Thief: A Bad Boy Romance

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Thief: A Bad Boy Romance Page 32

by Aubrey Irons

  I let my eyes roam over the picture, clenching my jaw as I start to stroke myself faster and harder. I trace the curve of her arm up to her face, where her wide eyes are tinged with a touch of something that just might be fear or nervousness.

  But they’re also glowing with that heat that I’ve seen in her before, and it has me groaning as I stroke myself faster and faster.

  Sweet dreams!

  She sends, followed by one last winking face.

  Try not to make too much of a mess.

  I want to write something snappy back, but I already know there’s no going back or slowing down from where I am right then. I can feel the orgasm boiling inside, my balls tightening up as I groan and let my eyes drift right back to that perfect wet pussy between her legs. The cum surges through me, and with a shout, I let go as I feel it explode out the tip of my cock. I gasp as blast after thick blast rockets out of me and goes splattering across the rug, my eyes locked all the while with that jaw-dropping picture on my screen.

  Finally, I suck in my breath as the orgasm rolls to a stop, feeling my heart thudding like an engine in my chest and my pulse throbbing in my cock still in my hands.

  As my foggy brain clears, I blink and focus back on the scandalous picture in my hand and in my head, letting out a long breath.

  Holy fuck.

  Because that’s exactly what this is, scandalous. I just jerked off to a nude picture of the fucking President’s daughter on my phone, which I’m pretty sure constitutes a national fucking scandal. I mean shit, what I have on my phone is insane.

  But what’s crazier is that even after I’m done shooting what feels like a gallon of cum across the carpet, I’m still rock hard. My hand is still wrapped around a fucking stone-like erection, and I still want more.


  “Thank you, no further questions. An official statement will be released within the hour.” Irving, my mother’s press secretary deftly shuts down the roar of questions from the assembled press in the media presentation room, which is what he’s perfect at. He’s a master, actually, the more I watch him.

  My mother’s just given a talk on current situations with a flood zone in China. Her administration’s been sending aid in the last day or so, and I’m here watching from the wings because, well, I mean for all my bitching and moaning about being here, it’s kind of cool to see the woman who birthed you addressing the entire world on live television.

  “Nice pics, by the way.”

  I shiver at the sound of his voice in my ear, and my eyes flutter shut for just a moment as I feel his hand trace up the small of my back before I remember where we are and force myself to turn to him. “I can not believe I sent those to you.”

  “Honestly, same,” he says with a sly grin.

  “Temporary insanity.” I mutter under my breath.

  “Temporary something is all right,” Hunter says with a wink as he slides the silver and black phone that mirrors the secret one I have out of his pocket and wags his eyebrows at me.

  “Don’t you dare open those up right now!” I hiss, jerking my head back towards the swarm of reporters behind us with cameras and live feeds all over the world. I whirl back to him. “Delete those, now!”

  “Oh, relax,” he says with a grin as I watch his thumb unlock the phone. His eyes dip to the screen and the cocky little smirk on his face widens as my face goes crimson.

  “Hunter I swear to God, if you show those, I’ll show the ones you sent me.”

  He laughs. “Somehow I think yours would be slightly more scandalous, but I do appreciate the compliment.”


  “Relax, doll. I’m not.” His hand slides up over my hip, teasing my side over to the small of my back as he traces his fingers there under the pretense of leading me towards the side door that leads back to the private quarters of the White House.

  “Besides,” he leans down and whispers into my ear. “I like being the only one with the pictures of that sweet pussy of yours right inside my pocket.”

  I swallow heavily, feeling the heat creep over my face. “And just how do you think you’re the only one with pictures of my…my pussy, in your pocket?”

  He halts for just a second as we round the corner towards a staircase, and I shiver as I feel his lips near my ear again. “Because if I’m not, I’m going to have to find out who else does and have them straight up killed. National interests and all that.”

  “Oh, for God and Country, of course,” I say with a grin, feeling the heat creep up my face again as I bite my lip.

  “Oh fuck that, I’d do it just because I’m a jealous prick and that pussy belongs to me.”

  This time I stop us as I turn to him at the bottom of the small staircase, my brow raised. “Oh please.”

  “What, you think I’m kidding?”

  “I think you’re delusional,” I say with a small, flirty smile. The illicit thrill of talking like this with him, where anyone could walk by us, courses through my body like wildfire. “What, you think just because you managed to fool your way into my panties once that you—”

  He laughs, “Oh, ‘once’ are we calling that?”

  I can feel the pink flush through my cheeks. “Twice, whatever.”

  “Thrice. You’re starting to make it a nasty habit of letting me into those panties.”

  “Maybe I should quit,” I say breathily, biting my lip and feeling the glow of being this close to him spread through me. “Just to avoid the scandal.”

  “As if you could.”

  “Watch me,” I say flippantly, twirling away from him and sauntering up the steps. There’s another thrill that creeps through me as I make sure to add an extra little sway to my hips, feeling his eyes blaze into me as I walk up the stairs in front of him.

  I make it four steps before I gasp as I feel his hands at my sides, holding me fast. “Hunter—”

  “You can’t believe I’m going to let you walk up stairs in a skirt that looks like that without making sure we don’t have another scandal on our hands.”

  A skirt like this? It’s hardly inappropriate, coming down to barely above my knee. But as I stand there four steps above him, with his hands on my hips and feeling his gaze sliding up over my ass, I feel like I might as well be wearing nothing.

  The idea sends a shiver through me.

  “And just what sort of scandal would that be?”

  He chuckles darkly behind me. “Can you even imagine what they’d say if the first daughter was caught parading around without any panties on?”

  I blush, feeling the breath catch in my chest. “I’m wearing panties, thank you very much.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  I gasp as I feel his hands on my hips start to push the fabric of my skirt up over my hips. “Hunter!”

  I start to turn around, but his strong hands keep me firmly where I am. “Stay right there, princess.” His words are thick and demanding, and before I can even second guess why I am, I’m obeying him.

  I stand motionless on the stairs as I feel his hands pull my ass back towards him while he slides the skirt higher and higher up my thighs. I breathe in shaky breaths as I feel the air tease over the backs of my thighs, higher and higher, until I feel him pause and hear him growl as he gets to the lace tops of my stockings.

  “Do you approve?” I say, grinning as I turn to look at him over my shoulder. He says nothing, but suddenly I gasp as I feel his breath and then moan as I feel his lips against the back of my legs. “Oh, God—“

  His lips trail over my skin, and I tremble as I grip the banister with an iron grip, letting him pull my ass lewdly back towards him. We’re on a barely used side staircase towards the back of the house where no-one but me or anyone heading towards my quarters would be going, but it’s not like we’re behind closed doors or anything. Someone could see us. Anyone could come around the corner and find the first daughter with her ass sticking out and her damn Secret Service agent with his lips and hands creeping up her skirt.<
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  And that’d be scandalous enough before they learned that he was about to be her new stepbrother.

  Suddenly he’s pushing the skirt all the way over my ass, and I’m feeling myself go hot as I feel his eyes all over the back of my bare ass. I’m wearing a thong, and I can feel him growl as he sees my naked ass, split right down the middle with my black lace thong.

  I gasp to myself as I wonder if he can see how wet I am with my panties pulled tight across my pussy like that.

  “Naughty, naughty girl,” he growls, and this time I do moan out loud. Because this is naughty. This is dirty, and wicked, and hearing him call me that pulls something primal inside of me that has me panting for more.

  Because I like being a naughty girl.

  I like being his naughty girl.

  I shiver as I feel his lips brush over the bare globes of my ass. I can feel his hands there, sliding over my skin and then pulling back slightly before smacking lightly against my skin. I moan out loud again, biting my lip and whimpering as his hand comes down to lightly spank me again right there on the stairs. The sound is so loud to me that I’m sure everyone in the whole damn house can hear it.

  “You know, we still don’t know that you took care of yourself properly,” he whispers into my pink and tingling skin.

  “Maybe I’ll have to show you sometime,” I whisper out teasingly.

  I gasp as I feel him suddenly pull me and spin me around. His face is right at the front of my skirt as he stands four steps below me looking up at me with a glint in his eye. “Now,” He growls, his eyes flashing. “You’re going to show me now.”

  And I know there’s no arguing even if I wanted to.

  I bite my lip between my teeth, feeling the blood pounding in my ears as I slowly reach down and start to pull up my skirt for him. His eyes flash fire as he watches me, as he watches the garment pull slowly up my legs, and up over the tops of my stockings. I can feel my breath flutter as I pull the skirt up over my panties, shivering as I feel his gaze burn there between my legs. He leans forward, and I close my eyes as I feel his breath hot against me there.


  I gasp and jerk my skirt back down at the sound of Emma’s voice from somewhere down the hallway at the top of the stairs. Hunter swears under his breath as I whirl away from him, feeling the heat blooming hot across my face as I smooth down my skirt.

  I run the rest of the way up the stairs and round the corner right into Emma.

  “Oh!” She stays, startled, before looking at me with a puzzled look, and I know she can see the hot flush across my face.

  “Um, is everything okay?”

  “Fine!” I say much too loudly and far too cheerily to be remotely normal sounding. I clear my throat as I cringe inside, hearing Hunter come up the stairs behind me.

  She frowns through her glasses, her eyes darting to Hunter behind me, and I can feel my stomach dropping; she doesn’t know, you’re being paranoid. She can’t read minds.

  “Oh, well, we need to go over your scheduling for the next week.” She peers at me, “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re awfully flushed,” she says with genuine concern in her voice.

  Poor innocent Emma, I think guiltily.

  “I noticed the same thing,” Hunter’s voice cuts in from behind me. “Didn’t manage to put my finger on it though.”

  Oh my God, he’s insane. I swear my face gets even redder as I imagine disappearing into a hole in the ground, but Emma doesn’t seem to even bat an eye.

  “Oh, well, if you’re feeling down or anything, just be sure to let me know and I’ll have Doctor Richards take a look at you.” She smiles sincerely as she holds up my scheduling folder “Well, shall we?” She turns and starts to head back towards my rooms.

  I turn back to Hunter, standing there at the top of the stairs. “Guess we’ll take a rain check,” he says with a little smirk on his face.

  “Dream on,” I whisper sweetly as I blow him an exaggerated kiss and follow Emma down the hall.

  And I have to say, leaving him in the lurch for once has me grinning from ear to ear.

  Emma and I get about twenty seconds into looking over my schedule when my new private cellphone buzzes in my pocket. I glance at it and grin at the message across the screen.

  Be sure to schedule that rain check, princess.

  I quickly open the phone and type up a quick response.

  Looks pretty tight, not sure if I can fit it in.

  The message back has me rolling my eyes and blushing.

  I have it on good authority that it CAN fit, despite the tightness.

  I ignore the phone after that, instead turning and finishing my scheduling stuff with Emma while a million dirty, wicked thoughts involving Hunter tingle through my head. When we’re done, and I’m safely alone, I pick the phone back up and find myself grinning and blushing at the message waiting for me.

  I’m going to assume by your silence that you’re letting your own fingers do what I was 10 seconds away from doing.

  Wouldn’t you like to know.

  I fire back.

  Your phone has a camera.

  I pause, feeling that same tingling thrill from the stairs starting to creep through me as I finger the phone in my hand. There’s teasing, and there’s flirting with danger and being naughty, because doing this with him feels so damn good. But this is getting more serious, and more real, and I don’t know how much longer I can pretend we’re just teasing before I give in completely.

  Because I don’t think I’ll be able to deflect or say no the next time.

  In fact, I hope I don’t.

  I grin as I walk over to the door to my room and lock it before looking back at the phone in my hands.

  This is a bad idea.

  And yet as my skirt hits the floor with the phone in my hand, “bad” has never felt so good.


  I’m on the prowl.

  The next day, it feels like I’m roaming and prowling around like a wild fucking animal all day. Maddie’s tied up in meeting with some charity organizations her mom wanted her to get in with, and I feel like I’m fucking pacing like a caged beast outside the door to the conference rooms.

  Because all I can think about is the previous night, and the hot, totally forbidden, and quite possibly treasonous pictures in my pocket on my phone.

  As it stands, I call in so many bathroom breaks so that I can leave my post and sneak off to look at that picture that I get buzz from base asking if I’m feeling okay. It’s driving me nuts, like having an itch I can’t scratch, or an addiction I just can’t quench.

  She pokes her head out of the door a few times between meetings and winks at me, and it’s just enough to keep me almost embarrassingly hard all fucking day.

  Finally, the last of her charity meetings finishes, and the door opens as she walks the last group out, smiling and shaking hands in a very proper, presidential way as they thank her and wish her a good afternoon.

  I grin when our eyes lock as she’s shaking the last person’s hand at the door, because I know full well how improper this girl can get. I know that underneath that prim and proper exterior with the manicured expressions and the textbook charm lies a downright naughty girl. And I know exactly what’s under that formal little skirt suit she’s wearing.

  Hell, I’ve got a fucking picture of it in my Goddamn pocket.

  She smirks at me, in a way that’s trying to convey aloofness, like she’s amused by our exchange yesterday. But I see right through that bullshit. I can see from the pink glow in her cheeks the she’s been thinking of it just as much as I have this whole afternoon through all of her meetings.

  The thought of Madison soaking through her panties while sitting through her boring meetings all day has me gritting my teeth as I start to move towards her. She turns and shuts the door behind her before she casually strolls down the hallway back towards her own quarters in the Lincoln bedroom.

  She flashes a grin at me over her shoulders, those green ey
es sparkling mischievously. “Sleep well?” She says innocently.

  “Not so much, no.”

  She giggles, “Aww, too bad.”

  We stop outside the door to her quarters and she turns to me with this wicked grin on her face. “Bet you didn’t think I’d do it again, did you?”

  “I was pleasantly surprised,” I say, arching a brow at her.

  “Just surprised?” And then she bites her fucking lip again, and I feel the beast inside me roar. Just for a second, she’s got the same defiantly cool and yet quietly nervous look in her eyes that she did in the picture from that first night, and it’s like a switch as I instantly get hard.

  Instantly, I want her. I want her like a man lost in the desert wants water, and this time, a fucking picture isn’t going to satiate me.

  This time, I want her.

  She gasps as I suddenly move against her, my hands flat against door on either side of her as I lean in. Her eyes flash at me, and I feel the heat from her skin so close to mine, the intoxicating smell of her filling my senses.

  “More than surprised,” I growl, my eyes boring right into hers. “Shocked; scandalized even.”

  Her eyes flash again in that heated, hungry way. “Anything else?”

  In the flash of a moment, I’m kissing her, hard. She moans into my mouth as I take her lips with my own; devouring her, claiming her mouth. I grab her hand in mine while I kiss her and pull it down to press it against the rock-hard bulge in my pants.

  “You tell me,” I growl, pulling back with a final suck of her bottom lip between mine. “Would you call that more than just surprised?”

  She exhales quickly, and then suddenly she’s kissing me again. Her mouth is hungry, and her tongue urgent as she slips it against my own and moans into my lips. I feel her fingers begin to stroke the length of me through my pants. I growl and press her fully to the door behind her, grinding against her and letting my other hand slide to her waist, gripping her tightly.


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