Finding Kylie

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Finding Kylie Page 8

by Kimberly McKay

  “Poor guy.” She looked to her review mirror, where Eddy was still waiving goodbye. “He doesn’t have a chance.”

  Chapter 17

  Conversation bubbled over and almost drowned out the concerto that filled the air. The sound of the champagne cork popping kicked off the exhibit with an official introduction of the artist.

  “Please join me in welcoming Chastity Wayne, the newest talent to our area. I hope you enjoy her artwork and drink some champagne ... lots of it.”

  Laughter echoed through the room in response to the gallery owner’s speech.

  Chastity’s stomach was rolling. She wasn’t used to being the center of attention, and wasn’t sure how to react to everyone’s stares. She was forcing a smile, which made her lips shake.

  I hope I look okay.

  She checked her reflection in the mirror and saw there was lipstick on her teeth. With the crowd’s attention focused on her work instead of her, she quickly rubbed her finger across her front teeth, and stood back to look the room over.

  She never felt more vulnerable than she did right now, as her innermost thoughts and dreams were exposed on the walls around her. She prayed the patrons would like her work. Chastity had asked Anne’s advice on everything from her little red dress to the music that filtered through the room. However, Julia, the gallery owner, insisted on the finer details, like what brand of champagne and what types of hors d’oeuvres were served.

  “I know what my clients like and the more expensive the champagne, the more money they’ll spend on your artwork.”

  As on of the most successful gallery owners in the area, her words were reassuring, especially as she looked at the large crowd before her.

  Julia, by chance, walked in Anne’s café for lunch a few months back. Once she saw Chastity’s work displayed on the walls, she gave her card to Anne to pass along to the artist … and the rest fell into place.

  Julia snuck up behind Chastity, placed both hands on her shoulders, and squeezed.

  “It seems to be going fairly well. Most of your abstracts have sold, but the real buzz is about your charcoals and your pen and ink drawings. They sold immediately and people are asking for more my dear. I certainly hope you have some.” Julia gently pushed her from behind. “Go mingle. People are asking to meet the artist. I have told them that she’s the priceless one in the red dress.” She laughed seductively. “I actually had an older gentleman - and I use that term loosely - ask how much you were going for.”

  Chastity’s eyes became as large as quarters. “What did you tell him?”

  “I was just checking to see if you were listening.” She clamped her mouth, to keep from laughing. She thought Chastity looked to be ready to jump out of her skin. “Just smile and relax. Here, have a glass.” She handed Chastity some champagne. “It’ll help you with your nerves.”

  “Did my drawings really sell that fast?” Chastity took a small sip. She was torn – as she wanted them gone, but now that they were, she felt like a part of her were too.

  Julia nodded. “They were the first to go.”

  As they walked back to the main room of the gallery, a slim man, who was wearing a pair of faded khaki’s and a baggy turtleneck, approached them. Julia made the introductions.

  “Nigel, this is the budding artist, Chastity. Chastity, this is Nigel. He was the first to discover your work this evening and has paid handsomely.”

  He smiled warmly at her and shook her hand. It was a loose handshake, which felt like a dead fish.

  Everything about him is sagging. Chastity observed how hard it was for him to fill up his clothes, and couldn’t wait to withdraw her hand.

  “Thank you. It is very nice to meet you. I appreciate you coming tonight.”

  “Oh the pleasure is all mine.” His eyes gleamed, as he looked her over. “You’re very talented Ms. Wayne.”

  His smile sent shivers up her spine, and not the good kind. She pulled back as politely as she could.

  I should have worn my black dress. It covered more of me up.

  Chastity gave him a halfhearted smile, and pulled her shawl in to cover her exposed cleavage.

  As if on cue, Anne snuck up behind her, giving her the excuse she needed.

  “Will you pardon me? I have to make more introductions to the artist.” Anne nodded to the limp hand shaker, as she whisked Chastity away.

  “Thank you.” Chastity exhaled, with relief.

  “Hey, I told you if you wore that dress you’d need to bring your white hanky for a signal.”

  Chastity laughed and defended herself. “You’re the one who made me wear this!”

  “You’re right I did, and you look stunning. So go mingle and be thankful you got that creep out of the way. It’s bottoms up from here.” She nudged Chastity toward two women, who were discussing her sketches.

  “That would make a fabulous fathers day gift.” The first of the two women commented.

  “I couldn’t agree more. That’s exactly what I had in mind when I sat down to create the series.” Chastity stepped in behind them, to join the conversation.

  The older of the two women had on a black designer dress, and was wearing at least a five-karat ring. Chastity noticed that she wore expertly put on make-up, which accompanied the most perfect smile she had ever seen. Chastity looked to the woman’s collagen filled lips, wondering how many procedures she’d had.

  The woman opened her pouty lips to speak once more.

  “Are you planning to sell more like these? They’re just what I need for my office.” She turned to admire them again.

  Chastity repeated what she’d told most people that night.

  “I have a lot more where this came from. Julia has booked another showing in a few months.” She took her card out of her handbag and handed it over. “Thank you for coming tonight.”

  Her newest fan took her hand in hers and squeezed it.

  “I bought three of the abstracts across the room too, for my home. I love your work, Ms. Wayne.”

  She smiled. “Please, call me Chaz.”

  As she wove her way through the crowd, she overheard many comments that made her proud of her work. She looked the room over, and decided never to prejudge which art would sell best.

  Anne told me to be different; no I think she said to be refreshingly different. She was right.

  Chastity looked for her friend through the mass of people, where she and Julia raised their glasses toward her, in a silent toast.

  She caught her eye and waved from across the room. Her cheery friend beamed at her and gave her the thumbs up sign. If it weren’t for her Anne’s connections, she wouldn’t be here tonight.

  Chastity lifted her own champagne glass and mouthed the words, ‘Thank you’.

  Chapter 18

  Every morning after she awoke, Chastity would grab her iPad, read the daily news, and drink her coffee. This morning, however, she was a little apprehensive to start her daily routine. At last night’s exhibit she met an art critic who was covering the event for the local paper.

  Okay, here goes! Chastity took a sip of caffeine courage, searched Google for his column.

  She quickly scanned her tablet, to find that he called her exhibit ‘nothing more than average’. Her face fell. She was more than disappointed. Chastity assumed with all the positive comments she heard last night, that his review would have reflected them.

  The most encouraging thing written was about her five series called ‘father unknown’. The writer called the charcoal drawings, ‘imaginative and appealing’.

  Appealing? That’s it? That makes me sound so boring! Chastity sighed. Well, it doesn’t matter. I made enough money to pay rent and bills for a few months, so I can take a trip to Oklahoma and see Cheryl. All that matters is that Julia was impressed enough to offer me another show.

  Chastity hit the home button on her iPad and touched the calendar app to type in her next exhibit date, six months away.

  I have a lot of work to do before then.
r />   Chastity poured herself a second cup of coffee and checked her email. She had written Cheryl last night, asking her when would be a good to come to visit. Her spirits lifted as she read Cheryl’s response.

  ‘Come soon and stay for as long as you like. I don’t care what day you decide to fly in. Just let me know so I can show up at the airport.’ Cheryl had inserted a smiley face and added, ‘Love, Auntie Cheryl’.

  She grabbed her cell to make reservations but saw a missed call from Timothy. So, she dialed into her messages first, to listen to her voicemail.

  “Ms. Wayne. I am getting ready to board and should be in on time. Call me by two and we’ll confirm the time and place.”

  She liked the raw but smooth quality to his voice. She could almost feel him smiling through the phone and it made her stomach flutter.

  He’s got to be married or divorced ... either one is off my list.

  She shook her head, and reluctantly deleted his message before making her reservations to fly into Oklahoma City.

  That’s it. There’s nothing left on my to-do list today. She tucked her legs underneath her, leaned back to sip the rest of her coffee, and contemplated the rest of her morning. She’d left the day after her exhibit open for a ‘Chastity’ day.

  This term is what her mom coined for her, when she was just a child. ‘Chastity’ days were a legitimate skip days, in which they would spend time together. Now that she was on her own, and she had the day to herself, she still planned to carry on that tradition by curling up on the couch, and reading more about her past.

  “What were you thinking … taking that money Cheryl?”

  Kylie turned sideways in her seat, glaring at her friend from the other side of the car.

  Cheryl navigated down the long drive to the main road. She looked to Kylie and threw her hands up in defense.

  “It’s the least they owe you Kylie. Can you believe the nerve of that guy treating you that way, after his son took advantage of you?”

  As the car swerved, Cheryl quickly grabbed the steering wheel to regain control.

  Kylie leaned forward and held her stomach. “Cheryl, your driving is making me sick. Pull over!”

  Cheryl came to a halt, as Kylie opened her car door to throw up again.

  “Here’s a tissue.” Cheryl reached for the glove compartment, and placed it in Kylie’s lap. “Wipe off your mouth, and sit back. I won’t go anywhere for a while. We’ll sit here until you’re okay.”

  Kylie closed her door and relaxed back in her seat, only to start shaking. The bravado that she showed at the Mikales crumbled, and her thoughts tumbled out faster than she could speak.

  “Cheryl, I didn’t think I could go through this, but when Mr. Mikale pushed that check at me and suggested I have this baby taken care of ... oh my gosh! All I wanted to do was defend it. I don’t know what I am going to do.”

  She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her mid-section. “If I go through with this pregnancy ... I don’t know how I am going to cope, but for the love of God, I don’t think I can get rid of a human life.”

  Kylie turned her helpless eyes to Cheryl, needing direction. “What am I going to do? I can’t tell my parents ... you heard him; he’ll get them fired! They can’t afford that.”

  Cheryl, the problem solver, patted her on the leg. “You don’t have to worry. What ever you decide to do, I will be there. You can count on me.”

  In an effort to make Kylie smile, Cheryl referred to their favorite movie, The Legend of Billie Jean.

  “We’ll be like Billie Jean and live life on the run!”

  It was a weak attempt, but it made Kylie laugh.

  Cheryl smiled and put her car in drive. Before pulling out she turned and said, “Seriously, for now let’s just take the check. You’re going to need it no matter what you decide. We’ll worry about what comes next - tomorrow. Let’s cash this and go to dinner somewhere nice on the Mikales.”

  Chapter 19

  After checking in at the Laguna Beach Hotel, Timothy loaded his baggage into his room with time to spare before his meeting. He decided to fly into the John Wayne airport, because he couldn’t bear flying through LAX. It was worth it to him to pay a little bit more for the convenience and ease of the smaller airport, and as it happened they had an earlier flight.

  Glad to have his feet on the ground, he threw his bag on the hotel bed and looked out his balcony, which had a full view of the beach. Just the sight of it put him in his element, as it was one of his favorite views in the world.

  Growing up, Timothy called the world home, but as an adult he made his home in California. His dad, Colonel Banks, was a Marine officer, who took his family almost everywhere within the United States to overseas. Since they moved every couple of years, he was never able to put roots down.

  So, after he graduated from law school, he chose to live in San Francisco, as he was always drawn near the ocean. Since the east coast was too cold, and Hawaii was too far from the continent - settling on the west coast was the obvious choice. He knew San Francisco to be full of good food, culture, and adventure.

  After passing the bar, he took a loan from his father to establish his own practice. It took a while, but at the age of thirty-five, Timothy could say that he was practically debt free ... at least to his dad.

  Once he handed his father the final check, paying him back in full, the pride on his dad’s face made him feel like he could take on anything. He always knew he made his parents proud, but seeing his smile in that moment was almost more of an accomplishment than when he passed the bar.

  I will always owe him for being the most upstanding role model. He rested his arms on the balcony, and soaked in the ocean view. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

  Timothy breathed in the ocean air and turned back to his room, when he felt his phone vibrate, from inside his jacket. He pulled it out, with the expectation of Ms. Wayne’s call and saw she’d already left him a voicemail.

  Tim would have normally had his client meet him at his office, but something about the way she asked if he minded flying to meet her had him agreeing immediately. Shaking his head at the memory of her voice, he checked his voicemail only to hear it again - that soft but deliberate sound that immediately got his attention. He smiled as he listened to her message.

  “Hi Mr. Banks, it’s Chastity Wayne. I was just checking to see if you were in town yet. Just call me when you’re in and we can decide where to meet.”

  Timothy dialed her number and left his room for the Laguna Bar. After a few rings, she answered.

  “Hi. I’m staying at the Laguna Beach Hotel. Is driving here too much of an inconvenience for you?” He walked into the bar, which gave way to a spectacular view. “They have a great patio overlooking the beach. We could meet for drinks and go over the paperwork.”

  “No problem. That’s just about forty-five minutes from me. Just look for the man in the suit, right?”

  He grinned when she remembered their previous conversation. “Yeah, how about 5 p.m.? That’ll give you a couple of hours.”

  Chastity agreed and hung up.

  On the dot, two hours later … Chastity sat, waiting in the bar. Soothing sounds from the ocean roared in to greet her, as large waves crashed below. It was exactly what she needed to calm her nerves.

  She had worn her sandals, so she could easily kick them off, incase she had the opportunity to walk the beach

  after her mysterious meeting with the attorney. Chastity was still in awe of the last entry she read. She couldn’t believe her mother’s resolve in making such a life altering decision. Her heart was overcome with waves of emotion.

  She had a choice and she protected me!

  Gratitude didn’t even come close to what she was feeling. She now knew what it meant to owe your life to someone.

  Thank you mom!

  She closed her eyes in part out of reverence to her mother and in part to tune back in to the calming nature of the ocean. She didn’t know what to
expect from this meeting, but was glad Mr. Banks recommended coming here. The atmosphere was enough to put her at peace ... almost.

  Chastity couldn’t ignore the sneaking suspicion that her mom had another big surprise in store for her.

  What on earth would she have an attorney for?

  She had already taken care of her mother’s finances ... what little there was of them.

  I wonder what other secrets my mother has kept from me.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Chastity saw activity at the entryway of the bar. She observed a short and somewhat boring man wearing a suit walk in.

  Well, there goes the nice voice equals good looks theory, she thought as she started to stand and greet him.

  The short man made eye contact with a group at the bar, and walked over to join them – passing her by without even a glance. Chastity giggled and sat back down.

  How embarrassing that would have been! I am glad he didn’t see me.

  She looked to her lap and shook her head, trying hard not to laugh out loud.

  “Miss Wayne?”

  Chastity looked up to see the most beautiful work of art she’d ever seen. He was tall with broad shoulders, and had dark hair and eyes.

  Michelangelo would have loved you, she told herself.

  True to his words, he was wearing a suit. It was dark blue. His crisp white shirt was the perfect canvas for his tie, which had bold blue and purple diagonal stripes.

  He looks conservative, until you see his tie.

  Chastity already approved of his sense of style, but then she saw him smile … with a perfect set of white teeth and was hooked. Her mother always said you could tell a lot about someone by looking at their teeth.

  Her heart was in the pit of her stomach, as she realized she’d been too busy staring at him to respond.

  “I am looking for someone. Are you Chastity?”

  Man, I feel like an idiot. She’d never reacted this way to anyone before.


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