The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

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The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance Page 121

by Natalie Knight

  He seems genuinely happy for me, and in truth, I relish his attention and how he’s proud of my success.

  My life is coming together, both personally and professionally. Now my team and I don’t have to stress about landing the biggest campaign of our lives anymore—because we’ve actually done it. We’ve won, and my little company Epica is going to survive and thrive.

  But beyond everything, this experience has made me acutely aware of the fact that Liam means more to me than I’d previously realized or allowed myself to admit.

  What started out as a fling is maybe turning into something more real. Dare I hope?

  I walk toward the Velvet Luxe team and see Evan talking to them. He looks furious, and suddenly I’m really wishing Liam hadn’t gone. I look back and see him down the hall, making a phone call by the elevator, and I long to go to him and to ask him to control his VP.

  Evan glares at me as he speaks to the executives, and I feel that something’s about to go down.

  He seems livid, and I wonder why. I won the account fair and square. Besides, he works for one of the biggest agencies out there; it’s not like they’re gonna suffer very much from losing one client.

  The executives look up as I nervously approach them. I don’t know what he’s doing or what he’s saying, but it looks suspicious from the way they are all now looking at me.

  I stop in the hallway a little awkwardly, wondering if I should come or if I should go.

  Before long, my question is answered because the woman who was so nice to me earlier, the one who announced me as the winner, asks me to come join them.

  It’s just Evan and I and the Velvet Luxe people standing in a circle outside the conference room. He casts me a self-righteous look, as if he’s in on some secret that I’m not aware of.

  “Claire,” the woman says. “I’m afraid that we’re gonna have to retract our previous offer. We’ve been made privy to evidence that you cheated and stole ideas for this campaign. We can’t have that kind of deception around our brand, and we’ve chosen to go with someone else.”

  Time slows down as I take in what this means. I stare at them in disbelief and don’t know what to say. I see Evan in his corner, smirking—and I realize all at once this is because of him and Liam.

  They must’ve set me up so that even if I won, it would be taken from me.

  Surely, if Evan’s doing this, then it’s from Liam’s direction. I look over my shoulder and see him, my handsome dream guy, at the end of the hall chatting on his phone.

  Is he sticking around to see my fall from grace? This is obviously an orchestrated move between them.

  My heart shatters into a million pieces as it becomes clear that Liam never even liked me. It was all an act. He was pretending to be interested in me to lower my guard and to facilitate this underhanded plan.

  He’s as ruthless as ever. I dared to go up against the biggest shark in the tank, and I let get wrapped up in his net instead, hook, line, and sinker.

  I try to explain myself to the executives, to defend my company and our campaign, but they’re hearing none of it.

  I plead with them, “This isn’t right. I didn’t steal anything. Those ideas are all mine. The people you should be looking at is Dignity Creative. They’re trying to undermine me to win this contract.”

  One of the suits speaks up. “We’re sorry, Claire. We just can’t be associated with this kind of controversy. Whether you stole the ideas or not, the rumors reflect poorly on your character and that of your firm.”

  I hold back the tears that are threatening to give me away. I’m not gonna give Evan and Liam the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

  I never should’ve trusted Liam. I knew better, I kept telling myself not to go there, and in the end, I got burned.

  It’s all my fault.

  Images of Liam and me bombard my thoughts. All the nights, all the secret smiles, all the tender touches…it was all a game, an act to win.

  Sure, I spied on him briefly, but he’s been setting me up this entire time.

  Everything between us was untrue, and the mere thought of that makes me feel nauseous.

  I storm down the hallway, intending to talk to Liam and to tell him what a piece of shit he is.

  Evan catches up to my brisk pace and says, “Claire, you had this coming. I know that you snuck onto Liam’s computer and found the folders containing our ideas. I saw the login code. You’ve been caught in your own web. I had to expose you for the criminal that you are.”

  I feel like punching his smug face.

  I think back to the moment when I had decided to snoop around on Liam’s computer. I never should’ve done it. But I didn’t steal anything.

  And from what I know, he’s changed the entire campaign anyway.

  “I didn’t steal anything from you guys, Evan, and you know that,” I say.

  “On the contrary, I have evidence. Besides, this was gonna go badly for you either way. Liam and I have been planning to acquire your company from the beginning. You’re not strong enough to stand on your own. We’re gonna buy Epica, and every member of your team is gonna come to our side. And because you spied on us, we’re gonna cut you out, and you will no longer be a part of your own company,” he says wickedly.

  The truth hits me hard. “You were setting me up from the beginning? To get my company?”

  How could I’ve been such a fool?

  “Exactly,” he says, as though he’s enjoying every minute of my misery.

  I see Liam standing further down the hallway at the elevator. He smiles at me, and I walk towards him.

  “How could you, Liam? You’re a terrible person, and I never should’ve trusted you!”

  He looks surprised by my harsh tone and words, but before he can object or say anything to me, I deliver a slap across his face…hard.

  He raises a hand to his reddened cheek and shoots Evan a dirty look.

  “Evan, what have you done? What did you tell her?” he says furiously.

  “He told me the truth, Liam,” I say as the hot tears form in my eyes. “You’ve been using me this whole time. How could you?”

  The elevator door opens, and I dash inside and close the doors before Liam has a second to stop me.

  I never want to see him again. I’ve never been hurt like this before. The betrayal makes the world seem bleak and gloomy.

  At the main floor, I rush out of the building and duck into a cab before he or Charlotte or anybody else can do anything.

  I just lost the biggest campaign of my life, the best client we’ve ever signed on, all because of my own foolish naivety.

  I knew not to trust him. Charlotte and I talked frequently about the fact that I shouldn’t trust him. I know his reputation, and yet I went there anyway.

  I thought maybe I was just a fling to Liam, but I never imagined he was faking everything to take down my business. The truth is so much worse than I thought.

  The world is crumbling down around me, and I wonder how I’m going to tell my people at my company that I’ve just lost everything. I’ve allowed my success to slide right through my fingers—all because of a guy.

  Tearfully, I ask the cab driver to take me home. I want to be in my apartment and to never come out again.


  Tears are streaming down my face as the driver pulls up to my building. I’m sure he wonders what’s wrong with me.

  I aim to get into my apartment as quickly as possible so that I can try to escape the pain away from the public eye. I look around to see if anyone is outside.

  I’m alone.

  It’s my first lucky strike of the day.

  Once I’m safely within the confines of my own environment, I lean against the door and know that I have to do the inevitable. I have to text Charlotte so that she can tell everybody that the gig is up, that I lost the contract.

  I text her through blurry, tear-stained eyes. And then I throw my phone across the across the room.

  All I can think of is how
stupid I’ve been. I just lost everything because I chose to trust the one man I knew to stay away from.

  I was literally in bed with the enemy this entire time. I let my heart dictate my life instead of listening to my rational mind.

  Liam is more than just a playboy. He’s a manipulative bastard who’s only out for money.

  I walked into his trap so easily. I let myself believe I could be loved by him, by my dream guy—and he’s shown me so very clearly that the notion is false. He doesn’t love me, he doesn’t care about me, and he never has.

  In my bedroom, I pull the blinds and let the darkness surround me. I feel like I will never see light again.

  I crawl under the duvet and allow myself to let go of all the emotions I’ve been trying to hold in. I sob into my pillow until there are no tears left and I’ve cried myself to sleep.

  I dream of Liam as a monster disguised as a golden god. He’s after me like a dark shadow that prevents my happiness at all costs.

  I’m jolted awake by my phone buzzing from the living room. I get it and see his name flashing across the screen.

  Liam’s calling, and I don’t know why or what he could possibly have to say. Should I answer?


  “Claire, are you okay? I need you to listen to me. All of that was coming from Evan. He’s the one that’s been plotting against you this entire time. Can you understand that?” His voice is pleading and urgent.

  More lies.

  He’s telling me more lies.

  “No, Liam, what you did was terrible. It’s over. I never want to see you again,” I say angrily.

  “Baby, I need you to know that it might’ve taken me a while, but I really believe in you. Your talent shines through, and you deserved to win the campaign. I mean that. And besides, I care about you. I don’t want to lose you.”

  I want to believe his words, but…

  No. I’ve vowed to myself that I will never trust Liam again. He doesn’t deserve me. I know the truth.

  “Just forget it, Liam. Evan told me everything. I know you guys have been plotting against me from the beginning.

  “I admit I may have snuck a look at your computer folder, but I never stole any ideas. What I did wasn’t malicious like what you did to me. You’ve been planning on taking me down from the beginning. I never should’ve trusted you,” I say angrily.

  “Baby, that’s not the truth. Just let me see you so that we can talk about this,” he says.

  “I’m not your baby anymore. Don’t you dare call me that. I know you’ve been faking your affection for me this entire time to try to steal my ideas and my company.

  “Well, you’ve won Liam. You’ve taken everything from me, so I hope you’re happy,” I say as I once again throw my phone across the room. I will probably need a new phone in addition to a new career. And a new love life.

  I’m enraged and crying. Contradicting emotions fly unfiltered through my system as I realize what I’ve lost.

  Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I’m devastated.

  But it’s taken losing him to realize that despite the anger and devastation, I think I’m in love with Liam.

  And instead of it being a happy revelation, it’s a heartache like I could never have imagined. I’ve lost my company and the love of my life all in the span of one day.

  I walk to the liquor cabinet and take out a bottle of vodka. I pour myself a shot and then another. I need something to numb the pain. I simply can’t face this kind of sadness.

  Then I retreat back into my darkened bedroom and cry for the rest of the night.


  He's a snake.

  He's a bad friend.

  He's the enemy I never saw coming.

  Evan's an asshole and I can't believe I didn't see it before.

  I pace around my office, fuming. I need to calm myself before calling Trish to tell Evan to come in here. I unclench my fists. I'm ready to face him.

  It's gonna take all my willpower not to get violent. He's earned it. But I don't need a lawsuit coming my way. I'll fire him and cut the cord for good, but he'll least walk out of here in one piece. He doesn't even deserve that. But I am more than that.

  Evan knocks on my door and I tell him to come in. All I see is red. Rage consumes me but I'd like to hear his explanation, no matter how flimsy it is.

  "Hey Liam," he says, approaching me. "About what happened. I was trying to protect—"

  I cut him off. On second thought, I’ll lose control if I hear one more word.

  "Evan, you're here because I want you to know that you just got fired. You really fucked up today. I never want to see you again and if it's up to me I'll make sure you never work in this town again. Got it?"

  He looks at me before he spews venom.

  "You think you're so great Liam, don't you? You'll never make it without me. I did all your dirty work. Always have. I'm the one that keeps this company together."

  He's so wrapped up in himself, it's ridiculous. For him to think he has any authority in my business is just the most delusional thing I think I've ever heard.

  "Evan, you're the wrong fit for this company. I can easily replace you and now I want you to go."

  He begins to act fanatical.

  "You're a goddamn fool, Liam. You let some girl come between us. She's not even worth it. She's a nobody. By the time you realize that and leave her, I'll be gone and you'll be left to fend for yourself. You can't run this company without me. I've been doing everything for you. I'm the brains behind this operation."

  I'm fuming as he has the nerve to reference Claire. I can't forget about what he did to her today.

  "You're off your rocker. None of that is true. What you did to Claire was awful. You really did dig your own grave. Now leave."

  This triggers him to scream and act crazy.

  "You'll see Liam. Everything's gonna fall apart without me. How can you be so blind?"

  "Evan, leave now or I'll call security."

  "Whatever," he says as he leaves and slams the door.

  I'm glad it didn't get messier than that. But just in case, I pick up the phone and call security to make them aware of the situation. I tell them to personally escort Evan out of the building if he doesn't leave willingly.

  It's all making sense now. Evan's ruthless desire to destroy Claire was a set up for his own success. For some reason, he thinks he’s more valuable to this company than he really is.

  I never should've let him in my inner circle. He has his good points but all that’s overshadowed by his faults. He's a bad friend, jealous of my success.

  And it took losing the love of my life for me to realize that.

  Now that Evan's gone, I turn my full attention to figuring out how to win back Claire. Her voice on the phone sounded so wounded and sad that it crushes my heart just thinking about it.

  I sit at my desk and deliberate the various options. I think about heading over there right now and professing my love. But first I have to do the right thing.

  I pick up the phone and call the people at Velvet Luxe. I’ll personally amend this situation.

  Immediately, they put me through to one of the execs. I love that my status means never having to wait. The secretary tells me the executive's name is Sarah.

  "Sarah, this is Liam Alton. I just need to set the record straight that everything my vice president told you was not true. Claire never stole any ideas for her campaign. It was all original."

  "Are you sure about this Liam? Your vice president was pretty clear that he had evidence of Claire's cheating," she says.

  I could easily take advantage of this opportunity. I could steal the Velvet Luxe campaign right from under Claire. But that was the old me.

  The new me believes she actually deserves it. I really and truly am proud of her and I know that this campaign was hers all along. I don't want to take advantage of the situation at all, I just want to fix things for Claire.

  "I'm absolutely positive. I've just fired my VP. He's a bad egg
and quite frankly, he's acting crazy. I want you to know that Claire deserves this. She worked hard for it. Please, give her another chance," I say, hoping that I've convinced her.

  "Well," she says. "Claire's campaign really did shine against all the rest. She’s our first choice and if all you're saying is true, then I don't see why she can't take over the project once again."

  "That's great. Thanks a lot. I promise you won't regret this," I say to her.

  "Then, there's only one thing left to do. Do you want to tell Claire personally or shall I call her?" Sarah asks.

  It's a perfect opportunity for me to sweep in and try to convince Claire that it's been her all along.

  "Don't worry about it Sarah, I'll call her. I would love to be the one to deliver the good news considering it was my VP who ruined everything for her," I say.

  "Okay, Liam, please tell her that we're so excited to work with her, now that this new information has come to light."

  "Thank you, and goodbye," I say, feeling elated.

  Now I have some clout, something that could sway Claire. I don't want to just call her and deliver the news, I want to see her in person.

  But I feel like right now isn’t the right time. I'll give it the night, let her cool down, and approach her tomorrow.

  I decide to leave the office early so that I can go back to my place, clear my head and prepare for Claire.

  The limo ride only reminds me of how she's uncomfortable being spoiled with luxuries. I miss her being by my side.

  At my penthouse apartment, I spend the night thinking about her. I got her the campaign back but that doesn't necessarily mean she’ll take me back.

  What if I can't convince her that it was Evan's idea? What if she doesn't trust that I believe in her talent?

  What if I lose Claire?

  I push those thoughts aside. Whatever I want, I get because I’m prepared to work hard for it. There’s nothing I won’t do now just to win her back.


  I feel forlorn over Liam.

  The world has come crashing down around me and I find it hard to breathe.

  I slept fitfully through the night in waves of tears and bad dreams.


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