Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured Page 30

by Jolynn Raymond

  He’d flashed a smile at her and held out his hand, helping her up and pushing her hair back from out of her eyes. Gallantly apologizing as he looked her over once again and picked a tiny twig from the bodice of her dress. He’d held her hand a bit too long, his smile charming her, his dark eyes seeming to mesmerize her. They had known each other for all their lives but had not truly seen. He’d looked of course, Katia was lovely, but what sense is there in pining after the forbidden? Katia had dismissed him in turn for the same reason, though Emillian’s dark curls and handsome face hadn’t completely escaped her notice.

  As they stood, hand in hand, eyes locked upon each other, the inevitable happened. The sparked that jumped between them cast all words of forbidding to the wind. Katia’s mind had raced, her young girl’s heart beating fast and furious, and without a word, without trying really, Emillian captured her heart, and she his. There was no turning back. Things forbidden often taste sweeter, and the attraction between the two couldn’t be denied.

  Both knew they were setting upon a road that had to be kept secret. No one would allow the match. Mikhal the Merciless was not one to be trifled with, but where there is a will there is a way, and so clandestine meetings began. Never ones filled with impropriety, simply ones filled with whispered words of love and secrets of the soul. There was passion blooming in each of them, strong passion, but the laws of the clan and of all society forbid it. Neither would over step that boundary, but still, they had to be together. To laugh, to run, to sit and share thoughts, just to be in love.

  Sabina was no fool. She saw the change in Katia almost at once. The girl became quieter yet smiled almost nonstop. Her eyes were dreamy and she lost focus on her studies, she held the glow of happiness that love provides, and so the old woman set out to discover just who was making her charge so enamored.

  True she could have asked Katia right out, and the girl would have told her. Katia was a good girl, but Sabina knew that a battle would ensue and the result would make the forbidden fruit of their attraction all the more harder to resist, so she watched and waited and in the end took to following the young girl she had promised to protect.

  There was a shadowy glade near the stream in the woods, perfect for two young lovers, and it was to here that Sabina came as she wound through the forest. She had fallen behind Katia, the girl young and swift, she old and slow, but never lost track of her. Katia had run swiftly to Emillian, leaving obvious signs of her passing in her wake, heedless of being followed. Nothing mattered but being held by his strong arms, to feel his chaste kiss upon her lips. As they were embracing, a twig snapped across the stream Katia had so recently waded across.

  Both looked up, knowing of their guilt, hoping to spy an animal, but it wasn’t to be. Sabina stood a bit away, her gaze fixed on the pair, her disapproval shining clearly in her eyes.

  “Emillian, return to the camp at once. The Kris shall hear of this. I fear it is too late to simply tell the both of you that this union is forbidden.”

  Katia shook her head as despair filled her, her eyes flashing, her heart frozen in her chest. They couldn’t take Emillian from her, they simply couldn’t. She loved him with all her young girl’s heart, and he her.

  “No Sabina. Please don’t tell.”

  “So then you two shall give up this folly without the intervention of the Kris?”

  Katia and Emillian looked at each other then back at the woman who was glaring at them with disapproval. Neither spoke. “Your silence tells me you will not agree. Katia your father will not stand for this, tis best to allow the Kris to decide your fate. They will be less likely to tear Emillian limb from limb.”

  “We’ve done nothing.” At these words Katia tried to stand in front of Emillian, to shield him from Sabina’s wrath. She knew full well that the Kris would pass down a severe punishment for their secret meetings, and she also knew Emillian would take the brunt of it.

  “Nothing? A young man who touches one who is not his wife has broken our laws. I myself saw you kissing. Truly Katia, I do not wish to bring you sorrow, but I simply do not believe the two of you will stop this foolishness unless others become involved. Your parents will be here in two months’ time. Can you promise me you will stay away from each other? If you receive your parents blessing then all will be well. Make me that promise, and I shall keep my silence.”

  Two months was an eternity. Both knew it and both knew Katia’s father was unlikely to let them wed. Hard as it would be, but knowing their actions would bring shame to the girl he loved and possible banishment for himself, Emillian turned to Katia with sad eyes. It was his job as the man to protect her.

  “Katia, we must wait.” He took a step back from his love, his hand tugging to be free.

  “No. NO! I love you. Sabina I love him. My papa will not see reason. He still thinks me a child. What will you all have me do, marry some noble lord who knows nothing of my magick and bloodline, or live out my days alone with my magick being used for what I can do for those around me?”

  “It is not for me to say what your father will decide, but it is the way of things child. Emillian sees reason, you need to do the same or I must tell the Kris.”

  Anger and desperation rose up in Katia. It wasn’t fair; her heart was breaking. How could they expect her to stay away from the person who made her soul sing? She looked at the gentle stream running between she and her Godmother and the waters started to churn.

  “Child I know you are upset but this is no time for magick. Stop it at once.”

  “No. Emillian come with me to see my parents. I can make it so Sabina can’t follow. I will make my papa see reason. He loves my maman.”

  “Katia, it will bring shame to us. We must go back and let this go. Time will allow us to speak to your father when he comes.”

  “She speaks the truth, Katia. Perhaps your father will allow it.” No one present truly believed that Lord Arcos would consent to his only daughter marrying anyone at such a young age let alone a Gypsy boy. The promise was for Katia to return to her family and home when she turned fifteen, and both parents had been explicit that she was to remain unwed.

  “Katia, we must do what is proper. If we act rash like children, it will fuel your father’s belief that we are too young.”

  She turned on him, tears streaming down her cheeks, filled with anger and hurt. “No, I can’t be without you. They will forbid us to talk, to see each other. Emillian how can you agree to that? How? Don’t you love me?”

  As her anger grew so did the tumulus rapids of the once gentle stream. It wasn’t that her powers were growing out of control because of her emotional turmoil; it was a deliberate act, done to put up an impenetrable barrier that Sabina could not overcome.

  “I do love you. You know I do.” Emillian eyed the rapidly rising water. “Katia, you must calm down. Come.”

  He stepped into the water, which was still safe enough at that point to forge trough, and held out his hand for his love. Katia stared at him, shifted her eyes to Sabina whose face showed sorrow but also stern disapproval, then back to Emillian.

  He was standing in water that was over knee deep, beckoning for her to come, and she couldn’t do it. She’d had enough. If Sabina couldn’t or wouldn’t understand and Emillian refused to come with her, then she’d seek out her parents by herself. She made as if to come with him, reaching out, but then pushed him hard. Emillian did just as she’d hoped and stumbled back, falling, arms pin wheeling, to land upon his rump on the stream bank.

  He arose, his face full of disbelief and anger. “Katia this is madness. You must come back with me. Sabina will be silent if we promise, and all will be well in time. I won’t begin to build our lives like this. Come back with me now. ”

  “No, maman will understand. She will convince my papa. Don’t you love me?”

  “Of course I do, tis why I wish for you to stop this nonsense. It isn’t safe or just. Come with me now woman.”

  As she had hoped, Emillian had gotten up to stand
next to Sabina. His demand ruffled her feathers and made her all the more determined to do what she thought was best. Most women were taught to be docile, but Katia had the will of her mother, and it wasn’t to be. Before Emillian could once more try and bring her to him, Katia turned her full gaze on the water that was now becoming a river. She held out her hands and the water rose, churning, making dangerous rapids appear when it once had been near calm.

  “Katia, magick for self-gain is forbidden. Only trouble will come of it. You must come home child.”

  “I am not a child and I will accept what comes my way. I’m going home, home to my maman and papa. I will make them see reason.”

  Sabina shook her head in dismay and let out a sound of anguish as Emillian pulled her back from the rising water. What once had been a stream was now a dangerous river. “No, Katia. You will break all our hearts with your defiance.”

  “As you have broken mine.” With the wild tumultuous feelings of passion and angst that flowed so easily in a young girl’s heart, Katia turned her back on her Godmother and her love and set off at a run through the woods. She looked at the sky, noting the sun was beginning its journey downward in the west to her right, but darkness held no fear for her. She was powerful and she burned with righteousness in her soul. Nothing could have stayed her from her course, and she vowed that nothing would get in her way.

  She turned south, knowing her family’s castle would be found that way and pushed onward, the cries of Sabina and Emillian quickly fading behind her as she went. Everything would be made right when she got home. Her father would be angry, of that there was no doubt, but he’d always been gentle with her, loving and indulgent. He and maman would see things her way. They had to.

  As Emillian and Sabina lost sight of Katia both stood silently in disbelief, watching in vain for her to come back to them. The river raged, as it would for a good long time, and following her was impossible. What she had done could not be undone.

  Sabina finally lowered her gaze and allowed the tears to flow. She didn’t weep out of fear for the girl; Sabina knew Katia was well able to care for herself. Her magick would protect her and no one would dare lay a finger on her. She was her mother’s child. The young lady of the castle was well known, as was the Lord. Sabina wept for the loss that was filling her soul, for the girl she had raised and loved, and now apparently lost.

  “I will go after her when the river calms.”

  “No, you will let her go.”

  “But she will get lost and be in danger.”

  “If you believe that you don’t know her well. Her magick will protect her and her blood bond with her father will guide her way. She will be well. It would be wise of you to ponder on your own fate. I cannot keep silent as to why she has gone, and in a fortnight her father will know of your role in her flight as well. The Kris will seem lenient compared to the wrath I suspect will come from Mikhal the Merciless.”

  Emillian was young, foolish and proud. He would face what was to come like a man. He had heard the tales, but all that he had known of the feared Lord was goodness. Each visit brought silver, food, and treasures they would never have had without his generosity. Still, he had compromised Katia and gone against his Gypsy laws as well as breeching what was thought of as proper in the eyes of Katia’s parents. Along with that, he had allowed her to run off alone. His time of reckoning would come when he returned with Sabina, and when Katia told her father of her wishes. His biggest fear was banishment, for if that happened he might never see Katia again. It was better to face the wrath of all those who held power and implore them to allow him to stay at whatever the cost, than to be forever kept from his love.

  “I will face what is my due. I failed her and my clan.”

  Sabina gave a curt nod and turned to go back to the camp. It would be a good long while before she saw Katia again. The thought brought a pang of loss along with guilt. She had seen the change come over Katia weeks ago and had done nothing, ignoring what she suspected because her love for the girl made her want Katia to be happy. Katia had done her chores, practiced her lessons; been sweet and obedient so she had ignored what she knew to be until it was too late. Katia would be safe, but what would befall the clan for allowing her to run away? Was Lord Arcos truly so far removed from his old persona of Mikhal the Merciless that they would be spared his wrath?

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Alliana and Mikhal felt no hint of disquiet when Katia set off from her home with the Gypsy clan. There was a blood bond to be sure, but the feelings racing through the girl were not strong enough to alert her father. She was not terrified, nor was she in any peril. True she was furious at the turn of events, but what she was more of, was determined, and so neither parent was given a clue that their only daughter had just set off on an expedition alone, one that would take her through thick woods and bring her across the path of many dangers.

  The day was headed for evening and Alliana sat before the polished glass, looking at herself critically. It had been close to fifteen years since Mikhal had brought her to the castle, and Alliana could see the tiny changes in her face that spoke of her aging. It was true that she was still young and vibrant, much more youthful that the women her age that toiled for a living. She was coming upon her thirty-third birthday. If she had been the wife of a serf she would have borne many children and toiled from sun up to sun down to tend home and hearth, the work making her much older in body and spirit than she felt. Alliana knew all this. As a pampered lady she’d seen no such strain, but still, time was passing and it shown upon her face.

  Alliana leaned in and traced one of the fine lines that had appeared at the corner of her eye. She would get older with each year, grow older and die, but not Mikhal. He was unchanged and would always stay that way. Never age, never grow old, and never die. Would he still want her when she became and old woman? He loved her and that would always be, but the desire? How could he desire her as her body changed with the march of time?

  A light upon her door drew Alliana from her musings. As she turned, Mikhal entered the room, a smile upon his face. He came to her and engulfed her in his arms as she stood. Mikhal noticed the slight frown upon his wife’s face immediately and tilted her head up so as to look in Alliana’s eyes.

  “What troubles you wife?”

  Alliana shook her head. “Tis nothing.”

  Mikhal looked down at her and saw only beauty. Beauty that still took his breath away, but still he sensed her disquiet. She had been frowning. A small one to be sure, but it had been there.

  “Anything that causes a frown upon you face is not nothing, Alliana. Tell me what was troubling you.”

  Alliana looked down and sighed then looked back up into Mikhal’s eyes. She noted his smooth skin, not a line or a wrinkle marred his face, not grey streaked his hair.

  “I am old.”

  “Alliana, how can you say such a thing?” He brought his hand to her cheek and stroked it with his thumb.

  “I am. The day of my birth is coming upon me yet again as it will every year to follow and with each one I age. Look at my face husband. Do you not see the lines about my eyes?”

  Mikhal tilted his head and looked at her quizzically. He truly saw only her loveliness and his first instinct was to scoff at her words, but he sensed his making light of her unease would not please her.

  His blue eyes searched her face as his thumb stroked her smooth skin. “Truly Alliana. I see only beauty. If I search for them I do see the small lines but they are simply a part of you. I have never given them thought.”

  “It isn’t only the lines Mikhal. What is to become of us, as I grow old? You shall remain a strong handsome man and I shall become an old hag tottering about, spittle dripping down my chin.”

  At this Mikhal could not suppress his mirth. The picture she painted was comical. “Alliana, I am sure you shall age gracefully. Your beauty will not fade. When you are old I shall love you with the same fierceness that I feel for you in my heart now.’

>   “I do not worry about losing your love. Tis your want of me. When I am old and repulsive you will still be virile. What of your needs? Some young maid will...”

  Before she could finish a knock on the door interrupted her words. Words, which Mikhal was going to steadfastly, deny. He hadn’t once felt the flame of desire for anyone other than Alliana, and couldn’t imagine ever feeling so.


  At his bid Lucian came into the chamber with a grim expression. He nodded at Alliana in greeting then looked at Mikhal with troubled eyes. “Sire, I ask that you would come with me. There is a matter that needs your attention.”

  Mikhal could tell by Lucian’s dire expression that whatever was the matter couldn’t wait. As much as he wished to stay and finish his conversation with Alliana, it was clear he was needed elsewhere. Things in the castle went smoothly day-to-day, Mikhal did not have to exert his dominance as Mikhal the Merciless, except for rare occasions, but from the looks of Lucian, this could be one of them. He still ruled his domain with an iron fist and was prepared to annihilate anyone or anything that could bring strife to his family.

  “Alliana, you are beautiful, never doubt that. I will be back as soon as I can.” He gave her a kiss that held much meaning, one that didn’t surprise Lucian in the least. Both his Master and himself had learned about love from their mates, nonetheless, Lucian lowered his eyes and turned for the door out of respect, waiting for Mikhal to follow. When he heard his Lord’s steps behind him, Lucian continued on, leading the way out the door and towards the scene he had discovered.

  He slowed a bit so Mikhal was beside him, but kept mum, trying to collect his words. Mikhal, not appreciating Lucian’s silence, beginning to fear the worst, looked at his first in command and demanded answers.


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