The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

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The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance Page 31

by Natalie Knight

  It feels like he’s taking forever to reply. I’m beginning to wonder again if he hung up the damn phone.

  I suppose I really can’t blame him. I mean, the thought of meeting anyone’s family is pretty scary, but meeting mine is particularly frightening. Everyone’s so intense, and there’ll be all this baby talk.

  Never mind. Maybe the next weekend, I’ll be able to be whisked away by helicopter and be taken to a romantic deserted island. I can picture the bleached fine sand, the aqua-blue ocean, a palm tree swaying in the breeze, and the most luxurious beach house you could ever imagine.

  “I’d love to,” replies Daniel, and I can feel my breath rush from my lungs as a warm glow spreads through me, starting in my belly.

  Wow. Okay, wow. So yeah, maybe it’s a good thing.

  I mean, if we’re planning to like, have a baby together, maybe he wants to know more about my family.

  I push the thought aside. No, we haven’t decided anything. It’s too early; we’re still in the getting-to-know-each-other phase.

  But I can’t ignore the little glimmer of excitement that takes hold when I think about going to this special event with Daniel.

  Maybe it’s the next step. Maybe we’re making progress. Maybe this baby bargain is going to happen after all.


  The weekend seems to be approaching at a breakneck speed. Try as I might to stop it, I can’t. I mean, one minute it’s Tuesday, and now it’s Friday, and I’m due to go to this big family gathering.

  Sweat breaks out at the mere thought of what I’ve agreed to do.

  When Rose said she couldn’t spend the weekend with me, it felt wrong. I wanted to know why and move heaven and earth to have her with me. I thought she was going to say she was off to the spa or the hairdresser.

  I had no idea it was because of a family thing. What on earth possessed me to actually fish for an invitation is now beyond me.

  I guess I thought it was a good idea at the time. Now, upon reflection, I’m realizing it was a terrible idea.

  Going to the party means I’m going to meet the family. It’s not going to be a quiet family dinner with Mom and Dad, oh no. I think Rose said the entire clan was going.

  I lean back in my office chair and briefly close my eyes. I remember how just a few of them were at the tea shop.

  Can I renege on my promise to come? I mean, would it be really wrong to come up with an excuse why I can’t do it?

  Maybe I could feign illness? A serious bout of food poisoning due to something bad I ate?

  I gnaw on my bottom lip. Mom has always been very strict about lying. She was against it for any reason whatsoever, and she didn’t believe in sort-of-emergency lies either.

  If I told her what I’d done, she’d tell me to just go and make the most of it.

  Especially if she knew what I was really up to with Rose—working on getting an heir.

  I grab my phone and shoot off a text to Rose.

  Hey, gorgeous…special dress code for birthday party?

  I’ve been texting Rose daily. I love the way she responds, her quirky humor, her interesting way of using emojis, and the fact that so far, she’s not taken any offense at my twisted humor.

  Not really…the theme is Cars.

  I read the message and raise my eyebrows.

  I thought it was a kid’s party…cars? Do they start driving younger these days?

  Her reply is instantaneous.

  The kids’ cartoon Cars. Have you seen it? You’d love it.

  I scratch the back of my head. A kids’ flick called Cars. I better Google it before this party so I appear knowledgeable on the topic of kids’ movies.

  Okay…kid film called Cars…got it…anything else I need to know?

  A smiley face comes back.

  I guess that means no. Butterflies, or maybe fucking spiders, multiply in the pit of my stomach.

  D-day is nearly here. Of course it’s not really D-day, but it fucking feels like it. And of course it should be called MP day: meet the parents. Or in this case, MF: meet the family.

  I sigh and actually search info about this Cars film. I watch the shorts and decide I like the tow truck, Mater.

  Later, I receive a text from Rose with directions to her parents’ house.

  You sure we can’t go together? Another emoji face sent with a gentle effect.

  I’ve got to help set up and stuff so I’ll be getting there a lot earlier. Don’t stress. I’ll meet you outside, comes her reply.

  I don’t feel any more reassured, but I guess it is what it is. Rose has made up her mind, and I’ll have to accept it.

  Finally, when the day is here, I arrive at her parents’ house with sweaty palms and a wildly beating heart. The last time I felt this way was during my school days when I’d be called to the principal’s office.

  Not that this happened often. But when it did, my palms were sweaty, and my heart raced in my chest. Maybe my knees were wobbly as well.

  I’ve never in my whole fucking life felt this nervous about something involving a girl. What does that even mean? It’s not like Rose and I are actually dating.

  And then something fucking weird happens. The mere thought of that causes my chest to contract. What the hell is that about?

  Rose comes out and greets me. I react on instinct and pull her toward me and kiss her with all the need I’ve been holding back since I last saw her. She responds immediately.

  Yeah, this doesn’t feel like a business deal. Not at fucking all.

  When I hear a clearing of the throat, I pull away from her and look at someone hovering near the front door.


  “Come on in and meet everyone.”

  With lead-filled feet, I follow.

  “Don’t worry,” whispers Rose next to me. “You’re not about to face a fearsome fire-breathing dragon. It’s only my family.”

  I force a smile to my face and feel her hand squeeze mine.

  “If you put it like that, I’ve got nothing to worry about.” I try and sound lighthearted. “I was looking forward to meeting the dragon, though. I mean, how often do you get to meet one of those creatures?”

  She giggles.

  At the door are two older-looking people standing side by side.

  The woman looks a little like Rose. Okay, so Rose looks a little like the woman. And I think I can see her eyes in the father.

  “Mom, Dad.” We stop in front of them. “This is Daniel.”

  Rose’s mom takes me into her arms and gives me a hug. There are hints of cinnamon, apple, and flour on her top. Maybe she’s been baking.

  “Hi,” I say, trying not to sound too stiff, but I feel awkward as fuck—something I’m not used to in the slightest.

  “I’m Dorothy.” She smiles at me, and I feel my muscles relax, but only a bit.

  Rose’s dad reaches out and shakes my hand.

  “Nice to meet one of Rose’s fellas,” he says and then stops. “Oh, I mean―shit. That didn’t come out right. Um, I’m Arthur.”

  Rose stiffens. “Dad.” I can tell she’s trying to sound calm. Now it’s my turn to squeeze her hand.

  I know what she’s trying to say, but I think I also know what her father was trying to say.

  Rose’s mom rescues the situation. “Come along, dears, and meet the rest of them. If we stay out here for too long, they’ll come looking.”

  A young girl whizzes past in some vehicle-looking thing. She stops long enough to say hi, grab her presents from our hands, and disappear again.

  “Kids,” Rose says and shrugs.

  “Hello again.” Jenna comes over to greet us both. “So, has she paid you or are you coming on your own free will?”

  Rose slaps her cousin on the shoulder, but I laugh.

  “Maybe it’s a bit of both,” I joke, and Jenna laughs.

  She turns to Rose. “He’s not bad, you know.”

  I see Rose’s cheeks go red. Slowly, we inch forward. I think we’ve managed to get from the fr
ont door to main living area of house and are heading to the back garden, the place where it’s all happening.

  Introductions go on and on and fucking on. The names wash over me, and I forget them as soon as I’m told who is who.

  There are so many people here. Rose said she was from a big family, but this is fucking huge. It makes my own crazy blended family pale in comparison.

  Rose is holding my hand as we walk from group to group, say hello here, ask how they are there, and generally try to chat to everyone at the party.

  In the garden, I see giant replicas of the movie, and I pause at Mater, insisting I need to get a photo with the tow truck.

  At some point in time, I start to relax, probably helped along by the alcohol.

  I speak to Jayden, exchanging info on who her favorite character is. I think I’m doing okay because I picked the tow truck and not one of the new racecars.

  Rose hands me another drink. We smile at each other. So far, so good.

  I have to admit, her family has been very welcoming and has embraced me wholeheartedly.

  The evening sky is displaying its magnificent colors as the sun sets. Soon, the backyard will be bathed in moonlight.

  I wrap my arm around Rose and pull her close to me. It feels right. Fucking perfect, actually.

  Like I could be part of this woman’s life forever. Part of her family.

  It’s a crazy thought. Maybe it’s the alcohol, too. Maybe I need to get out of this romantic setting in the garden.

  I lean toward her. “Do you want to go inside?”

  Rose nods and takes me by the hand.

  As I try to follow, I trip over something. But my eyes don’t focus properly, so I can’t see what’s in my way.

  The world is spinning, and I feel Rose put her hand out to steady me.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have had that third or fourth glass of champagne—or was it five?—or the cocktail someone handed me in a tall thin glass.

  Rose takes the glass I’m carrying and puts it on top of something.

  “I think you’ve had enough to drink tonight,” she says. And as she looks at me, I think I can see a little frown.

  God, she looks hot and sexy. My cock in my pants stirs, and I want to jump her bones right fucking now.

  I grab her and pull her toward me.

  My mouth crushes down on hers. I want to kiss her—no, I want to do a whole lot more than kiss her.

  I’m horny as fuck. I need to take her—like now.

  I push my hips forward so she can feel the massive and still growing bulge in my pants. Rose responds with a low moan.

  Our lips lock together, and the world spins around me. Her lips are so soft as they melt into mine. My tongue pushes past her teeth and explores the sweetness of her mouth.

  At the same time, my hands grope for her magnificent tits. I can feel her nipples harden even through the material.

  Somewhere nearby, a door opens and closes.

  Rose stiffens a little. I pull away from her. My breath is coming short and shallow.

  “Where’s your room?” I whisper.


  The second his lips are on mine, I feel my knees go all jelly-like. And when his hand then finds my breasts, oh god, I think my common sense takes a leave of absence.

  All I can think about is his massive cock in me, and maybe even—no, we haven’t agreed to anything yet.

  Stop thinking, I tell myself and try to rally my thoughts.

  In the dim darkness of my now empty brain, I take note of a door opening and closing again. Should I worry?

  Where were we again?

  Thoughts are trying to push through the fog of desire, lust, and animalistic passion, which have taken up residence in my head, but it’s no use.

  “Rose,” Daniel whispers into my ear, and his warm breath sends little shivers all through my body.

  Birthday. Party. House.

  Random words poke in and out of my mind.

  By now, one of his hands is under my skirt. I can feel his index finger pressing against my clit.

  “Oh, Daniel,” I moan and let my hands run down his back. My hips press forward into him.

  I shift my weight a little and knock into something in the process. The resulting smash and liquid on my legs interrupts what we’re doing.

  “Shit,” I mumble and peel myself off Daniel.

  The glass I’ve taken out of his hands only minutes before seems to have fallen off the little table I put it on and smashed into millions of pieces.

  “I better get this.”

  I run my hand through my hair and head into the kitchen. Flames flicker in me, and it’s difficult to concentrate.

  I see him standing there.

  On my hands and knees, I’m level with his cock. I lick my lips. Almost of their own accord, my knees scoot forward a little so I’m within tongue’s reach of his delicious cock. If I then unzip his pants…


  I think my bare skin found glass. The pain momentarily distracts me.

  With a sigh, I start sweeping up the broken glass. In the sparse light, it’s difficult to see if I’ve got all of it, but I decide it will have to do.

  Quickly, I take dustpan, broom, and broken glass into the kitchen. I hear Daniel follow me. I don’t turn on the light.

  Moonlight filters in through the kitchen window. The big outside lanterns also seep in.

  Slowly, I turn toward Daniel, who’s standing so close behind me I can feel his breath on my neck.

  For a second, we stare at each other. Each and every fiber in my being is lusting after this man.

  I want to feel his fingers in me. I want to feel his cock in me. I want to ride it, and I want to stop thinking.

  He’s coming toward me.

  “Now, where were we?”

  Before I can respond, his strong hands grab me and pull me into him.

  Again, his mouth forces itself onto mine. He demands entry, and I strain toward him. My hands find his neck and hair.

  I pull him closer to me. As his hips press into me, I can feel his magnificent cock straining to break through his pants. My right hand drops, and I place it over the bulge. Even through the material, I can feel him pulsing.

  “We should…” I try to pull away from him. But he doesn’t let me go.

  “You’re right,” he murmurs into my hair. His fingers have found my pussy again.

  My back’s pushed against the kitchen counter. I’m arching my lower back, and my head’s touching the shelving.

  The man really knows how to push my buttons. Right now, his finger is gently pushing all the way into my already dripping pussy before he pulls it out again ever so slowly.

  Then he holds his wet finger in front of his face and licks it. The action is full of eroticism. I feel a shiver run through me.

  In my hand, his cock is about to explode.

  “I think we should make a drink and put some of these juices to use.” Daniel grins.

  My own eyes widen.

  It was fun and games to kiss and fool around, but we can’t have full-on sex in the kitchen of my parents’ house.

  Panic rises in me. The door opens again; someone calls someone’s name. I hold my breath, and the door slams shut again.

  “Relax, kitten.” Daniel’s eyes glint in the dim light. “How about a virgin margarita with a special touch?”

  Am I hearing him right? Before I can respond, Daniel moves about the kitchen. It seems to take him less than a minute to return to where I’m still standing with the ingredients for a cocktail.

  With one hand, he mixes, and with the other he goes back to taking care of my pussy. At first, I’m a little distracted by the blender, but when his finger is all the way in my pussy and he curls it up to rub against my sweet spot, any last hesitation goes out the window.

  “Oh, Daniel,” I moan and open his trousers.

  With his cocktail obviously done, he uses his other hand now to open my top and expose my breasts. As he frees them from t
heir prison, they bounce up and down a little in anticipation of being touched.

  But Daniel doesn’t use his free hand to torture my nipples with pinching and pulling. He takes an ice cube and rolls it around my nipple and fleshy breast.

  The icy sensation sends flames of fire ripping through me. Oh god, I would never have thought such a simple thing could have such a powerful reaction.

  I push my chest toward him.

  At the same time, his finger is moving in and out of my pussy. His thumb is pushing against my clit, rubbing a little from side to side.

  There’s another noise—footsteps. I tense a little, but there’s nothing I can do. I’m totally paralyzed with pleasure. It seems as if they’re getting louder. And then just as I fear they’re coming into the kitchen, they turn away.

  My heart is beating wildly in my chest. The feeling of being discovered any second in my mom’s kitchen with my breasts exposed and Daniel’s finger in my pussy seems to only heighten my pleasure.

  Slowly, the world is losing focus around me as my head is filled with clouded lust.

  I barely register Daniel dipping his finger into the icy margarita mixture and dripping some onto my very hard nipples. When he lowers his mouth over them to suck off the delicious drink, I think I might actually pass out.

  Trying not to scream out loud in pleasure and have the whole family come running, I squeeze his dick a little harder. In response, I feel his teeth bite harder on my nipples.

  Then he pulls away again to drip more of the cocktail on me.

  He repeats this a few times, and the way my body is shivering, I know it won’t be long before I come.

  It feels a little wild and crazy, and I try not to think about the fact this is the place where for many, many years I used to watch Mom cook. Did she and Dad ever—

  Oh my god, no, stop. I don’t even want to think about my parents having sex.


  Daniel has increased his intensity with his fingers. I think he may even have two or three pushing into me as hard and fast as he can.

  My own hand is trying very hard to rub and squeeze his massive cock and balls. I roll them through my hands and knead them like dough.

  When I come suddenly, I come with an almighty spasm. The walls of my pussy grab onto Daniel’s fingers and don’t want to let them go. Explosions and fireworks rip through me, and for a while, I feel as if I’m floating on clouds.


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