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Irritable Page 1

by Joanne Locker


  Joanne Locker

  (c) 2010 by Blushing BooksO and Joanne Locker

  Copyright (c) 2010 by Blushing Books(r) and Joanne Locker

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  Locker, Joanne


  eBook ISBN: 978-1-60968-086-2

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics

  Blushing Publications thanks you whole-heartedly for your purchase with us!

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  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter One

  Cleve got out of bed, pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, slid his feet into his slippers, marched through the condo, picked up his keys from the table beside the front door and let himself outside. As much as he paid for this place, he should be able to get a good night's sleep! Either there was absolutely no soundproofing between his bedroom wall and the condo next door, or the woman next door was deaf and turned her music on 'blast' in order to hear it. Whatever the reason, he needed to sleep, and he wasn't going to tolerate that kind of noise. He pounded on her door, knowing full well she wouldn't hear the doorbell if he pushed the button.

  The door opened suddenly, and the female earned a frown from Cleve for not bothering to ask who was on the other side before opening the door, but then again, if the former owner of his condo was to be believed, the woman was so nasty to everyone that people left her alone! "What?" she snarled, giving him a look of complete irritation.

  Cleve looked at her in disapproval. She could be pretty if she wanted to be, but with her hair pulled up into one of those scrunchie things on top of her head, and wearing sweats that didn't match and were stained, the thirtyish woman looked like crap. "You didn't have this door locked, did you?" he growled.

  "And your point is?" she snapped.

  "My point is that you didn't ask who was on the other side, Miss, and that could prove dangerous." Didn't she read the newspaper or watch the news on television?

  "I don't have x-ray vision," she said tartly. "I assume you aren't going around knocking on people's doors to see if they are locked?" she glared at him. "So what the hell do you want? I don't have a cup of sugar to loan, or coffee, or anything else you might need, and I don't like being bothered. I'm not the neighborly type." Her voice would freeze boiling water in an instant.

  "I don't like listening to your music when I am trying to sleep. Turn it down now," Cleve didn't mince words. He didn't smile, didn't look away from her gaze, and, in short, did his very best to intimidate the very hell out of the tiny woman. It was called 'presence', and he was an expert.

  "It sounds like you have a problem, then. I listen to music when I work, and I am working. I suggest you move your bedroom upstairs if you don't like my taste in music."

  "I am not moving my bedroom. You are going to turn down your music," he said forcefully.

  "No, I am not!" she stepped forward to show him his tactics weren't working. The woman was pure ice, through and through.

  "Yes, you are. Right now!" Cleve didn't back down... not from anyone. He never had and never would, and someone needed to take this foolish little woman over a knee and paddle some sense into her!

  "Oh dear, are you going to call the cops to deal with the nasty little neighbor lady?" she taunted him.

  "I AM a cop, Miss," he stated calmly, reminding himself of the nineteen years he had on the force... And of how many times during those years he'd been called out to deal with a situation like this. However, the uniform did seem to earn a bit of cooperation from most people, and standing here in sweats and a tee shirt left a lot to be desired when compared to the uniform he seldom wore these days.

  "Yeah, right, and I am an opera singer!" she snorted in obvious disbelief. "Get your butt out of here, and stuff your ears with cotton. I am not turning down my music for you or anyone else, buster!"

  She had her hands on her hips, daring him to do something about the situation, and Cleve never could resist a dare. It was one of his biggest flaws. He picked her up with two hands on either side of her surprisingly tiny waist, set her aside, marched through her house and into the equivalent of his bedroom, but in her condo the space was used as a home office. He went to the stereo, pulled the plug, and was greeted with blessed silence. He also wasn't stupid; he knew she'd simply plug it in again as soon as he left, so he removed the cord from the stereo and headed for the front door to let himself outside.

  "Just what are you doing?" she moved to block his exit from the room, her hands on her hips as she glared at him. Her red hair was practically standing on end, and he was reminded of Pebbles Flintstone as he saw the way her hair bobbed on top of her head. Her green eyes were full of fury, and her cheeks stained red with anger. "You are NOT stealing the electrical cord to my stereo!"

  "I'll return it in the morning, once you've had time to calm down and realize you're lucky I didn't write you a citation." Cleve was doing his best to stay 'professional'.

  "If you take that cord out of my home, I will call the cops and have you arrested for stealing! I'll take it to the top person if I have to! I'll see you behind bars!" she threatened.

  "Go right ahead. I'll be in my office at seven o'clock sharp." Cleve reached out and put his hands on her waist and moved her aside once more. He headed for the front door, and then turned around and said quietly, his dark eyes full of promise, "Do not make the mistake of pushing me further tonight, Miss. I pride myself on my self-control, but if you deliberately start making any more racket over here, I'll come back and turn you over my knee and give you the spanking you're begging for!" Her mouth dropped open in shock and he closed the door behind him and went back to his condo. In less than five minutes, Cleve was sound asleep.


  Kelsey was not in a good mood and it showed. People moved out of her way as the redhead marched down the sidewalk and stopped in front of the Police Station. She had a scowl on her face and was determined to deal with her new neighbor in a manner he wouldn't soon forget. He'd threatened her person and he stole the power cord from her stereo. Kelsey wasn't used to anyone standing up to her, but more than that, she was going to prove to the man that he could not threaten her and get away with it. There were laws against claiming to be a cop, too, and she was positive the real cops wouldn't be pleased to know a bully like him was claiming to be a part of their department.

  She marched to the desk and said, "I want to see the person in charge."

  "Chief Blankenship..?" the uniformed man questioned, looking her up and down.

  "If Chief Blankenship is the person in charge, then, yes, that is the one I wish to speak to."

  "Take the elevator up to the third floor. Officer Lucia will assist you; I don't know the Chief's schedule today, but you might need to make an appointment and come back if he's busy."

  Kelsey's green eyes flashed angrily. "I will not be put off. I have a busy schedule, too, and my time is just a
s valuable as his! He will see me and that is final! I pay the taxes that pay his salary!"

  "Well, Miss, you're wasting your time standing here sassing at me. Go and talk to Officer Lucia, and she'll help you if she can." The man was completely unperturbed by her rude behavior.

  "And you can't call your Chief on the telephone and see if he is in?" Kelsey demanded in exasperation, her irritability making her voice sharp.

  "No, Miss. That isn't my job. Now please move on; there are other people waiting their turn." The look in his eyes told her he wasn't going to try and placate her.

  "Thanks for nothing at all!" Kelsey snapped at the man, and then stomped toward the elevator.

  "I sure would love to see that little gal pull that sassy attitude on the Chief," he muttered under his breath as he watched her walk toward the elevator. She slapped the up button as hard as possible, and then tapped her toe impatiently while she waited for the elevator, completely oblivious that people were staring at her and shaking their heads in disapproval. Deciding that the irritable woman was the Chief's problem, the officer turned his attention to the next person.

  Kelsey glared at the two detectives who entered the elevator at the second floor and rode up with her. They pretended to ignore her, but both were hoping they didn't have to deal with the irate female. Kelsey stomped off ahead of them and looked for Officer Lucia's desk. She spotted it immediately and the pretty young woman looked up at her with a questioning smile. "May I help you?" she asked in a pleasant tone of voice.

  "I am here to speak to Chief Blankenship, and I do not want to hear any excuses as to why he can't see me right now. My time is as valuable to me as his is to him. Do what you have to do, but I expect to be seen in a timely manner."

  Chief Blankenship is in a meeting right now, ma'am. If you would give me your name...?"

  "You do not need my name just so the all-important man can decide if I am important enough to waste his precious time talking to me. I do not believe he is in a meeting either. Now which office is his?" Kelsey looked around, and finally settled on the most likely one. Before she could take a couple of steps, Officer Lucia was standing in front of her, the friendly smile wiped off her face.

  "The Chief is in a meeting, ma'am. If you wish to see him, you will have to give me your name so I can inform him you are here, and then you will take a seat and wait until he is free."

  "Get out of my way!" Kelsey said in indignation.

  "Ma'am, I am not going to tell you again," the other woman warned. "We have procedures to follow in this office."

  "What is the problem out here?" a deep voice called out, and Kelsey whirled to find her nemesis standing there, looking at her in a combination of exasperation and amusement!

  "You!" she screeched, startled to see her neighbor standing there. He had indeed been in a meeting. She recognized the Mayor and Assistant Mayor from seeing their pictures in the paper. They made their way to the elevator, obviously in a hurry to get to their next scheduled appointment for the day.

  "You're late by at least an hour, Pebbles," Cleve stated as he looked at his watch.

  "Pebbles?" Kelsey looked at him, wondering if he'd taken leave of his senses.

  "Pebbles Flintstone. You wear your hair like hers," Cleave grinned when her green eyes filled with fire, and then he said, "I expected you here at seven o'clock on the dot."

  "You certainly didn't expect me to actually BELIEVE you were telling me the truth about being a cop, did you?" Kelsey demanded furiously. "Of course, MOST cops are bullies, so I should have known."

  "And most redheads have hell's own temper," Cleve retaliated, aware that his detectives were taking a keen interest in the show they were putting on. "Come with me, young lady, and we'll talk about this in private." He would love to have that talk with her lying face-down across his lap while he was applying his hand to her saucy bottom!

  "I don't have anything to say to you that I cannot say in front of everyone here," Kelsey informed him, turning her chin up in pure stubbornness. "You stole the electrical cord for my stereo, and you made threats against my person. I want to file charges." She felt a momentary sense of satisfaction as his dark eyes widened in disbelief. She would show him that he couldn't hide behind his badge and threaten innocent women.

  "I did not steal the power cord to your stereo, young lady. It is between the screen door and the front door of your condo, and as for making threats against your person... I promised to spank you if you went out of your way to irritate me again last night, and since I appropriated your stereo cord until this morning, I made that virtually impossible."

  "You put your hands on my person!" Kelsey accused in outrage and indignation.

  "I picked you up and sat you down out of my way. Were you harmed in any way?" he asked, already knowing the answer... provided she told the truth.

  "No, but you can't touch someone without their consent!" Kelsey heard a few snickers from the onlookers.

  "Listen, Pebbles, this argument is pointless. You are not injured. Your power cord is on your own property, and the only reason you came down here was to make trouble. Unless you want a citation for unruly conduct and refusing to follow orders issued by a police officer doing her duty, you will take your butt on home... and keep your stereo turned down so that I can't hear it when I am trying to sleep. Officer Lucia, if this young woman is still here in two minutes, you will arrest her. Is that clear?" he demanded, turning on his heel and walking back to his office.

  "Yes, sir," Officer Lucia promptly answered and Kelsey could see the woman was trying not to smile.

  Kelsey was out of the building in less than two minutes, plotting her revenge. She was going to make Chief Blankenship very sorry for threatening to have HER arrested when he was the one in the wrong!


  Cleve looked up when Officer Lucia walked into his office a few minutes later. "Did Pebbles leave?" he asked.

  "Yes, she did. Cleve, what happened with her last night?" the pretty young woman asked with familiarity. "She sure was angry with you!"

  "She's my new neighbor, Nina, and according to the guy I bought the condo from, she's one nasty lady." Nina giggled, and Cleve raised a dark eyebrow at her. "Just what is so funny, little girl?"

  "She's met her match in you, and that is a fact. I can't wait to tell Mama about this!"

  "You leave your Mom out of this, young lady!" Cleve growled.

  "No way. This is family news, not work stuff." Nina danced out of his office and Cleve shook his head. It pleased him to keep Nina where he could watch over her and do his best to keep her safe, but at times it made keeping certain things that should be personal and private completely impossible. He would bet his badge that his niece was already on the telephone calling his eldest sister and filling her in. He glanced out the door, and sure enough, Nina was on the telephone, giggling and talking as fast as she could. Cleve reminded himself that he couldn't spank Nina any more. She had a husband, was expecting her first child, and they were at work. He'd just have to put up with his sister's call and interminable questions, which was Pebble's fault.

  Cleve's musing was cut short when two of his detectives knocked on his door and wanted to speak to him. Cleve could see at a glance that the rapist had left another victim. The man and woman team filled him in on the latest crime and he could see that both of them were visibly shaken. Once the newspapers linked the rapes together, there was going to be panic... and the Mayor would not be pleased. Cleve hated politics. Handling the Mayor and the media took up entirely too much of his time. He made a few suggestions to his detectives and hoped they'd get a break on the case soon.

  The rest of his day was predictable, including the telephone call from his sister, who didn't believe him when he said there was nothing going on between him and his neighbor. Cleve was happy to leave the office and make his way home. It had been a very long day, and he wanted nothing more than to get out of his suit and tie and slip into some sweats, flip on the television, and heat up a can
of soup for his dinner. Cleve wasn't a good cook, and most of the time he either ordered take-out, or had a pizza delivered, or threw a frozen dinner in the microwave. Tonight he wanted comfort food, and that meant soup, just like Mom used to make... from the red and white can. MMMmmm good!

  Cleve turned on his street and cursed when he saw a dark pile of what appeared to be dirt in front of his garage door. He ended up parking by the curb in front of his condo and marched up the driveway and the stench coming from the pile about knocked him over! It was manure! Pure and simple...! A big pile of cow droppings! Exactly what he needed to make his day complete! The neighbors would be complaining, and it was a poor way to make a first impression on people he would be living beside!

  Cleve put his key in the front door and once he was inside he jerked off his tie. The light on his answering machine was blinking and he hit 'play'. "This is Fred Treas. I delivered the manure your little wife ordered. The load was a bit short of what I promised, so I'll bring the rest tomorrow. First time I was ever told to dump it in front of the garage door... but I reckon you got a reason. Thanks for the business." Cleve promptly checked the Caller ID and got Fred Treas on the telephone. He assured the man that he didn't have a wife, and asked if it was possible the farmer had the wrong address. Fred read back the address on his order, and then described Cleve's 'wife' in detail. Cleve assured the man that he didn't need to deliver the rest of the manure since he was the victim of a practical joke. Mr. Treas was distressed, but pleased that Cleve was so understanding and absolved him of all guilt. Cleve hung up the telephone, and then slapped his hand on the desk. "That redheaded little witch!" Cleve growled. He was going to get out of his suit, and then go and pay her a visit... Pebbles wouldn't be able to sit down by the time they finished THIS discussion!


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