Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series)

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Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series) Page 14

by Turner, Lori

  “Bolden…could you come here please.”

  Could he or would he…and why did she add the please. After working with Eliza, Bolden had concluded, that she was more than she seemed. For weeks, his orientation had been a series of lunches and dinners, coupled with introductions. Most of these people had been donors, or interest groups whose funds had played a crucial role in securing the governors election to office. Then the craziness started…and Bolden became suspicious. He had so many questions, yet to date Eliza had not supplied him with any answers. Today, he’d been invited to join Eliza at the Tea Room, and when he arrived, what followed left him leery.

  Eliza was at work on her computer so Bolden hesitated before entering.

  “Did you need me Eliza,

  Of course she did, you fool. That’s what he felt like, and there was no one to empathize.

  She lifted her head, gesturing at a large chair that had seen more ass time than the chair in his office. Bolden took the seat, like a kid being called into the headmasters office.

  She smiled and he wondered what did she have to be so giddy over.

  “I’d like you to join me on an out of town trip.”

  His immediate response was to frown, then he drained the vexation from his face.

  “Okay.” He said, then he added “May I ask…”

  Before he could finish, she said…

  “I’ve emailed the itinerary to your personal email account. This trip is off the books…so, there can be no mention of it on any government sources.”

  Now, his curiosity was off the scale. If he worked for the governor—and he did; then his position made him a government employee. Since that was true, how did Eliza plan to fund this trip? Was their outing one of those trips that the tax payers weren’t supposed to know about?

  Eliza cleared up some of his confusion.

  “Bolden…by now, I’m sure that you’ve realized that my job is…special. Actually, my primary purpose is to protect the governor’s reputation and to safeguard the integrity of this office.”

  Her eyes were grey, and he could swear that the hue dimmed darker. She continued…

  “I like taking a proactive approach. In other words…I clean up, when it’s needed. Clean ups involves knowing people…it also involves knowing things about people. Secrets. For the past few weeks, you’ve joined me, at dinners and lunches, and I’ve introduced you to people. Basically, I’ve been making the rounds, introducing you to my resources, so to speak. Soon, you’re going to become my arms and legs. If the governor has a problem…or if he wants us to find out about something…you’ve got to know where to go to get the information. You also have to realize that there will be times when we won’t be free to tell anyone what we’re doing, or why we’re doing it. Most times, these situations will occur without government involvement.”

  Bolden tried not to appear surprised when he said…

  “So…you’re talking about covert missions.

  Eliza calmly said…


  “When you worked for my father—is that what you did? Covert business transactions.”

  “Bolden…when I worked for your father, I signed a disclosure agreement. In other words, I am bound by a contract…even though I no longer work for your father’s company. As a matter of fact—the contract prohibits me from revealing which of your father’s companies that I worked for.” Eliza locked eyes with him when she said…

  “I may not be able to expound on my employment…but I can say, that what I learned there was extremely helpful—and you should have accepted your fathers job offer—if there’d been one.”

  Her eyes grew stern when she said…

  “But that boat has sailed…and now you work for me.”

  Bolden felt his chest muscles flex when he said…

  “But I thought that I work for the governor.”

  She shed light on reality when she said….

  “Don’t be fooled by your title, the name on your paycheck…or the fact that you’re here, in the governor’s office. Let there be no bones about this; you work for me. You come when I want you to come. You go where I want you to go. You report to me—and only me.”

  Eliza noticed his expression, so she added…

  “I’ve heard about you. You’ve got that officer of the law mentality—well, you can stow that shit because there is the law, and there is a way of interpreting the law. For us—we’ll be working somewhere in the middle—and I need to know that you’re okay with that. If not–”

  Eliza let her words hang. She studied his face, while recalling his father’s impression of his son.

  Bolden said…

  “So…in other words; we’re going to be breaking the law.”

  “I didn’t say that and you know as well as I do; any attorney worth his salt knows that sometimes the law is grey—and it has to be left to interpretation. So you might as well get use to this because, that’s the side of the law that we’ll be operating on.

  Eliza studied him, and she waited.

  Bolden said…

  “When are we leaving…?”

  And that was all that it took. From the moment Morpheus had singled out his son, she’d known that Bolden was the man for her; in more ways than one.


  Bolden didn’t know the name of the person responsible for souring Eliza’s mood and frankly, he didn’t want to know. From the moment they boarded the Boeing private jet, and before they took off, she’d been horn locked on the phone, telling someone what they would and would not do. In truth, listening to her issue demands, then alternate her mandates, using colorful antics and mixed metaphors; Bolden had to bite his lip to restrain his laughter. But the exciting part about watching Eliza in action was in the way she used profanity. The woman was fluent in several languages, and she used this to her advantage to spice up her gritty side. When she added flavor to her ultimatums, she would cuss like a sailor, using varying languages to stir the pot. On more than one occasion, while listening to her, Bolden had been forced to straighten his leg, because her tantrums elicited a response, swelling his length. The woman was the total package. Brains, brut and beddable.

  When they landed, then the pilot followed the towers directions; finally the plane came to a stop in a private hanger. Eliza switched off her business manner, abruptly disconnecting the call. Her eyes brightened when she said…

  “I know of a great sushi bar. The chef is a personal friend of mine.”

  And that was all it took; one plane ride witnessing Eliza in her environment—and he was hooked. Bolden didn’t know if it had been genetics or if there was an actual attraction; because his father had been known for sleeping with his employees, their spouses and any number of other women. Of course…he didn’t concern himself with the specifics that had brought him and Eliza together. He’d followed her to her hotel room because she’d asked him, and that had been hours ago. Now, it was three in the morning and he was wide awake, while Eliza snored like a woman who’d been thoroughly fucked; thank you very much. And as for him; Bolden was still trying to make sense of the days events. He stared at this woman and—yes, she was damn beautiful; but he couldn’t staunch the questions. Why had he done this? Why would he jeopardize everything before giving this job opportunity the true chance that it really deserved? A part of him wondered that perhaps he’d subconsciously accepted Eliza’s offer because instinctively from the very first day, he’d entertained ideas that would sabotage his employment. He still hadn’t gotten over Eliza’s overt deception. When she’d interviewed him, she had cloaked her real reason for hiring him, and part of his brain told him not to trust her. But—here he was, and Just looking at her, even in the darkened room; Bolden understood his reasons for joining her. She might not have wanted him for the same reasons—but he didn’t care. Even if their reasons for being together were one-sided, some marriages are based on far less but he questioned if it was wise to give in to this feeling that nagged at him to trust her. He
’d grown up learning about his father from the words of his mother. According to his mother, Morpheus was the devil incarnate and after this flight, Bolden knew enough about Eliza to tell him that she wasn’t a saint or an angel. And after sleeping with her, he would swear on a stack of bibles, that the woman was a cross between a tigress and a plumber. She’d scratched him up and thoroughly cleaned his pipes.

  Bolden hadn’t moved, but his inaction didn’t stop Eliza from stirring. She was still wearing her false lashes, and the tips fluttered like ostrich feathers. She yawned while groggily saying….

  “What time is it?”

  “Late.” Was Bolden’s response. She stretched like a cat, then sighed a rush of air. Eliza shifted her body until she faced him. She raised her hand, and her eyes glided across his face, following the path of her finger. She parted her mouth, moistening her lips with a glide of her tongue. The move was such a turn on, he wanted to lean in to capture a kiss.

  Eliza grinned when she said…

  “We’re good together”

  “Real good” he replied, but he found himself saying “Eliza…is good sex enough for you?”

  He’d grown up witnessing his mother’s depressed moods. Money and large expansive houses didn’t buy Mikita happiness and short term loveless relationships were to blame for most of her heartaches. Bolden had grown up knowing that his mother didn’t want her son to repeat her mistakes; she wanted more for him.

  Eliza studied his face, but she wanted to see more of him, so she perched her weight like a tripod; steadying her body on one elbow. The room was dark, but they’d left the drapes open, and the light in the bathroom was still on. She strained her eyes, and she could see bits of his father in him, and these vestiges compelled her to hold back, restraining her brutal honesty. She couldn’t allow herself to settle into a false sense of security and when she spoke, Bolden experienced a chill. Eliza’s phrase held an enigmatic tone. She was hiding something—and he knew it.

  She pressed her lips near his Adams apple. She kissed him there, then she said…

  “Some people would kill to have five minutes of what we’ve just shared.”

  Eliza leaned in, biting his earlobe, then she nipped until she settled on the tip of his nipple. At this point, Bolden loss all sense of reality. He pressed her firmly against the mattress, climbing on top of her; then he rode her like a cheap carnival ride—which was exactly how she’d wanted it. Fast, jerky, hard and long.

  After their lovemaking session, Bolden left her room, for the solace of his own. On the way, he asked himself, what was he doing and was he prepared to accept her next deception; because after the way she’d behaved—staving off a true conversation, using sex as an avoidance tool—Bolden had sensed the telltale sign upon insertion; the billowing irritation of smoke being blown up his ass. According to the office gossip, last year, she’d been engaged, and they had planned to marry this spring. Then without preamble, the story took a turn, twisting into a breakup, unresolved disagreements, her leaving him, then a New Year’s Eve suicide. In spite of her misfortune, he didn’t see one sign of remorse, hinting that she was still mourning after losing so much. He wasn’t sure if this was stern resolve or the sign of a heartless woman.

  Bolden eased out of his clothes, then settled naked on his bed. The second his head hit the pillow, the phone in his room rang.

  His eyebrows furrowed, out of agitation. Only two people knew that he was here; the desk clerk, and Eliza.

  Bolden answered the phone


  “Why so crude? I was calling to make certain that you made it back to your room okay.”

  He relaxed on the sheets, stretching out his limbs. He leisurely responded.

  “We’re on the same floor Eliza. Not much chance in getting lost.”

  “True…but, you are my responsibility.”

  And he was. Eliza had swore to Morpheus that she would hover over his son like a hawk, primed to attack any and all predators. The phone went silent, causing Eliza to wonder if Bolden had fallen asleep.

  “Bolden…” she said, with a raised inflection.

  He sighed heavily into the phone when he said…

  “I’m still here Eliza.”

  “Good. Are you bored with me already.”

  There was a seriousness in her voice, prompting him to say…

  “No…and that might create problems.”

  She laughed, thrilled by the possibilities of what this might mean.

  “Don’t worry Bolden…I won’t allow you to get ahead of yourself.”

  He swore, because on the inside, it felt like he’d already jumped three steps ahead of her. But he couldn’t let her know this. He had a number of kooky habits, and monogamy was one of them. He just didn’t do sleeping around; never had…and now, he’d gotten mixed up with Eliza Pendleton…his boss. Now he was beginning to realize that having sex with her had been an enormous mistake. He told himself—can’t miss what you haven’t had; but the problem was, that he’d had her, and given time, he would miss her. But, what was done was done, and he couldn’t undo what he’d already done.

  Burdened by his mishap, he said…

  “Eliza…I’m exhausted. Can we talk in the morning?”

  She could hear the strain in his voice, and she needed to nip his resignation in the bud. She couldn’t allow him to give up; not after what they’d just shared.

  “Bolden…come back. Spend the night with me.”

  “I don’t know about you…but I’m tired, and we have a big day tomorrow. If you expect me to keep up with you, then I’ll need no less than three hours sleep.”

  “Fine…come back, and you can sleep here, with me.”

  He held his comments, because he didn’t have anything in the affirmative to say. Then, unexpectedly, she pierced his heart, when she purred his name.

  “Bolden…come back to me.”

  Even if he had the courage or fortitude, he wouldn’t have won this struggle. Bolden sat up in the bed, then he placed the phone back on its receiver. He gathered his clothes, putting on only the essentials; he didn’t button his shirt, and he didn’t wear a belt. When he neared her room, he heard the clicking sound of an opening door. When he stepped inside, the room was still dark, but she was there, just a few steps inside.

  “Bolden” She trilled his name, then she undressed him. They held hands, walking to the bed, and when she pulled back the blankets, Eliza climbed in first, followed by Bolden. In this situation, he could have turned his back to her; this would have been the wise move—but he ignored reason. Instead, he opened his arms, creating a space for her. Then he folded his arms, to cuddle her, and they slept that way until their early morning wake up call. When she ordered breakfast, Bolden stayed. They ate their morning meal, swapping sections of the Times; like married couples do. They were in sync; riding life’s cycle in tandem—and he told himself that he could get use to this. And when she showered, he joined her there. They made love beneath the spray, and he let it happen. When he finally made it back to his room to change into a fresh set of clothes, he knew. He knew the second his heart had leapt; but what was done was done, and fool that he was—he didn’t want to undo this. In less than an hour, he’d packed, and left his room, meeting her in the hotel lobby. He could see the large black SUV with tinted windows, waiting on the street to drive them back to the airport. Eliza was standing off to the side, engrossed in a conversation, and her facial expression told him all that he needed to know. It was back to business for her, and he wondered what fire had to be squelched today.


  Chapter 11

  What’s love got to do with it

  “What did I say to make you think that I don’t care?”

  Fawn hated repeating herself. From the moment Judd arrived at her father’s house, he’d had a major stick up his ass. He’d blathered incessantly telling her some crap concerning his hippy sister Sahara and that Ona Samaritan woman she’d met at Lincoln Medical. While he’d
been talking, Fawn had interrupted him, asking if he knew why a Samaritan was being treated at Lincoln Medical. She wasn’t sure if it was the question or the snide way that she’d said it; whatever the cause, Judd was pissed and he was headed towards the door.

  “Judd…wait! Be reasonable. I just asked if you knew how a person like Ona could afford that kind of medical care. It is a private hospital Judd…and that was a legitimate question”

  Judd was wearing his usual leather garb, from shoulder to toe, his movements sang a smooth swooshing leather tune. From the first, he’d been warned about the Gustafson’s; but he’d thought that the warnings were concerning her arms dealer father. When Fawn approached him at one of his art shows, there had been an intense reaction. On their second meeting, Judd had received an invitation to attend an after hours backstage party for a headlining act. Fawn had approached him, and in a brazen manner, she’d gripped the lapels on his shirt, lifted on tiptoes then drew him into a mouth watering kiss. From then on, their romance had been a combination of intellectual duels, topped with mind blowing sex. In short, Fawn was a crazy, cunning, narcissistic bitch. Dear lord, he hated that he loved her.

  Judd was a few feet from the front door. The butler scrambled to be the first to touch the doorknob. Behind him, he could hear Fawn’s heavy breathing and the sound of clopping high heel shoes.

  “Judd…is this the way you want to start a relationship with my father; by bailing on his gracious invitation.”

  “Make an excuse Fawn. You’re good at that.”

  “Will this ever end! Judd…that was weeks ago. Let it go. Why can’t you accept that I am not available to help you and your friends?”

  Judd had one of two choices; ignore her, or confront her. He chose the latter.

  He turned on his heels and they nearly collided. Judd didn’t waste any time talking

  “Fawn…when you lied to my sister in the hospital, I understood because you’d been caught off guard and you hadn’t been given adequate time to consider the offer.”


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