A Woman In Love: Book Four (The Woman I Love Series 4)

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A Woman In Love: Book Four (The Woman I Love Series 4) Page 6

by G S Binkley

Bright eyes shined at her grandfather. “Pwease Haywee.”

  Derek rolled his gray eyes. “She can’t even say her own name right.”

  “No, Hayley. Say please grandpa.”

  “Okay.” The little blonde said then paused until Sammy nudged her. “Pwease pawpaw.”

  Daniel grabbed the toddler under her arms and lifted her up high into the air. “You want your pawpaw to take you on another ride, do you?”

  “Me… me, too, grandpa.” Sammy stood in the trailer. “I wanna fly, too.”

  “Uh… oh.” Instead of his mock attempt at discouraging the kids from one more ride so he could finish the lawn, Daniel had inadvertently now put himself in a position that required him to give his youngest grandson a flying ride. I hope Derek doesn’t want to fly. Don’t think my back could take it. Oh, well. Daniel placed Hayley gently back in the trailer. “Come here, Sammy.”

  When his grandfather was finished giving Derek’s siblings several flying rides, the young boy demanded in a very impatient voice. “Now for the ride please.”

  Daniel tapped his oldest grandson on the nose. “Not with that attitude.”

  Derek scrunched his eyebrows together then said through tight lips. “I said please.”

  Daniel stooped down. “It wasn’t what you said but the way you said it.”

  The young boy wasn’t happy at being called on the carpet and hearing the giggles from his siblings sent him in an even fouler mood. “That’s the way dad does it.”

  “I see.” Daniel sat back on his heels when he heard his knee creak. It was the one he had surgery on a while back.

  Sammy and Hayley laughed again at their brother’s grimacing face.

  “Shut up!” The young boy yelled at his siblings.

  “Derek!” A firm voice came from behind the young boy. “I think that’s enough son.”

  Derek’s angry gray eyes swung around and glared hard at Gage. “I am not your son.” He jumped out of the trailer and ran off toward the lakeshore.

  Stunned, Gage’s connection with the young boy crumbled under Derek’s verbal accusation. A dark cloud shadowed her memories, spiraling around in a vortex that forced Gage to relive in her mind numerous other insensitive, hurtful accusations directed toward her when she was a kid. She felt the same abrasive tone she had taken from Derek beat up against her as it lashed back into her consciousness.

  Daniel stood silent as Gage, without a word, simply turned and walked in the other direction. Both Sammy and Hayley felt the tension in the air as they, too, remained quiet.


  “Hayston was upset that day because…” Dani shot a quick look toward her mother. “Well, she was just upset and Derek snuck into her dressing room and…”

  The three women leaned in even closer.

  “…Derek decided that he would help rearrange some of her make-up and things. Dad was always frustrated because it took her so long to get ready. Anyway, Derek switched a few items around and loosened some caps….” Dani finished, pausing only briefly in order to look at both her grandmothers and her mom before adding. “…with dad’s help.”

  When Lacy’s cocked a questioning eyebrow, the young girl clarified. “Hayston had been on him about his… drinking so….”

  Lacy simply nodded as another clue fell into place.

  Chapter Six

  After the third attempt that evening, David Levine finally answered his telephone. “Hello.”

  “Where have you been?” Lacy demanded.

  “Hold on there.” David loosened his tie then picked up his drink. “We’re not married anymore.”

  With anger in her voice, she asked. “Just what have you been telling my son?”

  “Our son.” David corrected her. “You didn’t forget that little detail, did you?”

  With pursed lips, Lacy spat back at him. “How could I?” Lacy determined to steady her teetering emotions. In a calmer voice, she continued. “David? I thought we agreed. I wouldn’t come out there so you could bond with our children and yet ever since Derek’s been back, he’s been…” She sucked in another calming breath. “…lying, cussing and just exactly what have you been saying to him about Gage?” The last question related to what Stella had overheard between father and son.

  “So you think you’ve got me in the crosshairs?” David plopped down in one of his living room chairs. He wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation with his ex-wife. “Why don’t you ask the nanny or should I say spy you sent along with the kids?”

  “You know as well as I do that Stella came along so you and Hayston wouldn’t have to find a sitter whenever the two of you wanted to go out.” Lacy fumed at his accusation.

  “Fine. Listen, Lacy. I did try to get to know my sons and you may not like it but Derek and I did get along. I thought you wanted that.” He taunted her.

  “I do… but not at the expense of putting someone else down in the process.”

  “You mean your precious Gage.” The very tired man slurred the blonde’s name.

  “And I suppose Hayston was thrilled when you encouraged our son to sabotage her make-up kit?” Lacy shot back at him.

  “Yeah, well, she deserved that.” David remembered the incident clearly. “You know, I don’t think she likes kids.”

  “You just now finding that out?” When Lacy realized what she had said, she recanted somewhat. “Perhaps it’s because she lost a child of her own.”

  “Mmmm…” David was spent and didn’t want to expend the energy it would take to continue with the bickering back and forth between them so he acquiesced to Lacy’s accusations. “Maybe I did correct our son about who his real parents are.”

  “Whether you like it or not Gage is a real parent to him. She loves him dearly and with her help Derek has come out of his shell and become more sure of himself.”

  “Yeah, I thought for sure he’d grow up to be…” David remembered, thinking that his son was a scardy cat.

  “Don’t you dare say it.” Lacy sternly warned him.

  “Actually, I’m quite proud of him. He can hold his own.” David declared before he shook his empty glass in the air at Mason. The butler took the glass and refilled it.

  David’s smug compliment about Derek in one way did please her. “I’m glad you do. But no more talking about Gage. She doesn’t say anything bad about you to him.”

  This piqued David’s interest since he had overheard the conversation between his son and Gage. “Really? Then why was she grilling him on the phone about how I was treating him?”

  Since Lacy was in the room part of the time when Gage talked with Derek, she was somewhat aware of what transpired between the two during that phone call. It was shortly after that when Gage… Oh my God, that’s when the restless dreams began. “She just wanted Derek to have fun while he was there.”

  “Sure, Lacy. Did she convince you of that during one of your little bedroom chats?”

  “David! You’re obviously drunk. When you sober up, maybe we can talk about this civilly. Until then you’re not going to see any of our children unless I’m present.” Lacy slammed the phone down before he could even take a breath.


  Dejected, Lacy walked into their bedroom where she saw Gage meticulously stuffing the pillows exactly the way she liked them. Lacy didn’t have the energy to say a word so she continued on to the bathroom in order to get ready for bed. While she brushed her teeth, over and over in her mind she kept asking herself ‘where do I start?’

  Summoning up her courage, Lacy hesitantly shut the bathroom door and looked steadily at her lover on the bed. Lacy Levine Ballant does not give up! I just have to handle this… delicately.

  Lacy decided to start this conversation off gently as she dropped her silky robe to the floor. “How’s your screenplay going?”

  Gage rolled over. “It’s coming along.”

  The dark haired woman climbed on the bed and crawled over to her lover. “Is there a part in it for me?”
  “Hmmmm…” Gage mused. “I always write a part for you.”

  Lacy laid her head on Gage’s shoulder. “I’m glad.”

  The blonde wrapped her arm around Lacy, pulling her closer. “I know you want to talk about it.”

  Lacy’s head popped up. This is a good sign. “Do you mind? I think we should.”

  Resigned to the inevitable, Gage agreed. “I know we should.”


  Gage’s green eyes glanced at her lover. “No buts… you start though.”

  “You already overheard the last part of what I said to David.” When Gage heard Lacy yell at one point in her conversation with her ex-husband, Gage quickly put the kids to bed then made her way back to Lacy who was in her study. Gage arrived just in time to hear her partner accuse David of being drunk.

  “Do you think he’s drinking that much?” Gage asked sincerely.

  Lacy shrugged. “I don’t know for sure. David was always a social drinker but nothing to excess.” When a quick memory flashed through her mind, she remembered. “There was one time when things weren’t going so well in his career.”

  “You think that’s it?” Gage ran her fingers up and down Lacy’s arm.

  “Ryan might know something or Ron Griffen.” Lacy referred to two of David’s former business associates.

  Gage twisted slightly so she could look directly at her partner. “Mark and I are going to have Ryan on a conference call tomorrow. We could ask, you know, in a casual way.”

  “I guess so.” Lacy turned to the real question at hand. “How are we going to handle Derek?”

  “Maybe he needs time to sort it out… what he’s feeling.”

  Lacy propped herself up on her elbow. “Gage? He’s nine. You don’t just let him sort it out by himself.”

  The blonde turned away. “I did.”

  Realizing she had struck a very sensitive cord, Lacy hooked her lover’s chin with her finger. “Yes, but you didn’t have us.”

  Sad green eyes turned down. “You’re right. You don’t want him to turn out like me.”

  “Stop that.” Lacy steadied her last bit of patience. “Look at me.”

  When green eyes lifted to meet loving blue, Gage offered a tentative smile. “Then what do you suggest?”

  Lacy steeled her resolve. “I think we need to establish some firm expectations for his behavior and the consequences if he doesn’t comply.”

  Upset, Gage pushed back. “God, Lacy, you sound like some psycho-analyst in some clinical setting. Not at all like a mother. It’s not like he committed a felony.” That thought produced some very unpleasant memories to rise up and grate against the blonde.

  Taken aback by her partner’s unexpected response, Lacy sat up. “I know what he’s done. I know exactly what’s going on with him. Even though there’s always been a strained relationship between him and David, Derek for the first time in his life wants his father’s approval. He’s confused and David isn’t helping much.”

  “I guess I’m not either.” Gage’s sharp tone cut through the air.

  On her last nerve, Lacy heaved a heavy sigh. “Not like this you’re not.”

  The blonde flopped back down on the bed, jerked the covers up over her and turned away from Lacy.

  A deep shudder vibrated through the emotionally taxed woman. She eased herself down on the bed next to Gage as she longed for the contact with her soulmate even though she could feel the tension between them. Lacy was glad she had decided not to tell her lover that she had a short discussion about their relationship with her mom and Stella. Nope, this isn’t the time.


  As usual on Sunday morning, Lacy gathered the children along with her partner and headed off to Mass. She was glad Gage didn’t renege on her pledge about going along with them. Even though the writer was not Catholic, Gage felt it was important to support Lacy and her choice in raising their children in that religion and she wanted to learn all she could about it.

  Most of the day while Dani was on the phone, the other children played quietly sometimes together and sometimes alone. When Mark Calico called, Stella decided to take the three youngest ones for a walk.

  Gage pushed the speakerphone button so Lacy could hear the conversation. “Mark, you gonna get Ryan on the phone now?”

  “In a minute. Did you have time to look over those contracts?” Mark asked from his Long Island home.

  The writer picked them up from her desk. “Mark, they look fine to me but I don’t know much about all this stuff about the party of the first part and the party of the….”

  Rolling her eyes, Lacy cut her partner off. “Mark, I read over them this morning. Anything specific you wanted to know?”

  “Not really. Just want to keep you both in the loop.” The contracts established legal ties with their company, Shadow Productions, and Julie Grant’s production company, Primrose Pictures. “Oh, by the way, the merger we were working on came through. Picked up a some TV stations in it.”

  Gage and Lacy were aware that Mark’s communication corporation had through the years bought up other companies and now with his latest acquisition was breaking into another arena. “Television? Wow. Do you think you could get one of them to put Cagney and Lacey back on?” Crunching her eyebrows together, Lacy nudged her partner, prompting Gage to request her partner’s recent TV show. “Of course, only after you have reruns of ‘Crackdown’ playing.”

  Slapping Gage’s arm lightly, Lacy shook her head. “That’s not what I meant silly.”

  You could hear the smile on Mark’s face in his words. “How bout a marathon of Lacy’s old shows?”

  Surprised, Gage asked. “Can you do that?”

  “It appears so.” Mark marveled at the business savvy his Vice-President Mitch Stone had used in securing the lucrative properties for Calico Corporation. “It’s more like a television network.”


  Lacy added her congratulations then asked. “Mark, you know, Shanti and the others have been doing lots of work on their documentaries. Is it the kind of station where they could run those kinds of shows?”

  “Anything’s possible. Right now, it’s mostly old shows in reruns but we could change that. Update.” Mark paused a moment before adding. “As a matter of fact, Gage, when you come up this week, why don’t you sit down with Mitch and see what kinds of things we could do with it.”

  With a hesitant glance toward Lacy first, Gage reluctantly said. “Maybe… I don’t know much about it.”

  Perched on the edge of her partner’s desk, Lacy reached over, touching Gage on the shoulder and smiled. “I think she’d do a wonderful job. Good idea, Mark.”

  “It’s settled then.” The executive shifted gears. “Is your screenplay finished yet?”

  “If you mean finished in its rough form then yes.” For some reason, Gage had a hard time focusing on the story. ‘Angel in Disguise’ was about a heavenly guide sent to protect a young detective who was in hot pursuit of a master criminal. And Gage had yet to work out an intricate part of the plot.

  “I read it and it’s perfect.” Lacy declared.

  Surprised, Gage asked. “You did?”

  Lacy shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep last night.”

  This statement caused a frown on Gage’s face.

  Even through the phone line, Mark sensed the tension between Gage and Lacy. I’ll have to talk to her about it when she gets here. “How bout I get Ryan on the line now? Hold on.”

  While Mark made the connection, Gage’s sad expression prompted Lacy to step closer to her partner. Lacy leaned down and kissed Gage on the head while she massaged her lover’s strained neck muscles.

  “Ryan, I’ve got Gage and Lacy on the line. How are things going out there in Hollywood?” Mark inquired.

  The busy director relaxed in his home overlooking the Pacific Ocean. “Surprisingly quite well. Couple of more weeks here then we’re off to Africa.”

  “You’re not having any problems
with the shooting schedule?” Mark was interested in every aspect of their new business and disappointed that his other business took him away from the filming of ‘Heart of Africa’.

  “Like I said great. Shanti’s been fantastic.” Ryan White alluded to the actress that had a part in the last movie he directed with Lacy. Now Shanti starred in the leading role on his new film. “Michael’s been great and believe it or not Griff’s been… well, she’s quite enthused about this film.”

  “Like that’s a surprise.” Gage said in a very deadpan voice.

  “Mmmmm…” Lacy moved around to sit on her lover’s lap. “It couldn’t be because of the way you’re filming this story, could it?”

  “It is rather unique.” Ryan admitted.

  “That’s because it was Gage’s idea.” Lacy said proudly.

  “I just have to say again that Shanti’s doing a wonderful job. She’s perfect for this part and is very convincing in her dual role.” Ryan wanted his partners to know the exceptional job the young actress was turning in for the part. “Lacy? Thanks for recommending her.”

  “You’re quite welcome.” Lacy said then she asked with mock sarcasm. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “Marta.” The one word from Ryan mouth made Lacy roll her eyes. “Still haven’t been able to cast that one yet. Interested?”

  Anxious green eyes stared straight into tempting blue ones. Gage had written the small role specifically for Lacy. In the writer’s mind, her partner was the only one to play this pivotal part. But Gage remained mute about encouraging Lacy to take the role.

  Well aware of her partner’s silent wishes, Lacy asked. “Can you give me time to think about it?” The actress had much more important issues to attend to before taking another role in a movie even if the screenplay was written by her partner.

  “Sure. We won’t even be heading down there till after the 4th of July and then we can shoot around your part.” Ryan was encouraged about the prospects of Lacy’s participation.

  “Okay then. I’ll let you know.” Content to put that issue on the back burner, Lacy had a request for the director. “By the way, would you mind telling Shanti that my brother has the movie studio equipped now and they can do all their editing on their documentaries here? There’s a small stage ready, too, in case they have some promos to film.”


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