Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series)

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Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series) Page 12

by Turner, Lori

  Lucien said…

  “Good, good. It’s always nice to hear good things about your staff.”

  Ona was curious, so she asked…

  “I hope you won’t think that this is an impertinent question but…do you employ the staff on this unit, or are they employed by the hospital?”

  His lips curled, framing his entertained expression.

  “There isn’t anything indelicate about that inquiry. As a matter of fact…I believe when this hospital first opened, a reporter asked that very same question.” His tranquil manner was soothing and his voice was like the grassy knolls that encircled her grandparent’s farm.

  Lucien said…

  “The medical staff assigned to the Delors hospital wing are technically employed by one of my family’s companies. The nurses, therapist, and a few of the doctors; they manage our medical care”

  Ona couldn’t begin to fathom what this meant, and her thoughts quieted without warning.

  Lucien felt the fabric in his closed hand. The object of question. The band. Was she or wasn’t she; that was the question. He knew so little about her religion and even less about the Creedal band. He’d considered being blunt, but he didn’t want to risk offending her. Suddenly, the band felt like the weight of a dumbbell. Due to the sensitive nature surrounding this topic, he couldn’t just blurt it out. He wondered how many questions he would have to ask, until the moment presented itself, freeing him to ask the question that concerned him most.

  He said…

  “Is this your first time being treated in a hospital?”

  “Yes. Praise be to God, I’ve never been sick more than a few days in my entire life.”

  “I see.” he said, because her response had not given him the answer he’d been searching for. He hedged further saying…

  “Are you familiar with the care offered at Samaritan hospitals?”

  “I’ve never been a patient, but I’ve visited family members. Our doctor’s are no different from any other doctor. They attend medical schools. Actually, medicine is a lifelong mission for Samaritan doctor’s. You see…we believe in medical as well as spiritual healing.”

  “I see.” He was at a loss again, and Ona noticed his confusion.

  “I am not the best person to explain our ways. Perhaps you should address your questions to the Conclave.”

  He sighed, then he waved his hand while shaking his head, when he said…

  “No, no; there is no need for that. I just want to be sure that we aren’t mistakenly neglecting to meet one of your religious needs. I Just wish that I knew more about your faith…”

  “It isn’t a faith Mr. Delors.” She corrected him, but he needed to make her aware of something before she continued.

  “Ona…please, call me Lucien.”

  She’d been taken aback; but not in a bad way, because truthfully, she loved the sound of his name but she wasn’t sure if she’d feel comfortable saying it. In spite of her misgivings, she had to assimilate because her project would bring her face to face with countless Non-Samaritans.

  She smiled, then she continued her previous thought.

  “Being a Samaritan is a way of life.”

  He stared at her confused, then she smiled, saying…

  “Think of it this way… Samaritan’s pledge our entire lives to do good and to be helpful to mankind. There is no greater deed, than to be of help to the helpless. We model our lives after our savior…the Lord Jesus Christ.”

  And the band; this is the thought that grappled in his brain—how did the band factor in. But somewhere along the way, they seemed to have gotten off track, and he didn’t know how to politely divert her, getting her back on the topic that bugged him most. Lucien supposed, if Ona had her way, she would have given him a crash course on what it means to be a Samaritan—but that would have to wait, and he could see a hint of disappointment in Ona’s eyes. The room rocked with a blaring interruption when Rachel knocked on the door before entering, then she opened the door, pushing a small cart with a bevy of oils, lotions and imported creams. His thirty-minutes were up and the time had passed to fast for him.

  Rachel noticed his disappointment. She said

  “I can delay this session if you’d like”

  She began a backwards trot, not giving Lucien or Ona time to process her statement.

  “I’ll just need to make a quick call to Dr. Stone. She’d planned a series of test before adjusting to your recovery care plan “

  Ona said…

  “Please Rachel….that isn’t necessary. My clumsiness has already caused enough problems and I don’t want to inconvenience you or the doctors.”

  Lucien’s brow rose, because of her choice in words.

  He blurted out

  “Do you Remember the events from that day? The accident that is.

  Ona narrowed her eyes trying to ease back the black curtain that shielded that portion of her memory. Her efforts appeared strange to Lucien but not to Rachel. Her nurse had seen this before when one of the neurosurgeons’ had been conducting one of his assessments.

  Rachel said…

  “Mr. Delors…I think she’s referring to her project and her inability to perform without the assistance of others.”

  Now Lucien was really confused and even more so when Rachel filled him in; speaking with a tone that would suggest she’d just completed a course in Samaritan studies. According to the nurse, Ona had presented a proposal to the Samaritan Conclave, and her project had been approved. She explained that the project would primarily help the cities children, by using art and animals in a variety of proven therapies.

  Rachel looked alternately at both of them, as she tried to explain…

  “While I was showing her brother how to operate the iPad, he explained your dilemma and the responsibilities you’ve tasked him with. While he gave me a return demonstration he muttered.”

  Ona smiled then she said…

  “He does that. Mutter that is.”

  “Well—he was muttering a lot and when I offered to help him, he declined then said that if he needed help, he would find someone in your Sect. But is that possible….I mean…I didn’t think Samaritan’s were in to the arts.”

  Ona confirmed her suspicions.

  “No…we aren’t…but if I weren’t in here, I could have followed my plan—I had it all worked out.”

  Ona’s emotions sagged then deflated. She hadn’t expected to learn that Caleb doubted himself capable to begin her project. Caleb had suggested that she appeal to the Conclave, asking for an extension but delay could ultimately lead to denial; or worse. Due to her hospitalization, the council could revoke her project, leaving her idle and forced to join her parents in Africa. While her thoughts filled with the council and the Conclave, Rachel said…

  “Ona…I’m very active at my church and quite frankly, I wished you would have asked me for my help. Honey, i live in the city and not on a commune. Most of my friends are either singers, actors or musicians. Heck…my roommates brother is a sculptor. Judd Marko…have you heard of him.”

  Ona shook her head when she referred to the sculptor, mainly because she felt confused. Rachel had figuratively let her hair down, referring to her patient using a term of endearment, instead of her legal name. Actually, from the moment Ona woke, then oriented herself; of all the nurses, Rachel had been the friendliest.

  Lucien had heard about the up and rising artist. He addressed Rachel…

  “I don’t mean to be forward, but, if you’re suggesting that you’d like to help Ona…maybe you should go and make a few calls. Talk to your friends, and confirm which of them would be interested in helping.”

  “I’ll do just that.”

  Rachel hurried down the hall with purpose.

  “Finally…something to occupy my time.”

  She was the envy of her graduating class, because most of them worked at one of the area city hospitals, and a few had taken positions out of state, while the remainder worked in a number of low p
aying jobs. After graduating from nursing school, Rachel had been at the right place at the right time. It was also one of those ‘a friend of a friend’ kind of deals. Rachel’s roommate Sahara was close friends with a girl named, Cynthia who just so happen to know Sahara’s brother Judd. Judd had just started dating one of the city’s richest and most eligible bachelorettes; a woman named Fawn Gustafson. Before Fawn’s father arrived at one of his parties, Judd had stopped by, at the request of Fawn. She’d introduced him to some of her friends, and when her father arrived, fawn had hurried him out, using the servants entrance. Judd had not been put off. He’d lit a cigarette heading for the streets using a narrow alley. When he stepped between two buildings, he ran headlong into a woman exiting the party. She’d seen him inside and when he walked in the direction of the street corner to hail a cab, she’d offered him a ride in her limo. Judd accepted, then he learned her name. Eliza Pendleton. She told him that she was on her way to the open house of a new private hospital. Judd had heard his sister talking incessantly about Rachel, and how she’d been looking for a job. He’d shamelessly given Eliza his sisters name and number as a contact for Rachel. He’d further added, that Rachel was pretty and had graduated at the top of her class. She smiled at the memory, because when Eliza had conducted the interview as a favor to the Delors, she had told him about her conversation with Judd. Eliza had also told her, that if she was smart, she would take the job. For most of the year, the Delors wing is empty, and the staff of five nurses are left to perform menial task to keep the wing in readiness; this explained her excitement. Rachel had agreed with Eliza Pendleton because this was a cream job and the pay was outlandishly generous. She skirted around the desk, swinging the chair on its wheels to face her. She was poised to sit, when the elevator chimed. Her eyes found the displays on the wall. Atomic clocks with readouts displaying every major timezone in the world; she checked them all. It wasn’t dinner time, and the robotic pharmacy cart wasn’t due to arrive until the next oncoming shift. Rachel pulled out her seat, and when the person rounded the corner, she nearly peed in her pants.

  Caleb’s brain was a swarm of frustrating thoughts, and he wanted to clear his head. He didn’t want to be blamed for this fiasco but from where he stood, everything was falling apart. Before arriving at the hospital this morning, he’d known that the stakes were high; too high for him to accomplish the impossible. And from the moment his feet hit the pavement, leaving the hospital in his rear; he’d done all he could do, and still, his efforts had not been enough. Frustration strained his face, and he dreaded that he’d be the bearer of bad news. But before he did his worse, he noticed the nurse seated at the front desk. Caleb was in is own world of worry, he didn’t noticed Rachel’s surprised expression.

  He greeted her, much like he’d done in the past.

  “Good evening Rachel.”

  “Good evening” she said in a high pitched voice. Again, Caleb was distracted and he didn’t notice her odd behavior. He pressed on saying…

  “This is a first for me…and I know that I’ve never visited Ona this late in the past but, well…there is a problem…actually, there are a few problems and these aren’t the normal, run of the mill kind of problems.”

  “Oh no…” her voice sounded flat. She cared…but she didn’t show true emotion. Her mind was on Ona…and Lucien. Everyone on the Delors wing knew that Caleb Zelle did not want Lucien visiting his sister. And here he was…visiting his guest, on a hospital wing that belonged to him. She had allegiances….and her loyalties had nothing to do with her income or her job. She really liked Ona, and she truly respected all the Delors and recently, she’d come to know Lucien on a more personal level. She told herself that she could do this. She could stave off a catastrophe of epic proportions.

  Rachel thought fast, then she said…

  “I’ve lived in this city and I’ve seen some things that would shame most, and cause others to shutter. So…not many things are a first for me…and well…you appear to be at a loss. How can I help? I wanna help…so, let me”

  She was rambling, and she hoped that her sputter sounded helpful instead of insane.

  For the first time, Caleb looked at Rachel. He didn’t glance, like he’d done in the past; this time, he really looked at her. Good God, he thought to himself; this woman was extremely beautiful. How had this slipped his notice and he wondered how could he have missed it. He considered that perhaps over these past few months he’d been consumed with worries concerning Ona and her injuries; given that he’d volunteered for the job. If that was true, how could he have missed this vision of utter charm. She had a face that would make angels take notice and sing. As a young child, he’d seen a movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and an African American actress. He couldn’t rightly recall her name, but the movie was called ‘Eraser’; that’s who this nurse reminded him of. She looked just as beautiful as that actress in the movies. Caleb became aware that he was staring at her, when he finally registered what she’d just said. He recalled hearing the word ‘help’.

  He stumbled over his words, when he replied.

  “Uhm…maybe, you might be able to help me.”

  His eyes studied her, and he noticed the light color of her eyes. He took a whiff of her perfume when she stood, then leaned across the desk saying…

  “I’d love to help. I’m an all hands on deck kinda gal. You know, when I was in college, I was always the one in charge. Team captain was my nickname. Some nickname, huh”

  She was rambling again, so she redirected her focus. Keep him occupied, she’d thought. Then what? At some point, he would seek the refuge of Ona’s room, if it meant not having to endure her nonsensical blathering. In truth, Rachel felt like her efforts were being pulled in opposite directions.

  Caleb lifted his hand, and it wasn’t until then that she noticed he’d been carrying the iPad.

  Flatly, he said…

  “It doesn’t work. Stopped on me, right in the middle of my meeting at the Conclave.”


  Caleb smirked, because this was the first lighthearted thing that had happened to him all day. He supplied a brief explanation.

  “Do you know what role the Vatican plays in connection to the Roman Catholic Church?”

  Rachel nodded, then he said…

  “The Conclave… It’s the same thing. Long story short—the Conclave council finances and oversee charitable projects. Each commune has their own Conclave.”

  He sighed, heavily when he said…,

  “That’s where I’ve been the vast majority of the day.”

  Rachel wanted to ask specific questions but she really didn’t have to. Caleb was wound so tight, it was obvious that he’d endured a difficult day. He said…

  “Samaritan’s value spiritual birthrights.”

  He said the words, and he could still hear the council members when they belittled him, using words meant to be diplomatic, civil and courteous. He felt a tenseness in his neck; veins bulged, suffusing with blood. He would never understand how he could be considered one of them, while at the same time be reminded that he wasn’t. He didn’t say this because he knew that Rachel would never understand; because after all these years, for him, the duality was a brain stunner.

  Caleb sat the iPad on the counter. He hated failure, but he felt safe admitting this truth to Rachel.

  “The Conclave is going to revoke Ona’s project.”

  Rachel’s eyes went wide with shock. Her words burst forth like misguided rocks pelleting an object. Her thoughts were all over the place.

  “Wait. What did you say? Revoked? But…can they do that? I mean…she will do her project because she’s been working on it. Surely they have to understand—for goodness sake, she was in an accident—and she almost loss her spleen. Do they know that? Are they aware of her injuries—and how far she’s come in her recovery?”

  Caleb raised his hand to slow her down. She was shooting questions at a rate of one per second.

the council knows about my sister. Remember what happened on the day of her arrival.”

  Rachel slowed her breaths, recalling that day. She’d not been in the hospital, but on her shift, she’d been given the amended version; and it had not been pretty. She wondered if On was being punished because she’d been cared for in a hospital that wasn’t a Samaritan hospital. If that was true, that kind of behavior would go against everything she’d learned about this Sect. They were kind people and she couldn’t imagine them punishing Ona for something that was outside of her hands.

  “Rachel…I hate to say this…but it’s over.”

  Caleb was stepping away from the nurses station, when Rachel hurriedly said…

  “It can’t be over.”

  He stared at her with pitiful eyes.

  “Look…my sister needs a working plan, in action no later than the end of this week. And I don’t mean a plan on paper. I need—singers, artist, a place to house them…”

  Caleb scratched his head, messing up his disheveled hair. He felt so defeated, when he turned to face Rachel, the image elicited an immediate impression. Seeing him this way; if he would have allowed it, she would wrap her arms around him, embracing him a big bear hug.

  Caleb lifted his head and when he looked at her, he saw her pained expression. He forced a smile when he said…

  “Don’t worry. Ona will be disappointed but…when she’s well enough, she’ll join me, when we meet our parents in the Congo.”

  Rachel shook her head, while saying…

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  She grinned…

  “If that Conclave of yours wants to see a plan in action—then, they won’t have to wait until the end of the week.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Caleb stepped closer. Rachel had come from behind the nurses station and they were standing only a few feet from each other. She beamed him with one of her knockout smiles when she said…

  “While you were off doing your stuff—we’ve been brainstorming here at the hospital.”

  Caleb felt a ray of hope. He stepped so close, that Rachel thought that he just might kiss her.


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