The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

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The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance Page 95

by Natalie Knight

  Sienna silently gets up and walks away. My eyes follow her, and I can see the slender contours of her beautiful body beneath one of my oversized t-shirts. Fuck, how did I not notice she was wearing that? It does something strange to me to see her in my clothes.

  Her tanned legs are toned and smooth. I imagine them around my neck as I fuck her into submission with my tongue. She'll be crying my name by night's end and begging me for more.

  Once she's gone, I go to the bar and pour myself a stiff drink. I need to take the fucking edge off this situation.

  She gets me heated in this kind of push-pull that I can't deny. Things are always so intense with her. I need a breather. Need to get my head on straight before she gets back in here so I can maintain the control I crave.

  The liquid goes smoothly down my throat, and soon she reemerges. The dress is on and she looks like a million bucks, even though I can see she hasn't bothered to do anything different to her flowing hair.

  I guess she's still trying to rebel and that makes my cock twitch against my pants. Jesus Christ, this woman is making me come completely unglued.

  I long to punish right here for not trying harder, but time is of the essence and we have dinner reservations at the most expensive restaurant in the casino.

  "You look...nice." I say the words but what I mean is you look fucking gorgeous even if you don't bother with your hair or makeup.

  Out of ten, this girl's a fucking fifteen. She's only gotten more beautiful with age.

  "Come." I escort her out of the penthouse and back into the elevator where last night we were still just building up to being together again. "So there is a method to my madness. You know that there's been a tip that you're a prostitute right?"

  "Yes, Carly got me up to speed."

  I nod. I knew she would. "So, the lawyers have a new plan. They want us to be seen together all over the place, act as though we are dating. It's the only way to cover your brother's good name."

  It’s not the only way, but I don’t tell her that. I also don’t think too much about how readily I jumped on the suggestion when Elliott called me with it.

  "I don't give a damn about him," she says defiantly.

  I don’t either. But I won’t have Sienna labeled as a prostitute.

  The lights dim, and we're almost at the main level. I back her up against the wall with one gentle push and plant a soft kiss on her full lips.

  "Well, you better play your part, darling. Because your good name will be dragged through the mud as well. Not to mention my own."

  I say it as a veiled threat. I don't want to playact that she's my girlfriend. For one thing, I have a reputation to uphold. Leo Asher does not date women. He fucks them and that’s it.

  But even more importantly, I don't want to make things complicated with Sienna.

  I don't want to dredge up the past and I don't want her mistaking my favors as some sentiment of emotion.

  I don't care for her the way I once did.

  I’m my own entity, cold, calculating, and certainly not hung up on one woman. Having to act like we're dating, well, it could make things complicated, and that's the last thing I want or need.

  "So this is just an act?"


  And I’ll keep tell us both that until we both believe it.

  I led her out of the elevator and into the main palazzo. The restaurant will be expecting us as I reserved the best and most public seat in the house.

  We’ll be on show for the world to see. While I'm nervous about this being perceived for what it is, not a part of me can't help but feel proud to be with this gorgeous woman.

  All eyes turn towards her. She's always been able to command a room and tonight is no different. With a body like that, who wouldn't look?

  While women typically feel lucky to be with me, tonight it’s me that feels lucky to be on her arm. It’s in direct conflict with what I know I should be feeling. It's Sienna, after all, she's not just some girl.

  I do have a past with her and I was always loyal to her brother. Being with her like this is what I always thought I wanted. Back then.

  And now, though I'm trying to ignore it, I'm feeling nostalgic. What would our lives have been like if I hadn't abandoned Sienna? I felt threatened at the time, like I wasn't good enough for her. Doubtful and uncertain that I could ever be enough.

  But now? Now I'm on top of the world and all of that insecurity has vanished. I’m nothing like the boy I used to be. I wonder if Sienna would even be interested in me now, knowing who I’ve become? If we weren’t forced into this situation by her own poor decisions.

  I clutch her hand as we walk through the casino and whisper into her ear, "You’re stunning. All eyes are on you."

  She beams up at me, and for the briefest moment we’re not on opposing sides but are operating as one solid unit.

  And I like the way it feels way too fucking much.


  Leo's walking through the giant casino with his arm around my waist.

  I'm shining in my Chanel dress and we must look like a power couple because virtually every head turns our way as we walk by.

  Leo’s still in his black Gucci suit from the day, and damn, does he look good. His ass is perfectly showcased, and I swear, you can practically see his rippling muscles beneath the clean lines of the suit.

  I'm still mad at him, though.

  He moved all my things to his penthouse without even asking. I guess I’m basically living with him now, which is surreal. Not to mention awkward to reconcile in my mind considering what I used to dream of when I was a foolish girl.

  We had one wild night, yes, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to move in with him full time.

  Yes, I know it's for show and to keep this prostitution thing at bay, but I still have to be around him all the time now, and that makes my stomach knot up in nervous anticipation.

  Leo’s not the kind of guy that you can just relax around. His looks and domineering presence make feel on edge and jittery in that butterflies swirling kind of way. Last night was explosive, and I can’t help but wonder if he’ll take things to that level again tonight? And I must still be somewhat of a fool because, God help me, I want him to.

  He confidently leads me to our destination. His hand gripping tightly, possessively on my hip.

  "Where are we dining?" I inquire.

  "You'll see. It's somewhere that we can be on display."

  He's sticking to his role pretty boldly.

  I imagine this isn't much more to him than a facade to keep up appearances. In spite of my best efforts, though, my feelings are running deeper. I can't help but want to spend more time with Leo.

  A part of me still cares for him deeply. But the wound of betrayal and abandonment is still there. It may be scarred over by now, but I’ll never forget how burned I got by straying too close to the flame that is Leo Asher.

  I need to resist him at all costs.

  "Your casino is really beautiful. You must be so proud," I say, trying to be nice and distract myself with small talk.

  "It's a far cry from that dilapidated house I grew up in, right?" He grins cynically.

  I'm surprised he would even mention that. His house and family were nothing great but that shouldn’t be a concern for him now.

  His humble roots certainly never bothered me then. And yet I wonder if it bothers him.

  "Your house? Oh yeah, well it's probably the inspiration for your success. I mean, Leo, you rose to the top, to the highest tier of society. You should be proud of that."

  "I am," he says dismissively, his tone clearly shutting down any further discussion of it.

  I take him at his word and try to forget about it, too.

  The energy in the air in Vegas is always exciting. It's electrifying. The city never sleeps. And there are always any number of vices going on behind closed doors.

  We get to the restaurant, and it's five-star high-class all the way. I should have known. Nothing less for this version
of Leo Asher.

  Instead of obscuring ourselves from sight behind the VIP section, he has us seated at a table above the casino floor where everyone can see us.

  I try to just enjoy the experience, but I can’t stop looking at Leo. He’s so fucking hot in his suit. I can’t get over how he’s turned from a charming boy into this hulking frame of masculinity.

  Or how much I want to crawl beneath him and spread my legs wide so that he can drive me wild over and over again with his huge cock. I imagine riding him until the sun comes up.

  It's hard to be around a man like Leo and to think of anything other than sex. I lick my lips just thinking about it.

  It doesn’t go unnoticed. Leo’s eyes are full of cocky amusement.

  "So," he says as we take our table. "How was your day?"

  "How was my day?" I laugh. "Um, let's see. My latest business acquaintance had me locked up in his apartment. He moved all of my stuff into his place and I feel like a prisoner. How was your day?"

  He smiles. "Well, I had to deal with a hopeless situation involving one very famous call girl and I was on the phone with lawyers all day. Sound fun to you?"

  We both laugh, in spite of the situation.

  Leo calls over the bartender and has him make us a drink. Two Smoky Martinis arrive and we toast to being reunited and then I settle in for a very liquid dinner.

  I feel like getting tipsy tonight. It's been a long day but somehow being reconciled with Leo makes me feel happy again and at ease, even if it’s all just for show.

  "You think everyone can see us? Do I look like a girlfriend and not a prostitute?" I say it as a joke, but he takes my comment very seriously.

  "Never say that again. You’re nothing like a prostitute. Hell, you’re the classiest girl I know. Always have been."

  His statement makes me feel warm inside.

  But at the same time, it flies in the face of everything he said to me the last two days. He acted like he wanted to make me feel cheap, like nothing more than a whore.

  Yet now he’s saying the complete opposite. I can’t keep up.

  "I'm serious," he says when I don’t respond. "When I would come home with your brother and see you, well, you were all I could think about. You're stunning, Sienna. To this day, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen."

  I blush.

  He's being kind, very much like the old Leo I knew. A sweet Leo. He used to have a very caring soul and right now it's shining through.

  Unless this is just all part of the act, the show we’re putting on for the public.

  Maybe he just knows what to say to get me to give him his desired response.

  The thought makes me uncomfortable, and I quickly finish my cocktail and order another.

  "You'd better have a bite to eat if you're going to be drinking like that.”

  He orders me a steak when the server comes by again.

  We dine, and it's actually really fun to catch up with him and to relax in his presence. He's a very funny, charming guy when he's not being domineering and bossy.

  We finish dinner but Leo doesn't seem satisfied that enough eyes have seen us together.

  "How about hitting the casino?"

  "Why not?"

  He takes my hand and leads me into the main casino lounge this time. Not the Inner Sanctum. We stop at the craps tables.

  A waitress comes and serves us a steady supply of cocktails, bringing new ones before we even need to ask. It's anything for the boss.

  "Hey, you better not have this rigged to win."

  He puts his hands up. "I promise I don't. I couldn't if I tried."

  "Should we play up the girlfriend element?"

  I hang on his arm as he throws the dice over and over again. We win some, we lose some, but ultimately we just have a good time.

  Soon word gets out that Leo Asher is in the casino. He's famous for being a billionaire casino mogul and for being a playboy, so it doesn’t take long for a crowd to start forming around us.

  For whatever reason, Leo decides then it's time to leave. He flashes his million-dollar smile to the onlookers and we walk by, his arm firmly around my waist.

  "You must be satisfied now that we've been seen," I say, disappointed that the night’s coming to an end. I had much more fun than I anticipated.

  "Indeed,” he says brusquely. “I think some people might have even taken some pictures."

  We walk across the marble floors and enter the mall that's connected to the casino. Most of the high-end boutiques are closed now and we're mostly alone, even in the depths of Sin City.

  He stops by a fountain and pulls me towards him, holding me in his strong arms. It feels so good and it feels so safe. I’m confused because we’re supposed to be putting on a show, yet there’s almost no one around to see us.

  Why is he holding me close and staring at me like that, his eyes searing into me like he’s trying to see straight into my soul?

  My heart’s pounding and all I can think of is how much I want him but also how much I don't want to be hurt again. I have to keep things surface level with Leo. He broke my heart once before and I will never let happen to me again.

  I need to protect myself.

  For the moment, though, it feels good to be with him. I allow myself to sink into his masculine embrace, and it dissolves all pain and fear. I feel like I’m home.

  "You okay?" he whispers into my hair.

  "Yeah, I had a great time. I'm just tired."

  "Okay, we can go." He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine, the leads me back the way we came.

  But as we go, an onlooker approaches. It's some drunk guy and a couple of his friends. He looks like a frat boy who’s extremely cocky yet with not much to brag about.

  "Oh look, it's the billionaire and his whore." The guy laughs to his friends like he thinks he's just said the funniest thing ever.

  Before anyone sees it coming, Leo tackles him to the ground. I gasp, my hands flying to my mouth.

  Leo chokes the guy and says, "Apologize to Sienna. Right fucking now."

  He bears down on the skinny guy, and I know his weight must be crushing him.

  The twenty-something asshole spits out, "I'm sorry."

  “Say it like you mean it,” he growls.

  “I’m sorry, lady. Really,” he chokes out.

  Leo slams his head back into the floor and then releases him.

  "Remember that, kid."

  We walk away and Leo takes my hand again, saying, "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean for that to happen. Don't listen to him or anybody else."

  I have to admit my heart is heavy that the consensus around the city is that I'm some kind of whore.

  As much as we've tried to mask it, people will think what they want, especially about rich, hot men whose names are splashed all over the internet.

  Leo has a reputation to maintain, and I'm actually quite honored that he would risk that to help me and to help my brother.

  The night was going so perfectly, but now I'm just depressed and tired, and I let Leo lead me to a different elevator that only he has access to.

  Once the doors close, he’s all over me, gripping my breasts and kissing my neck.

  I’m taken aback for a moment.

  For a while there, I was thinking it could be like old times. I thought Leo was the same caring guy I once knew. But now that the show’s over, he’s right back to the same man I know he’s become.

  I know that he's changed. He's back to domination mode. But what’s most confusing is that I can't say I'm entirely disappointed. Anticipation for Leo comes in two dancing flavors that don’t always conflict.


  I'm glad to get Sienna away from that fucking prick. I saw the way her face darkened, her eyes shadowing over with thoughts of what people think of her. Of how her fall from grace and current status makes people demean her.

  The nerve of that kid to make this goddess feel bad about herself. This is what happens, though, when you wo
rk as an escort.

  Maybe Sienna will see now that this is the wrong path for her—unless, of course, I'm the one buying.

  Those guys ruined what was shaping up to be an amazing evening. One of the best I’ve had in a long time, if I’m being honest. We had a perfect dinner, and it was the first time I've been with her where things felt normal and natural.

  Almost like old times. Almost.

  This new erotic dynamic between us has definitely changed things.

  I can tell she's starting to relax around me, even in the face of my dominance. Our connection from the past gives context to what’s happening.

  She knows me, better than most people, but she also knows that I've changed.

  I’m not the hopeful kid she used to know, full of optimistic ambition. I’m rough around the edges now. Harder. Darker. I’m not sure she thinks that's a good thing, but part of me really fucking wants her to.

  Despite the fun evening with her, I’m fucking pissed now.

  So I take it out on her with a punishing kiss.

  I can't get those idiots out of my mind. I should've pounded my fists into that guy's skull. He deserved it. It makes me angry because I’m on edge about what Sienna will endure if she remains an escort.

  There's enough gossip already. I shudder to think of how she’ll cope with the constant insults and negativity that will come her way if she chooses this life forever. I can only protect her so much, a fact that doesn’t cease to piss me the fuck off.

  At last, we arrive at the penthouse. We haven’t spoken the entire way up. She’s just let me ravish her. I break away as the elevator doors slide open. I storm inside and she follows.

  "Leo, say something. Are you okay? Forget those guys. I'm over it and you should be too." She grabs my arm to try to make me look at her.

  I whirl around and stare into her beautiful eyes. Does she means it or is she saying these things to appease my anger?

  "How can you be over it? Didn't you hear what they said?" My voice is tense with barely suppressed rage.

  "Of course, but I don't care. They don't know me, and I don't care what anyone thinks of me. Sure, it kind of frustrated me, but that's it. I'm ready to move on and enjoy the rest of this night."

  Her words anger me. "Well, you should be upset because as long as you keep insisting on being an escort, shit like that is going to happen. Don't you see that it's dangerous?"


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