La Suite

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La Suite Page 11

by MP Frank

  “That was the main purpose of being depilated and having my clitoris hood pierced, to bring people’s attention to my sex when I allowed them to see it,” Gaëlle clarified, feeling a secret thrill that by telling Maya, she was also letting Eric in on her secrets.

  “But if you’re going to try that again, will you be showing your…pussy?” Maya asked. “And if you are, does that mean you’ll be shaving off all your pubic hair again?”

  “When I do, I’ll certainly either shave, or go to be waxed,” Gaëlle told her, choosing not to reveal that she’d already made a start on that. Maya seemed to have quite forgotten that Eric was listening in her surprise at quite how exposed Gaëlle was planning to be. “And I’m considering having a piercing again. I loved how it looked and felt.”

  “Are you sure? Isn’t that going a bit far?” Maya asked. “And doesn’t it hurt?”

  “I’m not quite sure about the piercing yet, but it’s probable,” Gaëlle said, after a moment’s reflection. “Is it too far? No, because what excites me most is to explore sexy things that are beyond what people call normal. And yes, piercing can hurt when it’s being done, but that’s part of the price. A price I’m prepared to pay.”

  Maya looked at her in astonishment. “I’d never have guessed all this,” she almost whispered. “It’s making me feel very staid and boring. A bit wobbly, too. Do you mind if we leave it there for tonight? I need to go home and think, if that’s all right?”

  “Of course it is. I don’t want to put you off,” Gaëlle said. “Just the two chats we’ve had so far have been very instructive for me and I hope you’ll be prepared to hear some more. I’d appreciate it a lot.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be back. But it’s all very new and there’s only so much I can absorb at one time.” Maya turned towards the phone and called, “Eric? I’ll be home in twenty minutes. Coffee would be good! Now put the phone down.”

  They kissed goodnight and Gaëlle was on her own. She hung up the phone and went to curl up on the sofa. She wasn’t able to settle, though. She got up, went over to the computer and turned it on. Telling Maya—and Eric, at a distance—that she might be getting a piercing had stimulated her. She felt the urge to investigate possible piercings and jewellery before she went to bed. She typed female piercing into the search bar and waited. Five minutes later, she realized that most of it was about nipples, so she put in genital piercing instead. One of the first results pages gave the names of half a dozen types of piercing that she’d never heard of. She clicked to find out more. She quickly discounted several possibilities as too weird for her. She was just concluding that she’d go with what she knew, when the words prominent clitoris at the bottom of the page caught her eye. She scrolled down to the article. It was about something called a deep hood piercing, and the article explained how to check whether it was possible for a given woman.

  Gaëlle dropped her casual trousers to the floor, pulled down her knickers, put one foot up on the sofa and examined herself. She wasn’t turned on, but she was well aware it didn’t take much for her clitoris to become visible between her outer labia. Jérôme had loved that. Following the instructions from the page, Gaëlle eased her clitoris hood away from her body. Did she have a point where there was only skin, in behind the clitoris itself? She rolled the skin between finger and thumb, squeaking as she inadvertently trapped some of the nerve endings in there, the ones that fired her orgasms.

  “Yes!” she almost shouted, when she felt what she was looking for. She felt elated. She could be pierced in a way that was impossible for most women. She spent an hour looking at photos of women who’d had it done and reading their accounts of the sensations it produced. That convinced her. She would have a deep hood piercing. Her manipulations had woken up her clitoris thoroughly, and she needed a manual orgasm before she could sleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Maya came round at the same time the following Monday. Gaëlle had set out two glasses and a bottle of her best Gewürztraminer. She thought a little alcoholic lubrication might help Maya to relax, given what Gaëlle intended to tell her.

  Maya accepted a glass of wine and sipped appreciatively. “You know, after a day dealing with students, and staff, just to sit with you and chat helps me to calm down. Even if the subject matter doesn’t. Shall we phone Eric?”

  “In a minute,” Gaëlle said. “First I’d like a report on how things were between you two after last week’s session, if you don’t mind. I don’t want to create problems for you.”

  “It hasn’t created any problems that I wasn’t expecting,” Maya said. “If you can call being leapt upon and ravished almost nightly a problem.”

  “Wow! Is that a major change?” Gaëlle asked.

  “Excuse me, we’re here to talk about you,” Maya reminded her firmly. “Where were we?”

  Faced with Maya doing her school Directrice act, Gaëlle gave in. She picked up the phone, dialled and put the speaker on. Eric responded.

  “That’s the last I want to hear from you until I get home,” Maya called from her armchair. “I’m assuming you’ve done your duties as a babysitter. Let me hear that click.” She deliberately turned so that she couldn’t see the phone’s winking red light and raised an eyebrow at Gaëlle, who refilled their glasses.

  “Well,” Gaëlle began. You remember I was talking about getting a piercing? I’ve decided I’m going ahead with it. It’s a special one that you can only have if you’re the right shape.”

  “And you are?” Maya asked.

  “I am. I won’t be having it just yet, because it has to be done by an expert in piercing and I haven’t found one so far. You can have no idea of some of the places I’ve visited in the past week. If you think some of the things I’ve told you about are weird, just try meeting a tattooist who’s covered with his own art, face and all, and has a red, green and gold Mohican that must double the height of his head.”

  “Sounds like one of my students,” Maya commented. “Some of them must have more perforations than a teabag.”

  Gaëlle laughed. “You sound just like Jérôme. Anyway, I’m prepared to wait until I find the right person. I’m quite sure that all a couple of them wanted was to get me in their back room with my knickers off. I’m not ready for that, not with just anyone, at least,” she added.

  “Okay, so you have a piercing planned,” Maya said, bringing Gaëlle back to the subject. “What else?”

  Gaëlle spent half an hour, first explaining about pumping and how it felt, then fielding Maya’s incredulous questions about the attractions of the practice. By the time Gaëlle had done her best to explain the attraction of it, the bottle was empty and Maya had drunk most of its contents. Gaëlle gave up.

  “I can see I won’t convince you. Let’s leave that one there. I want to talk some more about exhib. I haven’t actually shown to anyone specific so far, but last Wednesday afternoon, I did go for a walk in the park without knickers.”

  “Any special reason why Wednesday?” Maya asked.

  “It was a windy day.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Yes. Do you want to see what I was wearing?”

  “I can tell you want to show me it, so yes, of course,” Maya teased her. “But what do we do about Eric?”

  “I can lend it to you to show him,” Gaëlle suggested, with a smile.

  “No way.”

  “You’ll just have to describe it when you get home, then,” Gaëlle said, leading Maya into the spare bedroom, and dragging the phone base across the room. “There, if we speak up, Eric will hear most of what we say.” She flung open the doors of the big wardrobe, revealing the rack of her erotic dresses and costumes.

  “Oh my word!” Maya’s amazement was undisguised. “You’ve worn all these?”

  “Some of them only once.” Gaëlle decided to tease Maya. “Rather like your pink dress.”

  “My pink dress would look totally respectable in among these clothes…If you can call some of them clothes,” Maya ex
claimed. “Go on, then. What did you wear on Wednesday in the park?”

  Gaëlle pulled out a dress and held it against herself. “This one,” she said. It was pale green and reached mid-thigh on Gaëlle. She held it away from her and swished it about, as if the wind was blowing.

  “You may not have shown to anyone in particular,” Maya commented. “But some people may have got a view of your bum.”

  “Do you think so? Oh, I do hope so!” Gaëlle almost sang. “It was so nice! Just feel the material, Maya.”

  “It’s very soft. It has a nice texture to it,” Maya said, almost as if doing a commentary for Eric. “I can sense how it might tempt you into doing something sexy.”

  “Do you know what, Maya? I’d love to see someone else wearing it, so I get an idea of how I looked. Seeing it on me at home in the mirror isn’t the same at all. Will you indulge me? Please?” Gaëlle thrust the dress into Maya’s hands. Maya sighed.

  “The things I do for my friends,” she said. “Look, Gaëlle, just bugger off into the sitting room for a minute. You can tell Eric what’s going on, if you like. I’ve had a hard day at work and I don’t feel up to doing a striptease for you just now.”

  “You’re a darling,” Gaëlle said, and hugged Maya. She flew out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her. Sitting close to the speaker of the phone, she whispered to Eric, telling him what she had persuaded Maya to do. She imagined he must be exercising quite a lot of self-control not to ask questions. The bedroom door opened and Maya emerged.

  “Wow! I hope I looked half as good in that dress as you do,” Gaëlle exclaimed. “Will you do me a twirl?” Maya spun round and Gaëlle pulled a face.

  “Sensible tights! Boo! Hiss!” Gaëlle exclaimed. “Go on, Maya, be a devil. Take them off for me. Humour your peculiar friend, just this once.”

  “I know your onces,” Maya retorted, marching back into the bedroom. When she emerged this time, her legs were bare, and Gaëlle applauded.

  “Much nicer! Now do me a proper twirl, so I can get an idea of what people may have seen of me.”

  “Listen, my dear Gaëlle,” Maya pronounced, using her solemn voice. “I know I’m only a little bit taller than you, but this dress is barely covering my dignity as it is! If I do any twirling, you’ll be able to see my navel, let alone my knickers!”

  “How can I refuse such an enticing offer?” Gaëlle declared, as if Maya had proposed it herself. “Well? Go on, prove it!” Maya performed a full rotation and the dress swirled round her, wrapping itself around her body and rising up almost to the top of her thighs.

  “Lovely,” Gaëlle announced. “Now do me a spin.” Caught up in Gaëlle’s enthusiasm, Maya raised her arms, as if she were a ballet dancer. She did a series of pirouettes without stopping. The dress floated out and up, revealing black thong underwear.

  “Oh, even lovelier!” Gaëlle cried out. “I hope I looked as sexy as you do!” Maya stopped in mid rotation and collapsed. The dress continued to swirl, gathering itself round Maya’s body, so Gaëlle was treated to the view of the tight, black triangle of Maya’s thong as her friend sprawled on the sofa. Gaëlle’s heart thumped harder.

  “I’m dizzy,” Maya said. “I think you had it easy in the park. You had the breeze to do the job for you!”

  Gaëlle was almost unable to speak for laughter. She kneeled down and hugged Maya. “Thank you for spoiling me,” she said. “I wasn’t expecting the thong! Do your students know?”

  “They’d better not! My credibility would fly out of the window. I have to be so serious most of the time at work, that I need to allow myself a little frivolity to satisfy my inner imp. So, sometimes I wear a thong, or some fancy tights, just to remind myself that I am a woman. Usually, nobody gets to see, so consider yourself privileged.”

  “Oh, I do!”

  “Well?” Maya went on. “Are you happy with how you think you looked?”

  “Oh, yes I am! And I hope I showed at least as much as you just did! Such tantalizing glimpses of your bare bottom. Really sexy!”

  “And now I’m going to change back into decent clothes and go home,” Maya declared and went back into the bedroom. She disappeared into the bathroom when she was dressed, so Gaëlle took advantage to grab the dress and stuff it into Maya’s briefcase.

  She went to the phone and whispered, “I’m putting the dress she was wearing just now into her school bag. I think you might enjoy seeing it on her.” Gaëlle barely had time to fasten the briefcase again before Maya came back into the sitting room.

  “I’d better disconnect Eric,” Gaëlle said, switching off the speaker.

  “I was thinking of doing some admin tonight,” Maya went on. “But I suspect I have a hot and bothered husband waiting for me to get home, thanks to you.”

  “Never mind. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, really.”

  “Perhaps. Do we try again next week? Same time?” Maya asked.

  “Please,” Gaëlle said. “You’re being very helpful, and there’s a lot more to come.”

  “I’ll be there, but don’t expect a performance like tonight,” Maya informed her as she left.

  “I don’t expect anything, dear Maya,” Gaëlle whispered as she closed the door. “That way, everything that happens is a delight.” She cleared up, but her mind was still buzzing, thinking of how Maya had looked, spinning round with her bare bottom on display. Gaëlle’s insides fluttered. She paused on her way into the kitchen, and glanced at the empty bottle she was carrying. It reminded her of an occasion very early in her erotic exploration, and that gave her an idea…

  Chapter Nineteen

  When their holiday in Argelès came to an end, Gaëlle and Jérôme allowed themselves two days to drive up to the port of Calais, where they would take the ferry back to England and work. First, though, they had to plough their way through the heavy traffic that marked the late August days when France returned from holiday. Jérôme had booked them in at a small country hotel near Montluçon for the night.

  “It’s lovely,” Gaëlle exclaimed as they arrived. The front of the little stone building was covered in a Virginia creeper whose bright red leaves glowed in the early afternoon sun.

  “They only have three guest rooms,” Jérôme told her. “I was told about this place by someone I met on a train, back in May, so when I knew we’d be passing this way, I rang and reserved as early as I could. The only thing is that there’s no choice for the evening meal. You get what there is. But I’m told the food is always very good.”

  They parked the car and walked across to the entrance, where a young girl stood looking at them. She was wearing a black skirt and white blouse and doing her best to look grown-up, although she was aged perhaps twelve.

  “Hello,” Gaëlle said. “Are you the receptionist?”

  “Yes, I am. My name is Élodie. May I show you to your room?”

  Gaëlle was amused by the confident reply, but, trying not to smile, she allowed the girl to lead the way inside, where she signed them in and escorted them to their room. It had beams and traditional shutters, as well as what looked like a very comfortable bed. They expressed their approval. While Jérôme had his shower, Gaëlle went to have a look at the rest of the hotel. She had noticed from their bedroom window that behind the building there was a terrace set with tables. It overhung a little valley, at the bottom of which a small river chuckled its way over stones and a modest waterfall. It was quite charming. She wandered back, heading upstairs to shower and change, but first she thought she’d inquire whether they could have dinner in the open air. At reception, she followed the instructions and rang the bell. Élodie reappeared and Gaëlle asked her question.

  “I’ll check with mam…with madame la patronne,” Élodie said, still doing her best to be very formal. Gaëlle thought she’d been going to say maman, sure that the boss must be, in fact, the girl’s mother. Élodie disappeared into the back offices and re-emerged a minute later.

  “Yes, dinner will be served on the terrace. There wil
l be a platter of cured meats, then trout with almonds, followed by cheese. You are our only guests tonight, so the patronne says she hopes you don’t mind if we all eat together?”

  “Not at all. That will be lovely,” Gaëlle said. She went back up to the room and found Jérôme with a towel round his waist and about to get dressed.

  “Not so fast, young man,” Gaëlle said as she whipped the towel away and made a grab for him.

  “Wasn’t somebody supposed to be worn out after so long on the road?” Jérôme asked, as Gaëlle led him, keeping a firm grasp on his growing erection, to the bed.

  “I recover quickly,” Gaëlle informed him. “And I think you deserve a reward for doing most of the driving.” She slipped her knickers off and, not bothering to remove her light cotton dress, straddled Jérôme. They made slow, gentle love, and when Jérôme grunted and flooded Gaëlle, she leaned over, kissed him on the lips, hopped off him and shot into the shower before his sperm could dribble out of her and onto the tiled floor. Ten minutes later, she emerged, naked, pink and glowing. Jérôme reached out for her, but she skipped out of his reach.

  “Why do you think we had our fun before I had my shower?” she asked. “So I didn’t have to do it all over again!”

  Jérôme grinned, lay back down on the bed and closed his eyes. “Ever the practical woman,” he said. “I’m not sure I could give you an adequate performance right now anyway. You may have recovered, but I’m shattered. Driving in a high-speed traffic jam is exhausting.”

  Gaëlle left him to doze and went back out. At the side of the hotel, she found a long flight of stone steps, which led her down to the river, where she sat in quiet meditation for some time. When the sun left her side of the valley in the shade, she made her way back to the hotel. She was halfway up the stairs to the room when a voice behind her said, “I hope everything is all right?”


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