheek as one arm slid around her waist and his lips descended to claim hers, igniting the sparks of passion that had smoldered unrequited for far too long.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Natalya’s heart jumped at Lucian’s whispered vow and her eyes fluttered closed as his mouth hovered over hers poised for a kiss. She parted her lips, welcoming him and felt the exquisite tingling fill her body as her blood responded to his touch. His kiss was gentle at first, stoking the fire within, teasing her lips with his soft but demanding ones, then it deepened into the vow of possession that he meant for it to be. Holding her tighter, molding her body to his so they were as one, he swept his tongue across hers, dancing igniting, tempting, stirring the fire in her core.

  The combination of his cool soft mouth and his hard body made her blood race and heat rise up deep inside her. The tingling that was always present now when she was near him built as the kiss went on and Natalya leaned into him, surrendering, needing, wanting something she didn’t quite understand but knowing that it was now well within reach. Just when she felt her head begin to swim from lack of air he broke the searing joining of their lips and pulled back so his dark eyes hovered over hers once more, boring deep into her soul, searching for surrender, for submission of his taking, for... love.

  Seeing the passion blazing in her eyes, the flush of her cheek, scenting the hint of dew that his kiss had caused to dampen her womanhood, Lucian released her and stood back as Natalya swayed slightly on her feet, a bit dazed by the heady kiss and her body’s reaction to the man before her. The things he did, the way he made her feel, the vulnerability he instilled with his fiery passion frightened her, and as he stood there gazing at her, taking in every inch of her form, she stiffened, the old protective shield falling into place.

  Lucian, seeing her hackles rise, and knowing that this surrender of herself, however sweet was so very terrifying for her softened his gaze, replacing some of the burning lust in his black eyes with the honest feelings that were stirring his dead heart. Still, his unflinching gaze unnerved her, and Natalya’s eyes flashed.

  “Must you look at me like some prized bit of stock, appraising all my attributes? You have seen me before, sir.”

  Lucian smirked just a bit at her biting words; he couldn’t help it though he knew they arose from fear. Still, nothing on this earth could tame the woman before him, and he actually found that fact amusing. Even here, in his chamber, on the eve of their mating, she was full of defiant spirit and he wouldn’t have wanted her any other way.

  “Aye I have seen you before my lady. Many times, but never when I have been allowed to look without restraint. You are mine now and tis my right. Neither man nor law can deny me that pleasure any longer.”

  Again she bristled, this time because of his frank declaration of ownership. “Am I to be but a prize you have won? Forgive me for feeling less than overjoyed. Things once treasured are quickly tossed aside when the newness fades.”

  “Have faith dear Natalya. Only fools and children discard their treasures and I a
m neither.”

  Her eyes remained skeptical and Lucian damned her husband for treating her like the cattle she recently accused him of seeing her as.

  “Natalya, I am not Danior. I do not claim to know how it was you two became married, but I can assure you, I have no intention of tossing you aside or trying to crush the spirit in your heart. Tis part of what I cherish about you. As my mate you will not be made to heel to me. You shall be mine tis true, but only in the sense that you are a part of me. You are mine to cherish, not mine to destroy.”

  “My marriage tis none... I, what I mean is that, while tis true Danior was chosen for me, I was a good wife, and he a decent provider.”

  “I care not about your past, Natalya and I mean no ill towards those who raised you. That isn’t why I said what I said. What I do know is that the man who called himself your husband didn’t respect you. Making certain there was meat for you to cook and clothes upon your back doesn’t make a man just, not when he does his best to destroy the very part of you that tis so valuable.

  “Tis not any man who would welcome your fire sweet, but I do, and here, by my side, you shall not be kowtowed and beaten down. Your wit and your passion will be a welcome thing, even if I do find you infuriating at times. Let the past go and open your thoughts and feelings to me now.

  “You told Lord Arcos this is what you wish. Your body knows this is right, as does your heart, tis simply your fear instilled by an uncaring lout who couldn’t see the treasure he was given that makes you terrified of what tonight will bring.”

  “I am no maiden, surely you know that. I know what happens between a man and woman.”

  Lucian couldn’t hold back the bit of mirth that slipped forth at her words. No, she was no maid, not in the basic physical sense, but the core of pleasure waiting to spring forth at his touch was virginal for sure. Her body had been taken, but never brought to life. Used by an uncaring husband who most likely pawed at her thighs then climbed atop her, grunting out his pleasure as she squeezed her eyes shut counting the minutes until he was through with his rutting.

  “Do not laugh at me, Sir!”

  “Ah, sweet, sheath your claws. I am not finding merriment at your expense, simply pleasure in knowing that your words have a false ring, but this you shall have to discover for yourself. Nothing I say will make you realize that you will find peace and passion as my mate. Time will take away your fears, and passion your reserve.”

  Natalya opened her mouth to speak, but Lucian was quite through with talking. Without a word he reached out and made quick work on the laces of her gown, nimbly untying the fabric that kept her from his gaze. It was time to claim his prize, to take her, to make her come alive, and to make her his for all time. Words were not what were needed here. The joining of their bodies and the flow of mingled blood in their veins would set things right.

  At first she stiffened under his touch but as he divested her of each layer, turning her to and fro as he worked on her gown then undid the ties of her stays, peeling away each bit of fabric, letting her petticoats slip to the floor, baring her breasts as his eyes turned from subdued black discs to burning ebony orbs, he finally paused, when only her pantalets remained.

  She shivered under his gaze. It was full of fire, longing and yes tenderness, and her reserve fled from her heart as the certainty of her decision filled her. This was right, she wanted this man before her, cared for him... loved him, and he her. His words about respect rang true as did his promises, and she knew without a doubt that he would treat her well.

  His gaze was so heated as it swept over her, causing her skin to flush and her nipples to tighten as memories of his touch came flooding back. His hard chest crushing her, his lips soft yet hard a steel when demanding her surrender, his arms, both strong enough to break her yet sweetly comforting.

  When he reached around her, pulling her closer and untying the laces that held her bloomers in pace she leaned to him, not away, and slipped her arms about his neck as the cotton drawers slid down her legs, revealing all of her to the man who would be hers.

  His hands held her hips, fingers tight, thumbs stroking the skin there, toying with the red curls that covered her womanhood, making her shiver from something far from fear, but still, when he set her from him so he could gaze at her once more, she felt a heated blush fill her as the old instilled shame arose. Danior had never bared her, had never really looked at her. Their joining was done in the dark as he pushed up her nightdress and went about his husbandly right, not with this frank appraisal with nothing to hide behind.

  One hand went to cover her sex while the other arm moved to curl around her breasts, and Natalya lowered her head. She felt Lucian’s hand on her chin, gently insisting she look at him, and finally obliged, her green gaze meeting his black one, taking in the burning flecks of amber that filled them.

  “Never be ashamed, love, for you are truly beautiful. Let me look upon you.”

  She bit her lower lip, this was so... foreign, so wrong. “Lucian...”

  A small growl, barely perceptible in the large chamber, but she heard it and it made her stiffen. So the domination was to begin. He saw her reaction and damned himself. Yes his demon was demanding her submission, but demanding was not the approach to take, gentle seduction and persuasion was what was needed. True her body was ready for the taking already, the telltale flush of her skin, her hardened nipples, the unmistakable scent of her dew all spoke of her inner desire, but he needed more, he needed her trust and her heart. To force her to toss away her old beliefs and moral was wrong. He would have a lifetime to overcome her past.

  Instead of forcing her or insisting, he simply stepped back and began to untie the laces of his shirt. As it loosened, he pulled it over his head, revealing his magnificent torso. Alabaster skin gleaming in the candlelight, rippling muscles moving in time as he tossed the garment aside and went to untie his breeches as well. As small noise of appreciation from Natalya stopped him and he looked up to find her gazing at him, tongue darting out to lick her lips even as the hand that covered her breasts moved away to reach out to him.

  He came closer and then stood motionless as her hand timidly explored the plains of his chest; fingers trailing across his shoulder, then a bit lower to brush the sparse black curls that lay in the hollow between his nipples. She brushed them lightly then ran her thumb over one nipple, then let her hand drop lower, following the natural trail of his chest hair down, drawing a line with her tentative fingers, descending lower to the top of his breeches, sliding her fingertips over the curls and sleek skin of his abdomen.

  This time it was Lucian who shivered. Her touch was so innocent yet so seductive. Had she touched Danior like this? Probably not; women were not encouraged to act in such a manner. Only whores pleasured men and explored their bodies, or so girls were told from a young age. Submit as you must, do what you are told, lie there and take it, but never, ever be bold, and never find enjoyment.

  When her thumb brushed along the waistline of his breeches, knowing what lay beneath, wondering, wanting, Lucian hissed in an unneeded breath and Natalya jerked her hand away as if burned. Her mouth opened and closed, horrified over what she had done, her eyes huge.

  Lucian murmured soothing sounds, nonsensical words meant to calm her, to drive away her shame, and pulled her close, his heart aching as he saw the tears welling up in her eyes. His Natalya was in quite a quandary. Her body was coming alive but her stoic mind, her proper ladylike attitude and moralistic upbringing was making her feel ashamed of all that she was feeling.

  “Tis fine, sweet. I want you to touch me. It was heaven. You’ve done no wrong.”

  She shook her head against his shoulder, wanting, needing to believe, to let the desire filling her overtake her and banish the old demons hanging on inside her soul, but she was so afraid, so full of doubt. What if she did the wrong thing? What if she angered him, made him think her a whore, made him despise her? He would mate her and own her, but the promised respect would be only that,
promise that never came to be.

  Feeling her shake, seeing her on the verge of tears, listening to her murmured words of denial, Lucian knew that the battle to win her and put her heart at ease would be a long one; too much damage had been done by her husband and the teachings of her clan, of society in general. Pleasure could be given and had for sure, but at what cost? Her humiliation after all was done?

  “Listen to me, Natalya. I know what you were told by your mother and her mother before her, but what we make each other feel is nothing to bring shame. Tis natural. I wish for you to have pleasure, to respond to my touch, tis why I do what I do. It would be a very disheartening thing if you were to lay beneath me cold and still and feeling nothing. We shall be as one, through blood and the joining of our bodies, and it will bring us both ecstasies. Trust me, sweet. The fire you feel, the desire you hold inside is something I cherish. Don’t try to hide it for there is no need.”

  This was almost worse than having a virgin on his hands. She had been made to submit to Danior’s pawing without ever experiencing pleasure of her own and it simply reinforced what she had been told by her mother; if she felt nothing she was pure and good, if she found pleasure she was a whore. No wonder his stolen kisses and heated embraces had put her off and made her lose her temper. It had all been so very confusing for her.

  Well never mind that now. Here they were, and he had every intention of making the night a magickal one and breaking down the barriers that kept her twisted moralistic code firmly in place. Oh he would do so gently, and in a way that enabled her to keep her pride, but he would bring her body to life and make her his all the same.

  Scooping Natalya up in his arms, Lucian held her close, placing a multitude of chaste kisses upon her upturned face, then went about the chamber blowing out the candles until it was dark as pitch. He didn’t need them to see by, the vision of the lovely Natalya was still vivid before him, but the darkness would provide her a sense of comfort, give her a place to hide when the feelings became overwhelming. She didn’t need to face him, not now; she only needed to feel.


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