Then, There's Love (Revealing)

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Then, There's Love (Revealing) Page 6

by Rena Manse

  “Find what you were looking for?” He leaned his back against a narrow, young tree several feet across from her and crossed his ankles as he got comfortable to study her features.

  “Didn’t know I was looking for anything.”

  “I have yet to meet a woman who’d pass up one of these stores.”

  The comment was shrugged off. “I took in the ambiance.”

  “Hmm.” Probably after taking in the price tags. He preferred not to hold a conversation while staring at someone’s black-hole sunglasses, but didn’t feel disadvantaged even though she could see his eyes through his light tints. He wanted her to.

  “I’m not big on shopping,” she went on after his prolonged stare.


  “No, Mr. Gilyard. And I have less than ten pairs of shoes. Does that surprise you?” Her insolent tone challenged him.

  He grinned.

  “What’s so funny about that?”

  “I’m thinking…” you don’t want to cut your teeth on me. “…you haven’t been out with my grandmother yet. You’re in for culture shock.”

  Her angry frown faded when she looked down. “Am I…dressed appropriately?”

  She’d asked it as though he’d called her out on her wardrobe. He hadn’t, but if throwing her off her game came through reservations of her attire, why fight it? “That depends on your objective.”

  Aaron watched her eyebrows furrow at his ambiguous reply. Her clothes weren’t provocative or revealing. In fact, they fit her very well in a covered-up sort of way.

  Curling the side of his lips, he made checking her out obvious as he infused a deep suggestive into his voice. “Don’t feel you have to change on my account.” Taking in the medium-traffic sidewalk, he indicated several of the men around them. “We’ve all enjoyed it.”

  Ashley hurriedly looked around. He let her take his words whichever side of the coin she cared to. Which apparently fell on the self-conscious side. Her unexpected reaction muddied the waters. Ashley, innocent? Loose enough to “be in the right place at the right time” to snag a date with his neighbor though.

  “How long have you worked at the hospital, Miss McKenny?”

  “I fail to see how that’s any of your business.”

  “Sorry for you, ‘cause I happen to see a lot.”

  She sat back. “Good eyes, good eavesdropping ears. Just what kind of animal are you?”

  One she shouldn’t mess with. Juggling live fire wasn’t a hobby well played by those who knew him. He pushed off the tree and stalked closer. “I can promise you I’m the type of animal whose bite is a lot worse than his bark. One who won’t let you harm my grandmother.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re not trying to dig your claws into my family to satisfy your own agenda?”

  Her face dropped enough to make him doubt his assessment. Then she ripped off her sunglasses. There’s the fire. Seconds passed in their stare-down. He didn’t miss the poise of her elbow, the telltale grip of the berry smoothie ready to launch at his head if he wasn’t careful.

  “Step away and don’t speak to me.”

  “Dumping your drink on my head? Really? Does that fall under high school, or preschool behavior?”


  Hearing Val’s voice, he stepped back. He turned with a smile, but her attention diverted to Richard. Glancing back at Ashley, he tried to extend his smile to her, but it was too much effort. She had better wipe that horrified look off her face before facing the others.

  “Val, you look beautiful,” he said, heading towards her and Richard, and then with difficulty, his eyes followed; torn from the enigma called Ashley.

  There’d been nothing. No denial. No plea to hear her out. No contrite apology for a terrible misunderstanding. She’d just sat there and steamed, a noticeable gap between his accusation and her actions.

  She was definitely after something.

  He focused on Val as he whistled at her long-pixie, large-curl do. “Now that’s a birthday girl.” She patted his cheek as he leaned in for a kiss.

  Helping her into the back seat, he watched Ashley take her time climbing in the other side. A thousand compilations ran through his mind of how she planned to attain her end-goal: her mother’s job. That’s if she didn’t want worse.

  His company lay vulnerable to vultures right now, too much at stake for him to let down his guard or to believe the presence of Sandra McKenny’s daughter being here simply a coincidence. She may have made his grandmother laugh for a time, but he was Val’s protector, and he’d uphold that honor no matter who the threat came from.

  “Wait ’till you see what I have planned next.” The promise to Val, and threat to Ashley, had their heads turn in his direction for different reasons. He smiled and shut the door.

  Ashley’s limbs weren’t cooperating. Screaming tendons allowed her to trudge in with the small group around six that evening. Muscles quivered at the very thought of carrying all the bags and boxes of the day. Someone purchased every item his grandmother displayed an interest in. All, with the exception of the parcels on Valerie’s lap.

  Richard disappeared for short periods throughout the day, and when he returned with a new package, Val had him squirrel them away. The poor woman. The casts and bandages probably required some garment alterations.

  “Dinner is at eight,” Janet announced, helping with the packages.

  Ashley talked Val into a half-hour rest, and then bathed and dressed her. They chatted like school-girls while retouching her makeup from the salon. Minutes to eight, a sparkling Val pointed to the three boxes on her bed, and told Ashley to take them to her room. Aaron arrived, leaving no time for questions. Wearing a black tuxedo, he entered the room, shedding a haunting cologne that floated by like a breeze. Was the man made of dreamy?

  How did she forget he was an absolute vision to look at? And find out the name of his cologne. The scent wafted away, tempting her to follow for another whiff.

  “Ashley can take me down,” said Val. “Go ahead, Aaron. We girls will catch up.”

  The readable eyes centered on her. By now the social room buzzed with guests. They waited for the Mistress and Master of the manor, not the whatchamacallit.

  “Miss McKenny isn’t even dressed,” he pointed out.

  “All right, let’s go. Do you like my new dress, Aaron?”

  “You’re beautiful, Val, no question.”

  She smiled at Ashley, and beamed as Aaron wheeled her out. Sure, enjoy the party. Ashley shuffled to her room, and selected a mystery novel from the bookshelf before taking a hot shower to sooth her muscles. Sprawling on her stomach to read, she decided to give herself time before sneaking to the kitchen for a snack. On second thought, she’d find Janet. She may have to fight through the hired wait staff to get to the refrigerator.

  A few pages in she heard a quiet knock on her door. Janet bringing food! “Oh, bless you. Coming!” she called, getting up.

  The door swung open. Valerie zipped in. “Ashley, what are you doing here?”

  “Me? You have a party downstairs.”

  “It’s missing you.”

  “I can’t go.”

  “Says who?”

  Biting back a hiss, she tightened her jaw and looked away.

  “I’m inviting you, and I’m the guest of honor. Besides,” she smiled, “young Jonathan asked for you.”

  Jonathan? “I’d love to, but I don’t have anything to wear to a black tie event. It’s more upscale than I prepared for.”

  “You didn’t open your gifts?”

  A cold splash invaded her head. She jogged to Valerie’s room, grabbed the boxes, and returned to set them on her bed. She lifted the cover of one, and peeled open the tissue. Ashley gasped as she unfolded the white evening gown; swayed, and watched it flow to her ankles.

  “When you arrived you admitted not bringing suitable clothes. I assumed you meant formal wear, so...”

  “I didn’t mean for you to
go out and buy anything” Spending thousands of dollars hardly counted as a sacrifice for Valerie. But she’d known this woman less than two months, was on her payroll, and this had to be the most expensive present she’d ever been given. “I can’t take this.”

  “Yes, you can. I knew Aaron arranged a party. He’s so transparent. I want you to come.”

  Ashley turned to look at herself in the mirror. Look at this gown.

  “It should fit. I asked Janet to check your sizes, and my tailors are supreme. I hope you don’t mind. It’s just released from our latest line.”

  Ashley flittered her eyes over the other boxes. She bet she’d never see the likes of these garments in the Revealing section of her local department store. She didn’t know if it breached an unwritten rule to receive this. She couldn’t, and had to be honest. Before she spoke, Val wheeled closer.

  “Ashley, I like you. At the hospital, you spent time with me when I knew you were off your shift. You already know you remind me of myself at your age. I so enjoy living young again through you. Since it’s my birthday, let me do that. You never had any ulterior motives, and neither do I, so please come to my party.”

  She saw it wasn’t about her, but for Val. “Only because I can’t stand to see a birthday girl beg.”

  Val clapped her hands, eyes shining younger than her years. “Aw-w-w,” she crooned as Ashley stooped to hug her tight.

  “I’ll be ready in twenty minutes.”

  Val nodded and left the room.

  Reeling at the incredible turn of events, Ashley readied in no time, but hovered on the landing of the back stairs leading to the side rear of the social room. Only an hour into festivities, all she’d missed were the starters, cocktails, and welcoming speech. She could do this.

  Peeking down, the joyful noise told her she would have a wonderful time. No matter how many doctors were present, she needed to stay close to her charge at all times. If that included a fancy party, well, so be it.

  With nitpicky fingers, she touched her hair. The turquoise comb held it in place atop her head perfectly. Her hand brushed over her bare shoulder. Never had she gone strapless, but this gown hugged her like paint. She’d already conducted the jumping test, establishing the bodice was going nowhere. Now, if she remembered not to eat too much, there’d be no sign of a tummy.

  Her all-or-nothing breath started her climb down the curved staircase.

  “This is such a mistake,” she whispered, and wobbled in the new, white Stilettos. She didn’t know anyone except for Valerie and Aaron—Aaron? Forget him. Jonathan. Yes, she would stay with Jonathan.

  Searching the clusters of strangers, a lump rolled from her stomach to her throat when she detected all eyes on her. She started a mental check of any potential embarrassing factors overlooked, then located Jonathan, a wide smile on his lips, his nose crinkled with excited pride.

  Everyone stared because she looked good? The mirror told her ‘stunning’, but biased opinions didn’t count. Seeking another man, the response encouraged her. Great! Her internal savvy cracked under the sustained attention. Great… Now what to do? A strange, pretty woman at a party drew anyone’s interest, but Ashley fought a peek at her cleavage to ensure nothing hung out.

  At the foot of the stairs, Aaron approached, stood square in front of her checking out her dress. Talk about a microscope. She recalled his awful words about her clothes that afternoon, and resisted the urge to step backward when his intense stare x-rayed this evening’s delicate attire.

  If he remembered people stood around watching, he didn’t care. And if he expected her to squirm under that heated glare…well, she’d rather crawl across a roomful of tacks than give in to that gawp.

  Too bad her heart thrilled and thu-thumped something offbeat in answer to his soft smile anchored to a sneer. His hand extended in invitation. He had to be joking. If it was protocol for the host to offer assistance, she didn’t know, but clearly he’d read her mistrust and enjoyed challenging it. The pompous idiot.

  Unbridled demand filled his glare when she left him hanging. Suffer, she thought, see how he liked being made a fool of, but she already knew she had no choice. As pleasing at it had been for half a second, she couldn’t remain standing in defiance forever.

  Strong fingers curled over hers when she accepted. He used them to secure her grip around his warm forearm. During the short escort around a few tables, people started talking again, the entrance of the mystery woman half forgotten.

  “Bravo, my dear! You are absolutely breathtaking. More beautiful than I imagined.” Val pulled her between her circle of friends into an embrace.

  Ashley ran her hands down her sides and looked around. “I feel like I’ve stolen the spotlight from you.”

  “Then no one will remember how old I am.”

  “You are as young as you feel, Valerie,” intruded an exotic female voice.

  Ashley turned to a stunning, six-foot—if an inch—Amazon creeping up to Aaron’s side. The dark blonde looked like a model import from Holland. Considering the faint accent, she probably was. Her perfect body stood worthy of envy in a sheer, black gown with an under-wrap that covered all the right places. As alluring as the exterior presented, rich, white snob flashed through Ashley’s mind. Val’s voice interrupted her dissection when she realized she’d been introduced to the small crowd.

  “And Jade, I’d like you to meet Ashley McKenny. Ashley, Jade Beverly.”

  The special introduction didn’t mean she was someone special. Jade’s brilliant green eyes subtly picked her apart her from head to toe in a millisecond, making Ashley wish she had the gift of raising only one eyebrow to give Jade the perfect expression intended.

  “The nurse, I presume.” Jade’s words spelled swift boredom with the meeting.

  Wanting to know if he caught any of this, Ashley checked on Aaron. He was busy working down her dress again.

  Of all the… This time she couldn’t help the tiny back-step, teetering in her heels much to his subtle smile’s delight. But Jade’s body movement regained his attention as his date wove her fingers over his shoulder.

  “I am glad it is not you she is taking care of, darling. I would turn green with envy thinking of those sponge baths.”

  The creeping hand. The sultry smile. What…planet…are you from? Undecided whether to laugh or retaliate, a generous stare seemed appropriate. A warm hand slid around hers, and relief from the past minute came in Jonathan’s soft whisper.

  “Wonderful entrance.”

  “It frightened me.” Turning to him, she followed his other hand’s beckon as he walked backward, leading her from the Gilyards and Jade. She glimpsed over her shoulder, catching Jade’s attentiveness of either her or Jonathan. “All of those eyes focused on me.”

  Jonathan wheeled her around. “Haven’t you the slightest idea how beautiful you are? I couldn’t believe it when I saw you. To know I’d be spending time with the prettiest woman in the room. That’s if I can be so presumptuous.”

  Did he get a look at the rest of the women here? At Jade? “Look around. A lot of pretty women here.” Through his smile and quirked eyebrows she realized he didn’t see them. Bowing under the weight of his attention, she ran her eyes and fingers over his square shoulders. “Thank you. You clean up well. Do you always look this suave in the evening?”

  “Find out. I’m thinking something a little less active than a horseback ride or birthday party. We can take our time to get to know each other.”

  “There isn’t a lot in my world. I think we covered it all this morning.”

  “I’m sure there’s plenty more.” He placed her arm around his back. “I assume you’ll still be settling in tomorrow and Thursday. What about Friday?”

  “You have the energy of a speed train,” she told him. “I’m a turtle.”

  “I can move at turtle speed,” said the spider linking his arms around her. “But, even turtles have to eat.”

  “I’m here to do a job. Which I should be doing now.”<
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  “I’ll have you back in five minutes. Promise. Besides, I don’t think she’s missing you.”

  They were nowhere near the dance floor, but Jonathan had her swaying to the Forties-era music courtesy of the live band. She glimpsed Val laughing away with guests. It was a wonderful sight.

  Jonathan lowered his mouth to her ear before whispering, “Nurse, my—mmh, orchids,” he chuckled and breathed deeply before continuing. “My heart is racing. You’re killing me here.”

  She checked her watch and placed two fingers on his throat. “Normal.”

  “Let’s keep it that way. Healthy, stealthy and strong, even at turtle speed.”

  Remaining in his arms, she pulled away to put some space between them. “I’d love to, though I can’t make any promises.” She shook her head. “Is that me caving too quickly?”

  “I have a stock of cheesy lines. Two more, and you’d have agreed to anything.”

  She laughed. Raising her eyes over Jonathan’s shoulder, they clashed with the ash in Aaron’s. He didn’t look pleased. Nuh-uh-uh. Not pleased at all.

  Ashley lowered her lashes and ignored him.


  Exhausted and ignoring the string-bean feeling in her thighs, Ashley enjoyed the party. Jonathan took it upon himself to be a spokesperson, tour guide, and amazing date. But the wonderful people she met couldn’t compare to the stories Val told of them as she caught up with friends.

  Two hours, a cake, and a robust rendition of the age-old song later, the birthday girl wearied and was put to bed. Aaron lingered near the front door with guests, laughing and bidding them goodnight, but disappeared soon after. Some out of town visitors occupied the three remaining bedrooms. And others? Ashley didn’t know what became of them, but the house was quiet when she stood on the near-darkened balcony to relive the highlights.

  She’d grin well into her sleep. She even grinned at the thought of grinning, and took in the warm night breeze while a sweet flower-scented air enveloped her. Times such as this was why vacations and romantic destinations made regular people lose their natural minds. Ashley laughed, ending in a throaty sigh. High on romance, a gentle sway took her body.


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