Then, There's Love (Revealing)

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Then, There's Love (Revealing) Page 15

by Rena Manse

  Kicking her door shut, Ashley toe-heeled out of her shoes, shed her watch, rings, accessory scarf, sunglasses, and even a delightful afternoon, by the time she dragged in fresh air out on the balcony.

  Almost. The picture of Aaron with Jade almost made it from mind when she heard a faint giggle. Cautious anger had her peer over the railing. It was them, of course. They were making their way to the beach.


  Aaron stared into stubborn light blue eyes. He didn’t care how throw-back it sounded, he was the reason Val and Ashley were apart most of today, and Ashley’s place was to stay home instead of going to Essie’s scream tonight.

  “You’re not a hundred percent better. You haven’t been without Ashley during the night hours since we arrived back home.” At least not to his knowledge. Had Jonathan ever kept her out all night?

  Jonathan. Aaron pulled at his open collar, turned and paced the library floor. Even if the scheme he’d dreamed up this morning wasn’t the most unorthodox on the planet, it was viable. But Jonathan’s shortened business trip sullied tonight’s plans.

  “Stop worrying. Let her enjoy herself.” Val compared swatches against the wall and pouted. She looked too preoccupied to stay in the conversation. “It’s nice to have a man fight for my welfare, though. Do you think Ashley knows how that feels?”

  He slit his eyes. “She’s a nurse. What’s to fight about?”

  “She’s a woman. Really, Aaron, I thought you noticed.”

  He pivoted and strode away, loosened his neck.

  “What if Jonathan’s there? They couldn’t stay off the phone weeks ago. Now they hardly see each other. Doesn’t that concern you?”

  That Jonathan’s name hadn’t been mentioned as often at dinner? Or, that their good neighbor might forego networking with Riley Investments friends to repair the cavern with Ashley?

  “Let them have tonight.” Val chortled and aimed her chair for the door.

  Aaron shied away from the burn and scars on the side of her uncovered neck. He couldn’t wait for them to fade. They never would have happened if Uncle Trent hadn’t snorted himself into a hole. But then there’d be no Ashley.

  “Janet and I will argue over these samples all night.” Val’s voice trailed behind her. “You insist on being a chaperone. Straighten your face and go have some fun.”

  Chaperone? Ashley lived on-call. If anything happened, he wanted to be the one to tear through traffic to get her home. He trudged to the foyer. Paced. Waited. Chaperone? Had Val ever considered he could be Ashley’s date? Heels tapped on the staircase. He wheeled around to confront her and grumble his—

  Good heaven, that dress is way too short. Aaron wanted to move, remain calm, but every muscle petrified like limestone. She’d always carried sex appeal. But he’d never seen her wear it. Namely, the slip of a metallic sand-colored dress with a handkerchief hemline he’d approved months ago from one of Revealing’s designers. If he wasn’t mistaken, there was barely a back to it.

  Take it easy. Uncharted territory. He watched her float down the stairs just as she had weeks ago in the tight, black number she’d worn to his dinner party. The same dress, he recalled, that Lynda’s fiancé couldn’t keep his punk eyes off of.

  Her straight hair from today was swept up with loose sensual curls. For Jonathan.

  “Shouldn’t you cover up a bit?”

  Perched on the last step in those skinny heels, she had him near eye to eye. “It’s one of Revealing’s dresses.”

  He glared hard enough for her to get the point.

  “Oh, don’t be my father.”

  Her fa..? With one last sweep for memory’s sake, he exited the house to breathe and recoup.

  While the night breeze shrieked through his open window, Aaron avoided side glances as he drove to the club. Don’t look. Don’t look. The inner command weakened by the minute, and he searched for backup to keep his wandering mind on his side of the car.

  “Dressing for Jonathan?” He turned when she didn’t answer. Dark eyes, and what he had personal knowledge of, as soft, amenable lips, flickered at him between intermittent streetlights. Jonathan Riley could drop off the face of the earth.

  “He’s out of town,” she whispered, and gazed out the window.

  She doesn’t know? He hesitated, delighted. She doesn’t know. “He flew back tonight.” Another strange look, and he dug in. “Maybe he wanted to surprise you.”

  Aaron let silence eat up miles. Sowing a seed of distrust left a sour residue he didn’t want to acknowledge. Essie brought the A-listers together where they didn’t have to worry about paparazzi and fans invading, and through his social page, Jonathan conveyed he’d head to the party straight from the airport. Ashley’s misinformation meant she hadn’t checked Jonathan’s updates. Or couldn’t. And Jonathan’s failure to inform…

  Ah-h-h, Aaron wanted a front row seat for this one.

  “I’m curious. If you didn’t slip that little number on for your…boyfriend? Can I call him that?” A smile crept out. “I’m flattered. Really. Now, with me in mind, what made you think you’d be wearing that dress for long?”

  Shock palpable, Ashley’s eyes swept away when he caught her mortified gaze. Heat climbed up his collar. You’re kidding. He dropped his stupid grin and struggled to keep his eyes on the road. She’d dressed…

  “How could you say that?” she shot at him. “After the afternoon we had?”

  He managed a tired shrug. “My nocturnal tendencies have awakened.”

  “You’re despicable.” The whisper barely reached him. Seconds later, the true nature of Ashley fired back.

  He’d been wrong. She was downright fascinating when rattled, and the heated argument lasted most of the journey to the raving private party. He helped her out of the car, noted her downcast eyes, and remembered the initial shy horror she couldn’t hide when he’d teased her about the dress. Ashley had dressed for him. Probably thought he’d take her out for another date.

  Full of pride with no outlet, he inched closer. He glared down the extra male attention she garnered, and had a good enough excuse to lay claim of her hand as they squeezed through chatting party-goers blocking the entrance.

  Essie pranced in the middle of a packed dance floor, wearing an attractive navy blue pants-suit when they arrived. He showed admiration when she spotted them and danced her way over in the thundering music, a pleasing show put on for his benefit.

  “You’re stunning, as always,” he told her, feeling familiar warm skin on her back. “I could watch you all night.”

  She squeezed tight when she hugged him, and he felt Ashley’s hand slip from his fingers. “You say that to all the girls, but you better watch your tongue with your girlfriend here. It’s good to see you again, Ashley—and I love that dress.”

  “Thanks.” Essie’s lively personality must have caught, for Ashley turned a quarter pose in each direction in that funny, complimentary way women do.

  “You’re not a model, are you? I would have seen you around.”

  He received a hesitant glance from Ashley and nodded for her to answer. “No, I’m a nurse. I’m here for Valerie.”

  “Oh, that’s great. So you’ll be here awhile.”

  Ashley showed off a bright smile. He wasn’t surprised at the ease these two were getting along. He welcomed the idea of them spending time together. That didn’t mean he wanted to stick around for the women-chatter.

  “Aaron, you know everyone. Can I steal Ashley and introduce her around? You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Right on cue.” He stepped behind Ashley and flattened his hand around her middle as he drew her close. He lost himself, closed his eyes as her body heat penetrated his jacket and shirt. “Sorry about what I said in the car.” A light touch covered his hand, and he pressed shaking stomach muscles tighter. “You’re beautiful, and I’m glad you came. Just stay close to Ess. The men here tend to bite.”

  “Oh? More than you?”

  He slid his gaze down her
face, glad to see teasing sarcasm. “No one’s worse than me,” he growled, depositing hot breath over her ear, and taking up her familiar fragrance at the same time. “Come get me if you’re uncomfortable. ‘Kay?”

  The slight nod of her head rubbing his cheek propelled him to let go or risk a slap.

  “VIP,” he pressed to Esther.

  No doubt, Ashley heard ‘special guest.’ Essie’s somber nod meant she understood his order that no one questionable got close to his lady. He watched them leave and drown in the crowd. Essie, a natural conversationalist, would have Ashley interacting with all her guests, at the same time ensuring her regular security got a good look at the new face.

  He missed Ashley’s shy grace in his first stop catching up with the wife of an acquaintance. Wife. That was a good one. Her frequent attempts at hand-petting prompted him to glue one fist around a ginger ale, and the other buried in his pocket.

  “Aaron, this is Kate.” She blindly gestured to a short, twenty-something, brunette as her flushed face and slightly slurred words continued. “The new fashion editor for one of our latest magazines. Kate, you’ve heard of Aaron Gilyard. I’m sure he won’t mind conducting an interview or two with you. He’s…” she giggled. “Very accommodating, in many ways.”

  He choked on air. Playing off the insinuation, he offered a noncommittal nod at the introduction. Unfortunately, it must have conveyed interest, enough to send Kate into a blush. Accommodating? That’s how they viewed him? Giving nothing but a stern look, he left for a male-dominated corner and to stew over any other messages he’d sent eager contacts.

  His gaze strayed often to his latest project. Ashley seemed oblivious to the fact that she hobnobbed with a renowned, globetrotting cuisine and adventure correspondent. Essie Link, much in demand. Half of the faces here were either on or behind the camera. The other half owned the companies that kept them there.

  Though fond of Essie, television personalities were too high profile. He had a busy enough schedule without consulting a day planner for a little face time with his girlfriend.

  Jade slinked up to his side as he spotted Kavin walk through the door. He’d warned Aaron about Ashley. Warned him to stay away, that is. What was it his cousin had said..?

  “Did you have to bring that woman with you?” Jade sneered as she peeped down from their private table above the crowd.

  He glanced over the scene while Jade filled his ear with questions of why he hadn’t been round to see her lately. He found her—the object of both their obsessions—laughing with Essie, Jonathan, a female recording artist, and one of Essie’s producers. “She’s not bothering you.”

  Jade shrugged one shoulder in a way he assumed was meant to be flirtatious, and slid her hand over his knee. “Don’t you find it annoying?”


  Green slits pierced smoke-grey eye-shadow. “That phony good girl act.”

  Sexy, good girl. Aaron smiled. Whatever expression followed risked misinterpretation. He covered Jade’s hand to stop the movement.

  “Let’s find a dark corner.”

  Why? Because I’m so accommodating? He squeezed her fingers. “I don’t need it.”

  “Why? Wasting your time on that?”

  He let his stare drill into her but knew she never felt threatened by any who thought they could intimidate her. He suspected she loved the thrill of drama. He flung her hand away and let his eyes roam the crown to zero in on Ashley. “Last I checked I wasn’t the only man on your roster. Maybe you ought to check your options for the next few months.”


  She made him tired. No, that was inaccurate. Ashley flat out exhausted him and he came back for more. But he hadn’t spoken to Jade about tonight’s party, and he certainly hadn’t invited her to accompany him, so sitting here set his demise. He’d already made the mistake of going to the beach this afternoon only to find Jade’s sand-‘n-surf scene tawdry. She’d accused him of being with Ashley, and he refused to correct her before sending her away.

  Maybe that explained her clinginess tonight, restless to finish what they’d started.

  Aaron squinted into the sea of people. He hadn’t started or finished anything with any woman since Ashley came into his house. With a sneer he glared at her. She gave him the creeps. Even now he felt like this familiar atmosphere wasn’t his scene. She had him snapping to attention at her nearness. Attending church to show he would go anywhere to keep her in line.

  He excused himself and got up to find Kavin and, hopefully, some peace of mind. He’d run the new plan by his cousin. See if they couldn’t beat their problem with his messed up option. For the better part of the next hour, they shred and rebuilt the idea while Aaron shared his lunch “interview” with Ashley.

  The blond grunted heavenward. “I warned you. Warned you. Stop getting hooked on a pretty face. You’re gonna make a mess of Grandma’s situation.” Kavin drained his non-alcoholic drink from the tumbler like it was the real thing, and signaled to his date, once again, he’d be only five more minutes.

  “I haven’t touched her.” Aaron grinned and took the ten-second frozen stare from his cousin. Okay, he’d touched her by Kavin’s standards, but they both knew his. “She’s a Christian. Honest to goodness, bona fide…” He exaggerated a shiver. “…won’t let me close to her, driving me crazy, Christian.”

  Kavin ran his hand down his jaw. “Sandra McKenny’s daughter.”

  “You’re convinced.”

  “I’m never convinced, cous. We need numbers by the end of the third quarter, and your first choice won’t let you touch her.”

  “She loves Val.”

  Kavin held his peace for another piercing stare. Blue eyes narrowed as he turned to peer over his shoulder in the general direction of Ashley. “Break her down. I mean now.”

  Harsh words from the usually mild-mannered Christian. They shook Aaron’s core about the reality of this mess. His responsibility. His fault. He’d twisted everyone close to him, turned them into vicious tyrants. None of this is what his grandfather would have wanted. Aaron clasped a hand over his eyes and held his forehead.

  “Hey.” Kavin nudged his head. “I’ll back you up. But you need. To be. Sure.”

  He closed his eyes and nodded. Meeting adjourned. With the weight of a train on his head, Aaron went on security mode of his subject. She carried a new drink at every turn. Didn’t know the pious little girl knew how to down a glass.

  Thirty minutes of watching her increasingly reserved actions, he approached and pried the latest drink from her clutch. “Trying to get drunk?” He scowled and gave an unsuspecting, passing waiter a don’t-you-dare-come-near-her-again glare as he hit the wine glass onto the tray.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact. What’s it to you?”

  “Are you mad?”

  “No.” She touched her head. “And not drunk. I don’t—how do you know when you’re drunk?”

  How do...? Did she really just ask him that?

  “Take me home.”

  What a brilliant idea. “Wait here while—I mean it.” He snatched her arm and yanked her back when she started to wander. “He-ere.”

  A search for Essie put her with Jonathan beside a glass-encased waterfall, studying artwork of a ruined ship. Poetic.

  “Ess. Sorry, but Ashley isn’t feeling well.”

  Jonathan’s eyes found him over her head. Aaron met his gaze before returning to Essie.

  “We’re calling it a night.”

  “So soon?” Her gaze roamed the throngs before she smiled and winked at him. “I like her. I’ll pop by and see her sometime this week. Bravo for finding this one.”

  Okaaay. ‘Cause he had no idea what he’d found. When Essie’s attention returned to the artwork, his returned to Jonathan. They watched each other a few seconds, Aaron not even sure if an apology was in order.

  His next job would have been complicated, but after starting careful steps to where Jade tracked his every move, he sent her a wink and made his way
back to Ashley. He coaxed another drink from her hand as she tramped to the waterfall. The woman would be the death of him.

  He grabbed her arm and stared down at her. Peered into her eyes—he understood it all now—and lessened his grip. “Let’s go.”


  Ashley closed her leaking eyes and sank into the bucket seat. Don’t cry. Not over something like this. She’d chosen the wrong man to go out with. Big deal. She’d encouraged him to go.

  Essie had so much more in common with Jonathan, and they’d jumped from topic to topic without effort. Jonathan’s shy smile mixing with Essie’s permanent flush told the rest of the story.

  Ashley blinked at the passing scenery. The little vacations, believed to have added dimension and character to her life, meant nothing in this world, and now all the things Aaron teased her about rang true. She didn’t belong. Couldn’t keep up. She’d crawl back into her meager hut and leave these people be.

  She drew in a shaky breath and burrowed deeper in the seat. Adventurous men like Jonathan weren’t for her. Dangerous mysteries like Aaron were so far out of her league.

  She admired the back of Aaron’s head as he stared out the window to make a left turn. I’d love to tame that danger. She chuckled herself into a choking cry. Okay, maybe she was drunk, if that sort of thing happened after only three sips of champagne.

  After watching her pseudo boyfriend shine with another woman, she’d switched from her virgin cocktail to the bubbly. Realizing she’d debased herself over a man, she switched back to virgins. Sampling them. All of them. Might as well add a little daiquiri variety to her mundane life. Far from emotionally sober, she had to face the truth—and Jonathan—head on.

  The car jerked to a stop. Ashley frowned, knowing she’d have to walk inside on her own two feet. She didn’t even garner a “good night” as Aaron bee-lined to his office. She dragged herself to her room, fell face down on her bed—so tired—and buried her grief in the pillow. A large hand on her hip turned her over.


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