28 Days: a romantic suspense

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28 Days: a romantic suspense Page 15

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I saw the way he’d look at her. He loved Saige, and she him. I was jealous.” She shrugged and wiped at a tear. “No one had ever looked at me that way, but I never would have done anything to split them up. No matter what anyone thinks, including Saige, I love my stepdaughter, Alex.” She shuddered and Alex realized she was struggling to keep her emotions in check.

  “I know what you think of me because of what I was like with you and Quinten, but the truth is, you and Richard are the only men that I’ve been intimate with since I married him. And it’s been a very long time since he and I have...”

  His eyes snapped to hers in surprise, not believing a word she said.

  “Hard to believe, huh?” She fidgeted. “Richard,” she hesitated, “isn’t the kind and loving husband, like he is the kind and loving father. My life isn’t what it seems and never has been.”

  What was she saying? And did he believe her?

  “When...when the sheriff took Saige’s statement after selecting Quinten’s photograph, I helped her through it. The evidence had already piled up against him by then.” Christina started to cry softly. “I’m sorry, Alex. So sorry. I want to help you get your brother free. The detective is in town and wants to talk to me, so perhaps he can take my statement and that will be enough to cast doubts over Quinten’s guilt.

  “I just wonder whether there is a way of doing it without Richard knowing.” She bit her lip, something that Alex had noticed Saige did when she was nervous.

  He frowned and moved to crouch in front of her. “You really are afraid of Richard?”

  Her eyes skirted away.

  “Look at me, Christina...please.”

  When she did, he realized that she told him the truth. Her misery was clear to see on her face and in her eyes.

  It wouldn’t be the first time he’d been played, but he really did believe her.

  His heart rate picked up when he realized he had the beautiful woman sitting in front of him. No matter how much he tried, he’d never been able to erase Christina from his mind or heart, and he wanted to lose himself in the warmth only she could give him.

  The other night, he’d treated her badly. He couldn’t take that back, but he could make it right.

  “Where’s Richard?”

  “Jacksonville for the night on business.”

  He watched her and after a minute or two started to slip his hands up her silky thighs...

  Day 12


  * * *

  Saige had new meaning to the saying, cold to the bone, as she gradually came awake. She shivered and her teeth chattered together in the frigid temperature. Her eyes blinked open but darkness was her only companion.

  “About time you woke up,” a man hissed, and Saige’s situation came rushing back to her.

  She was going home to Quinten.

  Flat tire.

  The side of the road.

  The rain lashing down.

  The woman who appeared from nowhere...

  Saige tossed and turned in bed wanting to remember more, but too afraid to as she slipped back into sleep.

  “Saige, honey,” Alex drawled as his gaze raked over her. “You’re going to bring my brother to his knees in that dress.”

  Saige smiled and twirled around for Alex. “I hope so.”

  Alex groaned and laughed. “I need to witness this.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He went to the car for some tools.” Alex continued to chuckle as he indicated for Saige to follow him.

  Saige hurried down the stairs and caught a glimpse of Quinten on his cell, her heart turned over with love for the man. It would be their last night together before she left for school. Only one semester left and then she’d be back in his arms forever.

  It had taken a lot for her to pack up her clothes because her heart wanted to stay home where the man she loved would be, but he wouldn’t let her. He was right that she had to finish her education. It didn’t make her heart hurt any less at the thought of not seeing him daily.

  Alex flung the door the rest of the way open and stepped outside, calling out to Quinten.

  Saige followed him out and stopped. Quinten turned to his brother and then did a double take when he caught sight of her. His mouth fell open and his hand holding his cell dropped to his side.

  Moving closer to Quinten, his mouth snapped closed and she watched as seconds later his tongue slipped out and moistened his lips.

  Saige didn’t stop until her arms were around Quinten’s neck, her body pressed up against his harder one, and her lips caressed along his jaw.

  “Mmm,” Saige moaned when Quinten gripped her hips, holding her tightly against him.

  “How am I supposed to work when you’re dressed like that? All I want to do is peel this dress off you and get lost in your body.” Quinten groaned and tossed his cell into the car, his call obviously forgotten.

  He cupped her face between his hands and slowly kissed her. His lips caressed along hers, his tongue traced the seam before his mouth claimed hers.

  “I love you,” he whispered, wrapping her up in his arms. “I can’t let you go.”

  “I’m yours, Quinten. Even when I’m away at school, I’m yours. Always.” Saige buried her face in his neck and sighed.

  “I hear a car,” Alex commented.

  Saige snuggled deeper into Quinten’s arms, no longer bothered by who knew about her relationship with him. She loved him and wanted to shout it to the world.

  “Christina is due back. She knows about us and I don’t want to hide what I feel for you anymore...that’s if you’re okay with that?”

  Saige met Quinten’s delighted gaze. “I’m more than okay with that.” His hand slipped to the nape of her neck as his lips met hers in a brief kiss.

  “Oh fuck,” Alex cursed. “It’s not Christina.”

  Saige shot up in bed.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she stumbled to the desk in her room for the bottle of water she’d left there. Taking a long swallow, she breathed in deeply in an effort to calm down.

  She couldn’t remember anything after Jocelyn had arrived, but she knew that seeing her and Quinten wrapped around each other hadn’t gone down too well. What did she expect though? Jocelyn had still been married to Quinten then, even though the woman probably cheated on him from the start. One thing Saige felt was that Jocelyn wanted to own Quinten and didn’t like him being with anyone else.

  Jocelyn had been a very jealous woman where Quinten was concerned, regardless of how many lovers the woman had had.

  The woman had hated Saige and from what she’d previously remembered, she must have hated Saige very much, because she’d been the woman on the side of the road when Saige had been taken.

  Saige’s question was who had Jocelyn been involved with back then? Because there had definitely been someone else there that night.

  * * *


  * * *

  Alex was so screwed.

  No matter what he’d said, he had no intention of ever fucking Christina, but last night he turned into someone else.

  Hearing Christina’s confession had caused something inside of him to shift and instead of fucking her from behind like he usually did with women, he faced her and slowly rocked between her thighs. A combination of missing her, and having her gorgeous body beneath him, had caused his orgasm to crash through him more powerfully than it had in a long, long time.

  She slept beside him, the curves of her nude body outlined in the moonlight from the window enticed him to start all over again, but in truth, after last night she scared him. He’d had a hard on for her years ago and he obviously still did. She wasn’t that much older than him, but realistically she was so far out of his league that he tried not to think about it. He’d used the excuse that she slept around, just like Jocelyn, to keep his pecker zipped in the end—except her sleeping around had been lies. Deep down, he’d known that then, and he knew it now.

  As he caressed do
wn her side and over her hip with his hand, his heart leapt in his chest. He tried to calm himself before the panic could really well inside of him. The night would be all he’d allow with her.

  Turning her onto her stomach, he tugged her bottom up into the air and spread her legs, his tongue waking her body…

  * * *


  * * *

  Saige had nerves in her belly that were caused by a mixture of fear and excitement as she waited beside Coulter to go through another security gate.

  The thought of being locked inside the prison walls, never to have freedom, caused her breathing to hitch in her lungs. Sweat beaded on her forehead.

  She turned and looked around them, even though there wasn’t much to see.

  Coulter offered her a wry smile and squeezed her arm. “You okay?”


  He nodded and led her through the door. “This part of the prison is a lot quieter. I think there’s only Quinten in this section right now,” Coulter tried to reassure her, but it didn’t work.

  It made her realize that she walked close to where it would all end. She wanted to cry and wondered if she’d be able to hold it together until they left the dismal place.

  “Peterson’s waiting for you,” a guard informed them as he opened a door at the end of the corridor.

  Her steps faltered the closer she got to the door. Coulter entered first, and Saige slowly followed, keeping her head down.

  Coulter wrapped an arm around her and ushered her into a chair. She couldn’t put it off any longer and lifted her head.

  Quinten sat across the room with his eyes fixated on her with an intensity she knew that she’d only ever felt with him.

  Her eyes welled with tears as she looked at him. His hair and beard had been trimmed. His shoulders and biceps filled out the orange t-shirt that spread across his chest. But her eyes kept moving back to his.

  She wasn’t the only one with tears on her face and it hurt not being able to feel his arms around her, or to be able to offer him comfort—something that she didn’t think he’d had since the last time they were together.

  “Ms. Lockwood.”

  The man standing behind Quinten pulled her gaze away and stepped forward. “I’m Warden Jonathan Roscoe.”

  Saige nodded, afraid to talk in case she burst into tears.

  “As you probably imagine,” the warden continued, “I don’t usually meet with visitors, but I was curious about this meeting. You’re the victim, but wanted to meet with Quinten. We get this occasionally, but I’ve always wondered as to Quinten’s guilt.”

  That got Quinten’s attention as he turned abruptly to stare at the warden before his gaze landed back on Saige.

  “I know about your memory loss, but I have to ask you, is Quinten guilty, Ms. Lockwood?”

  Saige ignored the tears that had started to run down her face, and shook her head, while her gaze stayed on Quinten. “No. Since I saw Quinten on TV—twelve days ago—I’ve been getting bits of my memory back. The man who took me had slim, white hands. No markings. Quinten’s hands were”—she glanced at his hands—“and still are, large, and he has the vine tattoos that wrap around his two middle fingers.”

  The warden didn’t seem surprised. “Have you told anyone else? The governor?”

  “Yes.” Saige wiped at her tears. “Detective Robinson, and Daniel Sterling, Quinten’s defense attorney. He’s writing a report for the governor to request a stay.”

  Saige held her pleading eyes on the warden. “Can I...can I please move closer to Quinten.”

  The warden looked between them, and just when she thought he’d refuse, he nodded. “For a minute, but Quinten stays seated.”

  She nodded, and slowly stood on legs that she wasn’t sure would hold her up. Quinten didn’t move, but watched her intently as she approached.

  When she was within touching distance, Saige dropped to her knees and reached for his hands. She slowly caressed over his tattoo on the back and felt his quiver in response. Her eyes moved back to his face that was covered with tears.

  Her tears flowed freely as she reached up and cupped his bearded jaw. He leaned into her touch and, with her other hand, threaded her fingers through the soft hair of his beard. “I remember doing this,” she whispered, her vision going blurry with tears. “I remember.” Her hand slipped from his jaw to the nape of his neck as she leaned closer, her other hand grasping his.

  Quinten dropped his forehead and Saige could see the fight going on inside of him. She knew he didn’t want to break down…knew that he wanted to reach for her like she was reaching for him. Then his watery eyes met hers. “I love you, Saige. Don’t ever forget how much I love you. Promise me.”

  Saige had no fight left in her and sobbed at the desperation behind Quinten’s words. “I love you too, and I promise I won’t ever forget how much you love me...but you have to promise me that you won’t give up. We’re trying to get you a stay, and Alex and Coulter both think that we have enough to put doubt on your original trial to get a new one. We’re trying.”

  “I’m sorry to do this,” the warden interrupted, “but Quinten needs to be escorted back to his cell.”

  How was she supposed to let go of him? Even without all her memories of their time together she felt the connection that had obviously been there before.

  “Saige,” Coulter lifted her to her feet, but Quinten kept a tight hold on her hand, as though he couldn’t let her go either.

  When Quinten stood, Saige leaned into him and wrapped an arm around his waist to hold him close, her face buried in his neck. “I’ll be back. I promise.” She raised her face to his and placed a tender kiss to his lips. “I love you.”

  “It’s time,” the warden interjected.

  She felt Coulter behind her. He wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her back and away from Quinten, her fingers reaching to hold on to him even as he was led out of the room.

  “Saige, you have to calm down.” Coulter turned her to face him and cupped her cheeks. “Look at me. Now, Saige.” She met his concerned eyes, her sobs slowed at the urgency in Coulter’s tone. “That’s better. Listen to me. You need to calm down before the warden refuses you entry again. Do you hear me? He can do that.”

  The shock of Coulter’s words penetrated and her sobs turned to hiccups as she took the tissue from him.

  “I’m okay.” She sniffled, and turned for the door.

  “You’re not,” Coulter mumbled. “But I’ll accept that until we get out of this place.”

  * * *


  * * *

  Quinten stopped outside of the room and stumbled into the wall. The guard went to move him along but the warden stopped him.

  “Give him a minute.”

  While he’d waited for Saige to walk into the room, he hadn’t known what to expect, and that in there, wasn’t even like anything he’d imagined. His heart had nearly pounded out of his chest when Saige had entered. Although she’d changed her hair color, she was still the woman he loved. She was still her.

  Her touch had unmanned him—the first touch from someone who cared about him in eight years. He knew touching was prohibited between prisoners and visitors, so he’d been surprised that the warden had allowed it. A part of him wished that he hadn’t because he now craved more.

  Why had the warden been so lenient with him, not that he was about to complain, but he needed to know. His eyes sought out those of the warden. “Why did you allow that?”

  Warden Roscoe nodded to the guard. “We’ll talk in your cell.”

  Quinten let them lead him back to his small space and tried to control his breathing so he didn’t panic. The shackles came off and then he dropped to his bed and placed his head into his hands.

  “Is there anything else you can tell me to help your case? Anyone who seemed out of place during the trial?”

  Quinten shook his head and met Roscoe’s gaze. “Why now?”

  “I’ve always w
ondered about your guilt, something a man in my position is not supposed to do. I see people confessing their innocence every day and it has never been my job to question what the courts have decided. But you are different. I’ve been around murderers for years and never have I met anyone like you before. Hearing Ms. Lockwood, the victim, made me realize that something isn’t right.”

  “You don’t get a say in what happens to me now that the governor has signed the...warrant.” He could barely say the word.

  “I can write a letter in support of a stay.”

  Quinten’s eyes snapped to him. “You’d do that?”

  “It’s unethical to get involved this closely, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try to help you.” He gave him a sad glance as he stepped away from the bars. “I can’t promise you anything other than I’ll write the letter. The rest is up to the governor, and the committee.”

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded and went to step away before he stopped and looked back at Quinten. “In the meantime, try to think about people who were around back then…people who were around you immediately before and after your arrest…in court during the trial. It would give the detective more leads and get him closer to finding the real culprit.” With those words the warden nodded again, and disappeared.

  Left alone, he knew that he shouldn’t hope, but he’d been offered a lifeline and he wanted to grab it and hold tight.

  He should never have been arrested or convicted. The conviction had been a shock because he truly believed that they’d see the truth. Instead, they’d seen what the prosecution had wanted them to see.

  But, after seeing Saige, his body was wrung out emotionally and the anger had left him for now. It would be back before too long, but all he felt was sadness for what could have been with Saige.

  Regardless of her family status within the community, he knew deep in his heart that they’d have made it work, because he couldn’t think about anything else.


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