Her Dragon, His Demon (Dragon Guard Series Book 12)

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Her Dragon, His Demon (Dragon Guard Series Book 12) Page 15

by Julia Mills

  Lifting his feet as instructed, Rian prepared for impact as Kellan moved his body back and forth until he was swinging like a child on the monkey bars. Watching his friend gaining momentum, swinging higher and higher, the Dragon Leader took a deep breath.

  “Next swing, Ri.”

  At Kellan’s words, Rian slowly exhaled, forcing himself to relax and go with the impact he watched hurdling towards him.

  “OOMPH!” The air was forced from his lungs as his friend’s knees connected with the Dragon Leader’s midsection and then, “Shit!” flew from his lips as his back slammed against the stone wall.

  Kellan’s body shook as he fought gravity and momentum to keep them both from swinging back and forth like a pendulum. Quicker than the eye could follow, the scarred dragon swung out his right foot and braced it on one side of the corner Rian hadn’t known was there. The dragon leader quickly followed suit, lifting his right foot and shoving it in a hollowed out space on the other side of the corner. He could only imagine how they looked. Kind of like an upside-down double-sided ‘Y’.

  Yeah, glad no one is taking pictures.

  The hellhounds standing guard snarled and bared their teeth. Their red eyes burnt through the darkness with promises of pain and bloodshed. Rian’s dragon roared, furious at their threats. The Dragon Leader was shocked when they backed down and a few even whimpered. It was something he’d never experienced before but would be sure to share with the others when they were home.

  “This is as close to you as I ever want to be, Ri,” Kellan joked through gritted teeth in a very out of character moment of teasing.

  “Right back atcha,” Rian grunted, finding it hard to breathe with Kellan’s knee shoved into his stomach.

  “Okay, get ready. This has to be quick. You hold yourself up. I’m gonna move my knee and use the heel of my boot to shove that stone through the lining of your pocket. Scream when I hit skin.”

  Rian couldn’t help but chuckle. Anyone that didn’t know Kellan would’ve thought he was kidding, but the Dragon Leader knew for sure that his friend was dead serious. The stone cutting through the fabric was also going to cut through Rian’s skin and it wasn’t going to be pleasant...necessary, but definitely not pleasant.

  “Just do it. By the time I get down from here my arms are going to have stretched so much that my knuckles are gonna drag the ground.”

  “Now who needs to be bitch slapped,” Rory snickered.

  Without so much as a nod, Kellan pulled his knee up, placed the heel of his boot against the pocket of Rian’s jeans, and scraped down the Dragon Leader’s leg. The tear of fabric immediately followed by the silver edge of the pendant scraping his skin had Rian yelling aloud.


  All motion stopped. Neither Guardsman breathed. The sting of silver raced through Rian’s system. His dragon fought to keep the poison at bay as the Dragon Leader called to the Grand Priestess.

  “Calysta? You there?”

  “I’m here, Rian. We all are. And we can see you. Kyra and Alicia made another Looking Glass. They also came up with a way to get you all out of that pit. All we were waiting for was to be able to see you and tell you what we were doing.”

  “Works for me,” Rian told the Grand Priestess as his brethren grumbled in agreement.

  “Okay, this is very powerful, very old white magic, so when the Power of Seven is invoked it will disrupt the flow of black magic for at least a minute down there. The Chancellor and all his minions will feel its effects. You and the Guardsmen are going to have to move quickly.”

  “Not a problem. You work the magic. We’ll move like our scales are on fire,” Rian answered Calysta while watching Audrey staring at him like the savior he wanted to be.

  Blocking out everyone else, he reassured her as best he could. “Just a few more minutes, mo ghra’, and then we are outta here, okay?”

  His mate nodded but didn’t speak. Rian could feel how scared Audrey was to hope that his words were true. That she was actually, finally going to be free from the prison she’d been stuck in for so very long. Smiling at her and pushing love through their bond, he opened his mind speak to everyone else. Rian heard Calysta say, “We’re ready when you are.”

  Holding Audrey’s eyes with his, he ordered, “Do it.”

  Rian heard the witches begin to chant just as Royce shoved the images that Kyra was sending him into the Dragon Leader’s mind. Standing in a circle around the old White Ash tree that stood at the base of the mountain that contained not only the Cave of the Ancients, but also the Blue Thunder Clan’s Healing Caves, were the six McKennon sisters and their mother, Sarah Beth.

  The tree had been there for all of Rian’s life and was in every old text or document he’d ever read. His ancestors had believed in the power of the White Ash. Said it was one of the five trees that stood guard over their original home and kept them safe from malevolent forces. The Dragon Leader also knew that Ash was important to the white witches. They believe it connects the realms of earth and sky and gives light to their magic.

  He now understood what made the spell so powerful and pure. The McKennons were all witches by birth. The girls shared the same parents and each woman possessed the pure blood of the Goddess of All. They were working what Calysta had called the Power of Seven, which Kyra was explaining to him and Royce was some of the oldest magic she’d ever known.

  Rian watched the sisters work the spell. He could feel the magic through the vision Kyra was relaying to them. Annalisa, the oldest sister, began. “Dear Universe who gives us life and breath, please give us your Blessing and lend us your power as we seek to save those trapped and held against their will.”

  “Dear Goddess of all, to whom we owe our very existence, the existence of our world and the power of our hearts, please give us your Blessing and lend us your power as we seek to undo the black magic forced upon those for whom we care.” Isabella, the second oldest McKennon daughter, added her voice to the spell and then lit the large Goddess candle Kyra had used when sending the Guardsmen into the Underworld.

  Alicia, Drago’s mate, was the next to speak. Rian watched as the Assassin’s face filled with love and pride at his mate’s prowess and power. “God of Heaven, without you we would still be the ashes and dust floating in nothingness. You are the Creator of Heaven and Earth and on this day, we ask your Blessing as we seek to bring our loved ones home. You know the time and place of everyone’s departure from this Earthly plane. Please help us right this injustice.”

  The young witch lit a large purple candle at the base of the tree as her younger sister, Hannah, mate to Liam, spoke the next line of the invocation. “Guardian of the North and Element of the Earth, we seek your Blessing and the power of every living being you protect to free the chains that hold our kinsmen hostage.” She lit a green candle and said, “Thank you for the life you bring us every day. Without you, we would be lost.”

  Brenna, the fifth sister, the shortest of the group with the reddest hair, who was also a skilled healer, began, “Guardian of the East and Element of the Air, we seek your Blessing and swiftness with which you bring your life-giving force to our world. Those of our hearts trapped in the Abyss need your help to lift them from the darkness. Thank you for all you are. Without you, life would be naught. Lighting a bright yellow candle, Rian had to smile as the flame flickered. He immediately knew it was the Air answering Brenna’s call.

  The sixth sister, the one who kept them stocked in homemade oatmeal cookies, Fiona, lit a red candle and looked into the flame as she spoke her verse. “Guardian of the East and Element of Fire, we seek your Blessing to quench the flames that spring from the depths of hell and allow our protectors safe passage. They seek not to destroy your splendor, only to return to the earth where they belong. Thank you for your heat and passion for without each, we would surely fade away.”

  Sarah Beth, the matriarch of the McKennon family and a force to be reckoned with all on her own, held a clear glass urn of blessed water. Slowly po
uring the liquid at the base of the White Ash, she said, “Guardian of the West and Element of Water, we seek your Blessing and the speed and strength of the waves that roar in your mighty oceans and seas to save what is trying to be taken from us. Thank you for the nourishment you provide us daily. Without you, we would cease to exist.”

  Sarah Beth lit a blue candle, set it at the base of the tree, and bowed her head. The younger witches followed their mother’s example before all joining hands. In one voice they prayed, “Universe, Goddess of All, God of Heaven, Guardians of the Corners, and Spiritual Guides of the Elements, we invoke the Power of Seven. Lend us your power, the power of your domain, and the power of your elements to bring the dragons’ home. Help them to vanquish any evil they may come against, and most of all, we ask...”

  The witches’ heads flew back; their eyes opened to reveal a bright white glow shining to the leaves of the majestic Ash and all together, they shouted, “Release them from their bonds!”

  Tiny droplets of water rode on the wind as it swirled through the cavern. The fires raging just outside the archway dimmed to tiny sparks. The ground all around them shook as the witches voices rang through the chamber. The loud clack of twelve iron locks opening at once boomed off the rock walls as their shackles released and the Guardsmen were dropped to the ground.

  Pulling the Rose Quartz from his torn pocket, Rian took a deep breath and prayed his dragon could finish pushing the silver from his system. He needed all of his strength to get to Kayne and lead his brethren home. Grabbing his backpack from the ground, his hand bumped Maddox’s.

  “I know silver poisoning when I see it. Give me the Rose Quartz and eat this.” Madman handed him a piece of mustard root. “I don’t know what that damned fool Calysta was thinking, giving you something set in silver.”

  Rian wondered were the vehemence in Maddox’s voice had come from. The Dragon Leader appreciated that his old friend and mentor was concerned for his wellbeing, but something seemed off. To add to it, the old man’s brogue was stronger than ever, making his tirade seem like he was giving a toast at the pub.

  Needing to get to Audrey, Rian took the root, handed the mad dragon the pendant, and ran to his mate. His heart broke as she sat completely still, staring at the open door of her cage as if it was a trap of some sort. He could only imagine the mind games Adramelech had played on her over the years. It only added to the wrath he felt toward the Demon Lord and the vengeance he promised to drop straight on his ugly lizard head.

  Rory ran by, swatted Rian in the arm, and yelled, “Hurry up, lover boy. You got the girl. Now, get her and let’s get to the River Lethe. We need to see a man about a dragon.”

  The thought of smacking his brother in the back of the head crossed his mind, but the grin on Audrey’s face from Rory’s wisecrack made putting up with the youngest O’Reilly’s smart mouth worth it...at least this time. Kneeling, he carefully crawled as far as he could into the cage. Keeping eye contact with his mate, Rian balanced his weight on one hand while reaching for Audrey with the other.

  “Come on, sweetheart.”

  The words had barely gone from his mind to hers when Audrey leapt into his arms, wrapped her arms around his neck, and buried her face into his chest. She was trembling as he backed out of the cage and stood. He could feel her pain...all of it, and wanted nothing more than to take it away. But that would have to wait. She would have to be strong.

  “I need you to hold on just a bit longer. We know the dragon the journal was talking about and Brann figured out where he is.” He talked to her as they flew past the hellhounds that were momentarily stunned by the witches’ Power of Seven Spell and down the corridor, following Brannoc and Maddox as they lead the Guardsmen to the River and with any luck, their lost brethren.

  Needing to make sure Audrey was okay, Rian continued to talk about whatever popped into his mind. “Kyra, Calysta, and the McKennons are something else aren’t they?”

  His heart soared when she whispered, “Yes, they are.”

  At least she was responding. He knew that was a good sign and meant she was avoiding falling into shock. “Sam, Lance’s mate, the best doctor I’ve ever seen – well, except for Charlie, Aaron’s mate,” Rian chuckled, “is waiting topside to take care of you. Between her and Niall and my dragon, you’ll be fixed up in record time.”

  “Thank you,” was all she said, but the sadness in those two little words broke his heart.

  Turning the corner, Rian saw a rickety wooden dock and a canoe that looked like it held more water than it floated on at the same time Brannoc announced, “We’re here! Kayne should be right under that big hunk of glowing whatever it is.”

  Following the navigator’s directions, Rian saw an enormous rock formation covered in the same sigils as the Focus Stone he had stowed in his backpack. Setting Audrey a safe distance from the rock, he approached what he now knew from scent to be lava, and took the silver box containing the stone they’d found beside Drago’s coffin. He also pulled out the notebook containing Calysta and Sarah Beth’s notes for the rituals performed when the Assassin was uncovered.

  Rory, Royce, Maddox, and Drago joined Rian beside the sigil covered rock just as they’d decided when planning their trip to hell. Opening the notebook, Rian instructed, “Rory, take this bag of purified salt and make a circle as close as you can to the rock. Make sure to throw salt on the rock.”

  Rian’s youngest brother did as he was told. Meanwhile, Rian continued, “Maddox, here are the candles for the four Guardians. Ask for the Blessing and close the Circle as soon as Rory has used all the salt.”

  The Dragon Leader, his middle brother, and the Assassin all watched as the youngest O’Reilly brother and Madman Maddox completed and closed the circle and then joined their brethren around the glowing, now smoking boulder. Rian handed each man a two-liter bottle of Dousing Serum.

  Not missing a beat, the five Guardsmen began speaking the revised Banishment Spell as Kyra had taught it to them. “Oh Goddess of our hearts and the Universe who gives us life, we come to you again in need of your help. We seek to neutralize the dark magic holding our brethren and release him back into the loving arms of his family. We seek to send the evil enchantment and any left behind back to the hole it sprang from. Guide our actions, uplift our hearts, and fill our souls with the sense of purpose only you can provide. So mote it be. Blessed be. Blessed be.”

  The remaining Guardsmen joined the five and together they repeated the incantation verbatim three times before lifting their bottles of Dousing Serum above their heads. “Bless our actions. Bless our magic. Bless our souls. Bless our dragons within. Lend us your power. Lend us your spirit. Goddess of all, Universe of our birth, God in the Heavens. So mote it be. Blessed be. Blessed be.” Rian’s voice rang out loud and clear. “Douse the box!”

  The dragons emptied their Dousing Serum onto the glowing rock. Flashes of light and plumes of smoke filled the cavern as the lava formation sitting upon where they believed their brethren, Kayne was buried expanded and contracted as if it was breathing. The flames of the candles Maddox had placed at the four corners shot into the air, disappearing into the soot and ash floating above them.

  The dragons again recited the Banishment Spell, this time throwing purified salt they’d all been carrying in their packs at the stone. The sigils sizzled and flashed once again before disappearing completely. A loud moaning filled the chamber. The dirt below their feet shook. Rocks and debris fell all around them as a sound like a clap of lightning immediately followed by a heavy roll of thunder roared through the cave.

  From one heartbeat to the next, the cave was filled with absolute silence. Not even the moans of the damned could be heard. The flames of the candles at the four corners returned to normal and the rock hiding the entrance to Kayne’s tomb burst before their eyes.

  Rocks, dust, and ash rained down on them, but when the debris cleared, Rian could see a huge hole in the ground. Looking back to Audrey to make sure she was okay, he smiled at th
e woman who held his heart and winked. Turning back to the pit, Rian moved forward. Looking down into the darkness, he cursed aloud at what he saw.

  “Son of a bitch!”

  His brethren, who echoed his sentiment in a variety of creative ways, immediately surrounded him. Drago was the only one who stood silent. Rian watched the Assassin’s face as he looked at the empty silver coffin, an exact duplicate of the one the older dragon had been held in for over a hundred years.

  To the Dragon Leader’s complete surprise, Drago barked out a laugh and then chuckled, “That slippery son of a gun. He found a way out.” Looking up at Rian, the Assassin asked, “Now, how do we find him?”

  Rian said the only thing he could. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Audrey watched the man she loved and the people he called family laugh at something that would’ve sent any other group of people over the edge. This was the first time she’d seen Rian in what could almost be considered his natural habitat. No, hell wasn’t where he lived, but these were his people and he was doing what he was made to do—help people. All the other times over the years she’d only seen him in his basement or the cabin he’d built for her in the woods. It was always just them. Now, she could see where all the happiness she felt in his heart had come from.

  Staring at her mate and thinking of all the ways he was absolutely perfect inside and out, Audrey was completely surprised when he appeared right in front of her. Kneeling down, he took her hand in his and caressed the back with his thumb, miraculously avoiding the cuts and bruises. The electricity of their connection flared to life and even though they were in the Abyss, thoughts of what it would be like to actually make love to the man before her flooded her mind.

  As if he knew what she was thinking, Rian smiled. She watched the pupils of his eyes all but eclipse their normal dark brown color before he leaned forward and passed a gentle kiss to her battered lips.


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