Then, There's Love (Revealing)

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Then, There's Love (Revealing) Page 27

by Rena Manse

  Unable to sustain eye contact, Aaron dropped his gaze to the library floor. A couple of slaps on the back had him close his eyes to remember an old feeling that was new. They made all of it real. And he would take Ashley as his wife for real.

  Aaron smiled down at lowered lashes as she watched him slip the rings onto her finger. They’d requested a matching band for him. Aaron wanted something to remind him of her.

  She placed his ring onto his finger then glanced up as she whispered, “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Oh, God, let some part of her mean every word. He had given her his heart and soul when he said those words.

  From the corner of his eye he saw his grandmother, Kavin, Sandra and John, Janet, Richard, Jonathan with Esther, Peter, Michael and his wife, and good old Uncle Blake and wife, all with beaming faces. The older women sat in their white rented chairs, crying silently.

  He stole a glance at the parents of his bride. He couldn’t be thankful enough that they were here and approved of the union. They’d persuade Ashley to fight for their supposedly failing marriage. That’s what mothers were for.

  As they signed papers, he wished that his own mother had attended. He didn’t believe the story that she was ill, but promised he would stop by and show off his bride while in Paris on their honeymoon.

  Standing before their witnesses, Aaron turned back to the minister.

  “And by the power invested in me, by the state of New York, I now pronounce you, husband and wife.”

  Aaron couldn’t be sure he didn’t share the same lost and bewildered look Ashley displayed. He’d kept himself away from her whenever possible to help make today special. It had been over a week since their last kiss, a promise kept. And now he didn’t know what to do. She needed a man of God with integrity, but he was too new in this life to know if his willingness was sufficient.

  Suppressing anxious and giddy urges, he kissed her gently. “We’re all right, Ash,” he whispered against her mouth.

  He felt the pull of her tiny smile, and brushed her lips with his before he smiled, too. He urged her with another brush, and then she nodded and kissed him back. The small congregation stood with applause, gathering round to kiss and congratulate them. Aaron loosened up enough to enjoy the compliments, enjoy being a man happy to be married.

  Him. Married. He wanted to be. To the person he wanted to be. For a whirling moment his axis tilted and he understood why grown men faint at the altar. I’m married.

  Like a dream, he watched his grandmother take Ashley’s face in her wrinkled hands. She kissed his bride and hugged her. Val tried in vain to straighten the short train of Ashley’s gown. All the while she rejoiced as he’d never seen her, and he wondered again, why, of all the older, more experienced nurses, she chose Ashley to live under her promiscuous grandson’s roof.

  My wife. His gaze lowered on the slender form to her tummy. A smile spread as he thought about children. He’d have to fight off boys from behaving with his daughters as he’d been with women. Not if he killed them first. That lost equilibrium sensation returned.

  Richard brought out champagne and non-alcoholic wine, and everyone toasted to a long, happy union. The four o’clock wedding moved the celebrations far into the night. It was well past eleven when he ushered Ashley toward the social room doors to go upstairs to change.

  Mom McKenny caught her hand and whisked her off to the side for what looked like a quick heart to heart. Turning away to give them privacy, he bumped into Kavin.

  “That went well.” Kavin’s gleam held more information. “And congratulations.”

  “And congratulations?”

  His cousin smiled. “One, I just got news that Uncle Trent’s accomplice may be a banker at our main branch. And two, congratulations on falling in love.” His smile widened as he backed up toward the reception festivities. He nodded at Ashley. “With that woman.”

  Aaron glanced at Ashley as she made her way back to him and took his hand he hadn’t known waited outstretched. He looked at Kavin who nodded and grinned. Kavin knew the score.

  Aaron led the way down the hall. He still needed to exercise patience until Ashley knew it, too.

  Letting her precede him up the stairs, he thought about their perfect day. Had she seen his grandmother and her mother making plans for another visit? A step ahead of him, she raced on like a bear chased her heels. He touched her arm as they neared the top to turn her around.

  “Don’t.” She jerked away. With her standing on the landing they were practically the same height.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Her glance behind him had them both checking down the empty stairs. “I’m tired. Let’s get out of here. I need to rest in a hotel room.” Her calm words clashed with her face and tense stance. High strung and calm, strange co-habitants. “You haven’t told me how we’re getting back home. It couldn’t be a plane, we’d be late.”

  “Home? Uh, forgetting about our honeymoon?” He hiked his eyebrow. “I’m taking you to see Greece and Paris.”

  “We’re not going on a honeymoon.” Her bitter, matter-of-fact tone cut him. “And not half way around the world.”

  He stared at her hard. “Yes, we are. The yacht’s waiting to take us to Florida. I trust you’ll be changed and ready in fifteen minutes.”

  “I guess I should have asked, but I thought we were going to your Markham estate. I can’t go on a honeymoon.”

  “Why? Make alternate plans?”

  “I could get sea sick.”

  “You didn’t with...” Jonathan. Aaron took a moment to spy down the stairs. “Ash, trust me. Let’s just get away from everyone…everything. Take our time and get to know each other. We need quiet time without prying eyes around us.”

  “We don’t even get along.”

  “We were a minute ago. I can’t believe you’re getting upset. What’s so difficult about this?”

  “Would you like to know why I’m upset?” She blinked several times. “I came here to take care of your grandmother, Aaron. One injured lady. Not to be abused, harassed, degraded, ridiculed, humiliated, criticized, or least of all married to you. Since day one, your sole intention has been to remind me of who I am and what I’m not. And to convince me the only thing I’m good for is to fill your bed.” She stepped back, tugging on her long gown.

  “All this,” she said, waving a hand at the decor. “I don’t belong in your circle, your high stakes of playing with lives and emotions. I can’t do it. I’m a business deal. Don’t play my fairy-god-father. I don’t need your honeymoon. If I want a vacation I’ll take one.” She turned around. Practically tripped turning back. “With my own money.”

  Aaron rose to the next step, tried to decipher the puzzle as something like fear toyed in her eyes.

  “Keep your money,” she said breathlessly. “All of it. Your company’s safe, that’s all you wanted.”

  “Not all.”

  A small noise came from her throat when he ran his gaze over her.

  “Mind telling me what’s gotten into you?”

  “What’s gotten in to me?” she repeated with enough conviction that made him not want to know. Yeah, definitely fear. “It doesn’t matter. I finally got the message, Mr. Gilyard.”

  “Mrs. Gilyard,” he groused, noting her snap to attention. “We settled this weeks ago.” He took the last step up only to watch her shuddering next breath. “I should, but I don’t care what you think is happening here. I promised your father I’d take care of you, and I’m not doing that on a long-distance honeymoon. Now go get changed. And while you’re at it, pry your eyes open and see when someone’s doing right by you.”

  “We passed right, Aaron. I feel damned! Don’t you understand that? I’ve attached myself to a man who can’t ngh—” She winced like she’d been burned.

  Can’t what? Can’t understand a single word she said? She got that right. Her face looked pained before she turned and stomped toward her room.

  What just happened? What just happened?
Aaron searched the hall walls to find some answers. Ashley’s guilt at their union was the last thing he expected. Gripping the back of his head, he kneaded down his aching neck. Ashley felt violated and he hadn’t even gone near her.

  Why’d he put himself in this mess? Better yet, why did she dig up the past? He regretted all the pain he’d caused when she first arrived. He’d been intrigued, but intentionally cruel. How she must have felt being innocent of his accusations. But now... He took a step forward. Father, she doesn’t believe my change of heart. About anything. His own stark fear of the motive behind his present actions halted him in the hall. She wouldn’t believe anything he said now. He should have explained before the wedding.

  Hearing her bedroom door slam shut, his fear turned to fight. Something ate at her, and she blamed him for it. He’d find out. Ashley couldn’t lock him out without giving him a chance to prove himself. Some truths, that woman needed to come up with all on her own.

  In the past few days he had repented on more than one level. Reap what you sow. The voice followed him down the hall. He would reap it, all right, but in the end, the bounty would still be his to claim. He eyed her door as he passed. And restitution was due.

  Ashley cried for ten minutes. It took everything she had to make it easy for him to get rid of her, but he didn’t take the bait. He wanted to take her along?

  She squeezed her eyes closed tight. All that work to steel herself against falling into his arms and becoming his wife in every sense of the word seemed for naught. How did one go about resisting her own tall, dark, handsome, kind, and beguiling Christian husband? Too much cruelty for her heart. It just about dropped into her Pradas when she came close to blurting out she wanted him to love her back.

  “Honeymoon.” She breathed deep and stood up, determined to pack away her pity party as she glanced around the room.

  How long? What should she wear? He mentioned Florida, Greece, and Paris. That sounded like a couple of weeks. The suitcases she had packed for a stay at home were missing. The rest of her clothes would have already ended up in Aaron’s room; when, she had no idea. From the back of the half empty wardrobe she grabbed the cute pair of white slacks and collared, bareback halter top. Why had she let her mother choose her going away outfit? And she couldn’t even change it.

  She showered and donned her new clothes, and then stared at her reflection. Her hair remained pinned up in sculpted twists and curls. No signs of a weeping bride. Taking her purse and overnight bag, she went across the hall to knock on Aaron’s door.

  He opened it before she finished knocking. Swiping the bag out of her grip, he stepped briskly by. Ashley watched his powerful body move in black jeans and gray polo shirt, not turning around to see if she followed. Did he care? She hurried along to catch up, feeling desperate to run after her man.

  Months ago she’d have criticized why a woman would pine for anyone this way. Her emotions tied up, she bemoaned her state, reaching him as he opened the front door. In the driveway, the trunk of the Mercedes flew open by remote, and wide enough for him to throw in their bags and slam it shut without breaking stride.

  Doors unlocked, the engine started, then Aaron folded inside and peeled out almost before she had time to get in her side. “I see you’ve changed your mind about me tagging along,” she murmured.

  He didn’t respond, in fact, he didn’t say anything until they arrived at the marina. Even those words weren’t much as he dropped their bags and turned to her. “You can freshen up,” he said, flinging a hand toward the stern.

  She stayed still, but looked around. Aaron sighed and dropped his hand to his side.

  “Ash, I’m sorry.”

  Air sucked from her lungs. What were they doing? She shook her head. “I’m the one acting like a child. I shouldn’t behave this way.”

  He stared at her, then nodded like she’d been right to take all the blame. “The head’s through the cabin, that way.” He pointed to the closed door again.

  She might have seen a humored smirk, but bent to pick up her bag. Nice to know they could put away their animosity so quickly.

  She opened the door on the far side of the lounge. The bed caught her eye first. A king-sized book-case bed, to boot, with color theme and trimmings to match its fine craftsmanship.

  Ashley frowned. How did they get a king-sized bed through a door this size? She looked over her shoulder to relay a rather bad joke, but decided against it when she realized he’d been watching. The intense roaming gaze and innocent side tip of his head made her hurry over the threshold and rush to the head.

  Apparently Richard had delivered their bags to the master cabin. That was the last thing she saw in the mirrored reflection before she slammed the door. She locked it and sat on the head for what must have been fifteen minutes. Aaron had looked like he wanted to be more than friends. She did, too, but crossing that line meant no going back. If-only’s coursed through her mind. Has he really recommitted to you, God? They could start from there.

  The yacht’s motor purred. Skilled as he may be, she didn’t think Aaron commandeered this vessel. How much money had she married into? The pre-nup promised an obscene amount over the five years following termination. Hush money as well as gratitude. She’d insisted they not give her more. She didn’t want to remember these times once it ended.

  Legally she was Ashley Gilyard. Janet would start calling her Mrs. G. She groaned into her hands, then fortified herself with a shake and a sigh.

  “Ashley Gilyard.” She rolled on her tongue. Her stomach lurched at the audible claim. She stood, facing the mirror. “Hello, Captain, I’m Ashley Gilyard. Pleased to meet you. Hi, there. Ashley Gilyard.” She rehearsed greetings and smiles.

  Eh, good enough. What about food? Nervousness starved her, but depression made her eat. Ashley opened the door with a hankering for salmon and crackers, and there Aaron lay on his back on the bed with eyes closed. Oh, brother. Had he heard her practicing?

  He sat up, holding up a hand. “I’ll sleep on the ottoman,” he explained, pushing off the bed. “You may have heard, there’s a captain up top. He’s a good guy, but I had to get away from the staff before anything looked suspicious.”

  Her eyes slid to the built-in ottoman, the one not six feet from the bed. She rolled her eyes and threw her purse into a chair before returning to the lounge. She heard him walking around as she sat on the sofa and he came out a minute later.

  “I put your luggage out of the way by the window.”

  The window lining the ottoman? “Thanks.” She twisted her lips and followed his aimless gaze around the room. “You can show me the rest of the vessel.”

  He nodded. “If you’re hungry, I had some food put up top.”


  Though now she realized that Aaron had said staff before. A chef, attendant. Never ending. She glanced out the window as if to see a lineup of crewmen feet hustling by, and stopped at the unexpected sight.

  “Wow. Look.” Whipping her hand behind, she flapped his arm to get him to stop and see for himself. “The moon. It’s huge.” The white globe seemed to want to dip into the upper atmosphere.

  She sensed Aaron’s stillness behind her.

  “We had our wedding night with a breathtaking full moon.” She’d remember this always.

  With a soft click, the lights flicked out, and gave the moon all the stage it deserved to float and spread its glowy beams. Aaron’s presence crept up from behind to stand by her side. “It’s beautiful.” Not turning, his strong fingers found her hand. “I won’t ever forget tonight.”

  “That’s what I was thinking.”

  She didn’t resist when a single tug urged her to face him. She shouldn’t be sensitive to his guiding. Just friends. After several seconds of staring at his chest, she dared a look up. The moon’s blue light streamed through the high set windows and gave him a television black and white look. Her husband.

  “I’m having a hard time letting you go, Ashley.” He must have been talking a
bout the suction cup of a hand he’d glued to her bare back to hold her in place. Aaron inched closer. “You know I’ve changed. Right?”

  Her gaze fell to his chest again. “How do you mean?” She needed assurance, confirmation before she could make a decision on what to do.

  “From when we first met. Coming here. I’m not the same person.” His voiced dropped to a low rumble that resonated inside of her. “Do you trust me?”

  With her, not so sure. On certain matters, absolutely. She nodded.

  “We’re married,” he said.

  She looked at her hands tentatively resting on his arm and chest. Heat travelled through him to her fingertips.

  “Look at me.” Both of his arms curled around her waist as she did. “I warned you before that I wouldn’t play with you. The state of New York recognizes you as my wife.”

  Ashley’s peripheral caught the glint of her titanium wedding bands on her finger. After he raised her chin, the cool touch of Aaron’s trailed along her throat. The tender and sensual gaze left her near breathless.

  “Will you let God recognize you as my wife?”

  She couldn’t swallow; her throat too dry. That would make things permanent, and she still didn’t know his intentions. He’d never said anything about making this a real marriage based on love and devotion. She wouldn’t desecrate the privilege of marriage. And despite what he said, he did want to play house, for sooner or later he’d send this ‘wife’ packing back to Canada.

  Her mother had just finished telling her that no matter how he made her feel, to always be honest. Bet she never saw this one coming. He put her down as a piece of property. Disposable property. Something he could brand then get rid of when the business requirements were met.

  Ashley’s eyes pricked hot. He was the only man to whom she’d give her heart. And he’d just said he’d take it give it back used. She tried so hard to stop the tears.



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