Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured Page 22

by Jolynn Raymond

  “Time for sleep my lusty wench. Lay in my arms and dream of passions to come. Tis our first night together, and just one of a multitude.” He pulled her closer and moved her head aside to nuzzle at the bite mark upon her neck. His mark, and no other. Natalya felt her body sing as he tended it with tiny laps of his tongue and Lucian felt the deep scratches made by her fingers tingle as well.

  “Sleep now, we shall play later, my love.” She gave him a very cheeky grin, one he was certain she felt he couldn’t see, but then nestled into his chest, pressing the length of her beautiful body to his. Gone was the woman full of doubt and uncertainty. She had been replaced by one full of love and passion, and Lucian couldn’t have been more pleased.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mikhal allowed the newly mated couple to spend several uninterrupted days and nights with each other before reaching the end of his patience. He knew exactly what it was that was going on behind the closed door of Lucian’s chamber, and the thought that he wasn’t allowed to tend his own mate in the same fashion grated on him each and every moment.

  When together, he craved Alliana as he craved blood, when apart she filled his every thought, and when asleep, she filled his dreams. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy to be with his new family, not at all; he cherished every moment with his wife and children, but the man in him and the beast, craved to bed her properly. Their trysts of subdued passion, always holding back, never being able to consummate their desires were pleasurable to be sure, but he needed to have her in every sense of the word.

  That need had led him to the door of his first in command. It was time to question Natalya about Alliana’s health in regards to being bedded. She’d given birth to the twins two fortnights ago, and he was impatient to say the least. Alliana too had been even more passionate in their bed, becoming a vixen under his touch, molding herself to him, caressing, kissing, teasing, doing all he had shown her, and needing so much more.

  The harsh knock startled a dozing Lucian and made Natalya awaken at once, clutching the thick fur over her bare breasts. No servant had been summoned, so that left only one who would disturb the castle’s first in command. It had to be Lord Arcos himself at the door.

  Lucian kissed Natalya quickly then rose, his nude form rippling in the faint glow of the fires dying embers, striding to where his silken robe lay tossed over the back of a chair and quickly dressing, and then turning back and pulling the thick drapes securely around the bed, shielding Natalya from view. That he had no wish for his Master to gaze on her was an understatement. Though Lord Arcos was his Master, and had in fact held a claim over Natalya in the past didn’t matter. Now she was his, body and soul, and no man, be it his Lord or a servant, would set eyes upon her when she was unclothed.

  Satisfied that his love was out of view, Lucian called for Mikhal to enter as he walked towards the door. Lord Arcos did so at once and both men gazed at the other, assessing, greeting, Lucian’s stare a bit on edge with is new overwhelming possessiveness of the woman in his bed, Mikhal’s showing understanding and a bit of satisfaction. It was good that a few nights of sated lust had not dulled the need in his first in command for the woman he’d claimed and mated.

  “I trust you and Natalya are well?”

  “Yes, My Lord. She is fine.” Lucian took a quick glance back over his shoulder towards the bed then stood tall before Mikhal. The movement was an almost unconscious gesture but Mikhal caught it all the same. His stance said clearly, ‘stay away from her, she is mine’.

  “And you, My Lord, how are you and Lady Arcos and the babes?” Have you come because there is trouble? Is something amiss?”

  Mikhal gave Lucian a smirk. “No, Lucian, nothing is truly amiss. I simply felt that three days time was long enough for the two of you to stay secluded. You have duties to attend to and Alliana wishes to see her friend. That is why I brought Natalya here in the first place if you will recall, for my wife.”

  “Yes, Sire. Of course, Natalya shall...”

  “I am quite able to speak for myself, Lucian.” At the sound of his mates voice Lucian turned, prepared to snarl at her to get back behind the drapes, but there was no need. Natalya had not emerged. “I shall be along shortly, My Lord. I must wash then perhaps Alliana and I can dine together.”

  “Very good, Natalya. I shall have a servant set up a tray for you in my wife’s chambers. There is something we must discuss as well. Come to my rooms before you go to her.”

  Lucian’s eyes narrowed at this request. He couldn’t help the possessiveness that was welling up inside him. Natalya’s blood flowed through him, boiling, making him half crazed at the thought of her being alone with another man, any man.

  Mikhal saw his reaction at once and let forth a low warning growl. “Do not forget that your mate is a subject in my castle as are you. I am Master and Lord. The lady’s virtue is quite safe with me, but be assured that she will be in attendance at my request whenever I so wish.”

  Lucian gave a curt nod, reining in his wild emotions. He knew what Mikhal said was the truth and he knew he had no reason for his jealous rage, but still... she was his. “Yes, My Lord. I ask for your forgiveness. This... this bond is new and very intense.”

  At his words, Mikhal smiled knowingly. He understood all too well what Lucian was feeling, still, that gave the man no right to usurp his ownership over all who resided under his roof. “Aye, Lucian, tis a strong pull indeed, but one you will control in the future. You are to come to my chambers as well but only after I have a few minutes to speak with Natalya alone.”

  “Yes, Sire. I shall be there.”

  “Very good, Natalya, I shall expect you shortly.”

  As soon as the door closed behind Mikhal, Natalya pulled back the drapes that surrounded the bed and gave Lucian a mischievous smirk, her eyes twinkling.

  “Did I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice, my love?”

  Lucian crossed the room quick as a panther, shedding his robe as he went and was upon Natalya in an instant. She gave a mock shriek as he pounced on her, covering her body with his, pressing her down into the bed and nipping at his mark of claim on her neck.

  The feel of his mouth upon the twin punctures that told the world she was his made her melt instantly, her loins heating, her lips opening as she gasped. He raised her arms above her head, hard body to soft warm one, growling and biting down then lapping gently as he snarled out the word ‘mine’.

  “Yes, love. I am yours, as you are mine. Tis not in question.” She heard his snarls turn to purrs of pleasure and felt his hardening desire upon her belly, but quickly shook her head to rid her mind of such ideas. There was no time for such pleasures.

  “Lucian, we mustn’t. Lord Arcos is waiting for me as is Alliana.”

  Lucian propped himself on one elbow as he slid to the side, hand grazing up and down her body, fingers teasing as he went. “If you insist, love.”

  “Your desire has addled your brain. Only a fool angers his Lord.”

  “You would brand me a fool, woman?”

  “Yes, Lucian, you may be bold, but only one without sense would defy his master. Now stop your lecherous pawing and let me up.”

  Natalya looked at her mate. His eyes were hooded, sensuous, and full of longing. She knew he felt the strong need to claim her once more. To bed her and stake his claim upon her before she went off and met with Lord Arcos, but there simply wasn’t time.

  “Later, my love. I promise. I swore to be yours for life and not all of that life can be spent in bed.”

  He gave her a scowl then a quick kiss, knowing she spoke the truth, and then begrudgingly rolled away. “Tis a cruel life that makes me leave your side, woman.”

  At this Natalya simply rolled her eyes at his dramatics. There had been a time when he hadn’t shown the slightest bit of emotion, but now that time was long gone. Here he was, almost pouting like a child.

  “You shall live and you are brave enough to bear the pain.” At her words Lucian made a grab for her, but Natalya r
olled quickly off the bed and ran out of his reach. “Behave. We must attend to our duties.”

  “Ah, there is that sharp tongue to flay me yet again.”

  “Twas part of the bargain as you were well aware.” She picked up her rumpled gown, not wishing to wait for a servant to bring a new one, then went to the washstand, scowling at the almost empty bowl.

  “That is what happens sweet when we don’t wish to be disturbed. Brush your hair and I’ll send for a servant. I fear your fiery locks look as if you’ve had a good tumble.”

  “You are incorrigible.” Though her words were sharp there was a smile upon her face as Natalya did what he suggested. Soon the maid arrived with a steaming bucket of water and the both of them were presentable.

  They walked down the corridor towards Mikhal’s chambers but Natalya stopped Lucian from escorting her all the way. “Surely there is something you can see to while I speak to his Lordship. You needn’t hover outside the door.”

  Lucian scowled at her briefly but then kissed her quickly and turned, knowing it would be best to let her go alone. Mikhal would frown upon his continued possessiveness whether he understood it or not.


  When Natalya knocked upon the chamber door, Mikhal bade her to enter at once. He was anxious to know the answer to the question that had been burning inside him for far too many days.

  She entered and came to stand before him, bowing her head in a show of respect and bobbing slightly.

  “No need for formalities, tis a simple question I have for you, not a chastisement though your lover came near to crossing the line. You do understand that you are still very much my subject, do you not?”

  “Yes, of course, Sire.”

  “He who forgot that fact would be a fool. I hope that in the future Lucian does not become addle brained because of his bond with you.”

  “As do I, My Lord.” This last was said, as she looked Mikhal in the eyes, her own twinkling with just a hint of merriment. He joined in her amusement, not able to help a soft laugh. They were speaking after all of the stoic and unshakable Lucian who but a few months ago was completely void of emotional responses.

  “Very good. That is not why I seek you out though, Natalya. I have something to ask. It concerns Alliana. Tell me, when will it be safe to bed my wife?” Natalya’s eyes widened just a hint at the openness of Mikhal’s question then quickly counted back to how long it had been since the birth of the twins.

  “I shall examine her today, My Lord, but I should think you must wait at least a fortnight. T’was an arduous birthing.”

  The scowl upon Mikhal’s face clearly showed his displeasure in her answer, but then he nodded his head, accepting what must be. Alliana health was of the utmost importance to him.

  “Very well. The celebration ball will be held in three weeks time. Perhaps I can plan to make it a true night of importance.”

  “Twill be magical, My Lord. I should think Alliana would be pleased with the romance of it all.”

  “Then I shall plan on it being a very special evening. Not of word to her now. She may ask you when we can make love once more as well.”

  “No, Sire. I shall hold my tongue and let you surprise her. I will tell her when but give no details.”

  “Thank you, Natalya. You may go. Alliana is expecting you. She has missed you during your time of... seclusion.”

  At his words, Natalya blushed crimson and simply gave a quick nod, turning on her heel, feeling his gaze of mirth upon her back as she went; the ease with which his kind spoke of the physical acts between a man and a woman certainly did take some getting used to.

  Natalya soon arrived at the chambers where Alliana still spent most of her days. The tower room gave her a much needed opportunity to enjoy the sunlight. While she spent each night with her husband, a man who would give and do anything for her, the warmth and light of the day was simply out of his reach.

  She knocked once then quickly went in, not waiting for a reply. Alliana was sitting beside one of the cradles, rocking Katia, cooing at the child, while Mikhalen slept peacefully in another. It had been decided without a word that the babes would be kept apart while sleeping unless they were lying with their parents. Alliana had seen the sharp claws on the tip of each of her son’s tiny fingers, and though she wanted to completely forget Sabina’s prediction, she couldn’t drive it completely from her mind.

  Alliana looked up as Natalya approached and gave a little cry of joy, rising and going to her dearest friend, hugging her tight, and then putting Natalya from her to look her over with a critical eye. She then brushed the hair back from Natalya’s neck and looked at the mark of claim Lucian had left there.

  “So... Tell me. Are you happy? Was it... did he?” This time both women colored a bit at Alliana’s inquire. They had spoken of sex, many times in fact, Natalya telling Alliana of her unpleasant experiences at the hands of Danior, but this was different. Both women had found pleasure in the arms of the vampire lovers, and pleasure in bed was taboo.

  “He was wonderful. It was so very different. I... Do you enjoy it when Mikhal makes love to you Alliana?”

  Alliana nodded as she bit her lower lip. There was no one else on earth that she would admit that fact to, but Natalya had to know the truth. Alliana suspected that Lucian was as talented in bed as her husband was, and she could never allow Natalya to think badly of herself for the enjoyment she found there.

  “He does wonderful thing to me. Makes me tingle here.” Alliana touched the mark upon her own neck, “And here.” She placed her hand upon her belly and smiled shyly at Natalya.”

  “Yes, I feel it too. Danior, well he never made me feel those things but Lucian, every time her touches me it’s as if a fire explodes in my belly. It makes me come undone, I feel as if I lose control but... I also feel safe. I’ve never felt these things before. Do you think it’s because of the blood we share?”

  “No, not just that. Before Mikhal claimed me he took me, he didn’t mark me until the end. I hated him then, he forced me, but still I felt pleasure, even before he made me his. Perhaps tis a special magick, one Sabina never told us about or that humans are not aware of.”

  Natalya pondered her words, a shadow of doubt showing in her eyes. “Perhaps, or perhaps tis because they have so much experience, but that is something I do not wish to think upon.”

  Alliana smiled and couldn’t help but tease. “Jealous are you? My friend who hated her trusted bodyguard.”

  “I never hated him. He was simply impossible. He still is for that matter, but he is willing to let me tell him what I think of his antics and therefore I can accept his faults.”

  “With those faults go many talents.”


  “What? We’ve no need to put on the farce of being proper. This is our home and we may do as we please.” At Natalya’s shocked look; Alliana smirked at her then hugged her.

  “Oh don’t look so scandalized. I am not suggesting we parade about unclothed or take to bedding the stable boys, simply that we may speak frankly of our desires for our husbands.”

  “Lucian is not my husband, he is my mate.”

  “Are you to marry?”

  “No, I am fine with how we are. I’ve no use for our kind to see me wed properly. Then I would become chattel under human law.”

  “See, you are becoming much less proper already. We shall enjoy the pleasures of our men and do as we please because we are able.”

  Natalya nodded. T’was a good arrangement they had and they both knew it. Lucian and Lord Arcos treated them fairly and gave them many more liberties than women normally had. Why not embrace their freedom?

  “Now then, I have a question for you, dear Natalya. Tis been almost three weeks since the birth of Mikhalen and Katia. I wish to know when Mikhal and I may... when can we... oh you know what it is I speak of. When can I make love with my husband?”

  Natalya grinned at her; she couldn’t help it. Alliana had no idea that Mikhal had j
ust asked her the very same thing.

  “What? Do not tease me. Tis quite clear from the glow of your cheeks that you have been enjoying your time spent with Lucian; is it so wrong for me to want the same?”

  “No, Alliana, not at all. You and Lord Arcos can resume relations in a fortnight or perhaps a bit longer.”

  “A fortnight!”

  “Aye, Alliana. You know there were complications.” Alliana grumbled and scowled. The words Natalya had spoken were not what she had wanted to hear. The things Mikhal did to her, for her, were wonderful, but she longed to have him inside her, taking her completely.

  “Very well, if it must be then so be it. Come along now. The babes are asleep, what would you like to do after you eat? Needlepoint?” Both women scrunched up their faces at the suggestion.

  “Perhaps we can stroll in the courtyard after we have our breakfast.” Alliana hooked her arm in Natalya’s and walked her to the table, which had been laid out with the mornings feast. Happy that they would spend the day catching up, chatting, giggling, and doing what best friends did.


  It was a busy time about the castle as final preparations were made for the grand ball. Everything shone from the floors to the chandeliers high above. Thousands of candles had been made, late spring flowers cut and arranged, and the portrait of the new Arcos family completed. It would be unveiled at the ball during the grand celebration, and Alliana was very anxious to see it.

  The children were thriving, doing as babes their age should with no nasty surprises. Little Mikhalen was becoming more content with his blood teat, allowing the blood soaked fabric bundle to satisfy his tempers between feedings, and as a result Alliana spent more and more time with her son and did her best to take him to her breast when he wasn’t in a particularly foul mood. She found if she cuddled him and offered her nipple to him before he began to wail, he would simply bite once and drink both milk and blood whereas if he worked himself into a rage, he still became quite savage during his feedings. Mikhal would insist the wet nurse take him when he became like that.


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