Follett, Ken - On Wings of Eagles.txt

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Follett, Ken - On Wings of Eagles.txt Page 31

by On Wings of Eagles [lit]

  nearest American Consulate. Paul and Bill might have some trouble getting

  out of Iran, he said, and he wanted to be prepared to cross the border

  himself, perhaps in a light airrraft, to bring them out. None of this fazed

  Mr. Fish as much as the idea of traveling in bandit country.

  However, a few days later he introduced Boulware to a who had relatives

  among the mountain bandits. Mr. Fish whispered that the man was a criminal,

  and he certainly looked the part: he had a scar on his face and little

  beady eyes. He said he could guarantee Boulware safe passage to the border

  and back,

  232 Ken Follett

  and his relatives could even take Boulware across the border into Iran, if


  Boulware called Dallas and told Merv Stauffer about the plan. Stauffer

  relayed the news to Coburn, in code; and Coburn told Simons. Simons vetoed

  it. If the man is a criminal, Simons pointed out, we can't trust him.

  Boulware was annoyed. He had gone to some trouble to set it up--did Simons

  imagine it was easy to get these people? And if you wanted to travel in

  bandit country, who else but a bandit would escort you? But Simons was the

  boss, and Boulware had no option but to ask Mr. Fish to start all over


  Meanwhile, Sculley and Schwebach flew into Istanbul.

  The deadly duo had been on a flight from London to Tehran via Copenhagen

  when the Iranians had closed their airport again, so Sculley and Schwebach

  joined Boulware in Istanbul. Cooped up in the hotel, waiting for something

  to happen, the three of them got cabin fever. Schwebach reverted to his

  Green Beret role and tried to make them all keep fit by running up and down

  the hotel stairs. Boulware did it once and then gave up. They became

  impatient with Simons. Coburn, and Poch6, who seemed to be sitting in

  Tehran doing nothing: why didn't those guys make it happen? Then Simons

  sent Sculley and Schwebach back to the States. They left the radios with


  When Mr. Fish saw the radios he had a fit. It was highly illegal to own a

  radio transmitter in Turkey, he told Boulware. Even ordinary transistor

  radios had to be registered with the government, for fear their parts would

  be used to make transmitters for terrorists. "Don't you understand how

  conspicuous you are?" he said to Boulware. "You're running up a phone bill

  of a couple of thousand dollars a week, and you're paying cash. You don't

  appear to be doing business here. The maids are sure to have seen the

  radios and talked about it. By now you must be under surveillance. Forget

  your friends in Iran--you are going to end up in jail."

  Boulware agreed to get rid of the radios. The snag about Simons's

  apparently endless patience was that further delay caused new problems. Now

  Sculley and Schwebach could not get back into Iran, yet still nobody had

  any radios. Meanwhile, Simons kept saying no to things. Mr. Fish pointed

  out that there were two border crossings from Iran to Turkey, one at Sero

  and the other at Barzagan. Simons had picked Sero. Barzagan was a


  bigger and more civilized place, Mr. Fish pointed out; everyone would be a

  little safer there. Simons said no.

  A new escort was found to take Boulware to the border. Mr. Fish had a

  business colleague whose brother-in-law was in the Milli Istihbarat

  Teskilati, or MIT, the Turkish equivalent of the CIA. The name of this

  secret policeman was Ilsman. His credentials would secure for Boulware army

  protection in bandit country. Without such credentials, Mr. Fish said, the

  ordinary citizen was in danger not only from bandits but also from the

  Turkish Army.

  Mr. Fish was very jumpy. On the way to meet lisman, he took Boulware

  through a whole cloak-and-dagger routine, changing cars and switching to a

  bus for part of the journey, as if he were trying to shake off a tail.

  Boulware could not see the need for all that if they were really going to

  visit a perfectly upright citizen who just happened to work in the

  intelligence community. But Boulware was a foreigner in a strange country,

  and he just had to go along with Mr. Fish and trust the man.

  They ended up at a big, run-down apartment building in an unfamiliar

  section of the city. The power was off-just like Tehran!--so it took Mr.

  Fish a while to find the right apartment in the dark. At first he could get

  no answer. His attempt to be secretive fell apart at this point, for he had

  to hammer on the door for what seemed like half an hour, and every other

  inhabitant of the building got a good look at the visitors in the meantime.

  Boulware just stood there feeling like a white man in Harlem. At last a

  woman opened up, and they went in.

  It was a small, drab apartment crowded with ancient finmiture and dimly lit

  by a couple of candles. lisman was a short, fat man of about Boulware's

  age, thirty-five. Ilsman had not seen his feet for many years-he was gross.

  He made Boulware think of the stereotyped fat police sergeant in the

  movies, with a suit too small and a sweaty shirt and a wrinkled tie wrapped

  around the place where his neck would have been if he had had a neck.

  They sat down, and the woman-Mrs. Ilsman, Boulware presumed-served

  tea--just like Tehran! Boulware explained his problem, with Mr. Fish

  translating. Ilsman was suspicious. He cross-questioned Boulware about the

  two fugitive Americans. How could Boulware be sure they were innocent? Why

  did they have no passports? What would they bring into Turkey? In the end

  he seemed convinced that Boulware was leveling with him, and he offered to

  get Paul and Bill from the border to Istanbul for eight thousand dollars,

  in all.

  234 Ken Follett

  Boulware wondered whether Usman was for real. Smuggling Americans into the

  country was a funny pastime for an intelligence agent. And if Hsman really

  was MIT, who was it that Mr. Fish thought might have been following him and

  Boulware across town?

  Perhaps Ilsman was free-lancing. Eight thousand dollars was a lot of money

  in Turkey. It was even possible that Ilsman would tell his superiors what

  he was doing. After afl--Usman might figure-if Boulware's story were true

  no harm would be done by helping; and if Boulware were lying, the best way

  to find out what he was really up to might be to accompany him. to the


  Anyway, at this point Ilsman seemed to be the best Boulware could get.

  Boulware agreed to the price, and Ilsman broke out a bottle of scotch.

  While other members of the rescue team were fretting in various parts of the

  world, Simons and Coburn were driving the road from Tehran to the Turkish


  Reconnaissance was a watchword with Simons, and he wanted to be familiar

  with every inch of his escape route before he embarked on it with Paul and

  Bill. How much fighting was there in that part of the country? What was the

  police presence? Were the roads passable in winter? Were the filling

  stations open?

  In fact there were two routes to Sero, the border crossing he had chosen.

  (He preferred Sero because it was a little-used fronti
er post at a tiny

  village, so there would be few people and the border would be lightly

  guarded, whereas Barzagan-&e alternative Mr. Fish kept recommending-would

  be busier.) The nearest large town to Seto was Rezaiyeh. Directly across

  the path from Tehran to Rezaiyeh lay Lake Rezaiyeh, a hundred miles long:

  you had to drive around it, either to the north or to the south. The

  northerly route went through larger towns and would have better roads.

  Simons therefore preferred the south edy route, provided the roads were

  passable. On this reconnaissance trip, he decided, they would check out

  both routes, the northerly going and the southerly on the return.

  He decided that the best kind of car for the trip was a British Range

  Rover, a cross between a jeep and a station wagon. There were no

  dealerships or used car lots open in Tehran now, so Coburn gave the Cycle

  Man the job of getting hold of two Range Rovers. The Cycle Man's solution

  to the problem was character-


  istically ingenious. He had a notice printed with his telephone number and

  the message: "If you would like to sell your Range Rover, call this number."

  Then he went around on his motorcycle and put a copy under the windshield

  wipers of every Range Rover he saw parked on the streets.

  He got two vehicles for twenty thousand dollars each, and he also bought

  tools and spare parts for all but the most major repairs.

  Simons and Coburn took two Iranians with them- Majid, and a cousin of

  Majid's who was a professor at an agricultural college in Rezaiyeh. The

  professor had come to Tehran to put his American wife and their children on

  a plane to the States: taking him back to Rezaiyeh was Simons's cover story

  for the trip.

  They left Tehran early in the morning, with one of Keane Taylor's

  fifty-five-gallon drums of gasoline in the back. For the first hundred

  miles, as far as Qazvin, there was a modem freeway. After Qazvin the road

  was a two-lane blacktop. The hillsides were covered with snow, but the road

  itself was clear. If it's like this all the way to the border, Coburn

  thought, we could get there in a day.

  They stopped at Zanjan, two hundred miles from Tehran and the same distance

  from Rezaiyeh, and spoke to the local chief of police, who was related to

  the professor. (Coburn could never quite work out the family relationships

  of Iramans: they seemed to use the word "cousin" rather loosely.) This part

  of the country was peaceful, the police chief said; if they were to

  encounter any problems it would happen in the area of Tabriz.

  They drove on through the afternoon, on narrow but good country roads.

  After another hundred miles they entered Tabriz. There was a demonstration

  going on, but it was nothing like the kind of battle they had got used to

  in Tehran, and they even felt secure enough to take a stroll around the


  Along the way Simons had been talking to Majid and the professor. It seemed

  like casual conversation, but by now Coburn was familiar with Simons's

  technique, and he knew that the colonel was feeling these two out, deciding

  whether he could trust them. So far the proposis seemed good, for Simons

  began to drop hints about the real purpose of the trip.

  The professor said that the countryside around Tabriz was pro-Shah, so

  before they moved on, Simons stuck a photograph of the Shah on the


  The first sip of trouble came a few miles north of Tabriz,

  236 Ken Folleu

  where they were stopped by a roadblock. It was an amateur affair, just two

  tree trunks laid across the road in such a way that cars could maneuver

  around them but could not pass through at speed. It was manned by villagers

  armed with axes and sticks.

  MaJid and the professor talked to the villagers. The professor showed his

  university identity card, and said that the Americans were scientists come

  to help him with a research project. It was clear, Coburn thought, that the

  rescue team would need to bring Iranians when and if they did the trip with

  Paul and Bill, to handle situations like this.

  The villagers let them pass.

  A little later Majid stopped and waved down a car coming in the opposite

  direction. The professor talked to the driver of the other car for a few

  minutes, then reported that the next town, Khoy, was anti-Shah. Simons took

  down the picture of the Shah from the windshield and replaced it with one

  of the Ayatollah Khomeini. From then on they would stop oncoming cars regu-

  larly and change the picture according to local politics.

  On the outskirts of Khoy there was another roadblock.

  Like the first one, it looked unofficial, and was manned by civilians; but

  this time the ragged men and boys standing behind the tree trunks were

  holding guns.

  Majid stopped the car and they all got out.

  To Coburn's horror, a teenage boy pointed a gun at him.

  Coburn froze.

  The gun was a 9min Llama pistol. The boy looked about sixteen. He had

  probably never handled a firearm before today, Cobum thought. Amateurs with

  guns were dangerous. The boy was holding the gun so tightly that his

  knuckles showed white.

  Coburn was scared. He had been shot at many times, in Vietnam, but what

  frightened him now was the possibility that he would be killed by goddam


  "RoosUe," the boy said. "Rooskie."

  He thinks I'm a Russian, Coburn realized.

  Perhaps it was because of the busby red beard and the little black wool


  "No, American ", Coburn said.

  The boy kept his pistol leveled.

  Coburn stared at those white knuckles and thought: I just hope the punk

  doesn't sneeze.

  7be villagers searched Simons, Majid, and the professor. Coburn, who could

  not take his eyes off the kid, heard MaJid


  say: "They're looking for weapons." The only weapon they had was a little

  knife that Coburn was wearing in a scabbard behind his back, under his


  A villager began to search Coburn, and at last the lad lowered his pistol.

  Coburn breathed again.

  'Men lie wondered what would happen when they found his knife.

  The search was not thorough, and the knife was not found.

  The vigilantes believed the story about a scientific project. "They

  apologize for searching the old man," Majid said. The "Old man" was Simons,

  who was now looking just like an elderly hwian peasant. "We can go on,"

  Majid added.

  They climbed back into the car.

  Outside Khoy they turned south , looping over the top end of the lake, and

  drove down the western shore to the outskirts Of Rezaiyeh.

  The professor guided them into the town by remote roads, and they saw no

  roadblocks. The journey from Tehran had taken them twelve hours, and they

  were now an hour away from the border crossing at Sero.

  That evening they all had dinner-chella kebab, the h-Anian dish of rice and

  lamb-with the professor's landlord, who haPpened to be a customs official.

  Majid gently pumped the landlord for information , and learned that t

  was very little activity at the Sero frontier station.

  They spent the night at the professor's house, a two-storY villa on the

  outskirts of the town.

  In the morning majid and the professor drove to the border and back. They

  reported that there were no roadblocks and the route was safe. Then Majid

  went into town to seek out a contact from whom he could buy firearms, and

  Simons and Coburn went to the border.

  They found a small frontier post with only two guards. It had a custorns

  warehouse, a weighbridge for trucks, and a guardhouse. mie road was barred

  by a low chain stretched between a post on one side and the wan of the

  guard house on the other. Beyond the chain was about two hundred yards of

  no-man's-land, then anodw, smaller frontier post on the Turkish side.

  They got out of the car to look around. The air was pure and bitingly cold.

  Simons pointed across the hillside. "See the tracks? I

  Coburn followed Simons's finger. In the snow-, close behind

  238 Ken Follett

  the border station, was a trail where a small caravan had crossed the

  border, impudently close to the guards.

  Simons pointed again, this time above their heads. "Easy to cut the guards

  off." Coburn looked up and saw a single telephone wire leading down the

  hill from the station. A quick snip and the guards would be isolated.

  The two of them walked down the hill and took a side road, no more than a

  dirt track, into the hills. After a mile or so they came to a small

  village, just a dozen or so houses made of wood or mud brick. Speaking

  halting Turkish, Simons asked for the chief. A middle-aged man in baggy

  trousers, waistcoat, and headdress appeared. Coburn listened without

  understanding as Simons talked. Finally Simons shook the chief s hand, and

  they left.

  "What was all that about?" Coburn asked as they walked away.

  "I told him I wanted to cross the border on horseback at night with some

  friends. "

  "What did he say?"

  "He said he could arrange it."

  "How did you know the people in that particular village were smugglers?"

  "Look around you," Simons said.

  Coburn looked around at the bare, snow-covered slopes.

  "What do you see?" Simons said.


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