On the Prowl

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On the Prowl Page 9

by Kimberly Dean

  She couldn’t answer those questions anymore. All she knew was that she could do something about it. It was time to put her plan into action.

  She pulled out onto the main road and, a quarter-mile down, took the turnoff to the Thorton stables. The road was dark but she took care to park in the shadows. Walking carefully in her high heels across the uneven ground, she let herself into the tack room.

  The extra key to the house was still hidden in the same spot next to the bridles. The moment Talia felt the key in her hands, she felt a familiar power. It was strong and seductive.

  “I wish it were over your dead body, Lydia, but this will have to do.”

  The night was dark as she began the long walk across the grounds to the house. Black clouds covered the crescent moon but she kept close to the tree line. Lights still lit the bottom floor of the house. A few more of the guests had left but she could see the Harringtons’ car still parked in the drive.

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  Should she go now or wait until there were fewer people around? She didn’t want to get caught but the guests provided a distraction. She could move around in the house more easily if the Thortons were busy entertaining.

  Now, she decided.

  She ran quickly to the back door. Her heart pounded as she slid the key into the lock. Bracing herself, she slipped inside.

  Conversation from the front room hit her ears and, for a moment, she faltered. At the Harringtons’ party, her actions had been instinctive. Here, they were deliberate. There was a difference. This was a lot more nerve-racking.

  Why can’t they pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Lydia’s words rang in her head.

  The risk was worth it.

  Talia was up the stairs and on the second floor landing before she could catch her breath. The main bedroom was the first on her left. The door stood halfway open and she squeezed inside.

  The room was so dark, she skidded to a stop. Adrenaline and fear made it hard to wait as her eyes adjusted.

  “Ah!” she cried suddenly.

  Something had brushed against her leg!


  A soft body nuzzled against her again and she nearly fainted in relief. “Taffy,” she whispered. Her body shook as the cat purred and stroked itself against her.

  Talia ignored the Thorton’s pet. She was listening hard to the people downstairs. Had anyone heard her?

  She waited for an interminable moment but the chatter didn’t break rhythm.

  With a deep breath, she focused her thoughts. The cat wove its way around her legs but she didn’t have time to give it the attention it craved. Instead, she clicked on a small table lamp. She hated to turn on a light but there was no moonlight to help her navigate. Hurriedly, her gaze swept the room.

  There was a nice painting on the wall but it was large and cumbersome. And a fake, she realized when she looked more closely. A crystal vase stood on the bedside table. Too cheap, she quickly estimated. She finally saw the jewelry box. She reached for it but stopped herself.

  She needed to think like a thief.

  Reaching down, she caught her skirt. Using it, she opened the lid. A very nice bracelet immediately caught her eye. Still using her skirt to hide her fingerprints, she reached for it. She turned the bracelet over and looked at the markings on the back.

  “Just right,” she whispered.

  It was time to leave. But first, she made sure to cover her tracks. She turned off the lamp and used her skirt to wipe it down. She couldn’t remember if she’d touched the door handle but she rubbed it carefully. She was just about to go back down the stairs when she heard a sound.


  Somebody was in the laundry room.

  And he or she was coming up the back staircase.

  Talia’s muscles clenched but then sprung into motion. She tried to move as quietly as she could but, in her ears, her plodding footsteps were as loud as a Clydesdale’s. Gut instinct made her run down the hallway to Felicia’s old room. Not caring about fingerprints, she gripped the door handle and pushed it open. She was just about to close it behind her when a little, buff-colored body darted into the room.

  “Taffy, no!”

  Her warning did no good. The cat just snuggled up against her legs and started purring loudly.

  Talia tried to listen over the pounding in her ears. The hallway was carpeted but she could still hear heavy footsteps.

  Whoever it was hadn’t stopped at the master bedroom!

  Oh, God. Dear God!

  What was she going to do? She was trapped and she had Lydia’s bracelet in her hand.

  Instinct made her move again and she acted quickly. Still, she stood frozen with fear when the door to Felicia’s room swung open and the light was suddenly switched on.

  “Talia!” said a deep voice.

  The glare of the light made dark spots jump in front of her eyes but she could quickly see that she’d made a mistake.

  This room was no longer Felicia’s. It was Roger’s.

  Chapter Six

  “Talia!” he said in surprise.

  She stood frozen in the center of the room. Oh, God. She’d been caught red-handed.

  Roger stood in the doorway, obviously flummoxed. “What are you doing here, dear?”

  Breaking and entering. Stealing.

  She swallowed hard when her brain refused to come up with a lie. “I…I…oh, Uncle Roger,” she said miserably.

  The cat mewed and darted out the door. Talia wished she could do the same.

  A sympathetic look crossed Roger’s face. Reaching back, he closed the door. “There, there now,” he said gently. “Don’t upset yourself so.”

  “I’m sorry!” What had she been thinking? How had she justified doing this? Roger had never been anything but kind to her. She hadn’t even thought of how she’d be hurting him. All she’d been able to think about was striking back at Lydia.

  He crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. “I understand. She finally pushed you past your limits, didn’t she?”

  God, had she been that easy to read? Talia choked back a nervous laugh. And she’d thought she’d been so stealthy. She wrapped her arms about him and clung to the back of his jacket. “I couldn’t help it,” she admitted. “She’s just so hurtful.”

  “I’m sorry about that, honey.” He dropped a kiss against her forehead. “I know she’s been especially hard on you all these years and it’s partly my fault. You have to understand that she’s just jealous.”

  He was the kindest man. Talia buried her face against his chest, incredulous over his generosity. He’d caught her in his house—in his bedroom—and he wasn’t angry. Instead, he was sympathetic.

  “She is not,” she said, still stung over the treatment she’d received. She knew Roger was just being polite. His wife was not jealous. Why would Lydia be jealous of someone she considered no better than the scum on the bottom of her shoe?

  “I know, I know,” he said, rocking her like a child. “She hides it well but that’s what it is. And really, I can’t blame her.”

  The man was an absolute saint. He couldn’t even bring himself to say a bad word about the ill-mannered bitch! Talia pushed back the thoughts. Her anger was what had gotten her into trouble in the first place. She let out a long sigh. “But why would she be jealous of me?”

  “You’re so guileless, dear girl.” He pulled back so he could look at her. “She’s envious because you’re young, bright, beautiful—and important to me.”

  Talia had never looked at it that way. Still, it didn’t make sense. Yes, she and Roger were close. That didn’t mean that Lydia had the right to terrorize her every chance she got. “Our relationship has nothing to do with her,” she said stubbornly.

  “You and I know that. It’s just hard for her to see.”

  Talia rolled her eyes. She hated it that he was making her see Lydia’s point of view. Wearily, she laid her head on his shoulder. He’d always been such a rock
for her. She needed his steady compassion now more than she had in a long time. The past week had been so hard on her. She hadn’t been able to eat or sleep. It felt good to stand in his arms and let him protect her—even if it was from herself.

  “I don’t know what I was thinking coming here,” she said. “She just made me so angry and upset. I know I shouldn’t let her get to me but she does.”

  “Shhh,” he murmured. He brushed his lips against hers. “We both know why you’re here.”

  Talia went dead still.

  He’d just kissed her. On the lips!

  “I knew that one day she’d finally push you past your inhibitions.” He stroked his hand downwards and gently cupped her bottom. “It was just a matter of time.”

  Talia was stunned.

  This was her father’s best friend!

  He shouldn’t be touching her like this.

  “Relax, dear one,” he said, hugging her. “Uncle Roger will make everything all right.”

  Talia felt like a deer caught in the headlights. She hadn’t seen this coming. He couldn’t want her that way. What could she say? What could she do?

  She stood frozen as he reached up and caught the clip at the back of her head. Her hair fell loose across her shoulders and the soft ends brushed against her skin. The sensation made her shiver.

  He gently raked his fingers through the blonde strands. “You’re so pretty.”

  His gaze swept down her body almost reverently and she swallowed hard. The look of lust was clear in his eyes and she was thunderstruck. She’d seen that look before. Many times. She’d just been too young to identify it for what it was.

  He ran his thumb softly across her lips. “I know this must be difficult for you but, if it makes you feel any better, I haven’t slept with Lydia for years. As for your father, well, I respected him. That’s why I waited so long. I wanted this to be your decision.”

  Her decision! She hadn’t even realized an offer was on the table.

  “Are you chilled, dear one?”

  Suddenly, Talia realized she was shaking.

  He smiled with understanding. “Come here.”

  Everything inside her went tense at the low words. They were so sexual. When he pulled her close, this time she felt an erection press against her belly.

  An impressive erection.

  Embarrassment flooded her. She shouldn’t be thinking things like that. This was Uncle Roger, for God’s sake!

  “Relax,” he whispered again. “I’ll take care of things. You know how much I adore you.”

  The admission left Talia conflicted. She knew he was fond of her and she loved him—if not in that way. She couldn’t bear the thought of hurting him.

  When his head dipped, she couldn’t deny him.

  His lips pressed against hers delicately. The inappropriateness of it all made her uneasy but there was so much comfort in his touch. That comfort called to her. A safe haven was so tempting.

  Slowly, he let her get used to the feel of him. He sipped at her lips as one hand gently cupped the back of her neck. So much tenderness, she thought, falling under the spell. When the fingertips of his other hand dipped under the material at her lower back, she felt warm arousal unwind in her belly. It was the same feeling she’d gotten when he’d first looked at her in her dress.

  “So sweet,” he murmured against her lips.

  He turned his head and changed the angle of the kiss. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, she found herself opening her mouth for his tongue.

  “Mmm,” she sighed when it filled her mouth.

  She could taste the whiskey and the chocolate he’d had for dessert. The intimacy made her head spin and she slid her arms around his neck for support. He was good with his mouth. Very good.

  He kept the kiss slow and luxurious but the heat intensified. She heard a soft click somewhere close to her ear. Her eyes flew open when her halter top loosened.

  She found Roger watching her closely. He was waiting for her permission, she realized.

  Need suddenly pumped through her veins. She’d been so lost and anxious. Would it really be so bad to take consolation in his arms? They were consenting adults.

  The material caressed her skin as it slid downwards and caught between their tightly pressed bodies. If she took even the smallest step back, she’d be half-naked.

  The profanity of it all bewildered her. Roger Thorton was very special to her, yet the idea of sleeping with him appalled her as much as it fascinated her. If they crossed this line, there would be no turning back. She didn’t want to turn what they had into something perverse.

  But it didn’t feel perverse. His touch was rife with reassurance and generosity. They really did care for each other. He’d obviously considered a physical relationship with her for a long time.

  And what other reason did she have for being found alone in his bedroom so late at night?

  Remorse made her eyelids drop. If anyone was trying to vilify their relationship, it was she. She’d come here to take what was his.

  He sighed. Kindly, he began massaging the tight muscles at the nape of her neck. “Second thoughts, dear girl?”

  He’d let her walk away right now if she said yes. He was that kind of man. Slowly, she looked up into his eyes. Emotion shimmered deep within them. She could feel his erection still pressing hard against her but, amazingly, his first inclination was to take care of her.

  And she craved to let him, even more than he could know.

  Slowly, she took that step backwards. Her dress slithered down her body and bared her to the waist.

  His gaze zeroed in on her breasts like a laser beam. His breath came out with a whoosh and, for a moment, he stood unmoving. At last, his hands came up and cupped each rounded globe. “You are so beautiful.”

  His touch was startling. Talia looked down as his hands began working her flesh. He was more firm and demanding than she’d expected. His hands were callused from the work he did with the horses but the rough touch felt good. The sight of his hands on her did something to her. Her breath caught and her nipples pressed against his palms.

  The forbidden nature of their actions was exciting.

  “Let me know what feels good,” he said as he leaned down and nuzzled her neck.

  “This,” she said with a groan. She wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him close. “This feels good.”

  He pulled back far enough to look at her. She flinched when he began drumming his thumbs across her nipples. “Do you remember the bikini that Felicia gave you for your eighteenth birthday?” he said with a secret smile.

  “Mmm.” His touch was insistent. “It was my favorite.”

  “Why?” he whispered.

  She couldn’t believe that this of all things would embarrass her. Shyly, she let her gaze drop. “It was so revealing. It made me feel all grown up and…”


  “Sexy,” she whispered.

  He took her breath away with a hard kiss.

  “I picked that suit out,” he said against her lips. “It was the skimpiest one I could find.”

  An unexpected thrill ran through her. He shouldn’t be telling her this. The naughtiness of it all was burning her ears—and her pussy. She could feel the heat gathering between her legs.

  “You were eighteen and I was nearing fifty,” he said, looking straight into her eyes. “That didn’t stop me from dreaming about stripping that little red string bikini off of you and fucking you right in front of everyone.”

  Talia gasped. He used the opportunity to duck his head and capture her nipple in his hot mouth.

  Her back arched as shock tore through her. She closed her eyes tightly and groaned as reactions pumped through her. She hadn’t been prepared for this—not for the sight of it or the feel. It was as if her nipple had just been caught in a hot, wet, suction pump that refused to let go.

  “Ah, Roger!” she panted. The sensation was intense. She threaded her fingers through his silver hair an
d held on tight. She could hardly believe he’d lusted for her for so long but the pull of his mouth told her just how rampant his desire for her was.

  He was a magician with his naughty tongue. Her breasts felt swollen to twice their size and her pussy was beginning to cry. He let out a grunt and turned to her other breast.

  “I could just eat you up,” he murmured before opening wide.

  She arched back over his supporting arm and let out a sharp cry when his hand suddenly cupped her between the legs.

  “God, I’ve waited too long,” he said, his voice going rough. “Let’s get you out of these clothes.”

  His hands smoothly undid the zipper at her lower back. The dress slipped over her hips and dropped into a pool at her feet. Talia was caught once again by the illicitness of what they were doing. She was standing exposed in front of her confidant, her father figure.

  Before she could say anything, he gripped her by the waist and turned her. Their reflection was caught in a nearby mirror. She was startled by how sexy they looked together. The man she’d always referred to as Uncle Roger was standing behind her, fully dressed. She, on the other hand, was naked except for a tiny pair of panties and her high heels. She felt inexperienced and—

  “Naughty,” she whispered, unaware that the words had come from her lips.

  “That’s what makes it so good,” he said as he nuzzled the side of her neck.

  She watched as his hands came up to her breasts once more. The vision created an overwhelming sexual need in her and, suddenly, she wanted this more than anything. She wanted his hands on her. She wanted his mouth on her breasts. She pressed her knees together tightly to fight the hot fire in her pussy.

  She wanted him.

  “How do you like it?” he whispered into her ear. “From the front? From behind?”

  She saw her face redden in the mirror.

  He chuckled. “Don’t be shy. I want it to be good for you.”

  It would be good; he wouldn’t let it be any other way. Talia reached up and cupped the side of his face. He’d been waiting for her for a long time. “What’s your fantasy?”

  She was pleased when his cheeks flushed. “Do you mind if I… Would you let me tongue you?”


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