Devotion (A Golden Beach Novella)

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Devotion (A Golden Beach Novella) Page 2

by Kim Loraine

  He winked at her and slipped his shirt over his head. “Yes, ma’am.”

  As the door closed, she sighed and walked to the bed. The last thing she wanted to do was make him feel like she didn’t want him. It seemed like over the last three years he’d been trying to make up for the one horrible moment in their relationship. His whole world had crashed and burned, breaking them apart while he pulled himself from the ashes. She didn’t know how to make him see that just coming back to her had been enough to fix them. All she knew for sure was that a baby wouldn’t be the glue that held them together. They needed to be strong on their own.

  The sound of the key turning in the lock had her grinning from ear to ear. As Donovan stepped over the threshold, her breath hitched and she squirmed on the bed. She watched his eyes darken as he stalked across the living room and through their bedroom door. Tossing the plastic bag on the bed, he pulled off his shirt, unbuttoned his fly, and dropped his pants, revealing the heavy length of him.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his voice harsh and rough.

  Her mouth ran dry at the sight of him. All she could do was nod at her gorgeous husband.

  With a wicked grin, he grabbed her ankles and pulled her body down the bed. “I’d better make sure.” His hands ran up her thighs as he spread her knees wide and slid one finger inside. “I wanted to be slow and gentle, sweetheart, but I can’t. Not anymore.”

  Shaking her head, she tangled her fingers in his hair. “Get up here and kiss me. I need you.”

  Crawling over her body, he groaned when her hand gripped his erection, sliding over the rigid shaft. His eyes rolled back in his head and he groped blindly for the box of condoms. After rolling the latex barrier down his length, he gazed at her, his expression changing from fierce and full of lust, to loving and soft.

  “I love you. So fucking much.”

  As she positioned him at her entrance, she whispered, “Me, too, hotshot.”

  He filled her in one strong thrust and as they moved together, she knew they’d be all right. The love between them grew stronger each day. She just wished there was a way for her to show him she didn’t doubt him.

  Chapter 2

  “So, she doesn’t want a baby right now, what’s the big deal?”

  Donovan fought the urge to shift in his seat as Angela stared at him over the rim of her coffee cup. It had been weeks since he and Valerie had talked about babies, but still the conversation left him feeling unsettled.

  “It’s not that she doesn’t want a baby. It’s how she acted. Like she was scared. It brought me right back to the wedding. I hate being this fucking guy. The insecure, needy asshole. But, Angie, she almost left me at the fucking altar.”

  Just thinking of that day made his chest tight.

  Angela rolled her eyes. “You’re being dramatic. She wasn’t even close to leaving you. She just had a . . . momentary freak out.”

  “You walked two miles down the beach. She was ten minutes late to the ceremony.”

  With a heavy sigh, his best friend put her hand on his across the table. “Donovan, you know as well as I do that Valerie loves you. She came back. That’s what matters.”

  “Of course you’d say that. You’re her sister. You know her better than anyone. Is she worried I’m going to leave? Does she really trust me?” Dropping his head into his hands, he sighed. “Sometimes I think she’s going to wake up and realize I wasn’t the right choice. That I don’t deserve her.”

  “You’re an idiot if you think she would have married you if she didn’t trust you. She’s been hurt too many times before to marry someone she doesn’t trust.”

  Taking a deep breath, he brought the mug to his lips and drank deep. Angela’s words helped. He hated how much he needed her to ease his worries.

  “Thanks, Angie.”

  The look on her face made that tightness in his chest loosen just a bit. “She’s lucky to have you. I know you don’t see it, but she’s never been with someone who loved her enough to worry about stuff like this.”

  “Stuff like what?”

  “Like whether you’re good enough for her. Blake always made her feel like she wasn’t enough. But you? She’s never felt like you wanted her to be anything other than herself. You love her the way she deserves and she knows that.”

  Nodding, he drained his cup, trying to hide the fact that he couldn’t speak through his worry. He opened the menu before clearing his throat. “Ready to order?”

  “I’m so hungry. I’ve heard the apple pancake is amazing.”

  Cocking an eyebrow, he looked at the menu. “It’s almost twenty bucks.”

  “And I bet it’s worth every penny.”

  “You’d better let me try it then.”

  Angie shook her head. “No way. Get your own. Besides, if Gare knows I came here and didn’t bring him leftovers, he won’t do that thing with his—”

  “Stop right there. Don’t make me lose my appetite before we even put in our orders.”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “You’re too easy.”

  After closing their menus, the waitress descended on them, eager and smiling. “You guys ready to order?”

  Angie’s wide grin of recognition had Donovan wondering just how well these two knew each other. “Hey, Lauren. I thought Kayleen was going to be our server today.”

  Lauren smiled, her face lighting up. “Oh, I was just running late. I’m moving into my new place and my alarm didn’t go off this morning.”

  “You and Dean moved?”

  Cheeks turning bright red, Lauren cast her eyes down and shook her head. “We . . . broke things off for good a few weeks ago. I moved into my own place.”

  “What? Why didn’t you call me? Gare and I could have helped you move.”

  “It’s fine.” She waved a dismissive hand. “I didn’t have much to move anyway. Dean’s being good about it. He helped me. But, I’m babbling and you two are probably hungry.” Turning her focus on Donovan, she pasted on that bright smile again. “I’m Lauren, by the way.”

  “Donovan. Nice to meet you.”

  Lauren raised a quizzical eyebrow and jutted her chin at Angie. “Garrett know you’re hanging out with guys like him?”

  “He’s my brother-in-law. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

  “I’m just kidding. Did I hear you two talking about the apple pancake? Is that what you’re getting?”

  Angie grinned and nodded.

  “How about you, Donovan?”

  “I think I’ll go with Eggs Benedict.”

  Shaking her head, Angie muttered, “You’re not getting a bite of my pancake, so don’t even ask.”

  Lauren let out a chuckle and took their menus. “I’ll get those in for you and bring more coffee. We just brewed a fresh pot.” Turning on her heel, she headed toward the kitchen, long dark hair swishing from its high ponytail.

  “She seems nice.”

  Angie nodded. “I really like her. I can’t believe you haven’t met her yet.” She toyed with her napkin. “Poor thing. She moved here for Dean. Maybe we should set her up with one of the guys at the station? Who’s the least manwhoreish?”

  He let out a harsh bark of laughter. “Me, but I’m taken, and I don’t think manwhoreish is a word.”

  “Okay, maybe the fire station isn’t the best place to look. But every guy I know is either married or gay, or both.”

  “You could always call Aiden Boyd. I hear he’s back on the market . . . again.”

  She narrowed her eyes and glowered. “Not funny. You know Aiden is a sore subject.”

  “Sorry. Low blow.”

  Her phone lit up and buzzed, dancing across the tabletop, a text popping up on the screen. “Shit. That’s Parker. If I tell him I’m here he’ll want me to buy him brea
kfast before I head over to his house.”

  “You guys working on something?”

  Pride filled her expression. “A new album. We’re planning a soft release in a few months, then maybe a tour next year. Once Lennon is old enough to come with us.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  Her bright smile made him forget his own worries. “It is. Man, two years ago, I would never have imagined I’d be here, and this . . . happy. I thought I was going to end up alone and living on your boat.”

  Two years earlier, Angie had just about lost everything that mattered. His problems seemed like nothing compared to that. Raking a hand through his hair, he heaved a sigh. “So, what you’re saying is, I’m worrying over nothing.”

  Winking, she took another sip of her coffee. “Exactly. You’ve had her since she cracked her head open in the pool.”

  “Thanks, Angie.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “So this is really good for up to five years?” Valerie’s best friend, Lena, asked as they sat on the boardwalk, sipping margaritas in the fading sun.

  “Doctor Hilgart said all I need to do is have it removed when we’re ready to have a baby. Other than that, I won’t even know it’s there.”

  “And it’s just a little piece of plastic?”

  “Yeah. I’ve had it a month now. Oh, and the best part, she said my periods will probably stop.”

  Lena’s eyes widened. “Won’t you constantly be worried you’re knocked up?”

  “No. The chances of getting pregnant with an IUD are slim to none.”

  Pursing her lips, Lena glanced thoughtfully at the crashing waves. “So, no pregnancy, no periods, and sex without condoms. Sign me up. Michael and I subscribed to the pull and pray method. I didn’t mind when we weren’t trying to prevent a baby, but I doubt either of us wants to go back to latex.”

  Valerie laughed and drained the last of her drink. “So, what are we doing tonight?”

  “Aside from this?” Lena gestured at the table with a pitcher of margaritas and their empty plates.

  “Yes. I haven’t seen you in weeks. I know you’re busy with the baby, but I miss you. And Donovan’s been gone fighting that wildfire in North Carolina for the last five days.”

  Lena’s face turned concerned. “Is he okay?”

  “He is. I just talked to him a few hours ago. He said they’ve got the blaze contained. He should be home tomorrow night.”

  Valerie reached across the table to pour a second drink into Lena’s glass, but her friend shook her head. “No more for me. I’m a one and done kind of girl lately. Besides, I’m breastfeeding, and pump and dump is just a myth.”

  “Then why did you let me order a pitcher?”

  “You’re funny when you’re drunk.”

  “Ugh. Did Donovan put you up to this?” Valerie complained even as she filled her own glass. Just the thought of seeing him made her stomach clench.

  “Maybe.” The voice that answered wasn’t Lena’s. Donovan’s deep, husky rumble sent a shiver down her spine in all the right ways. His lips pressed on her shoulder as he came up behind her.

  “And, that’s my cue. Thanks for inviting me to dinner, Val. I’ll leave you guys to it.” Lena deposited a few bills on the table to cover her portion, and waved as she headed toward the exit.

  Grabbing Lena’s vacated chair, Donovan pulled it closer to Valerie’s side of the table. “Hey, sweetheart.”

  “What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow night at the earliest.”

  His fingers trailed over the nape of her neck and along the column of her throat. “I couldn’t be away that long. There’s something about feeling you in the bed next to me. I sleep better.”

  She giggled, head swimming enough for her to realize she was buzzed. But he was so handsome, with those green eyes of his, and that swagger. God, the swagger. “You’re doing it again.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Being all piratey.”

  He cocked an eyebrow and leaned in. “You like it when I’m a little bit bad?”

  “I do.” Heat raced through her at the scent of his aftershave, and when his stubble brushed her jaw she had to suck in a breath to keep herself steady.

  “Finish that drink, then I’m taking my girl out.”

  Shaking her head, she slid her hand along his cheek before pulling him in for a kiss. “I want you to take me home.”

  He groaned against her mouth but pulled away. “Nope. I’m not letting your buzz go to waste.” His gaze slid over her bare legs. “I’m so glad you wore this dress.”

  “I think I will be, too.”

  Fingers toying with the hemline of her skirt, he brushed her inner thigh before standing and pulling her from the chair. “Let’s pay and get out of here.”

  As they walked to Donovan’s jeep, her heart fluttered. He’d been tense over the last few weeks and she’d felt the distance with every breath. His hand rested on the small of her back, guiding her toward the passenger door. “It feels like we’re on a date, not an old married couple.”

  Leaning in, he pressed his hips against hers, backing her up until she was trapped between him and the jeep. “There’s nothing old about us, sweetheart.” The smirk that turned up his lips sent butterflies fluttering in her belly. “Now, give me those gorgeous lips of yours. Sweet little kisses are nice, but I want to really taste you now that we’re not in the middle of a restaurant.”

  His hands trailed along her shoulders and up her neck until he cradled her face in his large palms. Breathing him in, she closed her eyes and waited for him to close the distance between their lips. That first brush of his mouth sent tingles all over her body, and when his tongue parted her lips, she sighed and melted into him.

  “I’m glad you came home early,” she murmured as he pulled back.

  His breaths came harsh, eyes hooded with need. “Me, too.”

  “Are you sure you want to go out? I can think of a lot of fun things we can’t do if we’re in public.”

  A groan escaped his mouth as she slid her hand down his front, gripping his belt. “You drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Miller.”

  “What can I say? I’m a teacher. I’m good at . . . redirection.”

  “Can you wear the glasses tonight, sweetheart?”

  Her cheeks burned. “Do you need me to give you a little help after class, Mister Miller?”

  “I do. I’ve been falling behind. I think I need some hands-on tutoring.”

  “We’d better get going, then. I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

  He bit his lower lip before leaning back down and kissing the spot directly under her earlobe and whispering, “I hope you’re not planning on getting any sleep tonight.”

  “Definitely not.”

  Chapter 3

  Donovan frowned down at his boots as he sat next to Tommy Klipper’s old locker in the fire station. The masking tape label had been removed and replaced with a fresh piece; Oliver scrawled across it in black permanent marker. It had been long enough, over a year since Klip died, but it didn’t get any easier. Losing a brother in the line of duty left a huge hole in the crew. Now they’d lost two good men, and Donovan had been present for both calls. He’d seen the men in their final moments. Nightmares still woke him with a scream caught in his throat and an ache along his scarred thigh.

  Sully settled next to him, his long torso making him appear taller than Donovan by a good three inches, when in reality, they stood the same height. “You ready for this?”

  Shrugging, Donovan sighed. “It was time. Besides, Klip and Alex were friends. He’d be glad to see Alex getting his locker.”

  “Doesn’t make it any easier.”


  The man in question walked in, bag slung over hi
s broad shoulder. Alex Oliver looked like his younger brother, Michael, only taller.

  “Holy shit, look who it is! Hey, old man. You just couldn’t get enough of us, huh?” Sully’s words stayed light as he beamed at the man.

  Shrugging out of his light jacket, Alex repositioned his bag and shook hands with each of them. “Sully. Miller. Good to see you guys.”

  Donovan forced a smile. Alex was a good guy who’d been put through the wringer. Trying to push past his loyalty to Klip, he tried to make conversation. “The chief says you’re on search and rescue.”

  Nodding, Alex pulled his bag higher on his shoulder. “Did it for ten years. Figured it made sense to come back to what I know.”

  “You’re taking Klip’s locker. Did the chief tell you that?” Anger crept out unintentionally. The man had left the fire service willingly, abandoned his brothers, and run away. Now he got to use Klip’s locker. Knowing the guy didn’t make it any easier for Donovan to accept him as Klipper’s replacement.

  “He did.”

  “You gonna decide to leave us again when you can’t handle it?”

  Sully threw a towel at Donovan’s head. “Shut up. He’s here now. It’s good to have another Oliver on the crew. It hasn’t been the same since Michael made the move to fire investigation. Didn’t feel right not to have at least one of you here.”

  Alex nodded and walked away without another word, and Donovan immediately felt like shit.

  “Jesus, Miller. What crawled up your ass and died? It’s been long enough. Cut the guy some slack. You know he only left because John died. He was trying to do the right thing by his mama and keep her worry to a minimum.”

  Running a hand over his jaw, Donovan sighed. “I know. Shit. I’m an asshole.”

  “Yeah, you are.”

  “Fuck you, Sullivan.”

  Sully chuckled. “No thanks. I’m not into dudes.”


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