Sweet Taboo

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Sweet Taboo Page 13

by Emma Nichols

  “Leave her be. No more coming by her house,” I ordered in a low voice.

  His brow furrowed and he glanced at Tegyn. “I only wanted to check on you.”

  “Don’t talk to her. Talk to me. Got it?” I squeezed a little tighter and heard him gasp. I quickly loosened my grip, realizing there was a possibility I could actually kill the guy right here in the courthouse garage. “I’m going to let you go, but we’re not done talking yet. Got it?”

  Trent nodded and I released his throat.

  Standing a few feet from him with my arms crossed over my chest, I blocked Tegyn from his view as much as possible. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her shiver and was reminded how chilly it was. “Do you want to wait for me in the car?” I asked her.

  She shook her head. “No,” she whispered as she stuffed her hands in her coat pockets.

  I turned my attention back to Trent. “No more threatening letters,” I said gruffly.

  He frowned. “I never sent any letters.”

  Tegyn nodded sadly. “I believe him.”

  “The baseball through the window? The spray paint on the house?” I studied his face for any hint of deception and found none. The man looked confused and bothered.

  “Someone threw a ball through your window? You’ve been vandalized?” Trent shook his head vehemently. “I’d never do that. I have too much respect for other people’s stuff.”

  With a sigh, Tegyn murmured, “I figured as much.”

  Then Trent did something that surprised me. He glanced back and forth between us and sighed. “We’re really done, huh?” he asked as his eyes settled on her face.

  Tegyn nodded. “We really are.”

  He seemed to be taking it all in. It was incredibly painful to watch. And I felt even worse knowing that his acceptance meant she was free to be mine.

  “So, you’re saying we’re really done and you’re never coming back?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and his shoulders slumped.

  “Yes, we’re really done. I bought a house. I thought you understood I was serious.” Tegyn frowned. “I’m not trying to hurt you, but we don’t make each other happy, Trent. We haven’t in a really long time.” She took a step closer. “You should be with someone who doesn’t want to change you. You should be with someone you want to change for. That…wasn’t us.”

  Trent nodded. “Okay. Yeah. Right.” He stared at the cement floor for a moment before lifting his face. “I guess I’ll see you in there.” Then he took a few steps before pausing for some last words. “You know, I really did love you.”

  “You did the best you could,” she countered.

  “I did.” Then Trent slowly walked away.

  I laid a hand on my chest and studied Tegyn. “Are you okay?”

  She shrugged. “Sure. At least he gets it now.” Then her shoulders drooped. “And we still have no idea who hates me so much. So there’s that.” Tegyn released a mirthless laugh. “We should get in there.” Her brow quirked. “You have paperwork to file if you want a piece of this.” She smirked as she walked in front of me, her hips swaying with every step she took in her ankle booties.

  I chuckled. “I do. I really, really do.” Then I took a few giant steps to catch up with her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Slow down. We’re not going to be late.”

  “Security,” she reminded me. Then she sighed as we reached the elevators.

  “What’s troubling you, baby?” I asked with a frown.

  Tegyn tilted her head and looked up at me. “I guess I secretly hoped things would get better. I knew deep down Trent wasn’t the one, but he’s the only one I could think of. I just want a normal, quiet life.”

  “We all want that, girl. And we’re gonna get it too. Together.” I pressed my lips to her temple just as the elevator beeped and the doors opened for us.

  We made it to the street level and crossed the roads to get in the courthouse. Security went quickly, but Tegyn was still silent, lost in her own thoughts. I walked her to the door of her mediation.

  “Don’t you leave without me. If you get done first, you sit right here and I’ll pick you up as soon as I get the paperwork filed. Got it?” I frowned down at her.

  She smiled up at me. “Okay, bossy pants.”

  I grabbed her lapels and pulled her close enough for me to press my forehead to hers. “Nothing can happen to you, understand?”

  She sobered and swallowed. “I understand. I’ll wait here. Promise.”

  “Good.” I forced a smile and went to the family court floor.

  Filing the separation paperwork was easy. I didn’t have an address for Camilla, so I opted to hand deliver. No doubt she’d turn up again eventually. The woman didn’t know how to quit, in all the worst ways. Then I made my way to the other side of the floor to file the papers for sole custody. Again, it was pretty painless and finally official after I paid all the fees. Even though the divorce would take a year, although I back dated it to the night Camilla left, at least things were moving in the right direction and I had something to show Tegyn, proof I was serious and keeping my word.

  A smile played on the corner of my lips as I made my way back to the mediation room. I expected I’d have time to sit and catch up on some emails, check in with Tommy to see how Keyon was doing. Instead, I found Tegyn sitting on the bench outside the room, a shocked look in her face.

  “What’s up, baby?” I asked as I sank onto the bench beside her.

  She shook her head. “He signed off on everything. No more fighting. No threats of alimony. No trying to fight me for stuff I bought.” She blew out a breath. “It’s getting filed and then the divorce will be final.”

  I shook my head. “Well, I wish I could say that, but at least everything is in the works. I’m going for sole custody of Keyon.” I watched her face. We’d never talked about it, but I rather hoped she wouldn’t mind having the little guy around all the time.

  “I’m excited for you. I hope you win.” She smiled. “I adore him, you know.”

  My whole body sighed in relief. “And you wouldn’t mind helping me raise him?” I wanted Tegyn more than anything, but I had to put my boy first. He was my blood. Tegyn was my heart.

  “I’d be honored.” She reached out and touched my hand while she sniffled.

  “Were you always this emotional?” I asked as I shook my head in awe.

  She laughed. “I was, but the emotion was pretty happy all the time back then. My life was less complicated. Lately, my tears feel like they’re always just under the surface, ready to spring out.”

  “Well, I’m going to work on getting you back to happy again.” I wrapped my arms around her. “Let’s go.”

  We made our way back to her car and she smiled as she announced, “I’ll see you back at the house.”

  I shook my head. “Nice try.”

  “I’m not going home?” she asked with a frown.

  “You still have a crazy stalker out there.” I huffed. “You’re going to follow me to Tommy’s house. Then Tommy’s going to drive your car while you ride with me and Keyon. I’m not leaving you alone for a minute.”

  Tegyn shook her head. “You’re silly, but I’ll go along with it for now.”

  “Thanks for indulging me,” I grumbled.

  We made it to Tommy’s house. I had her on the phone the whole time, once I made sure she had a hands-free option in her vehicle. I’d warned Tommy of my plan at drop off, so he and Keyon were ready when we arrived.

  “T!” Keyon exclaimed as he launched himself into her arms.

  “Hello, little man,” she murmured as she hugged him. I watched how she kissed him on the head and the way her eyes closed as if she treasured his affection. When she realized I was watching her, she blushed.

  “Let’s go. Pass the man your keys.” I motioned to Tegyn.

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m Tegyn, by the way. Thank you for helping me out.”

  Tommy grinned. “Nice to meet you, Tegyn.” He opened his arms and I knew he was tr
ying for a hug.

  For all of half a second, I thought she might give him one. Then she simply held out her hand and his brows shot up. “She’s a good one, D,” he noted before we left his place. Tegyn had already gone out to the car with Keyon.

  “Yeah, she is. Don’t go getting any ideas,” I warned.

  “Don’t worry about me. Girlfriend just made it known she’s not interested. She good.” He chuckled.

  By the time I slid behind the steering wheel, Tegyn had Keyon in his seat and was climbing into hers. “You’re amazing. Have I told you that?” I asked her, once again feeling grateful to have her in my life.

  “Not today,” she joked as she leaned back in the seat.

  “Well, I’ll try to be better at letting you know how much I appreciate you.” I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles. She took a deep breath and slowly released it. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Something about her behavior had me worried.

  Tegyn glanced out the window and I suspected she was collecting her thoughts. Finally, she gazed at me. “I’m going to be alone in the house tonight for the first time.”

  I nodded. “I can see why that would worry you.”

  “I don’t know the house that well. I don’t know all the sounds. And now that we’ve officially established Trent isn’t my problem, I’m worried about who might be lurking out there.” She gnawed on her lip and I wanted to kiss all her fears away.

  “Listen, I’m using my whole team tonight. I can recruit more people if you’d like so you don’t have to be alone. You know, just until we figure this thing out,” I suggested.

  She shook her head. “That seems expensive and time consuming. I’m sure I have nothing to worry about. I’ve been at your house for two nights and it has been quiet.” Tegyn shrugged.

  She tried to appear calm, cool, and collected, but I could feel the worry radiating off of her. As soon as we walked in the door to the house, I hauled her into my arms. “Let me show you why you don’t have to be worried, okay?”

  With a nod, Tegyn murmured, “Yes.”

  I glanced at Tommy, who had immediately sat on the couch. “Watch little man for me a minute?”

  “You got it, boss,” Tommy responded with a nod.

  I returned my full attention to Tegyn. “So, this house is raised up because of the walkout basement. There’s no peeking in these windows,” I began. “Keep the blinds closed. I’ll close them all and check the windows before I leave. This brings us to doors.” I tugged her toward the front door and she looked like a deer in headlights as she followed me. “These are new locks. No one has a key but me.”

  Her brows rose. “That’s encouraging.”

  I knew what she meant. Camilla’s craziness had inspired the new security measures. “I’d give you a key, but you’re not allowed to go anywhere without me,” I reminded her.

  Tegyn groaned. “I get it. I’m here. I’ll stay put. Geesh.”

  I chuckled as I kissed her cheek. “The back patio door has a safety bar. I’ll make sure it’s set before I go. The family room French door is locked and deadbolted.”

  “What about the laundry room?” she asked quietly. “I noticed that door doesn’t have a lock.”

  “It doesn’t need one,” I assured her. “The only way to get in is through the garage. I have the only remote.”

  She frowned. “That’s weird. I thought they usually came with two.”

  “They do. The spare is in my office safe, along with my back-up revolver.” I pulled her close again. “You don’t need to worry. You’re going to be fine tonight. We’ll figure things out.”

  Tegyn held me a little tighter than normal. “I believe you,” she whispered. Then she looked up at me with her chin on my chest. “I need to make dinner. Is there anything in particular you’d like?”

  I shook my head. “I’m just happy to have a cooking woman in my house,” I joked.

  “Now you make me want to up my game. Okay, how about steak, parmesan mushroom risotto, and some roasted asparagus?” She smiled.

  “Are you serious right now?” My brows shot up.

  Taking a step back, Tegyn nodded. “We have five ribeye steaks, so that should be perfect. And I’ll double the risotto.”

  “Just when I think I can’t possibly love you more,” I murmured.

  Her eyes sparkled. “Well, you haven’t tried it yet. It could suck.” Then she turned on her heels and disappeared into the kitchen.

  I stood there staring after her, partly because I could watch her walk all day, but mostly because I was in awe of the woman. This was a lot for any one person to handle, and she was holding up like a champ. I glanced at Tommy on the couch. He’d obviously noticed her ass too. He looked away quickly when he knew I’d caught him. I glared and rolled up my sleeves. Before I could confront him, however, the doorbell rang. I walked to answer it, but in the short time it took, there was a series of impatient knocks on the door. It could only be one person. I opened the door with a smirk. “Hello, Mama.”

  “Don’t you ‘hello, Mama’ me. I know what you got going on up in here, DeSean. And I’m not happy about it.” She glared at me as she pushed her way into the house.

  “Come talk to me in the office,” I suggested gently, even as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and directed her into the room. I closed the French doors behind us and turned to face her. “So, the house feeling small already? Arionna could make the Biltmore feel tiny. That woman takes up a lot of space.” I chuckled.

  “I’m not here to talk about your sister. I’m here to discuss the white woman you got living wit you,” she snapped. “How you gonna choose a white woman over your family?”

  “You need to stop with that, you hear?” I could feel my blood beginning to boil. “That woman is my family. She has my whole heart. And she’d never try to make me pick her over you.” I crossed my arms over my chest angrily.

  “Oh, that’s what they all say. Then they got you whipped and wrapped around they little finger.” She waved her pinky around for emphasis. “Next thing you know, you abandoning yo’ family.”

  I took a deep breath and walked over to my mother. Carefully, I laid my hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “I’m not Daddy. I’m not going to leave my family, and I’m not going to lose the best thing to ever happen to me.”

  Her eyes widened. “How dare you!”

  I sighed. “I dare. Not all white women are bad, Mama, just like not all black women are good.”

  “Speaking of black women, Camilla dropped by the other day,” my mother announced.

  “Case in point,” I muttered under my breath.

  She glared at me. “Camilla told me how she try to make this work with you. She did everything to make you happy. You dumped her for this white woman!”

  “Camilla lies,” I retorted. “And that’s all I’m saying about that.”

  A second later there was a tap on the glass doors and when I glanced up and saw Tegyn there, I didn’t know whether to feel better or worse. Really, I wanted her to go before my mother could spit any more venom and hurt her feelings. Instead she opened the door and marched right in. “Hi, I’m Tegyn. I thought I’d see if you wanted to stay for dinner. We have plenty of food.”

  My mother sniffed the air. “I don’t know what you cooking, but it doesn’t smell like any fried chicken to me.”

  “That’s because I didn’t make any.” Tegyn laughed.

  Closing the distance my mother challenged her. “That because it’s black food?”

  Tegyn snickered. “No, it’s because it’s a southern food and I grew up in the north. Maybe you could teach me to make it sometime. Personally, I love it. And I make a mean potato salad to go with it.” She clapped her hands together. “You decide if you want to join us. In the meantime, I’m setting a place for you at the table.”

  “I didn’t say I was staying,” my mother snapped.

  Tegyn was halfway out the door. “I know, but just think of all the thi
ngs you could say about me if you got to know me better.” There was a sparkle in her eye as she blew me a kiss and sauntered back to the kitchen.

  My mother stood silent a moment, probably trying to process what had just happened. Me, I wanted to yank Tegyn into my arms. She handled my mother perfectly.

  “I see she got curves like a sistah,” Mama mumbled.

  “Umhm.” I grinned.

  “And that girl got a fire in her.” This happened to be my mother’s idea of a compliment. Could she be softening already?

  “She’s the perfect combination of sass and class.” I sighed. “She makes me happy, Mama. Stay for dinner.”

  “Is she making greens?” My mother wrinkled up her nose.

  I chuckled. “Asparagus is green.”

  “Probably not the way she cooks it,” Mama grumbled as she made her way to the door. “Come on. I don’t like a cold dinner.”



  * * *

  By the time dinner was over, I’d been mostly accepted into the fold. “Call me Mama Delta,” she murmured against my cheek when she kissed it on her way out the door. “The whole family does,” she added as she winked at me.

  “Oh, Mama Delta is a wonderful name. Thank you, I will.” I smiled at her. “Oh, wait, Mama Delta! Would you like to bring home some brownies to Arionna and Necie?” I started toward the kitchen to pack some when D called after me.

  “Don’t go giving away my brownies, woman!” He punctuated it with a laugh.

  I rushed back to the door with several brownies on a paper plate, wrapped in plastic wrap. “There will always be more brownies for you.” I shook my head. “Let your mom take some home. I don’t want to have an accident.”

  “An accident?” D’s brows knit together.

  “She mean she gone eat them all,” Mama Delta explained with a snicker. Then she clapped me on the arm. “You a real treat, Tegyn.”

  “Thank you. And I mean…really, thank you.” I looked her in the eye. “You raised an incredible man.” I could feel my eyes watering and I wanted to beat myself up for it.


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