Then, There's Love (Revealing)

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Then, There's Love (Revealing) Page 13

by Rena Manse

  Footfalls thudded outside her door. Ashley nailed a finger on the Bible passage and waited. Aaron’s bedroom door opened and closed none too lightly. It was early to retire for the night, but if he was as body-broken as she, he’d have preferred to stay there all afternoon.

  She had swallowed painkillers to ease the discomfort of a bruised left arm, right wrist and sternum, and prayed she could work around Val’s physio without needing her own. She stiffly rolled off of the bed to go in search of Val.

  “Avoiding me?”

  Her stomach pitched to discover Aaron leaning against her doorjamb. “I’m going to find Val.” The password Val had no affect this time.

  “She’s playing cards with Janet.”

  “Oh.” Ninety minutes of a void. Call Jonathan? She stared at Aaron. Stay alive. “Look. Can we agree to stay out of each other’s way from now on?”

  His gaze shifted far off down the hallway, then he moved a couple of inches closer as he returned his attention to her. “You kissed me back.”

  Today, on the road, she’d absolutely and candidly kissed him back, seeking enclosure, safety. Tonight, she didn’t know where the bold woman had fled as the light brown, clashing with the ash in Aaron’s eyes flashed. A lazy smile curled the corner of his mouth.

  “You really do get squeamish, don’t you?” His whisper crawled down her insides. “Are you afraid of me?”


  His brown eyes seemed to look into her soul as he nodded. “Do you want to go upstairs?”


  A shrug answered.

  “This afternoon wasn’t an invitation. You know it.”

  He chuckled and rubbed the crown of his head. “I’m just glad we got past the kissing threshold.” He smiled. “I like the new scent, by the way.”

  Her hand spread up her throat. He knew her fragrance? After two weeks being away?

  Aaron’s smile came with a tiny bite of his bottom lip before he leaned his head closer. “Is it a policy not to sleep with the relatives of your patients? I’m not a client, not your boss. It’s just a good time. Another form of communication.”

  “I thought you cancelled me out of your system.”

  “You’re growing on me.” All the shyness of a college kid shone in a slight blush.

  In another conversation she’d have been flattered to witness what looked like honesty, but she wouldn’t forget who she was talking to. “You’re a selfish narcissist with a one-track mind. Really not attractive.”

  “Name calling doesn’t help your cause. And I noticed you didn’t say no.”


  “A hopeless man would take your late no. Fortunately for us, I have no problem admitting what we want most from each other.”

  She decided to push buttons she knew would go nuclear. “Your desire for hopeless abandon comes up every time you’re the least bit unsettled. I’m sure you think you’re letting go of whatever it is that’s bothering you, but you’ll never find answers to your problems in the female anatomy. Stop treating me like a prescription.”

  “I wasn’t aware you’re a psychiatrist,” he said with an edge.

  “I have a certificate in counseling, yes.” No need to say the sudden diagnosis came courtesy of last year’s special Sunday school module. “Adapt, Aaron. Not everyone wants to play your games, so don’t invite us. Jonathan recognizes my stand on this and respects it.”

  “Hurray for Jonathan.”

  She grasped the doorframe, and put her other hand on her hip. “I may be under your roof, but I’m not under your rule. So bridle your lack of inhibitions when around me.”

  He shifted his weight and cocked an eyebrow. “Can’t you tell? This is bridled.”

  His answer for everything knocked the wind out of her sails. This one man proved too much to deal with. But what did he deal with on a daily basis? Running a large company must be overwhelming. Maybe she was just the mouse to relieve the cat’s tension. Staring at him, she looked deeper. He’d been conditioned all these years.

  Punching one more red button she ought not, Ashley swallowed. “Was it Jade you turned to when your grandfather died? I hope you find the solace you need outside of her.”

  Aaron said nothing for a long time, only stared as if the outer shell shut had down and the inner workings tried to crank him back to life. He took an angered breath. “Why do you do that? Keep saying prayers like you think I need it?”

  Should she take that as a compliment? “It’s the smart thing to do.”

  “And, since I know you’re a sharp woman, do you mind telling me why Val wants you to discuss a management crises with me?”

  Hmh. So he wouldn’t let her past his barrier. “Not that you’ll believe me, but I haven’t said a word in weeks. I’m not sympathetic to your cause, though. Even if she doesn’t make administrative decisions anymore, you should keep her informed. You’re lying to her about something that’s important.”

  “Don’t try to play point-the-finger with me. You’re keeping information pertinent to your job. Today, for instance. Your medication kick in all right? How’s your back? And I didn’t know you could get heat exhaustion from a fifteen minute walk home on such a nice day.”

  “Don’t you stand there and—”

  “Why didn’t you tell Valerie you’re hurt? Think she’ll be sympathetic? Give you extra time off to recover from your injuries? I can just imagine how that would eat you up. So then,” Aaron took a couple of steps closer. “Who are you protecting? Yourself?” He leaned his right shoulder on the doorframe directly in front of her. “Your pseudo lover, innocent passenger?”

  Ashley didn’t want him to go any further. “I have my reasons. End of story.”

  “Me then? Protecting me?” He grinned. “Ashley, would you do that?”

  She would, but she didn’t. “My reasons are no concern of yours.”

  He reached out and traced a finger along her rib cage. “Why are you keeping secrets?” He tugged and held onto her shirt. “And the reasons really are my concern if they involve the welfare of my grandmother.”

  There was no hint of flirtation in his actions, his voice, or his eyes. His last words rang in her mind. She didn’t mention anything for probably the same reasons as he. Concern for Valerie. She was better off not knowing.

  “Let me tell you why you’re keeping secrets, Ashley. You don’t want her to worry. She’d feel guilty having you lift her around. And let’s not forget her grief of knowing her nurse and her grandson nearly died today. Too many reminders of the recent past. You care about her. You and I are one and the same.”

  Ashley smacked away his hand, which had begun to splay under her bosom. He smiled with indifference and his eyes flicked over her shoulder into her bedroom, losing steam before coming back to her. She checked his view, realizing he’d glimpsed her open Bible.

  “Not a word,” he warned. “You’d do more harm than good, and I take it you don’t want that.”

  How? “We’re talking about a billion dollar business you’re playing around with, a dead boss, termination of upper management; Aaron, do you want to tell me your secret?”

  For a second she thought he might.

  “My secret, the same as yours. And I thought it was understood that’s the reason I brought her here. As far away as possible. She doesn’t need to know what I don’t tell her.”

  She stared at him for a long while, wanting to disagree, knowing some of Val’s reoccurring ill health was due to grief because of her nephew. How could Ashley add more? “I can’t promise you anything.”

  Aaron’s eyebrows lowered like he wanted to argue for commitment, but he nodded instead. She nodded back. Struck a deal with the wrong Gilyard.

  He didn’t say a word when she closed the door in his face.


  “Ashley, I’d like you to pick up a few things for me this morning. You don’t mind taking her with you, do you, Aaron?”

  He paused with his teeth sunk into one of Janet
’s amazing scones. Until three seconds ago, he had no idea he’d be leaving the estate. He vowed that one day when Ashley was gone, he’d find peace at his own table. He shouldn’t have told Val he’d be taking the day to relax—more like, recover from performing the cruelest week of his life.

  But along with his pulled muscles and bruises, he enjoyed seeing Val’s disposition in recovery this past week. Finishing his bite, he shook his head. Committed before finding they’d be taking the SUV to pick up delicate articles and samples Val selected for her renovation project. At least it wasn’t clothes shopping with Ashley.

  He glanced up to catch her looking at him. His glance turned into a lingering stare. Her hair parted in the middle today, a soft frame for her face. A pale orange summer dress brought a glow to her skin. Don’t mind at all. He shifted his gaze to Val who smiled across the table. A nurse, he thought with a slight smile of his own. What on earth had his grandmother been thinking to bring a woman like her into his house?

  He finished breakfast, took up his newspaper, and excused himself from the table. “I’ll be in the car in twenty.”

  She hadn’t spared him a glance as he walked out. He grunted, not in the mood to chauffeur her attitude around town if that’s what she thought. Ten minutes later he climbed into the SUV to wait.

  “You don’t have to take me if you don’t want to,” Ashley mumbled, getting into the passenger seat.

  Aaron folded the paper, put the vehicle in gear, and started down the driveway. “Val has Janet and Richard, a weekly groundskeeper, a part-time stable hand when the animals are brought in, and extra staff when we need it. For all intents and purposes, this is your vehicle for the summer. Do you really think she didn’t intend to ask me?”

  Ashley’s expression remained unchanged.

  He made it to the estate gate before looking at her again. “Where do you need to go first?”

  She told him, and he stopped in front of the address when they arrived downtown. Val had an extensive list, some personal, so he decided to take on the larger items.

  “Some of your other stops are along here,” he told Ashley when he’d copied his own list and she climbed out. “Take care of Val’s items. If the samples look like they’re too much, tell them where to deliver. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

  “Wait!” She caught the swinging door. “You can’t leave me here.”

  She was cute when confounded. “You’re in one of the most exciting places in the world, especially in the summer. You won’t be bored.”

  She slammed the door just as he pulled out into traffic with no destination in mind. Ever since that woman came into his house, she’d hijacked his mind, his date nights, and his own grandmother. He didn’t need corporate problems if he had her to contend with.

  At least his actions with Revealing were safe with Ashley. He was secure enough in her semi-promise, though her prolonged silence this past week may spell her plotting to get back at him. Hmm. Discreet and sly.

  Paranoia led him down a path of things to come. Ashley on a vengeance. Frightening. But he’d like to harness that power.

  What about Sandra? He hated to lay out a sacrificial lamb, but there was nothing he could do. There was nothing Ashley could do.

  Aaron’s heart leaped. Checking traffic, he swung the SUV round to head back home. Blood pulsed in his ears. He thought about Ashley, a woman who kept secrets, moral, loyal. He grinned, feeling more hopeful than he had in months.

  Ashley checked her watch. According to his phone call, Aaron was fifteen minutes late. Her twenty minutes of standing on the street brought more propositions than she cared for. Lunch across the street, an after-hours night club, dinner in Santa Monica. With a grateful heart, she watched the Lexus skid to a stop in front of her, and Aaron grin through the open window.

  “You look like you could use a ride.”

  “Where’s the truck? Did you get everything?” She peeked into the empty backseat.

  “It’s taken care of.” His smile was bright.

  He hopped out, helped her stow the bags in the trunk, and held the door for her when they finished. His younger, idyllic demeanor clicked well with the dark gray pants and a plain white button-down shirt that he left un-tucked.

  “Taken care of, huh?” She checked him out with pleasure. He probably had the items delivered like pizza, and here he stood acting like the king of the hill after a full day’s work.

  He laughed lightly. “Why do you look so apprehensive?”

  “You’re not acting like yourself.” She watched his smile. It was kind of sexy. He motioned with his eyes for her to get inside the car, and she complied. When he came into the driver’s side, she appraised him. “I’ve never seen you in a good mood. Like this. Never thought it was possible.”

  “I’ve realized anything’s possible.” He moved the car out, but she noticed they weren’t taking the road home.

  “I distinctly remember a ‘no kidnapping’ clause in my contract.”

  “Just this once. Please?”

  She laughed against her nerves. “What’s Val doing?”

  “She’s taken care of.”

  “Okay. Where are we going?”

  At a stop sign, he turned in his seat, stretched his arm along her headrest, and leaned in. “Ashley. Why all the questions? I’ll take care of you too.”

  She really was being kidnapped.

  He slid the car into first. “I’m talking about taking you to lunch,” he said, driving forward, and unsuccessfully hiding amusement.

  Was he flirting? He’s flirting! “That’s not what you were talking about.”

  “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

  He flashed her a chastising look, and she laughed. Openly laughing with Aaron? Who’d’a thunk it? Making sure it was a smile on his face she sneaked a peek. His head swung to her, and his light eyes laughed.

  Ashley turned away, her heart galloped with the rpm’s he used to race up the road, and she didn’t know what to do with herself. Watching the scenery, she tried to figure out when she could dare another peek at that face.

  Aaron pulled into Mirro’s restaurant then shrugged into a suit jacket as he described the menu and how Chef Pierre was the best in town. She barely had time to adjust to the restaurant’s dark interior when a female voice called Aaron’s name. She stopped short, fearing what type of Jade hurried out of the shadows.

  As the foyer took on color, Ashley carefully watched the woman about her own age, though shorter, embrace Aaron. Not a model, Ashley thought, but her face looked familiar with a cute Barbie-doll glow. Blonde hair spiked in a razor-cut style just above her shoulders while light blue eyes sparkled as she kissed his cheek and held his hand.

  Ashley stood back, observing the ritual dance as Aaron subtly seduced, and the woman flirtatiously rubbed her invisible lipstick stain from his cheek.

  “It’s been awhile, Essie. You missed Valerie’s birthday.”

  “I only returned from Cannes this morning. The crew is driving me crazy. I was planning on dropping by soon, though. I heard about the terrible accident.” She rubbed his arm then turned to Ashley. “You’re forgetting your manners, Aaron. Who is your lady friend?”

  “Ashley McKenny.” He slid his arm around the woman’s waist. “Esther Lihnk, the most unbearable woman on earth next to you.”

  Esther pulled away, pouting. “You’re having lunch with this brute? I feel sorry for you, Ashley, but at least I know he’s in good unbearable hands. Maybe you can whip some fun into him. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Esther.” Ashley returned Esther’s contagious smile and tight grip of a handshake. Not the Jade she’d expected.

  Esther slapped Aaron’s chest. “I almost forgot! I’m having a bash tonight at the club. You know the one.”

  “Hmm.” Aaron croaked a playful moan, and turned away like a kid avoiding broccoli.

  “I know you’re a dull, stuffy businessman,” she continued with an irritated scold Ashley c
ould see herself accomplishing. “But you could use a good party to loosen you up. I’d love to have you come. The both of you!” She waved her hand at Ashley in invitation.

  “I don’t think Ashley can make it.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Ashley piped in, enjoying seeing the side of him she never thought possible outside of Val’s company. She saw the moment his eyes captured her semi-dare.

  He kept a steady bead on her, his lips turning in a sneer. “She’s in town on business.”

  “She thinks it may be fun to get away,” Ashley put in again.

  “She’s pushing it.”

  “No. She has her own ideas, and shouldn’t have to check with you when she wants to go out on her own.”

  “Oh?” Esther’s mouth formed a perfect circle. Her head oscillated between them. “Is that a yes?”

  Aaron’s eyes swung to his friend, then shifted to the Maître’d approaching behind her. His smooth, stretched neck held Ashley spellbound as he leaned back, whispering something to the middle-aged man who took the information with a monochrome expression. Ashley tried to pry her gaze from his working throat and jaw, and from wishing she could tuck herself into it.

  “Ashley, it would be a shame for you to come to town and not enjoy anything,” Essie pointed at Aaron and whispered loud enough for him to hear, “besides Aaron’s company.”

  “I’d love to...” enjoy Aaron’s company. “…go to your party. Thanks for the invitation.”

  “Great. And cute dress.” Her smile radiated, then Essie took Aaron’s hand when he finished talking. “You two will spare the time. Tell Valerie I’ll call. I must be going now. I’m terribly behind schedule getting everything together.”

  “It’s good to see you, Esther.” Aaron kissed her cheek.

  “Bye-bye.” Esther hugged him again and, with a light pat on Ashley’s arm, hurried out the door, calling over her shoulder, “Order the salmon. Delish today.”

  In the wake of Esther Lihnk, a post-hurricane calm settled in the foyer. “She seems fun.”

  “That’s because she is. Very nice.” His gaze swung to the closed door through which his friend disappeared, then back to her. “You like her?”


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