Dawn (Hero Society Book 1)

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Dawn (Hero Society Book 1) Page 9

by Jessica Florence

  Her hands went to my jaw, keeping me locked against her kiss, as if there was anywhere else I would rather be.

  My fingers roamed up her back and down, feeling her without restraint.

  She let out a soft moan, making me growl back in response. With my hands around her waist, I rolled us over, wanting to feel her under my body. Her hands moved from my jaw to my ass, dragging me even closer to her soft frame.

  “Never going back.” I cursed and moved from her lips to her jaw, and down her neck. Her hips lifted, pressing into my hard cock. My brain shorted, and my pelvis surged forward to meet her. She moaned again, and I was so close to losing control. Needing her lips, and her breath mingling with mine, I took her mouth with absolute primal passion.

  “Draco—” she moaned my name, but not in a praise kind of way. She had something she needed to say. I pulled back to listen to what she was saying, but couldn’t keep my mouth off of her body. She could talk while I kept kissing her luscious skin.

  “Oh, hell. Uh. Shit.” Another voice echoed around the room. AJ. Rose’s body stiffened up like a board at being caught.

  Slowly, I lifted my head from my version of heaven to look at the kid standing by the elevator.

  “Oh, cheese and crackers, don’t kill me.” He looked like he was about to bolt just from one look at my face. He had mentioned earlier that he knew a lot about me through research, and was scared as hell of me. Right now, I wanted to kick his ass back up the elevator so I could continue my exploration of Rose with my mouth.

  “He’s not going to kill you,” Rose scoffed and began pushing me off of her. I stared at her flustered eyes, shooting her a look that said we weren’t done. Far from it.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I stayed sitting on the floor, calming my body for conversation, so Rose stood up, and waved AJ over.

  “What’s going on?” she asked with an unruffled voice, like she hadn’t been recently ravished on the floor. Next time, she would be hoarse, so I was okay with this reprieve for now.

  “Uh, okay.” He walked over and handed her a few papers.

  “I found some guys talking online about a big guy that is into serious stuff, and he’s been snatching up other bad guys. I had to dig really deep, very encrypted stuff. Only name I got was the Raven. I’ve been hearing this name around the dark web, usually tangled with the word powers. I definitely think it’s worth looking into.” He looked at me like I was going to give him a pat on the back for finding all this information out. Maybe another time I would have, but right now he was still on my shit list.

  “Great, now we just have to keep an eye out for him. Hopefully before he kills anyone else.” Rose handed the papers back to him and looked a little let down that there wasn’t any more information on this guy.

  “Well, actually, I know where he’s going to be tonight. At a club downtown, meeting with someone named Nathaniel. Apparently he frequents the club often.”

  “Not bad, kid.” I gave him the compliment he deserved. He tried not to grin wide, but failed. I shook my head at his excitement of my approval.

  “Cool, so what do we do now?” Rose looked between AJ and me for answers.

  A laugh bubbled up from my chest.

  “Tonight we go scouting, beautiful,” I told her, and she bit her lip nervously.

  AJ claimed he needed to go back to his new lair, and left fairly quickly.

  “I’ll get the information from AJ. We’ll finish up here, and then I’ll drop you off at your place to get ready. We’ll go to the club together and figure out as much as we can about the Raven.”

  She nodded and we went back to work, no kissing this time despite the palpable sexual tension between us every time we came within an inch of each other. By the time we were finished training, both of us were wound tight. Her cheeks were in a constant state of blush, and it wasn’t from the workout she got.

  We didn’t talk about anything consequential on the way to drop her off at her house. Both of us were just trying to catch up on everything. It was happening so fast.

  When I pulled up to her building, she turned in the seat to talk to me.

  “So I’ll see you at eight?”

  I nodded yes. I wasn’t always the best at small talk.

  “Earlier, you wanted to say something to me before AJ interrupted. What was it?” I hadn’t forgotten that she pulled away from our kiss to talk; it was something that I had been thinking about ever since. Blush grew on those cheeks of hers, and I was even more curious.

  “Well, considering where things will probably go between us, I think it’s only fair to let you know something.” She bit her lip, obviously nervous to tell me the rest of her thoughts. I reached over and ran the back of my hand down the side of her face.

  “I tried to fight it, and I lost. There isn’t anything that will keep me away from you now.” It was the honest truth. I knew what this was for me; she may not fully see it. But one day she would.

  “I’m a virgin,” she confessed, and while the truth may have shocked me a little, considering how beautiful she was, it didn’t stop me from wanting to touch her. She was a grown, warm-blooded woman with needs. Needs that I felt honored to be the one to take care of.

  “I haven’t done anything besides kissing and maybe touching on the outside of clothes,” she elaborated. Now those words were a bigger shocker than the statement before. Nothing. She literally had almost no experience. A memory of her talking about feeling boys’ emotions while kissing surfaced. The more I thought about it, the more I understood. The men who tried weren’t worthy of her, and she wasn’t desperate to give her virginity to a guy that didn’t care for her.

  “Come here,” I told her, and she climbed onto my lap without hesitation.

  “I’m honored you find me worthy,” I said, just before pulling her lips to mine. The feeling of relief hit me when we connected, like touching land for the first time of months being on the sea. We kissed for what seemed like days but had only been maybe five minutes before I pulled back and told her we needed to part ways.

  “Sure you don’t wanna come up?” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

  “Temptress.” I leaned in to kiss her again, not wanting it to end, but we needed to compose ourselves for later. Plus I wanted to do a little scouting of the club first before going in tonight with Rose. Wouldn’t hurt to know our surroundings, in case things turned sour.

  “We should stop,” she murmured, but didn’t want to part either.

  “I’ll be the responsible one.” This time when we parted there was a smile on my face, and hers.

  “Grouchy old man,” she teased, and for the first time in so long, I laughed a full, deep belly laugh. Old man. Technically I was an old man, which made the thought of sleeping with someone as young as her sound like a bad idea, but I was still thirty-two in body and mind.

  “Don’t make me put you over my knee and spank you, young lady.” I felt like teasing her right back, but then her eyes widened, and I didn’t know why.

  “I’m just messing with you, Rose.” She climbed back over to her seat quietly. I felt like I had said something wrong, and was about to apologize when she spoke first.

  “I’ve seen that in some of the porn I watch. I think that maybe we should try that sometime.” She didn’t face me as she got out, and I just stared at her as she walked into her building.

  Was she trying to make me chase her inside the building? My blood was on fire, and my cock was harder than steel. Soon, very soon, I would seduce the sexual deviant in her that was just below the surface, teasing me to come and play.

  My hands gripped the steering wheel, trying to keep myself from going up to her apartment.

  “You’ll see her tonight,” I told myself as I put the truck in gear and sped off toward the club. Putting distance between my siren and me.

  Chapter Twenty


  I was nervous.

  Technically this wasn’t a date with Dr
aco; it was part of our new hero mission. Find out about the bad guy and all, but that didn’t stop me from shaving my body, and lathering up with lotion to make my skin extra smooth. Nor did that stop me from digging through the back of my closet to find that skin-tight white sweater dress that came to a deep, laced-up V in the front and stopped just above the middle of my thighs.

  I was pacing my apartment in my thigh-high tan boots, feeling like a teenager waiting for her date to pick her up at the door. Stupid.

  My nagging mind made me feel like I needed to check myself again in the mirror for the fiftieth time, so I strolled into the bathroom and checked over everything.

  My hair looked good down, with little waves doing their thing. I added a bit of smoky eye shadow, and black mascara to make my eyes pop. The rest of me looked like a different person. I wore makeup and liked to dress up. But I was more of a casual dress girl, and this dress I bought on the fly because it was pretty, and I thought one day I would have an occasion to wear it. A sexy occasion, because it made my boobs look fantastic, and accentuated the slight curves on my petite frame.

  “You’re being a total girl right now.” Apparently the nervousness made me talk to myself in the mirror.

  Draco thought I was beautiful, and while I thought I was too, something about him made me truly feel it.

  Date night or not, I was hoping that something was going to happen between us tonight. After hearing him explain his feelings earlier, I lost it. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since I met him, and I knew I had feelings for him. I couldn’t really say it was one thing or another that drew me in, but more like the man as a whole. He was just something I could never explain. I understood his reservations when it came to giving in, but the fact that his wall fell and he isn’t even trying to rebuild it tells me that he is feeling the attraction, too. I trust him. Hopefully he would put that trust to use tonight.

  I let my emotions get to me this morning after that first kiss, and I should have known better.

  Thinking I heard something outside my door, I left the bathroom and walked over to my peep hole in the door.

  Just as I looked through it, a knock rang out.

  There he was, standing at my door, in jeans and a long-sleeved, dark blue shirt.

  I opened the door and gave him a welcoming smile.

  “Perfect timing.” God, I hope my nervousness didn’t come through my voice. I watched as his eyes roamed over me, and I felt like the dress and boots were a good choice. I did a little twirl to give him the full view of my attire.

  “All right, beautiful, let’s get out of here before I ruin our chance to get a look at the bad guy by taking you to the floor,” he said with a smirk on his face. I giggled at his choice of words and took a step closer, pulling the door closed behind me.

  “I’m going to kiss you though, can you handle that?” I titled my head to the side, part worried that he would try to take me against the door and part challenging him to do it. Kissing him had woken that part of me that I always had wanted to explore.

  Instead of answering me, he stood still and waited for me to come kiss him. I placed my hands on his shoulders and leaned up. He was still taller than me, even with the boots on.

  He kissed me back, but was very tame compared to earlier. I made a groan of frustration—that kiss was not what I wanted. I nibbled his lower lip, trying to entice him into more. It worked.

  He pushed me against my door and pinned my hands above my head.

  “Yes,” I moaned, and let the devouring of my lips commence. Something about him losing control made me wild. Maybe it was how tightly controlled he was most of the time, or maybe it was the emotions he fed me when he lost it. They were almost like an aphrodisiac. His excitement, lust, and raw sexual emotions riled me up like nothing else, especially when he was touching me, and I felt them in full force.

  Emotions were definitely added to the list of foreplay for me with him.

  He lavished every bit of his attention on our kiss, and then moved to my neck and down the vee of my dress. My right leg lifted against his, feeling the need to be closer.

  Then he pulled back, his eyes closed tightly as if he was in pain.

  “You have no idea what you do to me.” He blew out a deep breath and then opened those beautiful eyes.

  “I think I have an idea.” I closed the distance he put between us and reached down to touch his hardness behind his jeans. His teeth clenched, but he remained still.

  “All right, stop messing around. We have a job to do.” I released my grip on him and started walking to the elevator.

  When I spared a glance at him behind me he was just looking up at the ceiling, maybe praying for patience, or cursing the universe for bringing me into his life.

  The whole elevator ride was intense, and so was the car ride to the club.

  Once inside, Draco walked us up to a private VIP booth on the second story that looked over everything but was sort of hidden so it wouldn’t be blatantly obvious that we were looking for someone.

  Club V was a new establishment that opened up about six months ago, and was the hottest club in the town. I’d been once with Phillip and left. Too many heightened emotions in one room for me. But I would ignore them unless something off caught my attention.

  The whole place was painted black, with red and white décor all around. The bar was lit up red, and there were people dancing all over the floor.

  Three very large bird cages hung from the ceiling, their bottoms maybe two feet from the floor, with dancers inside of them moving their bodies with purpose. You can look but can’t touch was their motto.

  Draco had ordered us something to drink and the waiter had set them on the table in our little alcove of velvet and leather.

  “Times have changed so much.” Draco stared out to the scene before us and thought about what it must be like to remember to days before any of this. I mean ancient times. I wondered if we as people had changed the world for the worse. That maybe the simpler days were best.

  “Come dance with me.” I stood and held out my hand for him. He needed to loosen up a bit, and just sitting at the booth was making me feel antsy.

  “Up here until we see our man.” He reluctantly got up, and we joined the few people dancing by the railing that overlooked the main dance floor.

  I started to sway my hips with the music, and just let the beats flow through me. Draco was looking fairly stiff so I thought maybe he needed a little encouragement.

  “Come on, old man, show me your moves. You probably know the hand jive or the bop.” I smiled and lifted my hands in the air as if they could tangle with the sound waves around us. Draco shook his head at my teasing, but wrapped his hands around mine, and brought them down the sides of my body slowly. Once we reached my hips, he moved them over to his chest and instructed me to leave them on his torso.

  Yes, please.

  I felt him up as we moved in unison. Draco had moves that promised ecstasy.

  Too bad one of the guys we have been waiting for just walked in the door and was walking right for us.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Draco’s hands drew me close to his body as he walked right past us, and sat in the booth next to ours. Together, we kept moving as if we were just two lovers enjoying the music together, and not subtly keeping an eye on him. His was medium build, with tan skin, and black hair. I wasn’t able to catch his eye color with all the guy liner he had on. His clothes were normal. Jeans and a black shirt. He didn’t look like a criminal but if he was here then he was up to no good.

  I was the first to admit I wasn’t the best girl to do undercover work and I was nervous I would screw it up in some way. Thankfully Draco led us to our booth, and handed me my drink. He started talking to me about some of the clients he worked with. Figuring this was all part of the show so we wouldn’t be discovered, I joined in and talked about school memories like they happened yesterday. A hint of a smile grew on Draco the more I talk
ed, he was approving of me joining in on the fun.

  The man on the other side of the booth was the maybe recruit, and after ten minutes of him showing up, the Raven hadn’t come.

  Hopefully this wouldn’t be a bust.

  Just as I was starting to get my hopes down, a big man started walking up the stairs to the VIP section, looking casual in his swagger. He was tall, and very muscular. His skin was smooth cocoa, and he had dustings of white in his brown beard. His head was shaved. Giving him a badass vibe to his whole look. I got the feeling from him that he may look casual with the smile he had on his face, but I could tell he was extremely dangerous.

  This had to be the Raven.

  Draco leaned in to kiss me just as the man’s eyes moved to us.

  Yep, nothing to see here, buddy, but a horny couple.

  Since it was mostly true, hopefully he would believe it and talk about evil things with his maybe recruit.

  When the man sat down, Draco gave me one last little peck, before pulling back to listen.

  “Glad you could make it,” a man with an Irish accent commented sarcastically. That had to be the guy liner one.

  “Nathaniel, impatience never helped anyone accomplish their goals.” A very calm, but demanding voice spoke, putting Nathaniel in his place.

  “Aye,” Nathaniel retorted.

  A waitress came walking by and they ordered their drinks. For a few minutes they talked about a local chop shop that Nathaniel ran. How the business of crime was going, and things everyday thugs would talk about. But no talk about people with powers or anything supernatural.

  “So, what’s this big extraction plan you want me to do?” He said to the other man and there was silence.

  “Nathaniel, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but after much thought I have decided you are not the man for the job.” I heard a rustling, and assumed that he stood up from the booth.

  “Now wait a fucking minute. I was told that I was the man for the job. That’s why I came. What about the ten large I was promised?” Nathaniel stood too and sounded pissed. Draco pulled me in closer.


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