A Splash of Forever

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A Splash of Forever Page 2

by Sue Bentley

  Flame nodded. “It is good that you did not tell Ben about me. You must never tell anyone my secret. Promise me, Alice.”

  Alice nodded. “No one’s ever going to hear about you from me, I promise. You’re safe with me.”

  “Thank you, Alice. I think I’ll take a nap now.” Flame gave her a whiskery grin and tucked his nose into his paws before settling down to sleep.

  As Alice looked at him, a bubble of happiness rose up from inside her. In her wildest dreams, she had never imagined that her new best friend would be a magic kitten!



  Leaving Flame on her bed, Alice quickly changed into jeans and a T-shirt and went downstairs.

  In the kitchen, her mom was giving Esme and Luke some drinks in plastic cups.

  Alice filled the kettle at the sink. “I’ll make us some tea.”

  Her mom smiled. “Great! I could really do with one. The twins’ mom just called to say she’s stuck in traffic on the highway, so she could be an hour late. I said Esme and Luke could have supper with us.”

  Alice thought her mom looked tired. Ben was a handful, even without looking after two toddlers all day. Alice checked the saucepan on the stove. “I think these potatoes are done. Do you want me to mash them?”

  “Would you, honey? Thanks,” Mrs. Forester said.

  “No problem,” Alice said. She liked helping her mom. It made her feel grown-up. After she’d made the tea and mashed the potatoes, Alice started cleaning up.

  “I think Luke’s diaper needs changing. I’ll take him to the bedroom.” Mrs. Forester lifted the little boy out of his chair.

  Just then, Alice saw a big drop of water plop onto the draining board. She frowned as another drop splashed next to it, and then another. Looking up at the ceiling, she saw another drop squeezing through a tiny hole. “Mom, look! Water’s dripping from somewhere!”

  Mrs. Forester glanced up and cried out in dismay. “It’s coming from the bathroom. Someone must have left the faucet running!”

  “And I know who. Ben!” Alice was already half out of the kitchen and hurtling up the stairs.

  As she reached the landing, she saw water pouring out from the open bathroom door.

  “May I help?” Flame mewed from her bedroom doorway, looking bright-eyed and alert after his nap.

  “Mom’s right behind me! It’s probably best if you just hide,” she whispered.

  Flame gave a determined purr and time seemed to stand still.

  Alice watched in amazement as huge bright silver sparks ignited in Flame’s gray-and-white fur; his whiskers crackled with electricity. She felt a warm prickling sensation down her spine.

  Something strange was going to happen!

  In what seemed like slow motion, Flame leaped toward the bathroom, trailing sparks like a silver comet. “Do not worry,” he called. “I will use my magic to make myself invisible. Only you will be able to see and hear me, Alice!”

  Alice went into the bathroom and stood there in amazement.

  Flame stood on the edge of the bathtub, balancing on his back legs. Silver sparks were shooting out of his front paws and filling the entire bathroom. They whirled around busily, like millions of little bright worker bees.

  Squeak! The faucet turned itself off. Shloop! The water in the sink was slurped down the drain. Sploosh! A big silver cape of water droplets rose from the carpet and swirled itself into the bathtub, where it collapsed and drained away.

  “Wow! This is so amazing!” Alice breathed.

  Flame jumped down from the bathtub and stood beside Alice. Just as the last bright spark faded from his fur, Mrs. Forester appeared at the top of the stairs, carrying Luke.

  She gaped at the spotless bathroom.

  “So, where’s that water in the kitchen coming from?”

  “Condensation,” Alice blurted out. “We did an experiment on it last semester.”

  She bit back a grin at the thought that Flame was sitting there large as life, but her mom obviously couldn’t see him!

  “I suppose it’s possible,” Mrs. Forester said, looking puzzled. “Oh well, I’m just glad we haven’t got a full-scale flood on our hands. I’d better see to Luke. Could you go down and keep an eye on Esme for me please, honey?”

  “Sure thing!” As Alice went downstairs, Flame scampered after her. As soon as they were alone, she picked him up and cuddled him. “Thanks, Flame. You were amazing!”

  Flame rubbed his head against her hand. “You are welcome.”

  The following morning Alice woke to the sound of loud purring close to her ear. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up and reached out to stroke Flame. “Did you sleep well?”

  Flame stuck all four paws out and stretched his legs. “Yes, thank you. I feel safe here,” he mewed.

  “Good. Maybe your uncle’s enemies will stop looking for you,” Alice said, gently stroking his tiny ears. “Then you can stay here forever.”

  A troubled expression crossed Flame’s tiny face. “Ebony’s spies will not stop until they find me. But even if they didn’t find me, I could not stay. I must return to my own world one day and take back my throne. Do you understand that, Alice?”

  Alice nodded. She felt a pang of sadness at the thought of losing her friend, but she didn’t want to think about that now.

  Before she could say anything, the bedroom door flew open and Ben ran in. He leaped onto the bed and started making a noisy fuss about Flame. “I want Flame to sleep on my bed tonight,” he exclaimed.

  “Maybe we should see what Flame wants to do,” Alice said.

  “He wants to sleep with me, don’t you, Flame?” Ben said. Grabbing the tiny kitten, he rolled him onto his back and began roughly tickling his white tummy.

  Flame squirmed and yowled in protest.

  “Careful! You’re hurting him!” Alice snapped, grabbing her brother’s arm. “Flame’s tiny. You have to be very gentle with him.”

  Ben’s face darkened and he thrust Flame at Alice. “You never let me do anything with him!” he said, stamping out of her room.

  “Are you okay?” Alice asked Flame worriedly.

  Flame nodded, shaking out his ruffled fur. “I am fine. Ben just surprised me. I do not think that he meant to hurt me.”

  Alice bit her lip. Flame was right. Perhaps she was being overprotective. Ben was excited about Flame, too, in his own way.

  “Make sure you hide well while I’m at school, okay?” she said to Flame a few minutes later.

  He looked up at her with bright intelligent eyes. “I will come to school with you, Alice.”

  “Really? But—” Alice stopped midsentence as she remembered that only she could see Flame when he used his magic to make himself invisible. She grinned. It would be fun having her secret friend with her all day. “All right then. Why not?”



  As Alice was finishing putting on her uniform, she remembered about the swimming lesson. Her tummy lurched, and she felt nervous just thinking about it.

  “Is something wrong?” Flame mewed.

  Alice explained that she had been teased by some girls at her old school who had been jealous about her being so good at swimming. “I used to like going swimming before that. Now I’d just rather not bother. Maybe I could leave my bathing suit here and pretend I forgot it.”

  Flame blinked at her. “Will that mean that you would not have to go into the pool?”

  “Probably not. Ms. Ritson will just make me wear one of the school’s spare suits, and they’re really awful. Anyway, she’s on a mission to get us all ready for the meet now. I don’t see how I can get out of it.” She sighed deeply as she stuffed her swimming things into her schoolbag.

  “Maybe your mom can help,” Flame suggested.

  “I don’t want her to know that I still feel like this. She’ll get all worried,” Alice said.

  She hurried downstairs with Flame at her heels. “You’d better stay invisible for now, in case Mom sees you,” she
whispered to him.

  Flame nodded.

  Ben was sitting at the table eating a bowl of his favorite cereal. As Alice sat down, her mom put a plate of toast on the table. Alice didn’t feel like eating much, so she nibbled a tiny corner of toast.

  “Are you feeling all right, honey? You look a bit pale,” her mom commented.

  “I’m okay,” Alice fibbed.

  Mrs. Forester frowned. “You’re sure nothing’s worrying you?”

  “Um …” The doorbell rang before Alice could reply.

  Ben dashed to the door. “I’ll get it!”

  “That’ll be Esme and Luke,” Mrs. Forester said, distracted now that the twins had arrived. She went to speak to their mom.

  “Phew! That was lucky,” Alice said to Flame. “I thought Mom was going to ask me lots of questions.”

  Ben bounded back to the kitchen table. “Where’s Flame?” he said loudly. “I want to give him some milk before school.”

  “Give whom some milk?” Mrs. Forester asked as she brought Esme and Luke through to the kitchen.

  “That kitt— Ow! What did you do that for?” Ben complained as Alice gave him a kick from under the table.

  “Come on, Ben. We’ll be late for school,” she said, giving him a fierce look.

  “But you’ve got a lot of time before school starts,” her mom said, looking puzzled.

  “I know. I just want to get there early today … ,” Alice mumbled vaguely as she grabbed Ben’s arm and hustled him into the hall. “You brat!” she scolded, when they were alone. “You nearly gave away our secret!”

  Ben’s face fell. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “I know you didn’t,” Alice said, more calmly. “And I didn’t mean to blow up at you. Luckily, Mom didn’t really hear you. But we’d better go before she starts asking awkward questions.”

  “Okay,” Ben said, shouldering his book bag. “Where is Flame, anyway? I’ve been looking everywhere for him.”

  “Oh, he’s probably under my bed asleep,” Alice fibbed. There was no way she could tell Ben that Flame was sitting on the doormat, right behind him—invisible to everyone except her!

  “There are lots of kids around, and it can be slippery around the pool,” Alice said to Flame worriedly, as she was getting changed. “You could get stepped on or something.”

  The girls’ locker room had new white tiles and smelled of fresh paint. The sound of her classmates’ voices echoed near Alice’s changing room.

  Flame was sitting on Alice’s folded school uniform. “I will be very careful to stay out of the way. It will be interesting to watch humans swim.”

  Alice nodded.

  Flame’s furry brow wrinkled in a frown as Alice pulled on her bathing suit and then tucked her hair inside her nylon swimming cap. “Why do humans need to put on a second skin to get into the water?” he asked.

  “A second … ? Oh, you mean my bathing suit. Well, I can’t go swimming with nothing on! I’m not wearing a fur coat like you are!” Alice said, grinning. “And we have to wear swimming caps. It’s the rules. But to tell the truth they’re a bit useless for keeping your hair dry.”

  As Alice headed for the foot bath at the entrance to the pool, Flame went off in the opposite direction.

  Ms. Ritson was standing poolside, bending down to give instructions to the swimmers already in the water. She wore a white T-shirt and track pants and had a whistle around her neck. Her straight brown hair was tied into two bunches.

  Some other teachers were with their own classes in different parts of the pool.

  Alice walked quickly over to the steps leading down into the shallow end, hoping to get into the water before Ms. Ritson saw her and made a fuss. But there was a line of kids already waiting at the steps, and Alice had to wait her turn.

  Ms. Ritson straightened up. She looked around and saw Alice. “Ah, Alice,” she said, coming over. “I haven’t forgotten our conversation in class. Now don’t worry if you’re a bit nervous about swimming. We’ll take it very slowly, all right?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Alice mumbled, going bright red.

  She knew Ms. Ritson was just trying to be nice. But it didn’t make the horrible feeling in her tummy any better.

  Alice got into the pool, trying not to look at the others splashing around without a care. She remembered when swimming had been lots of fun for her, too, before the girls at her old school started teasing her.

  She moved along to stand with three other girls who were nervously gripping the side of the pool and shivering.

  Ms. Ritson was blowing up orange water wings. She threw them to Alice’s three classmates.

  “I don’t need water wings, ma’am,” Alice said quickly.

  Ms. Ritson pointed to a pile of square white floats. “You can use one of these, instead.”

  “Okay!” Alice quickly reached up and grabbed a float. Holding the float out in front with extended arms, she pushed gingerly off the side and kicked out with her legs.

  “Very good, Alice. That’s the way,” Ms. Ritson called out encouragingly.

  Alice swam slowly back and forth, doing laps with the float. She made sure not to go so quickly that Ms. Ritson could figure out that she was a good swimmer. None of the other girls noticed Alice, which was fine by her.

  Letting herself drift, Alice glanced over toward the pool’s snack bar. Flame’s tiny figure was curled up on one of the seats.

  After quickly checking that no one was watching, Alice waved at him.

  She saw Flame lift his head and prick his ears, before jumping off the chair. He leaped down the balcony steps and came trotting purposefully down the side of the pool.

  He must have thought I was waving to him because I’m in trouble, Alice thought. I’d better go and tell him that I’m fine.

  Bracing her hands on the edge of the pool, she jumped up and heaved herself out onto the side. As she was straightening up, a group of boys came out of the locker room and surrounded Flame’s invisible body. Tim Wagnall was one of them.

  Alice tensed as she saw Flame trying to navigate his way around the boys’ legs.

  Tim elbowed one of the others in the ribs. “Last one in the pool’s a rotten egg!” he cried.

  “You’re on!”

  Tim and the other boy started running.

  One of the teachers blew her whistle and put up her hands. “Slow down, you two!”

  Tim waved to show he’d heard her, but as soon as the teacher turned back around, he grinned mischievously and aimed a play-kick at the boy beside him.

  Flame had been just about to run past when Tim’s bare foot hit him and lifted him off his feet. He yowled with terror as he shot through the air and hurtled toward the pool!



  Flame landed in the water with a tiny splash!

  As he surfaced, Alice could see his tiny legs thrashing as he tried to stay afloat.

  “Hey! Where did that kitten come from?” Tim cried.

  Alice gasped. The shock must have made Flame forget to stay invisible. Now he couldn’t use his magic without giving himself away!

  Without a second thought, Alice sprang off the side and dived in.

  She kicked out strongly in a front crawl, cutting cleanly through the water. Her classmates lined up by the side of the pool, but she didn’t notice.

  She reached Flame’s tiny soaked figure as he started to sink. Alice reached out, grabbed the scruff of his neck, and yanked him to the surface. Flame whimpered in terror, coughing up water.

  “I’ve got you now!” she said, drawing him close and treading water.

  Flame seemed to be in a blind panic. He scrabbled at her arms, instinctively trying to find a safe foothold.

  “Oh!” Alice gasped as his sharp claws raked her skin. She quickly flipped onto her back and settled him on her chest. “Flame! Calm down,” she whispered.

  Shivering and trembling, but calmer now, Flame lay on Alice’s chest as she did a backstroke over to th
e steps.

  As one of the teachers helped Alice climb out, a cheer went up. All the kids were crowding around and clapping.

  “She saved that kitten!” someone cried.

  “Did you see that amazing dive?” said another kid.

  “Way to go, Alice!” shouted Tim Wagnall.

  Alice’s cheeks burned. She wished they’d all stop making such a fuss. She was sure the teasing was about to start at any moment. Keeping her head down and holding Flame close, she pushed through them all.

  “Not so fast, Alice! I want a word with you.” Ms. Ritson stepped out to bar her way.

  Alice nimbly wove around her and hurried toward the locker room. “In a minute, ma’am,” she shouted over her shoulder.

  Once she was inside, Alice threw herself into a changing stall and bolted the door. Grabbing her towel, she wrapped the shivering kitten in it and began gently patting him dry.

  Flame began purring faintly. “Thank you, Alice. You were very brave to dive in and rescue me. I know how you scared you must have been.”

  “I didn’t really have time to think about it,” Alice realized. “I just knew I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.”

  Now that all the excitement was over, her scratched arms began stinging. Alice winced at their soreness.

  Flame’s bright green eyes narrowed with concern. “But I have hurt you. Let me make you better.”

  Bright silver sparks appeared in Flame’s damp fur inside the towel, and there was a faint crackling sound. The tiny kitten leaned toward Alice and huffed out a glittery mist. Alice felt Flame’s warm breath settle on her scratches. The tingling increased for a second and then suddenly all the pain melted away and all sign of the scratches faded.

  “Come out of there at once, Alice!” Ms. Ritson ordered, sounding upset and banging on the changing stall door. “And bring that kitten with you! Though goodness only knows how it got into here in the first place!”

  “Uh-oh,” Alice whispered to Flame. “Now I’m in trouble. You’d better make sure you stay invisible now.”


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