Beast (Diablos MC Book 1)

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Beast (Diablos MC Book 1) Page 7

by Eden Rose

  He climbs back on the bed and faces me. “Bella, what we just shared was amazing. Don’t go and fuck it up by being a girl. Go to the bathroom and then sit in the bathtub. Trust me, you’re gonna be feelin’ this tomorrow.”

  Since I’m too stubborn to admit I’m already feeling the sting and ungodly amount of stretching he gave me, I hop off the bed like nothing’s wrong. It’s not until I get in the shower, I wince.

  The hot water spreads over my body washing away the traces of Beast from me. I want to cry from the beauty of losing my virginity to him, but I don’t. I don’t know if he’s still in the room or not.

  I have no idea what I’m supposed to do next.

  That’s when the curtain slides open and a hunk of man is standing in front of me. He pushes me gently against the cold shower wall. Beast uses his thighs to spread my legs making me wrap my legs around his waist. He places his hands on my hips anchoring us with his feet.

  In a matter of seconds, he’s pushing his way inside of me again. “Holy shit,” I moan at the intrusion. My whole sex is completely tender from losing my virginity a while ago and now I’m even more tender.

  “Too tender?” He questions with a smirk.

  “Go slow,” I beg.

  I sink my nails into his shoulders then lean my head into the crook of his neck.


  The ringing phone in my jeans is what wakes me up from the most peaceful night’s sleep I’ve ever had. Ever. Being here with Bella, is fuckin’ great. I don’t think I’m ever letting her go if it means I get to sleep like this.

  I untangle the sleeping and cuddly Bella from my body to grab my jeans that are strewn on the floor. I grab the pant leg to slide them over. “Yeah?”

  “Yo. You comin’ over to do this?” Prince barks on the other end of the line.

  Shit! I totally forgot about it.

  “Yeah. Give me about twenty and I’ll be down there.”

  I hang up, swing my legs over the edge of the bed to stuff them into the pant legs. Bella stirs a little but I lean over to give her a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a little bit,” I murmur in her ear.

  She pushes me off. That’s something I didn’t expect! Bella’s not a morning person. I only need a couple of hours of sleep to function normally, so it doesn’t really matter to me what time of day it is.

  When I patched up with The Diablos MC, I was fresh out of college and thought only college students slept a couple of hours a night. Nah, they did too. A lot of the brothers claimed it helped them get their shit done if they could alternate the time of day they were having to do it.

  Makes sense when you think about it.

  With my jeans on, I reach into the back pocket to slide Bella’s phone out of my pants. The least I can do is hope she’s not going to call Charger and Roman at my fuckin’ house. I’d hang her up by her toes if she did.

  Before putting the phone on the bedside table, I wake it up to type my number in there for me to get her number. There’s a couple of texts and a dozen phone calls from some random numbers. I don’t have the time to look into that at the moment. I quickly type my number in, wait for my phone to vibrate in my cut pocket then put it down.

  “See ya later, baby,” I croon.

  She hums her acknowledgment and then rolls over.

  For the first time in a long time, I drive towards the clubhouse with a smile on my face that couldn’t be wiped off.


  “So, what did the fuckers have to say about the blow on the table?” I question Prince while lighting up a blunt.

  I wanted one taste…. Just one taste and everything would have been fine. One taste and I would have been able to act like I didn’t have a problem or anything.

  We’re sitting at the table waiting to hear what Prince found about regarding Beto. Beto’s not in the room which either means he’s in lock up or he’s in the ground. Not sure which since both are mutually possible at this moment.

  Prince smirks. “We’ve got a meetin’ with Roman in a couple of hours. I want you to have the girl here in case he decides to do somethin’ shifty.”

  He doesn’t have to say what he thinks he would do. I already know and that’s take my girl from me. Bella’s mine and these bastards aren’t taking her from me.


  Fuck this whole giving her back in a week after all the debt is paid. That won’t be happening.

  “Will you get one of the prospects to go to my house and get Bella?” I ask Prince with my eyes tired.

  I yank my phone out of my pocket to text Bella to let her know to be ready. I left her in the bed naked, and I don’t want one of these prospects to see my woman naked.

  Fuck no.

  ME: make sure that pretty ass is covered. Prospect is coming to get you

  BELLA: where are you

  ME: I tried waking you up baby

  BELLA: I’m not a morning person

  ME: obviously. I thought you were going to hit me

  BELLA: I’ve never hit anyone… yet

  BELLA: why am I getting dressed?

  ME: a prospect is coming to get you to take you here

  BELLA: are you sure that’s okay?

  ME: why wouldn’t it be

  BELLA: I’m the daughter of a rat. I don’t want to be some place where people are going to look at me funny

  ME: you’ve got me babe

  BELLA: I do, huh?

  ME: yep. And I’m harder than a fucking rock thinking about you coming to the club

  BELLA: sounds uncomfortable

  ME: it will be when I fuck that attitude out of you

  BELLA: I don’t have an attitude dude

  ME: get dressed

  BELLA: yes, master

  ME: that does have a nice ring to it

  BELLA: don’t get used to it

  ME: you started it

  BELLA: will you quit texting me so I can get dressed?

  ME: on second thought, send me some pics of that gorgeous pussy of yours

  BELLA: horn dog

  ME: see you soon baby

  BELLA: yeah yeah

  “Is Roman comin’ over here?” Kip asks with a growl. The man loves conflict but hates when people mess up the clubhouse.

  Prince nods. “Yeah. We gotta show him what we found.”


  My insides are still sore as I slip on a pair of jeans to wear over to the clubhouse. Even though my dad belonged to The Spiders MC, I rarely ever stepped foot inside the clubhouse for some reason. I thought a lot of had to do with the fact I’m a woman but now I’m beginning to wonder if it had to do with Roman and Charger.

  Before I consider leaving the room, I look in the mirror one last time to get a better look at myself. My lips are puffy but I have a glow in my complexion that I have never had before. There’s something about Beast that makes me giddy.

  I rub my hand down my body only stopping when I get to the waistband on my jeans. I wish I could lose a few pounds before being thrown into the lion’s den…

  Oh well.

  “As always, this is as good as it’s gonna get, Bella,” I murmur to myself.

  I hear a knocking on the door.

  With one last look around the room, I grab my cell phone to tap out a quick text to Beast to let him know that I’m on my way.

  Prancing to the door, I swing it open to see no one there but a note taped to the door. I look around the yard to see if maybe someone’s messing with me or something. That wouldn’t be funny- especially right now. “Hello?” I call out into the yard.

  Beast’s house is pretty secluded with trees surrounding his house blocking the view from any neighbors that could be lurking. From where I’m standing, I can’t see any neighbors though.

  “Hello?” I call again.

  I step out into the yard to look around some more. Maybe the guy who is coming to pick me up has a sense of humor or something. Those kind of things happen, right?

  “Hello?” I yell louder this time.

p; I look around the tree to check as see if anyone is hiding behind them.

  No one.

  My phone vibrates in my hand letting me know that I have another text message. It’s either from Briana or Beast. I don’t talk to anyone else besides them.

  I wake my phone up.

  BRIANA: how’s it going over there? Are you safe

  ME: its weird

  BRIANA: wtf

  ME: call you later

  BRIANA: call me now

  BRIANA: that was not a request

  ME: dude. I’m busy

  Briana’s getting more and more impatient these days. I think it’s because she misses me more than she lets on.

  When no one answers, I grab the note off the door and go back inside. The note is secured in a white envelope with only my name across it.

  Should I open it or wait until Beast is here? I want to know what’s in the note… almost as much as I don’t want to know what is in the note. I’m already freaking out with everything going on with The Spiders, now a note?


  I tear open the envelope to see a picture inside of it.

  I flip the picture over to see it’s of me and Beast.

  Last night.

  In the middle of sex.


  The familiar rumble of a dozen motorcycles charging towards our property wakes me from thinking about how I want to fuck the shit out Bella when she finally gets her ass here. I sent a prospect about an hour ago to get her and they are still not fucking here.

  What’s taking them so long?

  I needed to let off some steam before dealing with Roman and Charger, but that’s not going to happen.

  “Ready, brothers?” Prince asks while loading his gun and stuffing it into the back of his jeans.

  Mines already loaded and ready for laying those pieces of shits out. I didn’t need to spend an extra minute loading a gun when I can just keep the bitch loaded.

  The Spiders park their bikes park their bikes on the side of the road. And we wait for them to come up to the door.

  Roman is the first one to say something to us. “How are things going with the little woman?”

  Of course the rat bastard is talking to me.

  “Great, Roman. I can see why you wanted to keep her,” I taunt him letting the innuendo fly through the conversation.

  “What the actual fuck?” Charger demands. “We hand our bargaining chip over to them and he fucks her?” He jabs his finger over at me as if it will hurt my feelings.

  I smirk. The memories of fucking Bella are still fresh in my mind. “A couple of times, actually.”

  Prince pipes up next, clearly not impressed with the banter going on. “You have one more day to bring us the guns and money owed to us.”

  Roman steps into the middle of the standoff squaring off with our president. “No. Fuck you! You fucked our property!”

  Kip chuckles from behind me. “Should we even out the field?”

  Prince nods then taps me on the shoulder to stand down. I back up not realizing how tense I got after hearing them say Bella was their property.

  She’s fucking mine.

  “We found something that used to belong to the both of us,” Dragon drawls out. “Now he’s ours.”

  Beto is thrown into the middle of our conversation freaked out behind his wildest imagination. He has no idea he’s about to be used as the biggest chess piece ever. This poor wannabe gangster had to be greedy and now he will have to pay the price for it.

  “I’m so sorry! I have a new baby and shit…” He tries to defend himself but neither club gives two shits about his reasoning.

  He fucked with us and then double crossed us. He got greedy.

  I circle around Beto with my hand on my piece. “After that shit four days ago- you would think you would have learned your mother fuckin’ lesson!” I badger.

  Roman looks pissed. He’s trying to figure out how to back peddle but we got him right where we want him. He’s ours to do whatever the fuck we want with.

  “You stole from our club! You stole from me!” Prince yells then punches the other president in the gut. “What kind of fuckin’ dumbass do you think you are?”

  All the brothers have surrounded The Spiders in case they decide to attack us.

  “I’m so sorry!” Beto cries in a heap in the middle. He knows what’s going to happen next and there’s no saving the little bastard. He’s done for. “I got greedy! I needed the money.”

  The tension between the rival clubs is sky high between us.

  There’s the sound of our van pulling up and Sarge stumbles out- pissed as fuck. The man’s got a beer gut but he can get more pussy than five brothers combined. I don’t get how he does it- he’s not that good looking. But he does it! “Those mother fuckers have been hiding kilos of coke, meth and trunks of guns from us!” He point to Roman and Charger to signify who he’s referring to. “Mother fuckers!”

  “If it’s not one thing, it’s another with you fuckin’ people!” Prince shouts at them. “Tell me why I shouldn’t gut you right now? Put your lyin’ and cheatin’ ass in the ground where you fuckin’ belong? You keep fuckin’ with my people and our money!”

  Roman snarls not backing down from Prince. “Who the fuck do you think you are goin’ through my house? Takin’ my shit? I could cut your hand off!”

  “You broke the truce between us,” Prince states then spits on the ground to solidify what he meant. “You broke this whole fuckin’ truce. I’m not the old prez. Roman, Spiders better what their backs!”

  Beto is still in the middle of the circle when Prince raises his gun one more time then shoots him between the eyes.

  “Don’t fuck with me,” he growls. “Get the fuck off my club’s property before I kill you, too.”


  I stuffed the picture in my backpack. I’m not sure what to do with it. Is it wrong I get kind of hot and bothered by the fact someone was watching us have sex? I wonder if they liked it that’s why they took a picture.

  Beast has a hot body. The man’s skin is tight, warm to the touch and covered in whorls of ink. The man is a walking Adonis.

  I’m sitting at the bar to the club house waiting for him to come back. The clubhouse wasn’t as scary as I thought it was going to be at first. I thought everyone was going to hate me because of my dad. Maybe the rest of the people would, as there are only about six people in here.

  I make number six.

  “Those mother fuckers!” A man yells through the wooden door.

  My insides begin to flip and flop at the thought of seeing Beast right now. I want him to wrap me in his arms and kiss me. Movie star style, too. I know it’s silly, but I can’t help how I feel.

  The man does some crazy things to my insides.

  “Bella!” Beast calls from the door.

  I’m embarrassed to admit that I wanted to jump off the bar stool and run into his arms. I’m embarrassed that I wanted him to whisk me away too. I’m also embarrassed that I stayed rooted on the bar stool until he came over to me.

  “Hi,” I said dumbly.

  I have a beer in front of me, I’m not even old enough to drink it yet but I needed something to cool my emotions down. I’m so up and down right now.

  He cuts across the main clubhouse, stopping in front of me. I swing my body around to look at him, he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. One slight pull and I’m wrapped around his body like a baby chimp.

  “See ya later, brothers,” he calls out to them.

  I would be horrified if I could feel anything but my blood igniting from the excitement of being with him. They probably all know what we’re about to do and I should care. I don’t, though.

  He opens a door, carries me inside it. Once we’re inside, he strips us both naked and latches those luscious lips onto my neck.

  “All I could think about today was you. All I could think about was you beneath me, taking my dick. You’ve turned me into a sap,” he
groans against my neck.

  Listening to the way Beast talks to me and the way my dad’s club talks, its like night and day. The difference between the two are completely opposite.

  We are a combination of hands and limbs in a race to get the other naked the quickest. Once the last stitch of clothing has fallen on the floor, he sinks his fingers into my hair then pushes me down to my knees.

  I knew what he wanted. Knowing what he wanted and how to do it were two different things. In the pornos I watched trying to rid my mind of the bad sexual experiences I once had, the women seemed to enjoy sucking their partner’s dick.

  Staring at Beast’s beast is intimidating. I wonder if he got the nickname for his huge dick. It twitches as I look at it.

  “Have you done this before?” He asks me.

  I have but it wasn’t something I want to remember at this moment. I shake my head no.

  “Open your mouth and shuttle your lips over my dick. You’ll know if I think it feels good, baby.”

  I do as instructed. He smells a little musky and a whole lot of man. I work my mouth up and down his shaft hoping he feels good. His dick is so large I have to constantly remind myself to breathe out of my nose. I feel the tip of his shaft hitting the back of my throat ever so slightly, that’s when he groans.

  A feeling of pride flows through my body that I finally made him feel good.

  “Take my dick, Bella. That’s it!” He moans loudly. “Wrap your hand around my shaft and shuttle it up and down to meet your lips.”

  My thighs begin to quiver and shake from holding my whole body up. I use both hands to hold onto his dick and try to swallow as much of his dick as I can. He’s so huge, I doubt I would be able to swallow him whole if I wanted to.

  I want to, though.

  “Shit. Fuck. You’re so fuckin’ good at that. That’s it.”

  I beam with pride.

  I squeeze harder around him and he yells. This powerfully sexy man yells because of what I’m doing to him.

  “You have to stop. Get on the bed. Hands and knees. Right now.”

  “Did I do something wrong?” I ask him nervously as I get off my knees.

  He leans into my space, pulls me close then kisses me hard. “You’re fuckin’ perfect. I’m never lettin’ you go.”

  Okay, caveman!

  I scramble to the bed quickly. Once I’m in position, I feel Beast behind me using his fingers to test me to see if I’m ready for him. Damn right, I’m ready for him. I’ve been ready all day!


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