The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

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The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance Page 138

by Natalie Knight

  My own heart seems to break again as I stare at it. There is no way I could have written the end of our relationship any more emotional than Blake had been able to depict it in art.

  I swallow. Had I been wrong? Had I acted too quickly?

  Now his hands are on my shoulders. He stares at me intently.

  “Blake,” I whisper and once again, I, the wordsmith am lost for words.

  “Kath, I –” he starts and I interrupt.

  – I’m sorry. I …was hurt and jumped to conclusions and…”

  He puts his finger on my lips. It takes all my effort not to kiss it.

  “I should have explained what I was planning.” He points to the exhibition and continues. “This is the exhibition I was planning all along. I wanted to surprise you and dedicate it to you. You are my muse, my inspiration.”

  “Blake,” I try again. How could I have been so stupid and simply believed that two-timing, no good Dale?

  “I should have –” again Blake interrupts me.

  “Hush.” His eyes bore into my mine and I think he’s looking right into my soul. “Maybe we could have both done things a little better. Maybe both of us should have handled things differently. But that doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is, you are here tonight, one of the most important nights of my life.”

  I watch, with my mouth parted already, as he lowers his head and our lips combine, melting into each other. His tongue probes, almost asks for permission to be let in. In answer, my tongue meets his.

  I feel his hands on my lower back, drawing me tightly into him. Through the think fabric of my dress, I instantly feel his hardness and it takes all my effort not rip his clothes off here and now.

  When his lips leave mine they yearn for more. I want him and I want him now.

  Before I can wrap my arms around him he takes me by the hand.

  “Come, there’s one more painting you should see.”

  He leads me to the very back of the gallery where a black cloth is covering a large canvass.

  Blake pulls the sheet off with one swift movement.

  I hold my breath as my gaze take in what has been unveiled before my eyes. Tears threaten to spill and I bite my bottom lip.

  “Oh Blake,” I whisper and look at him. “It is truly a masterpiece.”

  I’m looking at my nude, and goose bumps are forming on my bare arms.


  I must tell her, but I wait a little. I’m bathing in her innocent, genuine joy. She really is the goddess I have captured on the canvass. Every stroke on that picture reflects every minute detail of Katherine.

  Even if I have to say so myself, it is the greatest painting of my career, even Michael Angelo would offer me his praise.

  Like a good wine, I need to savor her, take in every last detail. I send silent thanks to the universe for making sure she came. There had been darks hours earlier when I had paced the art gallery not knowing if she would show.

  When I first came up with the idea, I wasn’t sure what I would do if Katherine did not come; I still had no back up plan right up until the door opened and she had walked in. I had gone out on a limb and to my utter amazement it had worked out –at least so far.

  There’s one more thing to do before my master plan is complete, but I’m in no hurry. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying this moment a little longer.

  Katherine says nothing. She has her back turned toward me and is simply staring at herself in all her glory.

  Eventually, I take a step forward and turn to face her. She smiles.

  “I want you to know I meant what I promised.”

  Her brow furrows and I resist the urge to place a kiss there, reassure her there’s no need to worry.

  “But,” there’s hesitation in her voice. “The painting is great and…” she falters, the inner struggle all too obvious on her face. She is an open book as far as her feelings are concerned.

  I reach down and pick up a bottle.

  “You don’t understand,” I tell her.

  “This painting is nothing. It’s inconsequential compared to you.” I point at her. “You’re all what matters. You are a masterpiece.”

  I can see confusion on her face.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Taking a step toward the painting I aim my bottle at it. Now that I’m about to do it, doubt knocks on the door of my mind. Is this really necessary or am I being overly dramatic. Could I make my point some other way?

  After taking a deep breath, I continue. “I don’t need the world to see this. I want the world to see you by my side.” And without any further hesitation, I start squirting the insides of my bottle at the painting.

  “I want you to believe me that this does not mean as much to me as you do.”

  Pale pinks, brown, and other colors run down the canvas. The solvent starts to do its work. Like a hungry caterpillar, it eats away at the color. I smear more and more all over the painting. Soon you cannot recognize what had been drawn.

  “I…” Katherine starts but does not finish her sentence.

  Like a madman, I rub the liquid all over the painting until there is nothing left of my masterpiece. I stop and stare at the ruined piece of art.

  In my planning stage, I had mulled over a lot of different options on how I could convince Katherine I would never display this picture. At first, destroying it seemed too drastic. After all, it’s a great piece of art we could have hanging somewhere private, for just the two of us to enjoy.

  But after much soul-searching, I realized as long as it was around, the painting would be the barb you don’t want in the relationship. The barb had to be destroyed, and Katherine have to witness the destruction.

  I glance at Katherine to gauge her reaction and mood.

  To my surprise she’s smiling.

  “I can’t believe you just destroyed a great piece of art.”

  I shrug.

  “I didn’t destroy the greatest artwork. The greatest artwork is our love. Without our love, I’m nothing. Without our love, the world is an empty place for me.”

  Her mouth is open just enough for me to see her white teeth and a bit of her tongue. Oh how I’ve missed that mouth. I feel the desire rage through me like a wildfire. If I don’t move on to the next stage of the planned evening things might go out of hand.

  I go down on one knee, like a knight kneeling before his queen. Of course, that is exactly what I am doing; kneeling before my queen, queen Katherine.

  My eyes find hers. She’s smiling. Lust is in her eyes. She will have to wait just a little bit longer.

  I take her hand and my eyes don’t leave hers. I want this to be just right. I don’t want to mess this up.

  I cannot understand blokes who resort to technology to do this sort of stuff. What emoji could convey my true feelings to this great woman I love? Romance should still be done face to face.

  My left hand pulls the ring out of my pocket. The large diamond catches the light and sparkles between the two of us. I can almost feel little electric shock waves pulsate through her body.

  “Katherine,” I start and put the ring on her ring finger. “Will you do me the honor and accompany me on the long road of life? Will you be my wife?”

  She seems to take forever to answer. And in that time darkness descends over me. In that instance I know that a life without Katherine is a life lived in darkness.

  I hold my breath and my eyes never leave hers.

  I watch her face, a reflection of anticipation, processing and finally recognition of words fading in one after the other.

  “Yes,” she whispers and then again, “yes,” a little firmer and louder.

  Instantly I stand up and pull her toward me. My lips crush down on hers and my tongue forces its way through her lips. I want to show her how much I love her, I want to possess her and I want her, right now.


  I pinch myself and when I feel a little pain in my cheek, I know I’m not dreaming. Of course it’s easy to u
nderstand why I would be thinking I’m dreaming. I mean how many women can say their life goes from being flushed down the toilet to fairy tale status in a matter of hours? Not many I bet.

  “Stay here,” Blake whispers in my ear and I don’t think I could move even if I wanted to.

  My lips ache for his to return and each and every one of my nerve cells is tingling with anticipation of being touched by the man of my dreams, Blake.

  I glance at my ring finger and play with the diamond ring on it. It is real; I didn’t imagine the whole thing.

  I look around but I can’t see a chair. My legs feel a little wobbly. I think alcohol on an empty stomach has left me a little light headed.

  Tempted as I am to call Robin, I don’t. I don’t want Blake to return and find me talking on the phone. The moment is too special and too personal to ruin it by calling my best friend.

  Part of me cannot believe Blake just destroyed his most amazing painting. I look back at the canvas, which looks awful. Instead of my nude, there’s now just some smeared bits of color.

  I had not really wanted him to destroy it, although I have to admit as far as a declaration of love and commitment goes, it was pretty awesome. If Dale ever dares to show his face anywhere near me again I won’t be held responsible for how I react.

  It was hard to believe that not so long ago I had hoped for Dale to propose. Isn’t life strange?

  I smile and see Blake coming back pushing a silver trolley.

  “I thought we should celebrate here.”

  The trolley sports a silver ice bucket with a bottle of French champagne sticking out. There are two clean champagne flutes, filled to the top. I spot a selection of oysters and a seafood platter to die for.

  “Wow,” is all I manage to say.

  After I let the first oyster slide down my throat, I look at Blake.

  “Thank you,” I say and he stops mid oyster.

  I love the way he tilts his head to the left when he is unsure of what is happening.

  “I want you to know what you did tonight is just amazing. I’m sorry I doubted you, I’m sorry I did not trust you.” The words tumble out of me.

  I need him to understand he is the most important thing in my life. I need him to know I trust him completely and I will always be by his side.

  Somehow the words don’t seem enough.

  “I think I’ve been wanting to spend the rest of my life with you the moment I saw those sketches you drew of me.” I close my eyes. There’s so much more I want to say.

  When I open them, Blake is holding a small jewelry box in his hand.

  “There’s something else I need to give you.”

  My right hand trembles a little as I reach for the little white box. Gingerly, I open it and hold my breath when my eyes took in the precious gift hidden inside.

  Slowly, I pick up the key ring with the key to Blake’s apartment.

  “You know, it’s not only the key to my – our – apartment, it’s the key to my heart.”

  I blink a couple of times. I don’t want to cry and ruin my makeup.

  I firmly close my fist over the precious gift. He truly is the most amazing man I’ve ever met.

  I take a step toward him. He moves toward me.

  When we are inches apart I put my hands on his chest. I feel his strong heartbeat.

  I look up at him and smile.

  “You make me so happy.” I place my forehead against his chest. My eyes are closed and I revel in the moment. This is so perfect. I feel his lips kiss the top of my head.

  I look up at him again.

  “I think you are the most amazing man,” I tilt my head back a little, waiting for his lips to meet mine.

  When they do, an explosion of gigantic proportions erupts in my body. My brain turns to jelly and my hands move from his chest down his back, where they rest in the little groove just above his buttocks.

  At first his kiss is soft, his lips caress mine, his tongue gently probes around my mouth. But then all of a sudden, he changes. His mouth presses down hard on mine and his tongue is pushing all boundaries, searching, devouring. and wanting more.

  My body responds in kind. I push into him. I want more too. I want all of him. My hands move lower and start massaging his ass.

  I can hear him groan. Our tongues are locked in a duel of passion.

  When he pulls back I feel as if a part of me has been ripped off. I want him back. I want to taste those lips again. I need him back. Oh how I missed kissing him.

  Without warning, his lips are back on mine. His hands cup my face. This time he places soft kisses on my mouth, my eyes, my nose, my cheeks and my lips again. Softly, his mouth moves all over my face, as if exploring it for the first time.

  If he doesn’t rip my clothes off soon, I think I will go mad with desire. My skin is burning. He really knows how to push my buttons.

  He stops and looks at me.

  I look back.

  “You know,” I start and smile at him, “I bet you will make something even greater than that painting after we are married.”

  Another kiss on the tip of my nose.

  “Why don’t we give it a go right now?” Blake’s hands leave my face, and I feel a shiver go up my spine as he grins.

  Yes, let’s give it a go right now.


  I’m all over him, my mouth yearning for the taste of his lips, my hand aching for the smoothness of his skin. I kiss him wildly, our lips parting and letting our tongues dance around each other in a frenzy.

  I lean into him and pop out the top button on his shirt. Doing it as delicately as I can, I unbutton his shirt, taking my time with each and every one of the button.

  My heart starts hopping faster and faster as the rugged contour of his muscles jumps into view, his washboard abs making me become wetter. When I finally undo the last button, I push the shirt down his arms and stand up in front of him once, his tie still wrapped around my right hand.

  He takes his hands to my back and, grabbing at the zipper on my dress, yanks on it and opens it. I arch my back, anxious to feel his naked chest pressing down on me; he grabs my hair and pulls me back, looking once more into my eyes. Holding my head in place, he takes his other hand to my back and unhooks my bra, pushing it down my arms.

  Blake raises one hand to my waist and embrace my figure, pulling me against him. Then, no other place for us to go, he makes me lay down on the floor and follows after me.

  My breasts feel his warm skin as I press them against his naked chest. I groan lightly as he sucks on my tongue, his hands going down to my backside and pulling me closer, the friction between our bodies enough to start an all-consuming fire.

  Taken by an impulse he grabs my hair and pulls my head back, exposing my bare breasts. He takes my nipples into his mouth, softly sucking each one of them, his tongue tracing their outline with care.

  At the same time, he places one hand on my knee and slides up my leg and under the hemline of my dress. He presses his hand against my drenched thong, and then moves fast and flicks it to the side.

  Feeling me wet and wide, he slides two fingers deep inside me in a hook motion, my inner walls tightening around his fingers as they ravage me. Moving only his wrist, he pulls his fingers in and out of me – he starts slow but, as he picks up speed, my hips strain upwards once more, as if I desperately need for him to go as deep as possible.

  He ups the pace, feeling my desire coming at him like an electric current.

  My arms out of control, I dart for his crotch with both hands, pulling sideways at the opening in his pants and undoing all buttons with one fast pop. I pull them down, grabbing at his pants and boxers at the same time – his cock jumps up as it springs free, long and thick and ready.

  I curl my fingers around his shape and start stroking him fast. I grit my teeth, as I grind my pussy against his hand as a wild and ferocious purr of pleasure keeps on growing in my throat.

  I then have to take out my hands off of his cock. In under
a second, my muscles burn in a frenzy. I cry out in pleasure as I come, delight completely ripping me apart – my whole body is burning up.

  Still shaking, I take my hands out of his cock and claw them at his back, forcing him to lay on top of my naked body, his cock rubbing against my belly. Then, with a sideways motion, I make him roll to the side.

  I jump on top of him and grab his big cock with both of my hands, a devilish smile on my lips. I lean into him and start kissing all over his chest, each kiss of mine going lower and lower, from his belly to where I really want my mouth to be.

  I lean into him, my mouth dangerously close to the tip of his cock, but I stop a few inches before my lips brushed against it. I then grab his shaft by the root, tugging at his member so slowly my hand barely seems to move.

  I am driving Blake mad and I know that too well. His whole body tenses up as my hand starts going up and down his length faster. I can tell a shiver goes up his spine as he feels my breathing against his cock, my mouth looking so tempting he is no longer sure of how he is resisting it.

  I start jerking him faster and faster, cupping his balls with one hand. My motion flows freely from the base of his cock to its tip, a pendulum movement that is eating away whatever rationality and common sense still left inside him.

  Opening my mouth slightly. I place it over his tip, my tongue brushing against it gently.

  He feels the urge to thrust forwards, to make his cock slide down my lips in one swift motion and feel my whole mouth around him. But he waits, patiently, as I keep my own pace – my mouth widens slowly as I lean in, lips sliding over his length inch by slow inch, making his body suffer through a sweet slow boil.

  He claws at my hair as I cup his balls again, my mouth finally filled with his throbbing member, the warmth and wetness of my insides almost making him dizzy.

  I pull out as slowly as I did it before, leaning into him before I go down again, each coming and going motion of my head almost too much for him to endure.

  He groans as my hand joins the pendulum motion of my mouth, stroking and sucking at a rhythm so perfect I’m sure he’s wishing for it to never end. He looks down at me, seeing his flesh going in and out of my mouth, and the sight of it makes his cock pulse hard against my tongue.


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